What Does Sound Dampening Mean?


26 May 2023

Home Improvement

Sound Dampening

Noise traveling to and from rooms can be distracting when trying to work, read, or enjoy some peace and quiet.

It can be hard to focus on what you are trying to do when you can hear music blaring, a loud television, or children screaming through the walls, not to mention a million other potential distractions.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce sound transmitted through the walls, which can be invaluable when preventing sound transfer inside or outside a room. Felt Right has a unique way to achieve this. Depending on the materials you use for this procedure, you can obstruct more or less sound, even blocking the transmission of sound waves entirely, if you choose.

What is Sound Dampening?

Sound dampening is installing materials within a home, vehicle, or other location to absorb, reflect, or diffuse sound. This reduces the amount of noise that passes through and can also improve a room’s acoustics, which is why sound dampening is also known as “acoustic treatment.” It is a significant reason that recording studios make use of this technique.

Sound dampening can eliminate approximately 80% of the sound transfer, meaning that you can prepare a room for studying, work, hobbies, or mental health.

However, there is just enough sound to hear if there is an emergency in another room or someone yells for you. This is especially ideal if you have children in the house or others who may need your attention so that you can focus on what you are doing while still being accessible to others if required.

If you need even greater solitude, one option is to soundproof a room similar to sound dampening but endeavors to block any sound infiltration whatsoever completely. However, this process is far more intensive and to prove entirely successful generally requires planning in architectural design before room construction to ensure complete soundproofing.

What Materials Work Best for Sound Dampening?

When you sound dampen locations, you must decide which materials you wish to use. Different materials can prove effective to different degrees; some are external solutions, while others require installation within the walls or other surfaces.

Keep in mind if air can pass into an area, so can sound. For best results, address windows, spaces between and under doors, and other airflow conduits. No matter how effective your sound-dampening materials are, if air passes freely through such openings, you will have more noise.

Felt Tiles

One of the easiest methods for sound dampening is through the use of felt tiles. These panels have an adhesive back designed not to damage walls or paint, creating a plug-and-play solution. Felt tiles are versatile, coming in various shapes, sizes, and colors, so they are excellent choices if you wish to snazzy up the interior design of your room and enjoy the benefits of the felt’s sound-dampening qualities.

Choosing felt tile designs to match your taste or set a professional tone can be invaluable when creating a relaxing atmosphere or environment conducive to work. A soothing, welcome decor has proven effective in improving mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Having an attractive backdrop during work video calls provides an air of credibility to a home office space. In either situation, the reduced noise permeation is invaluable.

Polyurethane Foams

These polymer foams come in rolls or sheets and can serve as a suitable sound-dampening barrier, particularly when reducing high-frequency noises. However, low-frequency sounds are more likely to penetrate if the foam is not sufficiently thick, so keep this in mind if you want more effective noise reduction.

Also, be aware that polyurethane foams are flammable, so only place them in areas where they will not be susceptible to open flames or other fire risks. As a result of this quality, this type of sound dampening should be for home use in fire-safe locations rather than used in an industry setting, where there is a greater risk of inflammation.

Polyester Fibers

These dense materials are excellent for sound dampening in industrial settings or other noisy areas. They work best on high-frequency sounds and are often lauded for their strength and durability, making them incredibly resistant to general wear and tear and fire. Plus, it is a lightweight material, which makes it easier to transport and install.


This porous material is surprisingly effective as it can trap a significant quantity of air, which means it can catch sounds and convert them to vibrations, effectively deadening noise. Cork is effective even in thin sheets, and the material is incredibly lightweight. Furthermore, it is an accessible material to install and can be purchased in tile forms for easy customization.

Mass-loaded Vinyl

A popular choice because it is one of the least expensive sound-dampening options, mass-loaded vinyl is explicitly intended for sound dampening. It is easy to find and acquire this material, but remember that the denser the material, the more effective it will be. Mass-loaded vinyl does not have much elasticity, so it forms a solid barrier that sounds waves have trouble passing through.

Green Glue, Gaps, and Spaces

Remember that sound can pass through any space air can, so for better sound dampening, you need to find spaces where air can pass through, such as cracks or gaps within the walls. Green glue is an excellent choice for filling holes, blocking airflow, and reducing the noise that can enter (or exit) the room.

For areas you will not want to seal, such as windows, you can find sound-reducing curtains that can serve as sound dampening, combatting unwanted outdoor sounds such as those from traffic, industries, and neighbors.

For doors, sound dampening can be as simple as placing a blanket against the gap beneath. Alternatively, you can install a door stop, soundproofing rubber, or acoustic panels to block sound from entering.

The Bottom Line

When you want to keep from traveling in or out of a room, one of the most effective ways to reduce sound is to find appropriate materials that function as sound-dampening agents, placed along walls and wherever there are gaps or cracks in which sound can pass. Proper sound dampening can create an atmosphere conducive to work or relaxation or prevent televisions, music, musical instruments, and other loud forms of recreation from disturbing others.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Practical Guide to Install Cabling in Your New House

Cable installation is a complex process that requires a licensed contractor for successful completion. Doing it yourself is risky, as it may lead to faulty wiring. Proper planning will save you extra work, money, and time. Use the guide below to comfortably install cabling in your house. 1. Prepare high-quality cable products Before cable installation can commence, you need to source cable products. Currently, numerous companies make cables for sale. However, if you want the best quality cables, you need to consider Infinity Cable Products. These cable products are durable and contain more copper and material compared to others. 2. Contact a reliable company When installing cables in your new house, efficiency is critical. Cables supply communication services and vital electrical power, hence requiring great attention and time from the contractor. Ensure you contact a highly reputable company that is well-equipped with the necessary tools for installation. This will increase the accuracy, reliability, and durability of the cables. 3. Draw a wiring diagram It is crucial to have a plan for the cable installation process. Draw a wiring diagram that shows a clear and practical path of the cables to all outlets. The design will provide a reference point for the contractor as they work. 4. Install conduits Be sure to have the contractor install cable conduits in every place that may require wires. Cable conduits will allow you to run video cable, speaker wire, and network cable in the house. The best way to avoid wasting conduits is by running the longest wires in the walls first even if you don’t expect to use them immediately. Each wire should be set from upstairs and pulled through to the basement. This way you will avoid using a ladder to push the cables up between floors. An experienced contractor will know to leave at least a foot of extra wire to make it easier for you in case you want to change your house arrangement later. 5. Determine your outlet count Identify how many switches and outlets will extend to each circuit. This will aid in purchasing sufficient Infinity cable products for your new home. It is advisable to have six outlets per 110-voltage circuit in the living area. However, the kitchen has appliances with more wattage; hence requires not more than two outlets per circuit. 6. Drill cable holes Ensure you know what is on the other side before drilling through a wall to avoid damaging water pipes, ductwork, or more. The drilled holes provide a path that the cables will travel for connectivity throughout the house. Remember that more outlets provide for a safer home. 7. Pull the cables to the outlets Once the holes are drilled pull the cables to the outlets in the house. When attaching wires to outlets, use wire strippers to cut out the outer plastic coating. Infinity cable products come with instructions to help make the process easier. Are you prepared to install cabling in your new house? Now that you have read through the guide on how best to install cables in your house, you can begin the process. Remember to have the job tested after completion of the installation to ensure it is done to perfection. We wish you well as you convert your house into a comfortable home. Read Also: What’s a Good USB Cable? What is type c cable, and is it worth buying How Fiber Optic Cables Are Used

Small Office Space

8 Ways of Making the Best Use Out of a Small Office Space

What can be way more annoying than a hectic day, spending an average of eight hours sitting in a congested workspace? It’s stuffy, suffocating and most importantly, it’s unappealing to the employees and the visiting clients alike. Often it happens that one might lack the budget to shift to spacious premises but not to worry, londonofficespace.com shall walk you through 8 dynamic ways to make the best use out of small office space. For now, let’s familiarize ourselves with these eight useful ways of decluttering space- How Can You Use The Small Office Space?    There are several ways you can make use of the small office space that can help your business to grow further in the right direction. 1. Consider using Shared Desks: Rather than having individual desks for your employees consider using a shared desk. In this way, not only will you be able to engage more people with work but make proper use of the limited space available. Oh and also, it will save you a good amount of money so you can save up for a bigger office. 2. Create Tea Points: Seldom we would omit the café or kitchen within a compact zone but it can dishearten the people spending a significant portion of their time working. Therefore, consider creating tea points where there will be an instant coffee brewing machine, a jar of cookies, and tea bags for everyone. Not only does it save up more space but also delivers a modern outlook. 3. Bring in a professional space planner: While planning on setting up an office in a small space can be difficult, professional space planners finish the job real quick. Therefore, we suggest you call in a professional space planner who can help you with the setup of the furniture, electrical outlets, and all the necessary devices required. If you are thinking this will cost you more money, moving onto bigger premises with a limited budget will cost you more money. 4. Your office needs storage walls: A small spaced office and tons of cabinet to fit in will eat up your already-limited amount of space. So, by installing storage walls would save you a lot of space, in fact, it will create more space for all those important files that need to be preserved at all times. On a positive note, the storage wall gives compact office spaces a fluid and contemporary aura. 5. It’s the era of wireless technology, utilize it: While those bulky machines even 10 years ago took up all the space, wireless technology has made the best use out of even the smallest of smallest places. Consider replacing those cables with laptops, they come at the same price yet takes away lesser space than the other. Use Wi-Fi connection throughout your office, in that way you won’t have to keep those wires lining all over the floors. So, make the best use out of the wireless era. 6. Paint your walls bright: It is a well-known fact that bright colors make any room appear larger than it really is. In the case of small office space, one should consider bright colors to paint the office walls to make it appear more spacious. For a suggestion, you may consider painting your walls in your brand’s color just to make your visitors more familiar. 7. Rely Less on Papers and files: As we are more into preserving tons of important paper documents in files and having them stack up year after year, not only does it use up space but the chances of causing damage to improve. Thus, work smart and start converting those important paper documentation into digital format, and save them on computer hard-drives. Print out only those specific docs that need printing or sending them via mail. 8. Make Use of the vertical space: Well, the main issue with small office space is that it mainly lacks horizontal space, which is why the space against the walls could really serve your purpose. Build wall racks or cabinets that touch the ceiling inside which you can store away everyday essentials. Have separate segments for files, papers, office accessories, in fact, you will have space for all those trophies, certificates and other accolades framed in a picture displayed against the glass. To conclude, we suggest that you go through each and every important consideration, and if necessary, consult a reliable space planner to completely utilize any small office space. Read Also: 5 Awesome Gadgets For Your Office Office Spaces – Which One Is Right For Your Business? Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider