What Does Sound Dampening Mean?


26 May 2023

Home Improvement

Sound Dampening

Noise traveling to and from rooms can be distracting when trying to work, read, or enjoy some peace and quiet.

It can be hard to focus on what you are trying to do when you can hear music blaring, a loud television, or children screaming through the walls, not to mention a million other potential distractions.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce sound transmitted through the walls, which can be invaluable when preventing sound transfer inside or outside a room. Felt Right has a unique way to achieve this. Depending on the materials you use for this procedure, you can obstruct more or less sound, even blocking the transmission of sound waves entirely, if you choose.

What is Sound Dampening?

Sound dampening is installing materials within a home, vehicle, or other location to absorb, reflect, or diffuse sound. This reduces the amount of noise that passes through and can also improve a room’s acoustics, which is why sound dampening is also known as “acoustic treatment.” It is a significant reason that recording studios make use of this technique.

Sound dampening can eliminate approximately 80% of the sound transfer, meaning that you can prepare a room for studying, work, hobbies, or mental health.

However, there is just enough sound to hear if there is an emergency in another room or someone yells for you. This is especially ideal if you have children in the house or others who may need your attention so that you can focus on what you are doing while still being accessible to others if required.

If you need even greater solitude, one option is to soundproof a room similar to sound dampening but endeavors to block any sound infiltration whatsoever completely. However, this process is far more intensive and to prove entirely successful generally requires planning in architectural design before room construction to ensure complete soundproofing.

What Materials Work Best for Sound Dampening?

When you sound dampen locations, you must decide which materials you wish to use. Different materials can prove effective to different degrees; some are external solutions, while others require installation within the walls or other surfaces.

Keep in mind if air can pass into an area, so can sound. For best results, address windows, spaces between and under doors, and other airflow conduits. No matter how effective your sound-dampening materials are, if air passes freely through such openings, you will have more noise.

Felt Tiles

One of the easiest methods for sound dampening is through the use of felt tiles. These panels have an adhesive back designed not to damage walls or paint, creating a plug-and-play solution. Felt tiles are versatile, coming in various shapes, sizes, and colors, so they are excellent choices if you wish to snazzy up the interior design of your room and enjoy the benefits of the felt’s sound-dampening qualities.

Choosing felt tile designs to match your taste or set a professional tone can be invaluable when creating a relaxing atmosphere or environment conducive to work. A soothing, welcome decor has proven effective in improving mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Having an attractive backdrop during work video calls provides an air of credibility to a home office space. In either situation, the reduced noise permeation is invaluable.

Polyurethane Foams

These polymer foams come in rolls or sheets and can serve as a suitable sound-dampening barrier, particularly when reducing high-frequency noises. However, low-frequency sounds are more likely to penetrate if the foam is not sufficiently thick, so keep this in mind if you want more effective noise reduction.

Also, be aware that polyurethane foams are flammable, so only place them in areas where they will not be susceptible to open flames or other fire risks. As a result of this quality, this type of sound dampening should be for home use in fire-safe locations rather than used in an industry setting, where there is a greater risk of inflammation.

Polyester Fibers

These dense materials are excellent for sound dampening in industrial settings or other noisy areas. They work best on high-frequency sounds and are often lauded for their strength and durability, making them incredibly resistant to general wear and tear and fire. Plus, it is a lightweight material, which makes it easier to transport and install.


This porous material is surprisingly effective as it can trap a significant quantity of air, which means it can catch sounds and convert them to vibrations, effectively deadening noise. Cork is effective even in thin sheets, and the material is incredibly lightweight. Furthermore, it is an accessible material to install and can be purchased in tile forms for easy customization.

Mass-loaded Vinyl

A popular choice because it is one of the least expensive sound-dampening options, mass-loaded vinyl is explicitly intended for sound dampening. It is easy to find and acquire this material, but remember that the denser the material, the more effective it will be. Mass-loaded vinyl does not have much elasticity, so it forms a solid barrier that sounds waves have trouble passing through.

Green Glue, Gaps, and Spaces

Remember that sound can pass through any space air can, so for better sound dampening, you need to find spaces where air can pass through, such as cracks or gaps within the walls. Green glue is an excellent choice for filling holes, blocking airflow, and reducing the noise that can enter (or exit) the room.

For areas you will not want to seal, such as windows, you can find sound-reducing curtains that can serve as sound dampening, combatting unwanted outdoor sounds such as those from traffic, industries, and neighbors.

For doors, sound dampening can be as simple as placing a blanket against the gap beneath. Alternatively, you can install a door stop, soundproofing rubber, or acoustic panels to block sound from entering.

The Bottom Line

When you want to keep from traveling in or out of a room, one of the most effective ways to reduce sound is to find appropriate materials that function as sound-dampening agents, placed along walls and wherever there are gaps or cracks in which sound can pass. Proper sound dampening can create an atmosphere conducive to work or relaxation or prevent televisions, music, musical instruments, and other loud forms of recreation from disturbing others.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Robot Vacuum: Why You Should Buy

In today’s day and age, humans still labored over many daily chores and errands. These works can sometimes be very tiring and cause a lot of stress in our busy life. Fortunately, there has been a lot of advancement in daily home assistance. Technology has advanced so much that we have something known as robot vacuums also known as robovac. Such cleaners had inbuilt intelligent programming which enables them to clean our house efficiently. While the earliest model was low in features, the latest one is filled with the state of the art technology and capable of cleaning the whole house all by itself due to its intuitive, connected, and powerful processor. Advantages of buying a Robot vacuum are: Very easy to use Comes in every price range Cleans your floor tidily navigate most households without getting stuck Long battery life Equipped with Wi-Fi and can be accessed by smartphones These robot vacuum has been in use for the past 15 years and each model has been tested more than 100 times before the product is launched in the market. Why would someone buy a fancy gadget like a robot vacuum? These bots were never bored or procrastinated in their work. A bot like this who worked twice a week can clean a lot more than a half-hearted human doing the same job for 10 mins every day. Imagine your schedule to clean your house on weekend but you have to postpone it due to some reason can result in double the amount of work next time and no home party till you clean. This problem can easily be solved with robotics. These bots are most suitable for a pet’s owner, pet creates a lot of mess which needs to be clean from time to time. Not everyone can do that this is where the robot vacuum comes into play and cleans the house efficiently. These robots clean hair, plastic waste, or litter every day, so that the debris never gets a chance to build up at the end of the week. Now where to buy these from? The most trusted and reliable site on the internet is comparisono. We have chosen this site because it gives its customer a variety of options, filters to say the least. The site can easily help you choose the most suitable model for yourself. This site contains the very best robot vacuum has to offer in terms of technology, reliability, features etc. there are over 60+ gadgets available on this site which you can buy at the lowest of prices. The robot vacuums displayed on this site have a total of 50 inbuilt features such as scheduling, smartphone access, etc. The price ranges for this robotic are very flexible as well. With the cheapest one being at just 80 dollars while the most expensive one with the most technological advances of them all at just 1145 dollars. There is also a price filter available on the website which will show you a robot vacuum in your budget. Or you can just list them from high to low or vice versa. Another remarkable feature of the site is it has products from all the top brands including “iROBOT”, “EUFY”, “ILIFE” etc. along with some intermediate and startup companies’ products available as well. Another filter option is to search the product by alphabet not common or rarely seen on websites. You can even compare any robot vacuum with a feature available on this website “Add for comparison”. This option will help you decide the product you want from the few you shortlisted. Initially, after comparing the specs for each shortlisted vacuum, it also shows a comparison rating meaning the best among the above ones. This site is perfect to buy yourself a robot vacuum which gives you more time to spend with your friends or relax while at home. Read More: Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less. 6 Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean (With Pets and Kids).  

kitchen cabinet

How to Choose the Right Kitchen Cabinet Materials for Your Project

Among the defining factors of your kitchen’s overall look are its cabinets. After all, in kitchen design, the cabinetry often serves as an anchor, the thing that ties every other design elements together to create a seamless look. As such, beyond style, what’s more, important is to choose the right materials for your kitchen cabinet. Reliable flat pack kitchen contractors can offer you a variety of kitchen cabinet material choices. Moreover, they can also recommend suitable materials and even combinations of materials to suit both style and practical function. Here’s a quick look into the most common materials used by cabinet makers. How to Choose the Right Kitchen Cabinet Materials for Your Project: Hardwood Cabinets You could say that hardwood kitchen cabinets are the grandfather of all kitchen cabinets. One of the main draws of using hardwood is that, because it’s a natural material that varies in grain from piece to piece, every kitchen cabinet will be equally unique. There are no two trees that are exactly alike, which means that even cabinets made from the same kind of hardwood will have subtle differences. Another benefit of hardwood is that it’s not only durable. It’s also easy to repair. Even inexperienced carpenters can DIY procedures like sanding, staining, or refinishing. Finally, there’s a wealth of options to choose from. Popular hardwood species include jarrah, marri, birch, cherry, maple, and oak. When it comes to downsides, however, the most common disadvantage people cite is that hardwoods tend to be heavy. As such, if you want pure hardwood cabinets, you have to make sure that there’s a sturdy enough structure to support them. Another drawback of hardwood kitchen cabinets is that they’re expensive, especially if you want fully customized designs. Some Perth kitchen cabinet makers will suggest combining hardwoods with other materials to help drive down the cost. Are hardwood cabinets right for your kitchen? If budget isn’t an issue and you want beautiful, long-lasting cabinets, hardwood is the best choice. Hardwood is also great for busy kitchens since it’s a heavy-duty material. Medium-Density Fibreboard Cabinets Medium-density fibreboard or MDF has gained popularity in the world of cabinetry, especially since IKEA has long been using it for their own kitchen cabinets and other furniture. The material is a composite of recycled wood fibers and wax, bound together by resin. The boards are made through high-pressure CNC milling, resulting in strong and dense material. Indeed, MDF is a versatile substrate, able to be painted, veneered, lacquered, laminated, or treated with almost any process or substance. MDF is also proven to be resistant to cracking and is considerably smoother than plywood. The one downside of MDF is that it needs to be properly sealed. Otherwise, it has a tendency to warp. You can use carpenter’s glue for this purpose, especially if you’re going to paint over the material. For some waterproofing, you can use the wood sealant, varnish, or a coat of moisture-resistant paint. Are MDF cabinets right for your kitchen? Those looking for more affordable yet high-quality alternatives can turn to MDF. Contemporary kitchens and those who love to DIY and customize will also benefit from MDF cabinets. Plywood Cabinets Plywood is made from multiple thin layers or plies of wood that are bound together by a combination of glue, heat, and pressure. The adjacent layers are rotated so that the grains are facing alternate directions. This technique, called cross-graining, enhances the material’s strength in all directions. Moreover, it helps prevent shrinkage and expansion, minimizes splitting of the layers (when nailed at the edges), and reduces warping. Many cabinet makers consider plywood excellent material. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, plywood is also moisture-resistant, light but sturdy, flexible, and easy to install. In case the cabinets get damaged, plywood is also quite easy to repair through DIY methods. Finally, plywood is also much less expensive compared to even the most affordable hardwood. Do remember that making plywood cabinets is all about choosing the right thickness. You’d want to use a thicker material on drawer bottoms, for example, or you risk it cracking or splitting if you put heavier items in it. Your kitchen cabinet maker likely already knows this, of course, but just make sure that you tell them what you need so they use the correct types of material. Also, ask where they source their plywood. Note that some lower-quality products may have gaps between the individual plies. Are our plywood cabinets right for your kitchen? Plywood is ideal if you’re working with a stricter budget but don’t want to compromise on quality. You may also want to consider plywood if you’re making your own cabinets since it’s an easy material to work with. Particleboard Cabinets Particleboard is often compared to plywood. Also called low-density fibreboard (LDF) or chipboard, particleboard is engineered from various recycled wood products like wood chips, sawdust, and wood shavings. These materials are glued together, then pressed and extruded to create sheets. As a final touch, particleboard is laminated or given a wood veneer for a better-looking appearance (as plain particleboard can be, well, plain-looking). The primary advantage of using particleboard for kitchen cabinets is that because it’s made from scrap materials, it’s very cheap. It’s also very lightweight. However, particleboard also tends to be on the lower end of the durability scale, especially when subjected to tension. Moreover, the material is prone to moisture damage and is not built to withstand sagging. Nonetheless, you can still find high-quality particleboards that are quite sturdy. Ask your kitchen cabinet maker to help you find the best ones. Are particleboard cabinets right for your kitchen? If your kitchen doesn’t see too much action and you don’t have any heavy equipment, particleboard cabinets and shelves will more than suffice. Stainless Steel Cabinets Finally, there’s stainless steel. Not many households opt for this material for kitchen cabinets. In fact, these are often seen only in industrial, professional-level kitchens. Nonetheless, stainless steel is an ideal material in the kitchen, both for cabinets and general usages like shelving and racks. It’s durable, doesn’t expand or contract, and resistant to most kinds of damage. Stainless steel can be difficult to clean, however, but it’s very hardy so it can withstand a lot of scrubbing and even harsh chemicals. This makes sterilizing a breeze. Nonetheless, you should also note that stainless steel cabinets tend to be expensive, sometimes costing even more than hardwood. Are stainless cabinets right for your kitchen? Do you consider yourself a chef in your own right? Do you often cook, not just for yourself but also for your family and friends? If you do, then stainless steel kitchen cabinets are perfect for you. Many of these materials, except perhaps for stainless steel, can be customized and combined with plenty of other materials, so the style isn’t the biggest issue. Therefore, in the end, choosing the right kitchen cabinet materials all boils down to two primary considerations: your budget and how often you’re going to use your kitchen. When you focus on these two, the decision will become simpler. Contact kitchens now for quality flat pack kitchens Read Also: Kitchen Renovations Must be Done at Regular Intervals 7 Tips for Getting Rid of Clutter in Your Home Top Secrets That Slash Your Kitchen Remodeling Bill in Half


Here’s How to Turn Your Garage into a Bedroom on a Budget!

So you’ve decided to extend your living space, but at the same time, you’d like to avoid big costs and construction works. How about that old garage that’s been spontaneously turned into a storage for useless stuff you are never gonna use anyway. Make use of the bedroom for developing your home interiors in the right manner. You can renovate that space and turn it into a lovely little bedroom. We’ve talked to the guys at Rockstar Garage Doors about this idea and they were more than happy to give us their thoughts and opinions on how to turn your garage into a bedroom on a budget. Different Ways To Turn The Garage Into Bedroom   There are multiple factors that you have to take care of while you want to arrange for the garage in the bedroom. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible manner. Do not make your choices in the wrong manner. 1. The Floor Remodeling a garage into a bedroom costs significantly less than building a new room from the ground up, no argument about the math there. When you start refurbishing, the first thing you pay attention to is the floor. You’ll notice, at least in most cases, that it’s made of concrete, which already a nice foundation for whatever material you choose to put on top to make it nice and cozy. You can choose a carpet or a wooden floor. These two are inexpensive and both very pleasing to the eye. You’d instantly gain a warm and comfy feel to the whole room. You can also use vinyl tiles which are probably the cheapest option but would still get the work done. You can even be more artistic and just stain the existing concrete floor, and then put some rugs and carpets around to give it a bedroomy atmosphere. 2. What to do with the walls? Since walls are already there obviously, you’d probably need to build windows, because the garage probably didn’t have any. Either way, in order to have a proper bedroom, you need good insulation. Blown-in insulation is a good and affordable option, or if your wall is of older date, you can build an additional wall about 3-inches away from the old one, thus leaving enough room to add proper insulation. Drywall is also a great solution for your ceiling and walls, it’s a cheap yet effective solution, but in order for the whole system to function well, you’d also need windows and doors that provide energy efficiency and good insulation. 3.The interior You’d probably want to add air conditioning to your new bedroom. The easiest and cheapest way to do that is to use the ductwork you already have in your house, just expand it. You don’t have to aesthetically match your new bedroom with the rest of the house at all, it has its own charm if you decide to leave it in a more rustic state with minimalistic style and furniture. Don’t forget to add vent openings in order to decrease the energy spent on heating and ventilation. Most likely, you will also need to find good garage door installation companies to replace your old, worn-out garage door. You can easily turn this ‘’new space’’ into a guest room or even put it for rent on sites like Airbnb and such. It would be good to use more bright and vibrant paint job with a lot of natural light pouring in because bedrooms are all about warmth, coziness, and space. 4. Property value and additional notes It is estimated that you can return a great deal of your investment after a year or so if you manage to adapt the garage into a bedroom properly. When it comes to your available budget, you shouldn’t spend more than 5 percent of your current property value in order to have a good return. If you plan to use it as a guest room or rent it, it is important to have a bathroom. Costs would be increased of course if you decide to build a new one, but it’s much easier just to put a door if the garage and bathroom share the same wall. Final Take Away   Hence, these are some of the essential facts that you have to take care of while you want to develop your interiors in the correct way. You have to ideate your plans in the right order to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Make your choices in the correct manner. Work out the plans that can have a long-term impact on your business to achieve your goals in a better way. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to improve your business in the correct manner. Try to achieve your plans after developing the correct strategy. Read Also:   3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover Feature Image: google.com