Tags in E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important

Published on: 02 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
E-Commerce Tags

Twenty-some years ago, there were no tags. The Internet was in its infancy, digital transactions and interactions a pipe dream and Big Data was still actually little. Today, though, tags reign as multi-purpose tools to manage your online content and much, much more.

Tags essentially are a means of defining and differentiating data. Used in a marketing/advertising context, they collect information about visitors to, say, an e-commerce website, and how they behave, sending it back to the originating platform for further analysis and action.

More generally, tags are an important way to structure the content for usability and SEO. Think header tags, which separate sections of content on a website and establish visual hierarchies. As marketer Aleh Barysevich writes in Business 2 Community, that’s important for calculating your page rank.

For bloggers, he adds, blog post tags can help organize posts within a content management system and are less important for SEO than for semantic optimization.

But it’s e-commerce where marketers have become creative with tags and their functionality. It’s tags that enable a brand to “follow” consumers with messaging once a site has been visited or an ad clicked on. And as today’s twist on e-commerce of peer-to-peer selling or social marketplaces grows in importance, tags are keeping pace.

Patrick Mackaronis, the founder of Brabble, notes that the “marketplace” function on social platforms like Facebook (and Brabble, too, for that matter) represents an environment for transactions that is transparent, easy and frictionless. As a result, he adds, that’s turned the global online classified market into a big business, now at the $100 billion marks, but poised to shoot past $1 trillion in the not too distant future.

“It’s also driven the need for a new type of tag, one that meets the needs of the individual seller versus the brand’s marketing and advertising teams,” Pat Mackaronis notes.

Macaroni’ Brabble has responded to the need by patenting what they have branded *Star Tags. These tags are in many ways more versatile than standard tag technology, he says. They are designed to facilitate how a seller showcases products being sold in social marketplaces and how they’re purchased, through programmable links embedded into the digital content.

Mackaronis says: “*Star Tags stay native to a post, and can be shared infinitely across the social web as well as with eCommerce platforms.”

*Star Tags perform like tags on e-commerce sites, tracking data behind each transaction – like amounts of money being spent on particular types of products. They give social sellers the same kind of power as big brands to understand their buyers and target them more effectively.

With the input of Logica, the leading tech firm with which Brabble has partnered, the *Star Tags technology will be built out. Mackaronis is expecting the two organizations to use the technology as a basis for future direct partnerships and revenue programs with companies that want to make their online sales and marketing campaigns work harder – and more effectively.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How You Can Invest In Your Small Business

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New Employee

What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee?

It’s the end of your first day. You’ve completed a plethora of online applications, psychometric tests, digital interviews and hopped through all manner of recruitment rings of fire – and you’ve landed the job of your dreams. Or so you thought… But do you know what are the ways to prepare a new employee? You arrived at your fancy new office, but there was no one to greet you. After waiting near an hour, your co-worker-to-be apologized and took you to your desk, only to find it hadn’t been cleared. Grimacing that your equipment hadn’t been set up, your ‘guide’ spun you around the office’s sea of blank faces. Did they even know you were starting? The awkward acclimations were interrupted by an irritated-looking administrator who lugged a thick binder of forms to fill in. You missed lunch with the gang. After finally navigating through all the red tape, the person you were meant to shadow was never notified so you were given menial tasks to pass the time, while they were in an important meeting with a client. You stared at the clock, waiting, waiting, waiting. With the day over, you’re just sad you didn’t get out sooner. Wait – is this really your dream job? New hires expect and need their onboarding to run smoothly. The above scenario sounds like an exaggerated horror story, but in a survey, Cezanne HR asked new employees about their onboarding experiences and was shocked to find: 52% didn’t know what to expect on their first day 30% didn’t have a buddy 8% didn’t meet their managers 23% didn’t have a desk ready 6% didn’t get told about health and safety regulations 5% didn’t have data security training 6 didn’t have a laptop or computer. Great onboarding is extremely important. It increases retention and reduces staffing costs. It delivers an engaging experience for new hires, so they connect with the organization and colleagues from the moment they’re given the offer. Also. it should turn first-day new employee anxiety into genuine excitement. It should make them feel prepared for the new job and welcome! Of course, no one said it’s an easy process, and orchestrating the activities to get onboarding right is time-consuming for everyone. In addition, the burdens of paper-based systems or dancing between data spreadsheets, such as Excel, allow important processes to slip through the cracks – which shouldn’t happen in a modern workplace. However, with the right HR software, you can make new employee onboarding engaging and straightforward, while automating and streamlining the admin involved in bringing on new hires. Here are the ways to prepare a new employee: Stay in touch after the job offer It’s very important for a new employee to engage with employers from the moment they’re hired. This can go beyond a simple email. Make sure you consider the following: Welcome portals are a very common feature in HR software because they do precisely that: they welcome people. Welcome portals act as an information hub and enable constant communication. They are a platform to share all essential details, including the new hire’s start date, office location, and contact details. It’s also a great way to prepare the new hire by letting them know how their first day will be structured and what their first projects will be. Make sure you send your new hire links to any documents they need. Provide them with essential advice including what they should bring with them on the first day or week, including items like their passport, P45, national insurance number and other relevant work documents. You could use your HR software system’s welcome portal to deliver this information and advice. Get the paperwork out of the way in advance of the first day. Signing a lot of forms can delay more pressing tasks, such as the relevant introductions, training, and the new hire’s first projects. HR software can be especially effective here. Instead of wasting time filling out form after form, new hires can sign documents electronically. It streamlines admin processes and makes everything available in one place – and it can all be done before the starting date. Making use of welcome portals and their visual content is a powerful way of engaging with new hires and allows companies to add photos and embed company videos – it might be a hello from a CEO, or a video demonstrating the company’s culture, or brand values and goals. Portals can also allow new hires to self-serve, adding a profile, information, bank details and the like. Moreover, all information you collect should flow straight through to your HR system. Cloud HR solutions should come with onboarding modules that are simple to set up and accessible 24/7. Storing information in one place also cuts back on the task of re-entering the same data into multiple systems. Prepare the desk When your new hire’s first day comes, ensure you’ve got a plan: assign someone to receive and greet them at the door put in an order with IT and prepare all the relevant equipment: a computer, phone, email, and network access, and office supplies moreover, ensure security and compliance policies are explained as appropriate. Spread the duties for onboarding tasks across different departments. For example, the IT department might be responsible for setting up the new hire’s laptop and email; the finance team might organize payroll, and the line manager will arrange inductions as well as check-in meetings. HR software’s task management systems can help significantly here. HR software makes it much easier for these departments to fully understand their roles in the onboarding process. Task managers and checklists make use of notifications, meaning important processes don’t get forgotten about. It gives an overview of what’s been done and what needs doing. Involve your employees Send the first-day welcome announcement to the organization and share the news of the new hire with the team. Give their name, title, and something that distinguishes them: it might be a hobby or interest, for instance. This allows current employees to easily see if they have anything in common, making everyone more prepared for the big day. Moreover, give your current employees details of the new hire’s background, making sure the new employee’s biggest strengths are acknowledged. Find a peer and assign them to mentor/buddy the new hire. This will help the new hire to get settled and to be comfortable enough to ask any questions that are on their mind. This also helps build relationships with the team, integrating the new employee into the company significantly faster. Also, consider explaining who’s who – HR software can create a staff directory mapping this for you. This will help your new hire to familiarise themselves with their co-workers and assists them in directing their queries to the right people from the right departments, so they don’t feel like they’re barraging their mentor with questions. Planning welcome social help breaks the ice, too – and not just between the company and the new hire. From team lunches to company happy hours, both new hires and current employees can benefit from getting to know each other in a more open and casual environment, building stronger relationships and channels for collaboration. Establish a formal training program The importance of setting a clear and comprehensive training program can’t be overstated. Doing so helps prepare and motivate the new hire for the first day and sets a precedent for the weeks and months ahead as they approach their new projects. Such a structured program does much to ease their potential short- and longer-term worries. Indeed, the HR portal assists here, too. By being able to provide access to important training documents, setting out a comprehensive program schedule through calendars, and by making use of notifications to make clear to current employees what is expected of them in the onboarding process and when. On top of this, it’s an effective and simple way for new hires to view set assignments and tasks, as well as their own schedules. Check-ins Check-ins are a series of regular discussions between managers and employees about their progress. They are: ongoing and build a rapport, setting short and long-term goals an extremely effective way of ensuring employees are continuously aware of their professional development within the company, allowing them to express any concerns and ask questions, and they form a crucial part of the onboarding process. At the end of the first week, give the new hire the opportunity to ask any outstanding questions. This helps demonstrate your enthusiasm towards the employee’s start beyond just the first day and will help set a clear and lasting relationship between the new hire and the company. HR software can make continuous performance reviews and check-ins an integral part of company culture. Cezanne HR, for instance, provides a seamless and engaging way of recording conversations, achievements and agreed goals or outcomes, so it’s easier to ensure everyone is aligned. The right HR systems are equipped with performance management functions that allow employees to make use of their flexibility and to collaborate in an online forum where others can easily and securely request feedback, record check-in conversations, and track outcomes. Poor onboarding is a wasted opportunity The benefits of great onboarding are infinite. It reduces unnecessary barriers that might otherwise inhibit the new employee from settling in or performing at their best. It gets new hires up to speed swiftly and immerses them in the company’s values, vision, and culture. Furthermore, great onboarding protects your new investment. A robust, systematic onboarding process boosts new hire retention by 50%, and new hires that experienced strong onboarding are 58% more likely to stay with the company for more than three years. Why would you waste all your efforts with a dissatisfactory onboarding process? Onboarding can be the difference between a quick and costly new employee turnover, and a long and lasting productive relationship. Above are just some of the boxes to tick to ensure an engaging onboarding experience. Do you have any more? Let us know! Read Also: Fastest Growing Company, on Creating the Best Place to Work How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems?

Product Packaging

Ideas For An Excellent Product Packaging

An average supermarket in the United States has about 40,000 different items for consumers to choose from. How does one consumer choose a product from the number of choices? Every industry relies on manufacturers, consumers, and distributors, but how do they grab the attention of potential buyers? Product Packaging. An industry in itself, proper packaging has the power to attract consumers. If you want to build a strong brand, consider optimizing your product packaging with a unique design and sustainable solutions. What makes an excellent Product packaging design? 1. Simplicity and clarity: When you walk into a supermarket, just go through products and take a glance at them. Do you identify the product or the brand by simply looking at it? The best example of quality packaging will be a clear and simple but highly distinctive packaging design. You will be amazed to learn that most consumers will decide to buy a product or not within a few seconds only. There will be numerous product listings with no specific brand name and you will also look at products that look great from the outside but they are unable to explain what is inside the box. Most importantly, packaging design should not confuse consumers. It should always deliver on clarity. There are some categories that allow a little bit of mystery but if the consumer fails to identify the product in terms of usage, content, or brand identity, it needs to be revamped. Be clear about what you are selling. Do not complicate it in any manner. 2. Be honest: A lot of brands try to depict the product in the most perfect way one can imagine. The packaging shows something about the product which is not real at all. When you try to depict a product ten times better than it actually is, you end up misleading the consumer and eventually disappointing him. This only leads to poor sales performance and builds a very bad brand image. Honesty plays a crucial role here. A lot of consumers like simplicity, they want to know what is the product is about and how it will serve them. You can do face lifting to a small extent but not where the product is something totally different. You need to show the product in the finest manner possible and ensure you show all honesty in it. Remember that the consumers need to be treated in an appropriate manner at all times. 3. Be authentic: Character and originality need to be at the core of great brands and excellent packaging designs. There are numerous products in the market and every product is competing for the attention of the consumer. If you want to set yourself apart, you will have to be very authentic. Product packaging is a matter of creativity and it is not possible to create a fake impression based on the design only to sell the product. People have a number of brands to choose from, they have different appeals and looks to try. You need to remain authentic in your product design in order to ensure that your product design is memorable. Do not get on with a genetic-looking design. Look for strong visual standards and an uncommon style to appeal to the consumers. If you notice that most brands have a contemporary product design, opt for something retro. Be creative and always look for different options for your product. With more customers looking for eco-friendly options, Brad Zaikov from Jansy (https://www.jansypkg.com/) says that businesses that use biodegradable packaging will attract more customers. 4. Consider shelf impact: If you look at a product from the view of a consumer, you will notice that no product is ever seen alone. It is also not seen in exceptional detail. All the products are organized in columns and rows and there are numerous patterns and designs you see. Until a particular design or pattern catches your eye, you are not going to take a better look of the product. The appeal of a product when it is placed on a shelf is known as shelf impact and it will make a huge difference to the sales of a product. You need to check shelf impact and explore the designs. Do this by copying the placement of the design on a shelf and then surrounding it with different products. It will sell better if it looks good. 5. Keep space for extensibility: The idea of product packaging should leave space for the introduction of a new product or a new brand. There should be a possibility to make easy variations to the product without it losing its appeal. The initial design concept should not heavily rely on one product or one color. You might expand in the future or introduce a new product and you need to leave space in product designing for the same. Create a visual design that will allow for easy alterations in the visual of the packaging or will allow for easy addition or removal of information. 6. Practicality: Last but not least, practice is important when designing the packaging of a product. It not only deals with the label but deals with the shape, functionality, and size of the product you are selling. To get higher sales, the product needs to be more practical. A lot of business owners tend to overlook the aspect of practicality in packaging design because they think consumers are simply going to pick the product off the shelf without any thought. Unfortunately, this does not happen and consumers are looking for innovation. Practicality merged with innovation can solve a number of packaging design challenges. Product packaging is as important as product manufacturing. If you have an excellent and highly functional product to sell but if you do not spend enough time and effort on its packaging, you might never be able to reach out to the consumers. Packaging is your last opportunity to convince the consumer to purchase the product. 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