Tags in E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important

Published on: 02 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
E-Commerce Tags

Twenty-some years ago, there were no tags. The Internet was in its infancy, digital transactions and interactions a pipe dream and Big Data was still actually little. Today, though, tags reign as multi-purpose tools to manage your online content and much, much more.

Tags essentially are a means of defining and differentiating data. Used in a marketing/advertising context, they collect information about visitors to, say, an e-commerce website, and how they behave, sending it back to the originating platform for further analysis and action.

More generally, tags are an important way to structure the content for usability and SEO. Think header tags, which separate sections of content on a website and establish visual hierarchies. As marketer Aleh Barysevich writes in Business 2 Community, that’s important for calculating your page rank.

For bloggers, he adds, blog post tags can help organize posts within a content management system and are less important for SEO than for semantic optimization.

But it’s e-commerce where marketers have become creative with tags and their functionality. It’s tags that enable a brand to “follow” consumers with messaging once a site has been visited or an ad clicked on. And as today’s twist on e-commerce of peer-to-peer selling or social marketplaces grows in importance, tags are keeping pace.

Patrick Mackaronis, the founder of Brabble, notes that the “marketplace” function on social platforms like Facebook (and Brabble, too, for that matter) represents an environment for transactions that is transparent, easy and frictionless. As a result, he adds, that’s turned the global online classified market into a big business, now at the $100 billion marks, but poised to shoot past $1 trillion in the not too distant future.

“It’s also driven the need for a new type of tag, one that meets the needs of the individual seller versus the brand’s marketing and advertising teams,” Pat Mackaronis notes.

Macaroni’ Brabble has responded to the need by patenting what they have branded *Star Tags. These tags are in many ways more versatile than standard tag technology, he says. They are designed to facilitate how a seller showcases products being sold in social marketplaces and how they’re purchased, through programmable links embedded into the digital content.

Mackaronis says: “*Star Tags stay native to a post, and can be shared infinitely across the social web as well as with eCommerce platforms.”

*Star Tags perform like tags on e-commerce sites, tracking data behind each transaction – like amounts of money being spent on particular types of products. They give social sellers the same kind of power as big brands to understand their buyers and target them more effectively.

With the input of Logica, the leading tech firm with which Brabble has partnered, the *Star Tags technology will be built out. Mackaronis is expecting the two organizations to use the technology as a basis for future direct partnerships and revenue programs with companies that want to make their online sales and marketing campaigns work harder – and more effectively.

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What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work

What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work?

When you are a manufacturer or the handler of a company, you have to understand that you can not manage all the work yourself, especially the production and the selling on your own. Manufacturing and looking after the production lines is the essential job of a manufacturer. But out of the product sales, the company will make a good profit. If you want to grow your company, you have to concentrate on selling the goods primarily. Here the names of the channel management process are becoming stronger.  Without a successful, efficient channel management process, your business and the products selling both are turning to be hectic jobs. But when you involve channel management software in the system, your sales and marketing work is becoming more simple and more productive. Let’s see first the answer to ‘ what is channel management?’ What Is Channel Management? The manufacturers are looking after the product’s production. After the production of the product, these products are heading towards the market for sales. Channel management is a process where the channel partners look after the product selling and product marketing with a specific channel. Channel management is working as the connecting bridge between the customer and the manufacturing company. The channel partners followed an individual target to sell the product and make the communications between the customer and the manufacturing company. Most of the channel partners are following the contractual bond between the company and them. And they are communicating on behalf of the manufacturer of the company. The channel partners can individually develop any new channel management strategy to improve the marketing plannings. The relationship between customer service and channel management is quite dependable. Customer service is an essential key integral part of the channel management process.  When the channel management partners represent the company brand, the customer care services should be pretty strong and professional as the customers do not lose their faith in the brand. Now we think the channel management definition is clear to you. Now let’s jump into the next phase of the question of the importance of channel management. The channel management example is giving you a better understanding of the topic. Pros Of The Channel Management Process For Running a business, the necessity of a productive channel management process is to help you to grow. The main working area of the channel management process is to streamline all the business and customer communications. This is the reason in the positive channel management process that customer communication is so important. Here are the pros of the channel management process. Take a look at this and plan your successful channel operation module. The Channel management process is looking after the communications between the customers and the manufacturing company. And make a better relationship with good customer care support. Along with good revenue generations, the customer relationships and the bonds are going to be stronger when you are using the successful channel management process. Each channel partner is responsible for streamlining the communications with the customers in the channel. Every channel follows different types of strategy and different types of customer care services. Along with the goal achievements, you will know which module is the best suitable for your business. Techniques and strategies wise, each and every channel is using different techniques. But business protocol remains in the same position. The channel partners are establishing direct communications with the customers of the specific channels. So every time the customers need any specific help, the channel partners are present to provide the customer support. Along with the good customer support, your brand value is also going to increase, and your products are going to reach a good number of customer connections. These are the attractive features of the channel management process. And if you want to grow your business, the first thing you have to do is develop attractive channel connections and develop a good channel process model. How To Boost Your Channel Partners? Boosting your channel partner means you are taking action to grow your business. Successful channel management is the only way by which you can spread your product sales areas. Successful channel management has multiple benefits for your business. The best of all is the manufacturers do not have that much time for customer communications and looking after marketing and sales. But direct recruiting is very costly here. Here is some strategy that you can follow to boost your channel partner’s energy. Excellent cooperative collaboration with the channel managers and schedule data exchange is a regular job to boost the channel partner’s energy. And the meetings and essential training are the compulsory tasks to grow the channel engagement process and improve the communications. Announce the suitable incentive models for your channel partners. And elaborate the model structure in the open seminars. Always give the achievable target and a different target scope with different incentive structures. The target should be on the basis of the experiences and the channel’s nature. So for every channel partner, the target is distant. Seminar meetings are helping you to develop a stronger bond with your channel partners. Always communicate with the partner, and the channel manager should always maintain the communications between channel partners and the company. The company goal and the channel partner’s cooperation are helping you develop a solid and productive channel management system. More you recruit the new channel partner, their different perspectives, and the additional business terms are helping you to make progress and generate a new productive channel management process. Wrapping It Up The channel partners are a great help to spread your business and develop a more productive sales and marketing team. Hence, you are a manufacturing company and do not have time to look after sales and marketing.  Therefore, creating a good channel management process offers the best facility to your customers. What is your opinion about the channel management process? Do not forget to share your opinion with us. More Resources 5 Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking IT Quick Fixes for Your Business During the Crisis by Paul Belogour

Grow Your Business Online

How Do You Grow Your Business Online?

Is your company reliant on clients from the internet? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. It has become customary to see businesses migrating their content to their own websites. You can grow your business online. The digital space is continually expanding, making room for more and more businesses who have decided that they would go online. If you need help with growing your business online, here are THREE WAYS to ensure that your online business stays in the game Different Ways To Grow Your Business Online Are As Follows    There are multiple ways you can adopt to grow your business online and in the right way. In this article, you will get the complete details about it how you can grow your business online. 1. SEO: I’m sure we have all heard of the term SEO. But what is it and what does it really do? Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving a website’s content to get it to the top page of the Google Search Result. It may not seem much to you but it actually is the difference between getting your conversion rates to go up or not. Ask yourself this: When was the last time that you went to the second page of a Google Search page? Do you even scroll down or like the others just choose the first two or three links on top and ignore the rest. Having a search engine optimised page is very important especially if you rely on the internet for getting clients. How can you get clients when your prospects do not even see your site? There are a lot of ways to optimise your website. However, it is recommended that you contact the experts instead of doing it on your own. If you do it on your own, there is a high chance that instead of improving your ranking, you will lose authority and go lower. In some cases, partaking in unethical SEO Practices i.e. Black-hat link building gets websites banned on the Google Search Page. 2. Have a Responsive and Engaging Website: Of course, you spent a lot of effort and money to get on the first page of Google - to be visible. You shouldn’t waste this by having a responsive and engaging website. Ensure that your website is aesthetically pleasing and does not cause problems for your visitors. Having a lagging website with handfuls of glitches can create an aversion towards your brand. It gives off the message that you’re sloppy and doesn’t care about your customers. User Experience is very much one of the most important factors to consider when building a website. In an age where most users of the internet use mobile, having a non-responsive website to mobiles could spell disaster for your brand. Do some research on who your prospects are and incline your website in a way that it would attract them. Older people tend to lean towards professional-looking, minimalistic designs while the younger generations favour interactive, colourful web layouts that become more enjoyable the more you look at it. 3. Social Media Marketing: There are over 2.77 billion social media users in the world and this number is fast rising. It is no secret that social media websites have taken over the world by storm. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are just some social media accounts that most can’t live without. By migrating your online business and advertising through social media, you are doing yourself a favor. Most social media websites now allow for ads to run through them for a small expense. This allows business and brands to target their own prospects, that is to say, you only spend money on people that have a high chance of availing your service. You are not throwing your ads to a distant void but instead, towards a targeted amount of people. Social Media Marketing is also one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and name recall. We all have certain brands that we associate with products. For example, mobile phones are immediately associated with Apple and Samsung. While there are hundreds of other mobile phone brands, the brand awareness and campaigning that these two mega-companies did set their name in stone. This is what you can do for your brand - increase brand awareness through social media to ensure that your name is seen and does not get forgotten. Growing your business online is not an easy feat. There would be times when you will get discouraged but don’t. In the end, when you’re ranking on top and you’re getting so many clients, you will realize that it was worth it. Read Also: 5Tricks For Using Twitter To Grow Your Business A Guide To Running Your Instagram Marketing Campaign

Wireless Network Management

Wireless Network Management: 3 Best Practices For Enterprises

Wireless network management refers to configuring, monitoring, and optimizing a wireless network to ensure optimal performance, security, and reliability. Managing a wireless network can be challenging, as wireless networks are more susceptible to interference and security threats than wired networks. Wireless network management is critical for businesses to ensure their wireless networks provide optimal performance, security, and reliability. Proper planning, configuration, monitoring, and security measures can help ensure a wireless network meets the organization's and its users' needs. If your business is looking for network management services, the services are available at Splynx.com`s website. Top 3 Best Practices For Enterprise Here are three best practices for the enterprise that can help improve productivity, security, and overall business operations: Cybersecurity In today's digital age, cybersecurity should be a top priority for all businesses. Enterprises should implement a robust cybersecurity strategy that includes regular software updates, strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular security training for employees. A strong cybersecurity strategy can help protect against cyber threats like data breaches, malware, and ransomware attacks. Cloud Computing Cloud computing can offer many benefits to enterprises, such as increased scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. However, it is important for enterprises to implement a cloud computing strategy that includes proper data backup, disaster recovery, and data encryption. Enterprises should also choose a reputable cloud provider and carefully review their security and compliance policies to ensure their data is safe. Remote Workforce Management With the rise of remote work, enterprises should implement a remote workforce management strategy that includes secure remote access, virtual private networks (VPNs), and collaboration tools. Enterprises should also provide regular training for remote employees to ensure they know security best practices and company policies. Enterprises should also establish clear communication channels and performance metrics to ensure remote workers are productive and engaged. Overall, these best practices can help enterprises improve their cybersecurity posture, take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, and effectively manage a remote workforce. By implementing these best practices, enterprises can improve productivity, security, and overall business operations. 4 Key Benefits Of An All-In-One Wifi Network Management Software An all-in-one WiFi network management software can provide several key benefits for businesses. This includes - Full Remote Network Recovery With Easy Backups And Real-Time Alerts Full remote network recovery with easy backups and real-time alerts is a comprehensive solution for businesses to ensure that their network is always up and running, even during a disaster. Here are some key features of this solution: Remote Backup and Recovery: With this solution, businesses can remotely back up their entire network, including data, applications, and configurations. This ensures that the network can be quickly and easily restored to its previous state in the event of a disaster. Real-Time Alerts: This solution provides real-time alerts for network issues, such as connectivity problems, security threats, and performance issues. This allows businesses to quickly address any network issues before they become major problems. Remote Monitoring: With this solution, businesses can remotely monitor their network in real-time, including network performance, bandwidth usage, and security threats. This allows businesses to identify and address network issues before they become major problems. Comprehensive Recovery Plan: This solution includes a comprehensive recovery plan that outlines the steps that need to be taken in the event of a disaster. This ensures that businesses are prepared for any eventuality and can quickly and efficiently recover their network. Proactive Support: This solution includes proactive support from experienced network engineers who can assist with network issues, backup and recovery, and disaster planning. On-Demand Scalability For MSPS On-demand scalability for MSPs (Managed Service Providers) is a solution that allows MSPs to quickly and easily scale their services to meet the needs of their clients. Here are some key features of this solution: Cloud-Based Infrastructure: This solution is built on a cloud-based infrastructure, which allows MSPs to provision resources quickly and scale their services up or down as needed. This ensures that MSPs can provide the resources their clients need without having to invest in additional hardware or software. Automated Provisioning: With this solution, resources can be automatically provisioned in real time based on the demands of the client. This ensures that MSPs can quickly respond to client needs and provide the resources needed to meet those needs. Flexible Pricing: This solution provides flexible pricing options that allow MSPs to pay only for the resources they use. This ensures that MSPs can provide cost-effective services to their clients while still maintaining profitability. Comprehensive Management: This solution includes comprehensive management tools that allow MSPs to monitor and manage their services from a single dashboard. This ensures that MSPs can efficiently manage their resources and provide quality client services. Robust Security: This solution includes robust security features that protect MSPs and their clients from security threats. This ensures that MSPs can provide security services to their clients and maintain the trust of their clients. Reduce Operating Costs Of Wifi Networks Reducing the operating costs of WiFi networks is important for businesses to improve their bottom line. Here are some ways businesses can reduce the operating costs of their WiFi networks: Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Devices: Upgrading to energy-efficient devices can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Energy-efficient devices consume less power, which results in lower electricity bills for businesses. Optimize Network Performance: Optimizing network performance can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. By optimizing network performance, businesses can ensure that their network is operating at peak efficiency, which reduces the need for additional hardware and software. Implement Network Management Tools: Network management tools can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Network management tools give businesses visibility into their network, allowing them to quickly identify and address issues before they become major problems. Implement Automation: Implementing automation can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Automation can help streamline network management tasks, reduce the need for manual intervention, and minimize human error. Implement Cloud-Based WiFi Networks: Implementing cloud-based WiFi networks can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Cloud-based WiFi networks eliminate the need for on-premise hardware and software, reducing maintenance, upgrades, and security costs. Faster And Simplified Network Management Faster and simplified network management is important for businesses to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. Here are some ways businesses can achieve faster and simplified network management: Use Network Management Software: Network management software can help businesses manage their network more efficiently by providing a centralized dashboard to monitor and manage network devices, traffic, and performance. This can help save time and reduce the complexity of managing a network. Automate Routine Tasks: Automating routine tasks such as backups, updates, and configuration changes can help businesses save time and reduce the risk of human error. This can also free up network administrators to focus on more strategic tasks. Implement Remote Network Management: Remote network management enables network administrators to manage the network from anywhere, anytime. This can help reduce the time and costs associated with onsite management. Use Cloud-Based Networking: Cloud-based networking provides businesses with a scalable and flexible network infrastructure that can be managed through a single portal. This can help simplify network management by reducing the need for on-premises hardware and software. Leverage Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can help businesses manage their networks more efficiently by analyzing network data and providing insights and recommendations for optimization. Conclusion Wireless network management is critical for businesses that rely on wireless connectivity to operate. Implementing best practices for wireless network management can help businesses optimize their wireless network for performance, security, and scalability. By following these best practices, businesses can ensure their wireless network is optimized for performance, security, and scalability and is better equipped to meet the demands of an increasingly digital business landscape. Read Also: Transform Your Garage into a Home Office Seasonal Unemployment – Definition, & Examples [Complete Details] How Does Creativity Help In Entrepreneurship?