A Beginner’s Guide To Truck Accidents: Causes, Tips, And Legal Remedies


11 October 2021


Truck Accidents

Trucks continue to remain an integral part of the world’s economy. They are responsible for moving millions of tons of goods and products across the length and breadth of the country every single day. Whether it is day or night, trucks and truck drivers continue to drive.

However, being such large vehicles there is no denying the fact that they are a major threat to other motorists on the road. Car drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians are constantly in danger from being at the receiving end of one of the many threats that trucks pose.

According to experts, heavy trucks are involved in one out of ten deaths that are reported in the United States every year. The weight of a fully loaded truck can reach up to 40 tons! That is 40 tons of moving mass that needs to stop at a heartbeat and be careful of every small car, bike, or individual occupying the same road. That is a tough ask.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the major aspects of truck accidents-

  • Leading causes of truck accidents in the United States
  • Safety Tips to help you steer clear of the danger posed by trucks
  • Legal remedies that need to be pursued in case you are involved in a truck accident

We take help from a leading Atlanta truck accident lawyer to help list down some of the important details on truck accidents.

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

In this section, we are going to list down the five of the most causes of truck accidents

1. Tired and Exhausted Truck Drivers-

The efficiency of any trucking operation depends on the completion of orders. In very simple words, the faster the deliveries are done, the more orders a specific truck can generate. This means long hours in bad weather conditions with poor food, lodging, and most importantly, no sleep. Tiredness and exhaustion make drivers fall asleep or slow down their reflexes.

2. Poor Quality and Condition of the Vehicles themselves-

Most commercial trucking companies can be guilty of not paying proper attention to the maintenance of their vehicles. They do not check whether all the parts of the truck are working properly. Since trucks tend to be on the roads most of the time, checking them for regular service becomes difficult. This leads to accidents when, for example, the brakes stop working.

3. Improper Training and Lack of Driving Experience-

Taking control of a vehicle that weighs 40 tons is no joke. It involves a lot of practice, experience, and training. When normal truck drivers are sick or unavailable, the company can ask a rookie to do the job of a seasoned pro. There are so many things that can go wrong when someone who is not adept at handling such a heavy piece of machinery starts to handle it.

4. Not Confirmation to Road Safety Norms, and Regulations-

Truckers know that since they are so big, they are not the ones that should be paying attention to following safety norms. In other words, they believe that if others want to be safe, they should be maintaining a distance from the truck. This makes them drive on one-way streets, not give way to oncoming traffic, and park at the side of highways where it is dangerous.

5. Engaging with Intoxicants like Alcohol and Marijuana-

Being on the road for months on end can be frustrating for truck drivers. To keep themselves engaged, they turn to alcohol and smoking weed. This dumbs down their reflexes and gives rise to the possibility of falling asleep at the steering wheel. Many studies have found that alcoholism is an issue that is rampant among truck drivers in the United States.

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Every year in the United States, the Federal Motor Safety Administration comes out with a handbook for motorists that contain safety tips to avoid trucks and encounter accidents.

The following are some safety tips that motorists should be following to keep them safe-

1. Visibility

The first thing that is prescribed is to ensure that you are visible to the truck drivers. Make sure you are honking and putting on your headlights every time you are passing a truck. Do not position your vehicles in the blind spots of the truck driver.

2. Passing

Every time you are looking to overtake a truck make sure you have the space to do so. Do not try to make a pass in a tight squeeze. Make sure that you wait for the truck to give you the passing signal before you step on the gas for the pass.

3. Cutting-Off

Most accidents are when motorists try to cut off a truck. When you do this at speed, you end up being in the blind spot of the drivers. This prevents their ability to break on time and results in a violent crash. You should look to avoid this at all costs.

4. Distance

If you are tailgating a truck, you are not visible to the driver! This means that if they break, you are likely to slip right under the huge vehicle. Ensure that you maintain a healthy distance between your vehicle and the truck in front of you.

5. Anticipate

Riding on the same roads as trucks require you to be patient. Trucks have wider turning radiuses than small cars. They cannot also make quick maneuvers on the road. As a motorist, you need to be patient and anticipate the movements.

If you are following the above-mentioned safety norms, you can reduce the chances of coming into contact with a 40-ton truck.

Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents

Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents

If you have been in a truck accident, you are well within your rights to file a lawsuit. You need to claim compensation for the material damage caused, as well as seek payments to help you tide over any medical injuries you might have suffered as a result of the accident.

The first thing that you need to do is hire an expert and experienced truck accident lawyer. You need to make sure that they have prior experience in filing personal injury lawsuits of this nature. Make sure that you gather all the possible evidence and build a solid case.

When it comes to truck accidents, the company operating the vehicle is a party to the lawsuit. They need to ensure that the insurance covers all possible material and physical damages that have been the result of the accident.

The following information should be collected from the site of the accident-

  • The type of truck- make, model, brand, and license plates of the truck.
  • The name of the truck’s driver and his commercial license.
  • The information about the insurance company and details.
  • Names, addresses, and call numbers of the trucking company, head offices, and more.
  • Photos, videos, and witness statements from the scene of the crime.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we have discussed some of the probable causes of truck accidents. We have also discussed safety tips that will help you keep your distance from heavy vehicles. Finally, we have looked at what legal recourse needs to be pursued if you are involved in a truck accident.

If you have any more questions that you would like us to address on truck accidents, please let us know in the comments below. We will be glad to help you out.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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New Cars

Best New Cars for Teenagers

Buying your first ever car as a teenager comes with excitement and troubles of its own. However, there is good news for all those who are planning on buying a new car for themselves because there is a wide range of excellent new cars. Especially formulated for the young drivers. Although that does not eliminate the challenge of finding one in any way. The options will be many, and a lot of things can make a huge difference in the prices and cost. Insurance: Your first car needs to be cheap enough to insure, because you are a young and inexperienced driver. Likely to get involved in an accident compared to the elder drivers who have years of experience when it comes to driving. Insurance costs can be crippling, so make sure you go for a car that comes under the category of the lowest insurance groups as possible. Economical Fuel: Most of the modern cars have fuel engines which are very handy for teenage drivers. However, if your budget is tight you will be tempted towards the cheapest cars and even used ones. Although inexpensive, they will be more expensive in the longer run due to the absence of safety features, which is also one of the concerns. So, if you are in search of a cheap and worthy first car, here are a few of them with affordable ranges and packages. Toyota Tacoma: To all those teenagers who are just learning how to drive, it is a wise choice to choose a car that is smaller and more maneuverable compared to the full-sized trucks. The current model of Tacoma features a tough design and wide range of tech features. Moreover, it has been among the most reliable cars since decades. Volkswagen Tiguan: 2019 Volkswagen Tiguan has been awarded as the best SUV for teenagers. A must have a vehicle, which offers reliability, high ratings and has advanced driver’s assistance features. Kia Rio: Although it is not the best option available, it has a lot of equipment and has good value compared to the price it is sold for. It is spacious from inside, enabling you to travel with comfort. So, don’t worry about those hangout plans with your classmates because you’ll have plenty of space for those. Mazda: When it comes to cars for teenagers, Mazda is one of the best. The fact behind that is the fun and entertainment the car brings with itself. It will fascinate the young generation and teach them how to be practical at the same time. Moreover, the car is reliable, safe, and has great value as well. It gives its users more than just a basic means of transportation. Check out the review of the Mazda CX-5 as this might be a good option for you. Hyundai Ioniq: Hyundai is offered in hybrid, plug-in-hybrid, and battery-electric flavors, making it the only car that offers such a combination in the United States. This car is a combination of efficiency, focused towards the dynamics of driving, and fun to drive at the same time, which makes it a worthy contender. Read Also: Why You Need Classic Car Insurance? How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle In Top Shape

Best Auto Repair Shop

7 Ways to Find the Best Auto Repair Shop for Your Vehicle

Regardless of how careful a driver you are, it’s likely that your vehicle could either deteriorate over time or experience a road accident that has left the body in bad shape, and you’ll have to take your car to an auto repair shop and restore it to its former glory. With hundreds of shops to choose from, it may be difficult to pick one that specializes in the type and brand of your vehicle. Here are a few steps to find the best shop to take care of your car: 1. Know What Needs To Be Done: Before you search for an auto repair shop for your car, you need to set specific goals and expectations. For instance, if you are the owner of a vintage sedan that has seen better days, you might want to consider a full restoration. This will include removing the outdated body or sandblasting it to get rid of any rust or leftover paint. In case your car’s exterior was totaled following a serious collision during a business road trip, then you will need professional help to deal with the problem. You can’t do it alone even if there are DIY solutions for it. Taking the time to determine the type of work your vehicle needs can help you find a repair shop offering services that suit your situation and will help you avoid spending money on things you don’t need. 2. Calculate Your Total Costs: After determining the type and amount of work you require for your vehicle, you will need to calculate the amount of money you will need to spend to cover everything. From the outset, it may be difficult to come up with an accurate estimate. You can always have an auto shop evaluate your car and give you an estimate, but it’s still best to know the average cost yourself. Take the time to do a bit of research on auto repair rates in your state or community. How much do vehicle owners have to pay for repainting, collision repair, frame alignment, or a body filler? Once you know how much you could be spending on a repair or restoration, you can begin asking auto repair shops about their rates for the same service. Make comparisons and never settle for anything that’s suspiciously cheap. Knowing these figures before you even talk to a potential outlet can help you avoid an attempt to give you an unfair price. 3. Consider The Brand And Model Of Your Car: Not all body shops specialize in repairing certain vehicles. If you own a Honda or a Subaru, you might want to seek out body shops approved by these brands, since they may have the right parts in store. You still need to make sure that an auto shop has any experience dealing with vintage models. Some parts may not be available for purchase anymore, so you’d do well to find an auto shop that still sells and knows how to install them. Also if your TCM is having problems, aside from seeing the Check Engine light you might also notice that your transmission isn’t acting the way it ought to. Perhaps it’s not shifting at the right times, then an immediate replacement will be necessary. You can get the replacement from a popular organization like npcautomotive.com. Also if your TCM is having problems, aside from seeing the Check Engine light you might also notice that your transmission isn’t acting the way it ought to. Perhaps it’s not shifting at the right times, then an immediate replacement will be necessary. You can get the replacement from a popular organization like npcautomotive.com. With this in mind, you can check with your auto dealer and get a list of recognized service centers in your area. You can also run an online search to see if there are any repair shops that service specific types of vehicles.  4. Get Recommendations From People You Know: Start by asking friends who have hired mechanics and body shops before, and specify the type of work you require. You can also reach out to family members who may have been in the same situation as you. If they have dealt with vehicle damage before, you can ask them for a list of shops you can visit. Another group you can reach out to is motoring enthusiasts. If you are a member of a racing community, you can gather contact numbers of auto shops that people in the group visit. With this information, you can avoid auto shops with bad reputations and look for ones that might give you the results you need. After all, you wouldn’t want to make the same mistake when seeking out an auto dealership. 5. Consider Your Location: When finding an auto shop that specializes in body repair and restoration, you will need to find one that’s readily accessible and convenient. If you reside in Toronto, consider reaching out to shops like J&E Tokyo Auto Collision Inc who specialize in collision repair and auto detailing. You may be tempted to take your vehicle to the nearest available shop, but convenience shouldn't be the only factor. You should also consider other details such as pricing, the availability of spare parts, as well as the OEM manufacturers or origins of these parts. 6. Check For Online Reviews: If you are more of a traditional type, scanning the yellow pages or local directory could be the best way to find an auto repair shop. Technology has made it easier for people to connect with businesses. You just need to enter a keyword like "auto body shop near me" and check out each listing. However, the ease you get from doing an online search shouldn't be a reason to let your guard down. Not all auto shops in the search results are capable of delivering your needs. There's a good chance that you end up with an auto shop that overcharges, uses low-quality parts and materials, and does a sloppy job. The least you could do is to believe whatever a certain auto repair shop says about their services on their ads. To be on the safe side, consider looking for reviews and testimonials from their previous clients. A good trick here is to focus on negative reviews (if there are any) since these will give you a heads up on what to expect. Finding an auto body repair shop shouldn’t take you long, and knowing where to start is the first step towards finding the best shop for you. Read Also: How Professional Mechanics Can Score Deals on Auto Parts 5 Critical Branding Tips to Attract New Clients to Your Auto Parts Shop Michigan Auto Insurance


What Are the 6 Steps to Take to Become a Proud Motorcyclist?

There's nothing quite as amazing as the open road and fantastic scenery provided while riding a motorcycle. For anyone thinking about becoming a true, blue motorcyclist, there are a few tips that can make this possible. When it comes to riding though, becoming a part of the "club" may seem a bit difficult at first. To get started, use the tips found here. Here are the 6 Steps to Take to Become a Proud Motorcyclist: 1. Riding Style When it comes to riding a motorcycle, there is more information at cleanharleys.com. However, before buying a bike, it's necessary to figure out the style of riding a person wants to do. This is a step that is completely dependent on the rider(Motorcyclist). To figure this out, think about the style of bikes that are attractive. For example, a person should consider if they migrate toward the cruisers, or if the neo-retro bikes turn their heads. Even if a person can't decide, there are options. Take some time to test out several options to find the ones that work. 2. Visit a Local Motorcycle Shop or Dealership  Riding a motorcycle is as much about being part of a community as it is about actually riding. Once a person begins riding, they will find even more motorcyclists to talk to and hang out with. A great way to meet these people is by going to a few local shops and dealerships. One of the best ways to use these dealerships is by visiting the ones that have the models that are appealing. Take some time to talk to the salespeople and don't be afraid to ask questions that seem basic. 3. Do Research on the Potential Purchases In the past, buying a motorcycle was restricted to visiting local dealerships and reading magazines and newspapers. However, today, it's possible to find out as much as possible about motorcycles online. There are even forums completely dedicated to buying a bike and becoming a motorcyclist. Virtually any forum that is purchased will have a few members who are interested in helping out a new rider. Another thing that can be learned through a forum is whether there are common issues with the bike being purchased. Reviews are also smart for learning how a motorcycle really works, so keep this in mind. 4. Get to Know the Licensing Requirements Before a person starts riding, they need to have the proper motorcycle license. An unlicensed rider is one of the most common victims of accidents. With a license, a person's odds of being involved in this type of mishap can be avoided. Remember, though, each state is going to have different rules regarding motorcycle requirements. It's possible for a rider to find out what is needed and required by their state by going to the DMV website. Here a person can learn everything they need to know about the motorcycle license. They can also learn about any motorcycle-specific laws they need to be aware of in the state where they are going to ride. 5. Sign Up for a Motorcycle Safety Course As a new rider, one of the first things a person should understand is that motorcycling can be a dangerous sport. If a person isn't careful and doesn't learn the rules of the road, they can actually die while riding. With the stakes so high, it's important to learn basic riding skills along with tips for avoiding accidents. For these classes, training bikes are often provided. This class is also a great way to do a bit of riding before making a costly purchase. There are some people who may even decide that riding isn't the right thing for them after taking this class. The truth is, riding a motorcycle isn't right for everyone. At a very basic level, riders have four appendages for operating five different controls. While ABS brakes are becoming more common on bikes it can take a while for a rider to become proficient in the driving process. This means that attending this safety class and practicing all the skills that are taught will go far when it comes to reducing the likelihood of an accident. 6. Build a Riding Community and Keep Riding There's no question that riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. Riding a bike and hanging out with other riders while sharing stories with other enthusiasts is much more fun. A person should consider going to their local bike night to figure out where most motorcyclists will ride in the local area. Not only is it fun to hang out with other riders, and all the trips that people can take together, a new rider can learn from experienced riders. The fact is, becoming a real motorcyclist will take some time. The best way to really get the hang of it is to start riding and not stopping. It's a good idea to ride as much as possible to keep the skills fresh. It's also a good idea to maintain the study of motorcycle techniques. The truth is, the learning curve to ride a bike can be quite steep; however, the payoffs are real. Additionally, motorcycle riding will provide a lifetime of learning, along with all the adventures that a person can have. Riding a Bike: A Fun and Thrilling Past Time Riding a motorcycle is a great way to have fun and enjoy the open road. It's also fun to ride with others and enjoy the stories and adventures that can be had with one another. Remember, though, to become a true rider, there are more than a few factors that need to be considered. Be sure to keep this information in mind to make the right decisions and avoid being involved in an accident while riding a motorcycle.invest in the best training to  Just remember, buying a bike is a big investment. It's also a dangerous one if a person doesn't take the time to learn how to operate and drive it properly. By taking the right steps, enjoying everything the biking culture offers will be possible. Read Also: Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Motorcycle How To Get An Accurate Valuation Of Your Motorcycle When Selling The Decline Of Cars Sales Has Led To An Increase Of Motorcycles In The UK