The Truth About Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and IQ


01 July 2022

Health & Fitness


Fluoride first rose in popularity in the mid-20th century when it was discovered that residents living in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride in the water have stronger and healthier teeth than those without the supplement.

Subsequent research led to fluoride being added to the water to help strengthen teeth and bones in the general population.

Today, it isn’t just in the water, it’s in toothpaste and a variety of other products. Unfortunately, some studies today also suggest that there is a link between fluoride consumption and an increased risk of cancer.

It’s worth noting that this research is limited to rats and hasn’t been borne out in human studies yet. In short, don’t give up the fluoride or stop taking your children to a reputable paediatric dentist Sydney yet.

Other studies have suggested there could be a link between fluoride consumption during pregnancy and reduced intellectual ability in children. Of course, this is difficult to study effectively.

How It’s Studied

The study involved assessing the children born over several years in a specific area with at least half of them living in places that added fluoride to their water.

At the age of four, the children all undertook IQ tests in accordance with the Wechsler Primary and pre-school intelligence standards. The results of this study showed that women who had higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy had children with lower IQ scores.

Although one study cannot be considered conclusive proof, it is enough to raise questions and, when erring on the side of caution, make sure expecting mothers reduce fluoride intake. At least while they are pregnant.

The biggest issue for this study and future studies is that it is only one possible reason for the reduction in IQ. Genes, lifestyle, and other factors can also affect the IQ of an unborn child, creating a controlled study to assess the severity of the impact of fluoride is difficult. 

Future Steps:

As mentioned, this is one study, and more are needed to confirm or expand on the findings. However, if you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant it is advisable to assess your fluoride consumption and reduce it.

The simplest way to do this is to check with your water board. Not all treatment centers add to the water. If you’re in an area that dos you’ll want to invest in a water filter at home. This will remove any fluoride and reduce the potential harm to your unborn child.

Of course, you’ll still be exposed to fluoride in toothpaste and other products. But, you can check these ingredients and decide whether you should be using them or not.

At the moment, the studies are too small and too vague to confirm the role of fluoride in IQ. This means there are not yet guidelines regarding the safe amount of fluoride that can be consumed daily.

In other words, you’ll have to check the products you’re using and decide whether to have them or not, based on their fluoride content.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Releasing Stress

Releasing Stress Even if You Don’t Leave Home

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Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads

Having a bright glowing and flawless skin is one short way to bring you confidence when communicating with others. But let’s face it; it is a very difficult task since our skin is exposed to many pollutants, dirt, sunlight and countless other harmful factors. One common skin problem to be named is blackheads which are annoying and potentially stressful to deal with. Many people resort to cleaning strips to pull out those annoying blackheads, but they also bear the risk of irritated or dried skin, not to mention the fact that these products are pricey and painful to remove. In this article, we provide some natural ways you can try to get rid of blackheads. One common feature of these formulas is that they all use all-around, simple, natural and safe ingredients. 1. Egg White Mask Egg white, also called glair gained its popularity as number one blackheads remover thanks to its ability to wipe off dirt, dead skin cells. Plus, egg white can visibly tighten your pores and whiten your skin tone. How to use: Prepare an egg white, add 1 teaspoon of honey for better moisture. Apply one thin layer of egg white to your face, place a strip of tissue paper to your face. Allow it to dry completely then gently peel the mask. The peeling will pull out the blackheads. If you want a thicker mask, apply the second and third layer using the same method. The key point is to let it dry properly. 2. Turmeric and Mint The benefit of turmeric to blackheads removal can be attributed to its powerful antibiotics, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can easily absorb excess oil, eliminate dead skin cells and brighten the tone; while mint can soothe the skin with its cooling effect. How to use: Make a mixture of 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons of mint juice to create a paste. Apply the mixture and keep it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing your face with water. Perform twice a week for best result. 3. DIY Peel off Mask with Clay As it turns out, those expensive peeling masks they sell out there are not hard to make. You can totally make yourself a peeling mask to get rid of blackheads with some charcoal powder and glue. This mask can sweep away all the dirt and impurities that block your pores and dry out excessive oil. How to make: Mix one tablespoon of activated charcoal powder with enough glue to make a thick yet spreadable paste. Open the pores by dabbing with a warm cloth in your face about 1 to 2 minutes. Apply the paste on blackhead affected areas. Let it dry completely and slowly peel off the mask. 4. Baking Soda This versatile ingredient never fails to surprise us. The antiseptic quality not only makes it an excellent exfoliant that can sweep away all the dead skin cells and impurities that cause blackheads. It is also a great tool to neutralize the pH of the skin. How to use: Make a paste from baking soda and some water. Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for about 15 minutes before rinsing with water. Perform this formula once or twice a week, you will find those ugly blackheads disappear in no time. 5. Lemon and salt Lemon deserves a spot in this list because it can remove the deepest blackheads. The acid citric in lemon makes it a good exfoliant and brighten the skin tone by burning the topmost layer of skin cells; while salt which antibacterial properties help fight against germs and bacteria worsening the situation. How to use: Mix ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Use this mixture to massage your face, and then wash with cool water. It is safe to perform this action twice a week. The change you see is incredible. However, don’t forget to apply sunblock every day. Read also: Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics)