10 Types of Cow’s Meat


08 July 2019


Cows Meat

Though there’s a saying that every part of a pig can be used except the squeal, a cow is nearly as versatile. Following are 10 types of cow’s meat:

1. Chuck:


The chuck comes from the shoulder of the cow, and since the muscle has to work hard to move the animal around, it has a lot of connective tissue. Cuts from this part of the animal are meant to be braised or put in stews. Popular cuts are the chuck eye roast, boneless shoulder pot roast, blade roast, short ribs, and boneless top blade steak.

2. Brisket:


The brisket is found below the shoulder but above the leg or the shank. It is a famously fatty meat that needs to be braised or roasted. This part of the cow is made into corned beef and is served as luncheon meat. Corn has nothing to do with the vegetable but is a word for the rock salt used to prepare the meat.

3. Shank:


Shank is the meat found at the top of both the forelegs and the hind legs of the animal. Both of these cuts are gelatinous, and the hind shank is especially grisly, but many people love the taste. Cow’s hooves are also used as well as the shanks.

4. Rib:


The rib is next to the chuck and between the loin. This is where roast beef comes from, including the beautifully prepared standing roasts served with Yorkshire pudding. The rib can be bought boneless, but the meat tastes better with the bone in. Short ribs are found further down the animal’s ribcage and are good braised or cooked in pot roasts.

5. Loin:


The loin lies next to the rib and provides the tenderest meat because this part of the animal doesn’t really have to work much. Sometimes it is larded to keep it moist, and it’s often cut into steaks. The thinnest steaks are the fillets mignons, followed by tournedos, which are often wrapped in pork fat, then the tenderloin and the Chateaubriand. The sirloin is found in the upper part of the loin right at the rump. It gets its name because it was so good that Henry VIII knighted it. Hence, Sir Loin.

6. Flank:


The flank is at the bottom of the loin and its thinner part is used to make beef stock and stews. It grows more tender the closer it is to the cow’s leg. Flank steak and flank steak rolls are best broiled, pan-broiled or fried. Skirt steak is lean meat from this area. In America, it’s called London broil and is often served in strips. In England, it’s mixed with chuck meat and kidney for pies and puddings.

7. Tip:

The tip is a triangular muscle whose sides are bordered by the loin, the flank, and the round. When it’s whole, it makes a delicious roast, but it’s often cubed for stews.

8. Rump:


The rump is right next to the sirloin and so provides amazingly juicy roasts and steaks. Meat from this area often has a few sinews, but these can be easily cut out with a paring knife.

9. Round:

The round lies beneath the rump and is pretty much the cow’s thigh area. Top round from inside the leg is excellent in a pot roast and just as good braised, but it is so lean that it often gets wrapped in fat or lard. It can be roasted, but roasting risks drying the meat out. One way to avoid this is to cook the round roast until it is no more than blood rare. When it is this rare it also makes very good luncheon meat.

The bottom round is much like the top round, but shouldn’t be oven roasted because it is too lean. It is for stews and pot roasts.

10. Organ Meats:

Organ Meats

These include the kidney and the liver, which are rich in iron. Calf’s liver and brains are also enjoyed, and the tongue is considered excellent luncheon meat. Fat Cow Best Butcher Brisbane.

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How to Choose the Right Wine: Sommelier Tips

Wine is the key to a perfect dinner. A glass of wine will decorate any dish and make it play with brand new gastronomic overtones. In general, sometimes it is possible and even necessary to pamper yourself. Unfortunately, when we come to a supermarket or wine boutique (which gives a lot more bonuses to wine karma), the perfect bottle of wine does not begin to flicker with lights and shine in the rays of designer lamps. You have to look for it yourself, the perfect bottle of wine. It is not an easy task for beginners. Here are How to Choose the Right Wine: First of all, you need to understand what you are buying wine for. For dinner, for a picnic, to have a drink with light snacks or as a gift. And of course, it is best to buy wine where there is a specialist who will help you make a choice, especially if you want to pick up the wine for a particular dish or as a gift. What to look for if you choose the wine in a supermarket? First of all, it's worth dropping the prejudices about "powdery" or fake wines, screw plugs, and counterfeit labels. All wine is real: just eat high-quality wines and eat low. As a rule, it is a question of price and place of origin of the wine. Also, many mistakenly believe that if the wine is sold at a special price, it means that something is wrong with it, and it is trying to "drain". If the wine is sold at a special price, it means that the shop has just bought a large volume of wine at a very favorable price. It's in their interest just to sell it quickly. The origin of the wine is very important. To choose, for example, French or Italian wine, you need at least a little understanding of the regions, as very often the label indicates only the place of origin, where the wine is produced in a particular style and from specific grape varieties. If you do not yet have such knowledge, make a more confident purchase easier by focusing on mono wines from the New World. The label almost always indicates the grape variety and place of origin. If you like light white wines, try the Chilean or New Zealand sauvignon blanc. Denser wines are torontes from Argentina and Chen Blanc from South Africa, while the dense California chardonnay aged in oak can even go well with white meat (chicken, pork) in cream sauce. Break the stereotype of combining red with meat, and white with fish: oily redfish (tuna, salmon), along with dense white wines are well suited to light red wines from grape varieties "Pinot Noir", "Gamet" or light "Cabernet France" from Nice (France). If you like rich red wines, try the Chilean Carmenaire, the Argentinean Malbec, the South African Pinottage, or the Australian Shiraz. These wines are juicy and bright, they are easy to understand and pleasant to drink for nothing, they are also suitable for a picnic or a feast, where it is impossible to choose a wine for a huge variety of dishes. Cabernet Sauvignon is another popular red grape variety that will fit well with red meat. It is grown in many countries, as it is not very whimsical, so its character may vary from light and fragrant to complex and requires long aging in the bottle. By the way, about aging. A year is important for good wines from regions with an unstable climate, and it is better to contact specialists. Different varieties behave differently over time. In general, it is better to drink white wines as young as possible, and red wines need some time, during which certain chemical processes take place, due to which wine changes and tastes more pleasant. However, one should not forget that wine is a living product. After some time, it ceases to acquire and begins to lose its good qualities. So it is not always useful to keep an expensive bottle of wine for a long time in the hope that over time it will only get better. New World wines (both white and red) can mostly be drunk by the young. Read also: 7 Modern Day Beer Drinking Etiquettes You Should Know Tips to Follow When Ordering Alcohol Online 5 Tips for Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business

Hummingbird Food Recipe

Hummingbird Food Recipe: How To Make Hummingbird Nectar?

It always feels good to see a hummingbird in your garden. To see more of them in your garden, you can keep hummingbird nectar/food in a jar in your garden. In fact, with a simple hummingbird food recipe, you can make their lives easier. All you need is a few simple ingredients. In this article, you will learn how to make hummingbird food with simple ingredients. Apart from that, this article also discusses hummingbird nutrition and the steps you can take to set up your bird feeder. Finally, you will learn how to attract more hummingbirds to your garden. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article. Understanding Hummingbird Nutrition There are a variety of food options a hummingbird needs to meet its nutrition. Although they are one of the smallest birds in the world, they burn a lot of their calories by fluttering their tiny wings. Generally, a hummingbird flutters its wings 90 beats per second to maintain its momentum. Hence, you can see that hummingbirds need to eat a lot. In fact, to satisfy their daily calorie requirements, these birds even consume half of their body weight. Basically, they feed on bugs and nectar every 10-15 minutes. Also, they visit 1000-2000 flowers per day. The following are the things that hummingbirds feed on: 1. Nectar: This is the primary food source of hummingbirds. Basically, it consists of 20% sugar and 80% water. Generally, hummingbirds get their nectar from cardinal flowers, bee balm, salvia, and petunias. 2. Insects: For their protein needs, hummingbirds feed on insects. This is also a source of fat and salt for hummingbirds. In fact, nectar does not provide those nutrients. Basically, hummingbirds hunt insects by finding them from flowers, leaves, or tree bark. Sometimes, they also attack insects midair or pluck them from sticky saps. 3. Spiders: Generally, hummingbirds also feed on spiders for protein. However, they are generally small spiders. 4. Tree Sap: When the amount of nectar is low, hummingbirds drink tree sap from tree bark. Generally, woodpeckers drill wells on tree barks to get tree saps. Hummingbird Food Recipe Basically, by offering hummingbird nectar, you can help them with their post-workout meal. Hence, follow the below hummingbird food recipe to make nectar: Ingredients The following are the ingredients you need to make hummingbird nectar: Filtered Water: 4 Cups Regular White Sugar: 1 Cup (If possible, use organic sugar for the recipe) Procedure Here are the steps you must follow to make hummingbird nectar: 1. Get four cups of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. 2. Once the water reaches the boiling point, take the water off the heat. Add sugar to the boiling water. 3. Stir the mixture until the sugar completely dissolves in the water. 4. The nectar is ready. Now, you must let the nectar cool completely. 5. Get a hummingbird feeder and place the mixture inside the feeder. Make sure to hang the hummingbird feeder outside (in your garden) to attract hummingbirds. Essential Factors To Consider The following are some of the major factors you must consider before you start making nectar with the hummingbird food recipe: Make sure to change the nectar every four days with a new nectar. This will ensure that the nectar is fresh. Also, remember not to use food coloring in the nectar. Let it be as natural as you can. Regularly check the bird feeder every time you change the nectar inside it. Look whether there is a gray mold inside the feeder base or not. Also, check whether any ant has crawled inside the feeder to consume sugar water. If you check any dirt or ants inside the hummingbird feeder, throw the bird food away. Basically, it is not good for the birds to drink dirty nectar. In fact, there is a high chance that the birds will not feed on the nectar anyway. To clean the feeder, rinse it with warm water. Then, put some bleach into the water inside. This will allow you to clean the feeder with a brush easily. Once you clean the feeder, rinse it thoroughly with fresh water. Moreover, allow the water to dry. After that, please fill up the feeder with food and place it outside. Enhancing The Hummingbird Experience Enhancing the hummingbird experience, you can attract more hummingbirds to your garden/balcony/porch. The following are some of the steps you must follow if you want to enhance the hummingbird experience: 1. Change The Food Regularly Make sure to change the food every 3-4 days. This is because nectar spoils quite fast, especially when the weather is hot. In fact, if the weather is above 30 degrees Celsius, make sure to change the nectar regularly. Also, make sure to keep the feeder in the shade. This will prevent the sugar from fermenting. 2. Use The Right Amount Of Ingredient You can make hummingbird nectar with just water and sugar. However, you must ensure the water-to-sugar ratio is 4:1. Then, boil the water and add the sugar. After that, mix them until the mixture is perfect. After that, you must let the mixture cool before you add it to the feeder. 3. Avoid Honey Generally, honey can ferment fast and becomes a great place for mold to grow quickly. Moreover, they can be sticky and get on the feathers of hummingbirds. Hence, it is better to avoid honey. 4. Add Another Feeder Although hummingbirds are small and cute, they can be incredibly aggressive and territorial when confronting other hummingbirds. Hence, to avoid conflict among hummingbirds, it is better to add a second feeder if you want to ensure every hummingbird gets the opportunity to have the nectar. 5. Clean The Feeders Make sure to clean the feeders every week. Moreover, if you have hot weather around, clean the feeders twice every week. While you clean, ensure the vinegar-to-water ratio is 1:4. Also, rinse the feeders well before you refill. Furthermore, while rinsing, do not use dish soap. This is because they can leave harmful residue on the feeders. Setting Up Your Hummingbird Feeder The following are the steps you must take to set up your hummingbird feeder: Make the nectar by checking the hummingbird food recipe in the previous section. Hang the feeder in your garden at the start of spring. Generally, hummingbirds migrate through your area in the spring. Also, leave the feeder up after the hummingbirds migrate in the fall. Hang the feeder in a place where it is visible for hummingbirds to see. Also, make sure to place the feeder in an area where you can have a good look. Clean the nectar every 3-4 days and clean the feeder thoroughly each time you change the nectar. This way, you can prevent dust and mold from getting into the feeder. Sugar water is safe and helpful for hummingbirds. Basically, it is quite similar to the natural nectar that hummingbirds find in flowers. If you want to make your own feeder, use an old spice container, bottle, mason jar, or wine bottle. Attracting More Hummingbirds Here are some of the major ways you can attract hummingbirds to your garden: 1. Offer Hummingbird Food/Nectar: If you make sugar water and keep it in a feeder in your garden, you can attract many hummingbirds in your area. To make this item, you can see the hummingbird food recipe above. 2. Keep Water: Generally, hummingbirds also like to bathe. Hence, you can keep some water in a pot/jar to allow hummingbirds to access water for bathing and drinking. 3. Perch Area: You can leave small branches and sticks on your trees and plants. This will allow hummingbirds to perch on. 4. Plant Flowers: There is no alternative to pure nectar that flowers have. Hence, this attracts hummingbirds a lot. For instance, you can use hummingbird sage, honeysuckle, bee balm, and more. Also, you can add other types of flowers to your garden. 5. Keep Other Animals Out: If you have a pet cat/dog in your home, keep them inside. This is because they can bother hummingbirds or even end up killing them. 6. Avoid Pesticides: Pesticides are repellants for hummingbirds as well as insects. Hence, make sure not to use them or use them minimally. Make Your Hummingbird Food Now Now, you can make hummingbird nectar with the help of the hummingbird food recipe in the article. However, make sure to change the food every 3-4 days. Also, ensure to clean the jar every time you change the food. This way, you can ensure clean food for hummingbirds. Do you have more suggestions on how to make hummingbird food? Please share your ideas and opinions in the comments section below. Additional Resources: Is Indian Food Healthy? – Major Nutritional Benefits of Indian Cuisine 15 Healthy Mexican Food Items With Immense Health Benefits The Importance Of Proper Cutting When Preparing Meals

Seafood Online

Buy the Best-Tasting & Freshest Seafood Online in 2021

When it comes to buying some tasty seafood raw ingredients, freshness comes first. But every time it is not possible you are visiting the nearest fish market to buy the fresh fish. It is full of obstacles when it comes to finding high-quality, most delicate, and freshest seafood online. If you have been experiencing the same trouble, then read this piece of blog. It is dedicated to seafood lovers. Here I’ve listed a few best recommendations to find seafood online.  7 Best Tasting Fresh Seafood Online Services: Seafood ingredient’s freshness is the main key factor to cook a perfect delicious seafood dish. This is the reason most customers prefer shop buying. But it is 2021.  Here is the list of the seven best seafood online services, which will supply fresh ingredients on your doorstep. 1.Fish Me: Fish Me was introduced during COVID lockdowns when die-hard seafood lovers couldn’t have their favorite seafood dinners at fancy restaurants. They were like “where to buy fresh fish” and “how to prepare the best seafood at home.” Fish Me! It was launched in Australia in 2020, and in 2021, it is officially launching to deliver the freshest seafood.  For Australian seafood lovers, FishMe is the ultimate destination for the finest seafood online. The brand specializes in prawns, whole fish, fillets, octopus, lobsters, crabs, oysters, mussels, and squid.  2.Wulf's Fish: Up next, I’ve got Wulf’s Fish on my list. The seller is primarily based in Boston, Massachusetts. This online site is one of the best when it comes to getting quality seafood for specialized dishes. You can expect to shop for various fishes like tuna, whole fish, fillets, shellfish, etc.  You can also get your hands on a variety of farmed fishes and roses. Recently, this brand has been widely recognized owing to plucking tilefish, Acadian redfish, scallops, and cod from the Atlantic coast. Further, this brand also supplies seafood to a long list of high-profile chefs, including those at Per Se and Nobu.  3.Ōra King: If you are someone like me who is more into the freshest farmed salmon, then this website is best to spend your money on. Ora King’s New Zealand salmon fish is a unique breed that has to offer culinary experience.  It is fatty and rich in taste. And is always delivered fresh, not frozen. You can expect a great fish fillet at a reasonable price. Nobu Matsuhisa, Daniel Boulud, and Thomas Keller have always been fans of Ora King’s salmon.  4.Sizzlefish: Up next, I’ve Sizzlefish on my list, which is actually a subscription-based service. But, it is quite affordable. Sizzlefish specializes in delivering clean fish, cut, and fillet for the sizzler. Among the seafood online, this is the best place to order the fillet for making sizzlers. This brand specializes in North Atlantic Seafood like black cod and true cod. And being a seafood lover, you may agree that it is not easy to find the best cod. The brand also has to offer other species like halibut, blue mussels, sea scallops, diver, soft shell crabs, calamari, Chesapeake, and Alaska-caught salmon.  5. Wild Alaskan Company: The wild Alaskan company is top-rated among the seafood online supplies for their excellent collections, especially Alaskan fish. They offer monthly subscriptions to their customers. The online buying facility is also here. Wild Alaskan company miny have a wild fish stock like Halibut, Cod, Salmon, and white-fleshed fish. Every pack is carefully packed. You only have to give the order. And fresh, clean fish is going to be supplied in your house in a vacuum package. Every package is filled with perfectly boneless and skinless fillet. 6.PureFish: In the online seafood suppliers, Purefish is well-recognized for its high-quality packaging. The brand uses a soft aluminum tray to deliver fish pieces. The tray comes with portions of two.  You just need to unwrap your fish, put seasoning, and put it right in the oven. If you have always been a fan of well-trimmed, incredibly processed, and conveniently packaged food, then you must try buying fish online from PureFish.  Everything at PureFish is clean, farm-raised, and high-quality. And you can expect great nutritional value. PureFish is a growing brand and currently establishing its inventory, so you may find limited fish species like cobia, yellowfin tuna, Pacific black cod, and wild-caught striped bass.  7.Crab Place: You are a lover of exotic seafood like crab, oysters, or shrimps? For seafood online, your best destination is the crab place. Sometimes the fishes are becoming monotonous. And Crab place is providing you the opportunity to taste something different. The Maryland blue crab is the customer favorite. And the crab place is famous for supplying fresh ingredients. After placing the order within a few hours, you will get your order at your doorstep. From the crab, oyster, and shrimps, every type of seafood is available here. Conclusion: These all seven are the best suitable choice for ordering online seafood. We agree that online seafood purchasing is a little bit tricky. But if you know your right destination, your work is going to be easier. Order from these and enjoy the taste of fresh seafood. Read Also: How To Cook Sausage That Tastes Like Heaven Best Summer Lunch Options How to Choose the Right Wine: Sommelier Tips