10 Types of Cow’s Meat


08 July 2019


Cows Meat

Though there’s a saying that every part of a pig can be used except the squeal, a cow is nearly as versatile. Following are 10 types of cow’s meat:

1. Chuck:


The chuck comes from the shoulder of the cow, and since the muscle has to work hard to move the animal around, it has a lot of connective tissue. Cuts from this part of the animal are meant to be braised or put in stews. Popular cuts are the chuck eye roast, boneless shoulder pot roast, blade roast, short ribs, and boneless top blade steak.

2. Brisket:


The brisket is found below the shoulder but above the leg or the shank. It is a famously fatty meat that needs to be braised or roasted. This part of the cow is made into corned beef and is served as luncheon meat. Corn has nothing to do with the vegetable but is a word for the rock salt used to prepare the meat.

3. Shank:


Shank is the meat found at the top of both the forelegs and the hind legs of the animal. Both of these cuts are gelatinous, and the hind shank is especially grisly, but many people love the taste. Cow’s hooves are also used as well as the shanks.

4. Rib:


The rib is next to the chuck and between the loin. This is where roast beef comes from, including the beautifully prepared standing roasts served with Yorkshire pudding. The rib can be bought boneless, but the meat tastes better with the bone in. Short ribs are found further down the animal’s ribcage and are good braised or cooked in pot roasts.

5. Loin:


The loin lies next to the rib and provides the tenderest meat because this part of the animal doesn’t really have to work much. Sometimes it is larded to keep it moist, and it’s often cut into steaks. The thinnest steaks are the fillets mignons, followed by tournedos, which are often wrapped in pork fat, then the tenderloin and the Chateaubriand. The sirloin is found in the upper part of the loin right at the rump. It gets its name because it was so good that Henry VIII knighted it. Hence, Sir Loin.

6. Flank:


The flank is at the bottom of the loin and its thinner part is used to make beef stock and stews. It grows more tender the closer it is to the cow’s leg. Flank steak and flank steak rolls are best broiled, pan-broiled or fried. Skirt steak is lean meat from this area. In America, it’s called London broil and is often served in strips. In England, it’s mixed with chuck meat and kidney for pies and puddings.

7. Tip:

The tip is a triangular muscle whose sides are bordered by the loin, the flank, and the round. When it’s whole, it makes a delicious roast, but it’s often cubed for stews.

8. Rump:


The rump is right next to the sirloin and so provides amazingly juicy roasts and steaks. Meat from this area often has a few sinews, but these can be easily cut out with a paring knife.

9. Round:

The round lies beneath the rump and is pretty much the cow’s thigh area. Top round from inside the leg is excellent in a pot roast and just as good braised, but it is so lean that it often gets wrapped in fat or lard. It can be roasted, but roasting risks drying the meat out. One way to avoid this is to cook the round roast until it is no more than blood rare. When it is this rare it also makes very good luncheon meat.

The bottom round is much like the top round, but shouldn’t be oven roasted because it is too lean. It is for stews and pot roasts.

10. Organ Meats:

Organ Meats

These include the kidney and the liver, which are rich in iron. Calf’s liver and brains are also enjoyed, and the tongue is considered excellent luncheon meat. Fat Cow Best Butcher Brisbane.

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Healthy Protein

Healthy Protein Alternatives for Grandpa and Grandma

Our body necessarily needs protein. However, older adults need fewer amounts of protein without totally eliminating it from their diet. Without protein, our bodies will not function well. Besides meat, there are plant-based food alternatives. Protein is essential for our health and useful for people who do workouts and even those who are in recovery. This kind of diet is helpful for vegans, health enthusiasts, and seniors alike who are avoiding meats in their diets. Here is a list of some food that could be your alternative for meat. Say hello to healthy living. Seitan  https://stocksnap.io Seitan or commonly known as wheat gluten, which is composed of 75% protein. With a 100g serving, your daily protein requirement is completed already. This healthy food is very low in fat and packed with nutrients like being low in sodium and carbohydrates. It can be a good source of calcium and also high in iron. Seitan is indeed a wonder for diet programs to increase the protein intake without cholesterol and added fat. The only downside of this food is it is not gluten-free as it made from gluten. Seitan can be cooked like meat - grilled, braised and broiled. You can substitute seitan for chicken or turkey. Lentils  https://www.pexels.com The next one on our list is lentils. It contains tons of fibers that give you 26 grams of protein each day. It also contains iron, potassium, and magnesium. Lentils also are high in folate, contains antioxidants, low in sodium and fat and are cholesterol-free. Eating lentils on a regular basis could add up some proteins and can be beneficial to your diet. There are two varieties of lentils which are green and red. They are part of the legume family and are versatile that can be used in different meals. You can add lentils in your stews, veggie burgers or even a substitute for chicken breast. Just don’t overuse the serving of lentils as they can cause severe gout in seniors who have trouble in processing protein. Quinoa https://stocksnap.io Quinoa, a tiny seed that is full of protein, provides nine essential amino acids that our body can't produce itself, including lysine that is necessary for tissue repair and growth. It contains fiber, irons, magnesium, and manganese. With just a cup of quinoa, your body is served with 8g of protein. Cook it like how rice is cooked. It can also be a great substitute for pasta and rice. Eggs https://stocksnap.io Eggs are an excellent substitute for meat if you are not vegan. A large egg contains at least 6g of protein. Eggs are one of the staple food in every house's pantry, which make it the perfect substitute. It contains tons of vitamins and minerals plus amino acids that your body needs. Boiled, fried or scrambled, eggs are versatile. It's up to you how you'll eat at least two eggs a day. Tofu https://www.pexels.com Tofu is a popular choice for meat alternative and as used in numerous vegetarian cuisine. Though tofu can't compare with seitan or quinoa regarding filling in for the protein loss, relatively, tofu can be a good substitute as it is healthy and beneficial as well. It can be substituted for fish, chicken or pork, can be grilled, fried, steamed, sauteed, etc. Takeaway  Eating healthy food can be difficult and giving staple food can make it harder. Knowing and learning alternative food that you can eat without compromising the nutrients that our body needs make it better. The list is a guide to the food that could be a great option to substitute with meat, and that would give the same amount of nutrients or even more. Read More : Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair The Mouthwatering Foodie Tour To Mumbai   Christina Ellis is a writer and a blogger who loves writing about topics that revolve around health and medicine. She is an aspiring nurse which is why Christina loves assisting elderly patients and writing about properly taking care of them. When not writing or volunteering at their local clinic, Christina plays volleyball and goes to the gym.

Glace Fruit

How to Glace Fruit, and Why You Need to Order It Instead

Glacing is a process where you preserve fruit in sugar syrup. The process helps in making the fruits sweeter and allowing them to last long. Usually, you can find glace fruits in cakes, bread and other types of pastries. The most common fruits are pears, cherries, and plums. They already taste great as whole fruits, but the flavours come to life, even more, when you choose the glazed version. If you are running a pastry business, you might be familiar with glace fruits as you use them often. You can choose to glace the fruits if you want to use homemade glace fruits for your business. To glace them, you need to have a pound of fruit that you want, four and a half cups of white sugar and a half cup of corn syrup. It is an excellent idea to glace them at once to avoid going through the entire process several times. You can peel the fruits or slice them into quarters depending on the type of fruit that you are glacing. You will then place the sliced or peeled fruits at the bottom of the saucepan. Add water, and allow it to simmer until it becomes tender. Take the fruit out of the saucepan and place it on a shallow dish. Remove the water from the pan except for about a cup. Add a half cup each of the sugar and corn syrup into the water. Turn the heat on until the sugar starts to dissolve. Allow it to boil and place the mixture over the fruit. Let it stay there overnight. On the following day, take the syrup out and place it in a pan. Add another half cup of sugar and allow it to dissolve in heat. When the mixture boils, start putting in the fruits again. After a while, take everything out and transfer it to a container where you can leave it for the next five days. Repeat the process, and keep the fruits there for the next two days. After another repetition, the syrup will start looking like honey. Return the fruits to the mixture and let them soak there for about ten days to 3 weeks. It is up to you to decide how long you will allow the fruits to soak in the mixture. After that period, take the fruits out from the syrup and arrange them on a wire cooling rack. Let the fruits dry in a warm place or put them inside a dehydrator. Once you can no longer feel a sticky surface, you can take the fruits and place them in a jar. If you want to eat the fruits, you can rehydrate them or put them directly on cakes and pastries. You don’t need to go through this process: It might seem like a long process to glace fruit. Aside from the effort, you put into it, you also need to wait for quite some time before you can finally use the fruits. If you are running a pastry business, you already have a lot on your plate, and you don't want to waste more time to glace the fruits. If you don't want to wait, you can buy them online. You can find stores that sell glace fruits in bulk. You can get them at a low price too. As long as you don't see chemicals or preservatives added, it is okay to use these glace fruits. Read Also: Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy The Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In Early Pregnancy

Sourcing Fresh Seafood Online

The Ultimate Guide To Sourcing Fresh Seafood Online

Today’s fast-paced world has made convenience and quality truly paramount, even when it comes to sourcing the freshest seafood. Fortunately, the rise of seafood delivery services has made it easier to enjoy the ocean's bounty from the comfort of your home. In this ultimate guide, we'll navigate the depths of seafood delivery, helping you make informed choices and enjoy the finest catches from around the world. Discovering The World Of Seafood Delivery Seafood delivery is your gateway to an ocean of culinary delights, whether you're a seafood connoisseur or a newcomer to the seafood scene. With a few clicks, you can access a diverse selection of fresh seafood, from succulent shrimp to mouthwatering lobster, delivered straight to your doorstep. Selecting The Right Seafood Delivery Service When embarking on your seafood delivery journey, choosing a reputable service prioritizes quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is crucial. Consider these factors when selecting your seafood provider: Sustainability - Look for services supporting sustainable fishing practices to protect our oceans and ensure a future seafood supply. Variety - Opt for a provider with a wide range of seafood options to satisfy your culinary cravings. Quality assurance - Check if the service offers guarantees on freshness, and find out about their sourcing methods. Customer reviews - Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other seafood enthusiasts. Exploring Seafood Selections One of the perks of seafood delivery is access to a vast selection of seafood varieties. From classic choices like salmon and tuna to more exotic options like sea bass and scallops, you can explore a world of flavors without leaving your kitchen. Understanding Seafood Labels And Descriptions To make informed choices, it's essential to understand the labels and descriptions provided by your seafood delivery service. Key terms to look out for include: Wild-caught - Indicates that the seafood was harvested from its natural habitat Sustainably sourced - A sign that the seafood was procured in a way that ensures long-term ecological balance Organic - Denotes that the seafood was raised without synthetic additives or antibiotics Fresh vs. frozen - Consider whether you want fresh seafood or if frozen options are suitable for your needs Placing Your Order Once you've selected your desired seafood items, it's time to place your order. Most seafood delivery services offer user-friendly websites or apps, making the ordering process quick and convenient. Double-check your order details, address, and preferred delivery date to ensure a seamless experience. Delivery And Handling When your seafood delivery arrives, handle it with care. Follow these steps to maintain the freshness and quality of your seafood: Inspecting the packaging - Ensure that the packaging is intact and well-chilled. Storage - Store your seafood in the refrigerator or freezer according to the provider's instructions. Cooking freshness - Plan your meals to use fresh seafood within a few days of delivery for optimal taste and texture. Culinary Adventures With Seafood With your fresh seafood, it's time to embark on culinary adventures. Whether you're grilling, baking, sautéing or steaming, there are countless recipes to explore. From classic seafood paella to spicy shrimp scampi, the possibilities are endless. The Seafood Delivery Experience In your seafood delivery journey, you're engaging in a culinary experience that brings the ocean to your plate. As you explore different flavors and cooking techniques, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the world of seafood. Seafood delivery services offer a gateway to the bountiful world of fresh seafood. By selecting the right provider, understanding seafood labels, and handling your delivery with care, you can enjoy high-quality seafood dishes in the comfort of your own home. Read Also: How Restaurant Space Landlords Can Be Successful 6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant