5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About

Published on: 07 September 2018 Last Updated on: 18 March 2020
Social Media

There is nothing that drives business success better than social media marketing. With billions of users signed in to different platforms at different times, there is no doubt that reaching your target audience is not a vicious cycle.

However, you might scribble social media at the helm of the list that contains the tools you will use for your digital marketing plans, but you will not get desired results if you don’t do everything right. With a recent study showing that social media referrals contribute to over 30% of a website’s traffic, this calls for you to be armed with the latest tips and techniques that will place you ahead of your rivals.

Have you read an array of blogs, sites, and other sources of information, but you tend not to achieve social media marketing success that you desire? Stop stressing and keep reading! Below are a few social media strategies that nobody will tell you about.

5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About:

1. Write long posts :

Weird, right?

You are used to writing a few sentences that explain your products or services and how to purchase them and you consider your work done, huh? To achieve more success in social media, you need to write longer posts that will give more valuable information to your target audiences.

If the primary social media platform for your business is Twitter that has failed to back down on its 140-character limit, you can use it alongside other platforms such as Facebook and Google+ that allow longer conversations.  This way, you will have the capacity to engage more with your audiences.

2. Come up with Facebook groups :

Today, organic search for official pages for brands continue to diminish among users. Therefore, you need to adopt a new strategy if your desire is to remain relevant in your industry. You can do this by creating Facebook pages. With them, group members will be able to receive notifications whenever you update new information.

3. Include a personal touch on your tweets :

With thousands of feeds that continue streaming with no end on tweeter, most of your tweets can go without notice. However, if you customize them with catchy font color and line breaks, you will capture the attention of your audiences. In a bid to break the monotony of short-form messages on this platform, you can include a fun symbol or fun emoji, a small undertaking that can see your brand gain a competitive edge over your competitors.

4. Don’t rely on social media platforms :

Social media users have their personal preferences. Since Facebook recorded a user population of over 2 billion people last year, don’t tend to think that it is the only platform you can easily reach your target audience. No! Signing up for social media is free; hence you should take advantage of this fact and sign up for as many platforms as you can. Then, regularly share valuable information in as many networks as you can. Ultimately, your brand will gain a huge following which will lead to the attainment of your digital marketing goals and objectives.

5. Be weird!

Yes, social media is not a place to be serious at all times.

Unlike your competitors who will always be super-professional in their marketing bid, try as much as possible to be less formal and humorous. At times, share information that will make your audiences laugh, smile, and/or get inspired. This will make them admire the authenticity of your company, a move that will boost your authority and credibility.

When you implement the unusual techniques mentioned above, be ready for massive social media success that you will only measure using tools such as those found in this.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Successful Entrepreneur

What you need to be a Successful Entrepreneur

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Digital Marketing Agency

5 Questions To Ask Your Digital Marketing Agency Before You Start Working

In the past few years, brands, regardless of their shape and size have started understanding digital marketing. This means that convincing a majority of them about the advantages of digital marketing has ceased to exist in most situations. You need to do thorough research when choosing a digital marketing agency that you need to partner with. If you are starting from scratch, you need to go via Digitech Web Design, a leading agency that can help you with everything from designing your business website to taking care of your SEO strategies and plans. In 2020, brands are faced with a new challenge- which agency to partner with! Digital Marketing agencies are propping up left, right, and center. While everyone claims to be the best at what they do, it is for brands to be sure of their abilities. In this article, we are going to help brands get on board the best digital marketing agencies as partners. However, before we get to the questions, brands should ask agencies, let us first look at some of the challenges of the same. Challenges to Hiring the Best Digital Marketing Agency for your Brand Every business is unique. It has its own sets of challenges. In terms of priority, some businesses want to concentrate on one aspect, while others look to do something else. It is important that your internet marketing agency understands your needs and requirements as a business. Many brands feel that every digital or internet marketing agency offers the same. However, that is not the case. If you want to work with a complete 360-degree agency, you will have to shell out a premium. Therefore, it is essential to work with a skill set, which you feel would be most helpful for you at a specific time. A creative agency will tell you that it is all about branding, logo, design, and language. An agency geared towards social media would want to focus on just that one aspect. You need to team, which amplifies your complete digital performance at all levels. List of 5 Questions to ask your Digital Marketing Agency before you start 1. What is their area of Expertise? It is essential that you honestly ask them about what their area of specialization at the very start is. Like we already mentioned, while some have a great social team, others might boast of a brilliant SEO team. Depending on what you want to proceed with for the next year, you need to ask them about their different verticals in the organization. 2. What are Budget and Fees? At the end of the day, money matters. If you are looking for a highly-skilled, specialized agency, you need to shell out a good amount as retainer every month. However, if your agency helps you increase your sales and revenues multiple times, you will not feel the pinch. Try starting with a smaller agency to understand those basics and then proceed with the bigger ones. 3. What are their Credentials and Past Work Records? Many brands feel secure when they see that an agency has handled clients in the past from their niche. While this is a great starting point, you should not let your options be limited by just this fact. If they have worked with a business of a similar nature in the past, then they are aware of all the challenges, strategies, and processes, which will be required in the case of your business. 4. What are their Marketing Inputs about your Brand? Most agencies will ask you about your pressure or pain points and then proceed to offer solutions accordingly. You can use this to ask them about larger marketing and sales goals. This will help show you how much they are aligned with your brand. It will also demonstrate whether they understand your issues and are willing to address the same with their skills. 5. What is the Timeframe for seeing Results? You are only working with an internet marketing agency because you want to start seeing results. There is always an expectation involved. Do not fear or feel embarrassed in communicating the same with the prospective agency. This will allow them to assess their performances and see whether they have the capability to fulfill your expectations. The Final Word It is essential that you proceed with these five questions before signing on an internet marketing agency. This will allow you to structure your expectations accordingly. A good digital agency can be a great asset to a brand. However, on the flip side, if you do not get the best agency, you will end up losing money. Read Also: 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them How to Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing? Why Should You Hire a B2B Digital Marketing Consultant?

E-Commerce Platforms

Performance Testing For E-Commerce Platforms

Are you an E-commerce brand or platform that is looking for experts to run mobile app testing for your channels? Do you how specialized software testing services can help you climb over your competitors in the E-commerce space? Have you looked at enlisting the services of experts like QA Madness that can help you grow your E-commerce platform? Time and again, we see blogs on the internet that suggest running an E-commerce platform is as easy as eating a piece of cake. To be honest, if being successful and generating sales in E-commerce would be so easy, everyone would be acing it. The fact of the matter is that E-commerce is not easy. It requires a lot of effort, time, strategy, and resources. You cannot simply create an E-commerce website and hope to become the next Jeff Bezos! In this article, we look at how performance testing for E-commerce platforms is essential for garnering success. We take help from leading experts and friends at QA Madness to understand what goes into making a successful E-commerce business. What is Performance Testing and why your E-commerce Business should Invest in it? In simple words, without sounding too nerdy, let us try to look at what is Performance Testing. Performance Testing is the process of rigorously testing all the tech and digital components of an E-commerce business. This includes the desktop version of the platform and mobile app testing. The key is to look at and analyze how the entire tech and digital ecosystem operates when exposed to real-world use. Imagine hundreds of people are using the E-commerce platform app at the same time. The questions that then arise are- Is the server being able to handle the heavy load of all the traffic using the mobile app at the same time? Is there a lag or breakdown that any of the users are experiences or are the UI and UX getting compromised under stress? What are some of the benchmarks and standards that should be used to judge speed and whether the platform is exposing some bottlenecks? Performance Testing is more than just looking at loading page speeds. It seeks to test each aspect of the E-commerce platform and suggest the perfect optimization for the same. 4 Important Things to consider during Performance Testing for E-commerce: In this section, we request experts at QA Madness to help us. Specifically, to list down some important things that should be considered during Performance Testing- 1. Testing Financial Transactions- One area where things can go wrong is in the area of financial transactions. With so many people using the same platform at the same time, you need to test to ensure that every transaction is going through. Integrations with Payment Gateways, the ERP, and Inventory Management Software are all areas that should be covered under this software testing services. 1. Checking the Mobile App Exhaustively- Mobile app testing perhaps constitutes one of the most important verticals for Performance Testing. How the app performs, is the search is optimized, whether the graphics are getting compromised are all issues that mobile app testing will help resolve. In addition to the app, the mobile version of the E-commerce platform’s website also needs to be tested rigorously. 2. Region-Based Testing for Different Geographies- If you are starting an e-commerce business, you are looking at a truly global audience. This is why you need to make sure that the internet protocols of the different countries are not interfering with how the customers in those countries are engaging with your platform. Changed domain URLs, IP addresses, and other rules and regulations need to be considered. 3. Data Management Testing- Any successful E-commerce ecosystem is incomplete without integrated data management. For an E-commerce platform, data is the lifeblood that helps all its verticals- marketing, sales, and CRM. Performance Testing needs to ensure that the data collection, cloud storage solutions, and the final outputs are being generated in a systematic and orderly fashion. The Three KPIs of Performance Testing as stated by QA Madness- While there can be multiple KPIs that software testing services can help E-commerce brands with, QA Madness states that the following are the three major ones. They refer to the same as the three ‘S’s of their Performance Testing goals. 1. Speed- When it comes to speed, we are referring to the speed of the website, mobile version of the web, and the mobile application. It also includes the speed with which users are progressing from one page to another on the app and the website. The higher the speed, the better will be the user experience. This combines to deliver the best sales and revenues for an E-commerce platform. 2. Scalability- You do not want your website and app infrastructure to be so weak that it crashes only after a hundred visitors. Your E-commerce website and the app must be tested for scalability to handle massive loads all at the same time. This will help you provide a fluid experience to millions of users and potential customers all at the same time without compromises. 3. Stability- A lot can go wrong on an E-commerce website when it is put under stress. Graphics can fall out of place and payment gateways can collapse. You never want the users to experience these problems on your platform. An E-commerce platform needs to be stable all the time, with or without load. Performance Testing seeks to build the stability of an E-commerce platform. The Bottom Line: There is no set rule as to when an E-commerce platform should go for Performance Testing. Some believe that it should be done at the early stages of development. Others believe that it should be done once the development of the platform is complete to identify the loopholes and then plug them accordingly. No matter when you get them done, Performance Testing is essential for your E-commerce platform. If you want to create a highly optimized and result-oriented business, this is a great investment you should look at making. If you have any other questions on software testing services or mobile app testing, feel free to ask them. Use the comments section to drop your queries. We will once again request, or disturb, as the case may be, our friends at QA Madness to help you out. Read also: The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery Approaches for Increasing E-commerce Sales Through Inventory Reports 5 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Next Ecommerce Website