How to Use Heat to Straighten Curly Human Hair Extensions

Published on: 18 August 2018 Last Updated on: 07 July 2022
Human Hair Extensions

Did you know that you can take your curly human hair extensions from big, bouncy curls to sleek and straight in a matter of minutes? Curly human hair extensions are so versatile that they can be straightened just a little to give you curls that are looser and have a little less body or straightened all the way out to give you silky straight tresses.

There’s no need to buy expensive styling tools to take your human hair extensions from curly to straight. You can achieve the level of straightness you desire quickly with the basic heat styling that you likely already own. Just pull up a seat, get your flat iron and blow dryer ready and with a little patience and know-how, you can create a stunning hairstyle that turns heads.

The great thing about using heat styling tools to straighten your curly hair extensions is that the texture of your extensions only changes temporarily. After you wear your curly human hair extensions straight, saturate them with water, and the original curl pattern will pop right back into your extensions.

You can go from straight to curly and change your hairstyles as often as you’d like when you use heat styling tools to straighten your curly human hair extensions making it a great styling option for anyone who likes to try new looks and get the most value from their extensions.

The same rules that apply to straighten your own hair apply when you straighten curly human hair extensions. When you straighten curly human hair extensions, you have to prepare the hair and use heat styling tools carefully just like you do with your own hair. If you set your heat styling tools on a low heat setting and attempt to straighten your curly hair extensions, your hair may only become puffy or wavy, and if you use too much heat on your curly human hair extensions, you can run the risk of burning them or causing permanent breakage.

If you’d like to straighten your curly human hair extensions, but you’re not sure how useful these simple tips to transform your extensions:

1. Detangle your extensions:

Like natural hair, the curls of curly human hair extensions should be combed or brushed thoroughly to make the hair completely smooth before heat styling tools are used. Section your extensions and work a comb or brush from the ends to the top of your extensions to make sure even the smallest twists or tangles are removed.

2. Protect your hair with heat styling products:

Protect your hair

Eliminate the possibility of heat damage by using hair products designed to protect extensions or natural hair. Heat damage such as loss of curl pattern, breakage, and burned hair can occur if your extensions aren’t properly protected before you begin the process of straightening with the use of heat styling tools. Glosses, serums and a wide variety of other over the counter and drug store products can keep your curly human hair extensions from unwanted damage while providing them with added softness and shine.

Look for heat protecting products that contain ingredients like Vitamin E and other vitamins and oils that revitalize and add strength to the hair while keeping it from safe from the excessive heat.   A little goes a long way when it comes to products that can protect your curly human hair extensions from heat damage. Usually, an amount that’s equal to the size of a small coin is enough to coat all of your extensions at once. Too much product tends to weigh the hair down and provide an undesirable appearance.

Use your hands to work the product into your extensions then follow up with a brush to make sure the product has been distributed throughout your extensions evenly.

3. Use Your Blow-dryer:

If you want to loosen your curls quickly using a blow dryer may be the option for you. Because blow dryers can be set on low or high heat, they can straighten your curly hair extensions to just about any thickness you desire.

The Chase Method

Using the chase method is an easy way to smooth wet or dry hair straight with the use of a blow dryer. You can use just about any flat brush to smooth your hair straight as you straighten your hair. Just section your hair and place the hairbrush in front of the blow dryer to pull your hair straight as you move the blow dryer through your hair.

Waves and curls

If you’d like to replace the curls of your curly human hair extensions with waves or loose curls using a round brush along with a blow dryer is a great way to change the texture of your extensions. Section your extensions and gently pull the round brush and blow dryer through your hair. You can use the round brush just like you’d use a curling iron or curling wand. Wrap your hair around the end of your hair and focus the heat of the blow dryer on it to create a loose curl or waves in long extensions.

4. Use Your Flat Iron:

If you want to turn your human hair extensions from curly to silky straight fast, flat ironing is the way to go. Flatirons can generally be set to higher temperatures than a blow drier can and can, therefore, straighten your extensions much faster. Be sure to read the instructions provided with your extensions to find out the temperature setting recommended for heat styling tools. To find out which heat setting works best for your extensions begin with low heat and gradually move to a higher setting. Section your extensions and work your flat irons from the top to the tip of your hair in one smooth motion repeatedly until you obtain your desired look.

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anime tattoo

Popular Anime Tattoos Ideas For Men And Women

If you are reading this article, chances are you a very big fan of Anime, and you want to get an anime tattoo. If so, then you have come to the right article. Getting a tattoo is not child's play, as getting a tattoo means making a commitment because the tattoo is going to stay with you for the rest of your life unless, of course, you get it lasered out. Some tattoo enthusiasts hold tattoos in very high regard. For them, it is body graffiti. I am a tattoo enthusiast and tattoo artist myself, and I have been in this business for the last twelve years. By the time I hit eighteen, I already had six tattoos on different parts of my body.  When I was a teen, I was a big fan of the cool anime show called Death Note, and I got myself a tattoo of the face of Light Yagami.  Why Do People Get Tattoos? Tattoos are a huge part of some people's life. People that have a lot of tattoos on their bodies are often seen in a bad light. 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The problem with people is that they do not know what Anime is and often confuse between Anime and cartoons.  Many people think it is very childish if you get some anime tattoos on your body. I still remember the impact the show Deathnote had on me when I was a teenager.  For me, Anime is the best form of visual entertainment. I watch Anime for what it is; firstly, watching Anime means supporting the voice actors; secondly, you appreciate the beautiful animation, there are a lot of reasons, and I talk about it for hours. So if you are a fan of Anime, then you should definitely get some anime tattoos on your skin.  Popular Anime Tattoos Ideas For Men And Women  Having some anime tattoos on your body will help you make a statement that Anime is not just a mere cartoon, the powerful imagery that anime displays are one of a kind, and the world should know about it. If you are a casual fan of Anime, I suggest you don't get a lot of anime tattoos on your body as a tattoo is a lifelong commitment. On the other hand, if you are a devout fan of Anime like me, there is no stopping you. 1. Get A Cool Anime Tattoo Of Dragon Ball Z You must be living under a rock if you do not know what Dragon Ball Z is. Dragon Ball Z is the most popular Anime in the world. You can get a tattoo of Goku. Make sure that you get a colored tattoo and not only a black tattoo to save bucks. A tattoo of Goku will certainly make you stand out from the crowd. Get the Goku tattoo on the upper right arm and wear sleeveless shirts so that you can flaunt it wherever you go.     2. Get A Cool Anime Tattoo of Kakashi Hatake Kakashi Hatake is one of the less popular Anime, but his character and personality are worth noting. He belongs to the Naruto family. People that watch this show know what I am talking about. He is a cool and highly skilled anime character, and more importantly, he is the teacher of Naruto.   You can get this tattoo on your calf muscles. You can outline Kakashi Hatake on three fronts. People will easily know it's Kakashi Hatake since he wears a mask and almost never shows his entire face in the show. 3. Get A Cool Anime Tattoo Of Ash Ketchem of Pokemon Pokemon is one of the first animes that were introduced to me as a child. You can get yourself some cool Pokemon anime tattoos. You can get them on your knee. The idea of having tattoos on the ball socket joint of your knee is fascinating.  You can tattoo a pokemon ball on each of your knees. That would really make it one hell of a tattoo. 4. Get Some Anime Tattoos Of Ryuk If you have seen Death note, then you must know how scary Ryuk is. If you have a personality that is very bold and intimidating, you can get a tattoo of Ryuk on your entire back. Ryuk is one of the most intimidating characters that I have ever seen in the history of Anime. Having a big black tattoo of Ryuk will surely scare some people off. 5. Get Some Anime Tattoos of Naruto Naruto makes a great choice when it comes to some cool anime tattoos. Every anime lover has seen Naruto at least once in their lives. Getting a Naruto tattoo of the back is a very good option for every anime fan. Final Thoughts  There is no such thing as good or bad in this world; it is all a matter of perception. For some people, the tattoo is a thing of taboo, and for some, it is a matter of pride. But in my opinion, if you are a fan of Anime and want to get some anime tattoos on your skin, it is totally fine.  Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? 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running with flat feet

A Quick but Helpful Guide to Running With Flat Feet

Maybe your doctor's told you running just isn't in your cards. But you really don't believe that. You see the open road or the winding trails and your heart wants to soar. But every time you try, your feet just hurt too much. About 20% of us have flat feet. And doctors are often too quick to dismiss us as invalids. The truth is, you can run with flat feet. Some of the top athletes in the world have flat feet. It just takes some strength work and adaptation. Here's our quick guide to running with flat feet. 1. What Makes a Flat Foot? Flat feet makes it sound like you have platypus feet. This isn't the case. People with flat feet have what we call "fallen arches" or pes planus. Your feet aren't just flapping around like two sheets of paper. We have three arches in each foot. Two on either side of the foot, the inside arch being the most prominent general, and in the very center of the foot. These arches act as natural shock absorbers. When you run, they absorb some of the energy and then spring back, helping you move. When the ligaments and muscles in these arches lose strength, they quit working properly. Sometimes this loss of strength is due to injury sometimes it's hereditary. Either way, collapsing arches aren't how feet are supposed to work. 2. Over-Pronation: If you've been in the running field for very long, you'll have heard two terms: over-pronation and under-pronation. Often, running shoe sites will ask you about your pronation when helping you choose a shoe. Most people with flat feet over-pronate. This means their feet and leg turns inward when they impact the ground. If your quads and posterior tibialis aren't strong enough, you could cause a number of injuries after a time. Ignoring over-pronation could eventually end a running career. 3. Do I Need Arch Support for Flat Feet? The answer to this question is case-based. It probably wouldn't hurt to support the arches in your flat feet. Especially if you're running long miles like a marathoner or ultramarathoner, your feet will get tired and you'll want that extra arch support. But whether you "need" to support your arches really depends on how strong your feet and legs are. You could have a strong tibialis that's just lengthened. This means you still have no arch, but can handle neutral shoes. But that's probably not the case for most people. Unless you're specifically strengthening the right muscles, and you should see a physical therapist to figure out which ones, you're not going to be strong enough for neutral shoes. This means you should wear stability or motion control shoes. These shoes include a bost in the medial arch of dense foam. When you contact the ground, it essentially forces your foot into a natural arch position preventing overpronation. Running With Flat Feet is Totally Possible: If your doctor says that running with flat feet is impossible, get another doctor or see a sports doc. You're going to just lose out on your runner's high if you don't. What have you found to work with flat feet? Let us know in the comments below. Read Also: Top 6 Formal Shoes Under $100 Opt For Comfortable Pair Of Cross Training Shoes For Men Furniture In Utica: Benefits Of Buying Locally-Made Products

How Long Do Gel Nails Last

How Long Do Gel Nails Last?

How long do gel nails last? This is a question that does not seem to have a concrete answer. Some say gel nails from a professional nail salon will last up to a month, but most of us have found that does not seem to be the case. For most people, the standard amount of time is about two weeks between manicures, and there are things we can do to help your gel nails last that long.  Read on for more information on ways you can make your gel nails last as long as possible. And know the hidden answer to how long gel acrylic nails last. How Long Will A Gel Manicure Last? Most experts agree that a gel manicure can last, at the longest, two weeks without having a detrimental effect on the overall health of your nails.  Even if your manicure still looks great after two weeks, you do have a risk at that point of damaging your nails if you continue to keep the same gel nails on at that time.  Keep in mind the polish on your gel nails tends to continue to cure when it is exposed to ultraviolet light rays, including the ones you get from the sun. So the answer to how long gel nails last lies in your manicure maintenance process. You really should head to your favorite manicurist every two weeks so they can gently remove your nail polish without stripping your nails or causing damage to them. How To Help Gel Nails Last Longer? There are several ways you can keep your gel nails looking great for the entire two weeks, and we have listed several in our detailed list below. All are the components for the answer of how long gel nails last. 1. Cuticle Oil Is Important Cuticle oil is more important than most people realize. You should definitely have some on hand at all times and use it regularly since it will not only hydrate the cuticles of your nails, but it is a great oil to condition your nails and leave them stronger so that you will have less breakage and chipping.  This will also help you avoid having brittle nails. You should use cuticle oil two times every single day for the best results. 2. File Them Often Much like pantyhose or tights, if you nick them on something but do not take care of it right away, you will end up with a huge run down your leg.  The same scenario holds true with your nails, which means if you get a nick in one of your gel nails, you should smooth it out right away by using a buffer or a nail file to stop it from splitting, tearing, or chipping and ruining your manicure before it is time to have a new one.  You can even keep a mini nail file in your purse or handbag so that it is readily available to you if one of your nails is nicked when you are out and about. 2. Top Them Off After you've repaired a nick in your nails by filing it down, so it doesn't become worse, it is a great idea to put on a layer of topcoat over your manicure to protect it even more. So without applying the maintenance tips, the question like how long gel nails last have no value. This is a good idea to ensure that your nail technician uses a topcoat when you first get your manicure to help prevent nicks from happening in the first place. 3. Dry Is Better Even though gel nail polish does not chip as easily as the polish used in a classic manicure, it is still important to protect your nails to keep them looking their best for two weeks.  One of the things that you need to do is keep your nails as dry as possible, which can include donning a pair of rubber gloves while you clean your bathroom or wash the dishes.  Changing the environment of your nails from dry to wet and back again can break down the gel polish and cause chips in your nails. You should always keep your hands and nails as dry and clean as possible. This is the secret answer to how long gel nails last. If you are an avid swimmer, you may want to opt for a different type of manicure that will last longer since your nails will be exposed to water and moisture much more often than people who do not swim on a regular basis. Recommended Wait Time Between Gel Manicures I think you already get the answer to how long gel nails last. And when you have to revisit your nail stylist again. Basically, the amount of time you let pass between your gel manicures is up to you. While some people go straight for years with a gel manicure on their nails at all times, others like to give their nails a chance to breathe and reset in between each manicure or after so many manicures in a row. It really comes down to your own preferences and how well your nails do if you constantly have gel nails on them over time. Read Also: How To Dress For A Bridal Shower?5 Tips to Give your Hairstyle a Perfect LookTips And Suggestions On How To Wear Cocktail Dresses