When To Choose An Image Consultant To Help You?


03 November 2022

Job & Career

Image Consultant

When choosing an image consultant is a decision that will be influenced by a number of factors.

These factors include the age limit for hiring an image consultant, the skill set required to be a good consultant and the goals you want to achieve by hiring a consultant.

Read on to learn when to choose the right consultant for your needs.

1. Skills Required To Be An Image Consultant

Those seeking a career as an image consultant need a number of skills in addition to an education. They must be commercially aware and have a flair for creativity.

They also need to be sensitive to a client’s needs and preferences. In addition, they must have excellent communication skills and be confident in public speaking. Whether consulting for fashion brands or other clients, image consultants must engage corporate clients and promote themselves through appropriate media.

The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) offers three levels of certification in the field. Certification will increase your potential to attract new clients and build your own business. Certification through this organization can also help you distinguish yourself from competitors.

Members must also meet certain requirements for experience, pass an exam and obtain a business license. In addition, some aspiring image consultants choose to obtain experience through apprenticeships or other work experience.

An image consultant works closely with a client to improve their personal or professional image. They assess a client’s current image and then recommend changes that will make the client appear more attractive and confident.

Image Consultant fact

They may also suggest changes to their communication style or public relations strategy. Ultimately, the success of an image consultant is dependent on their ability to help their clients improve their standing among their intended audiences.

An image consultant must have strong communication and listening skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. They must be able to analyze a client’s weaknesses and strengths quickly and formulate an image enhancement plan. It is also helpful to have training in business management and computer skills if you plan to start a consulting company.

An image consultant must have a strong sense of style, impressive communication skills, and a keen eye for fashion. Image consultants should also have excellent interpersonal skills and the right personality to help clients. It is important to be outgoing, have a positive attitude, and have a passion for fashion.

2. Goals Of Working With An Image Consultant

Hiring an image consultant is an excellent option if you wish to create a better image for yourself. This consultant will provide you with tips and tricks to enhance your image and personality. Your image reflects your personality and the way you interact with other people. They will help you improve your communication and body language.

First, you should know the type of market you are going to serve. A professional image consultant should do thorough market research and choose the right target audience. A good business plan will include costs and pricing details. It also should include your target customer base. A proper business plan can help you achieve your vision.

Secondly, you should be confident in your skills and knowledge. A professional image consultant should have a well-developed portfolio. Ideally, an image consultant has two portfolios – one digital and one physical.

The latter can be used for in-person meetings. The portfolio shows the quality of the consultant’s work and should contain testimonials from satisfied clients. Additionally, an image consultant should use social media extensively to reach a wider audience.


Next, you should consider the training of the image consultant. A qualified image consultant should have experience and a degree in image management or another related field.

For example, a certified image consultant has experience in working with homemakers, students, women on sabbaticals, and people seeking a second career. An image consultant should be a good listener, a team player, and have a high level of expertise in their field.

An image consultant should be passionate about what they do. They must have a passion for helping people look and feel their best. The image consultant should have an excellent sense of style and strong verbal communication skills. They should also be creative and be able to listen to their clients.

The consultant will help you find your personal style and personal brand. They will look at your lifestyle and behavior patterns, assessing your needs, insecurities, and budget. The consultant can also help you build a wardrobe for specific occasions and activities.

They will show you the types of clothing and accessories that look best on you and show you the best places to shop.

3. Career Path For Image Consultants

A career as an image consultant is an exciting and rapidly expanding industry that offers a variety of career options. Sonia Dubey Dewan is the founder of the Indian School of Image Management (ISIM), a world-renowned image consultant, published author, and international keynote speaker. She is also a certified image professional with the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI).

Image consultants specialize in enhancing a client’s appearance by recommending the right clothing and accessories. They also assist their clients with hair and make-up. These professionals must have a broad understanding of the latest fashion trends.

Image consultants also help businesses improve their corporate image by helping front-line employees look their best. They also help improve communication and customer interactions.

In addition to having a great sense of style, an image consultant needs to have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. They also need to be creative and empathetic. They should also have a love for working with people and enjoy teaching others.

They must also enjoy working with clothes and colors and have a strong interest in psychology. Image consultants may also choose to specialize in certain fields, such as beauty, communication, or fashion.

Image consultants are typically self-employed, working from their homes or studio.


However, they may have to travel to meet their clients. Private clients would typically be in their neighborhood, while corporate clients would require an image consultant to travel to their company’s headquarters. In either case, they would dress in a suit or smart casual attire. Having a driving license is also helpful.

The career path for image consultants can include working with celebrities, brands, and influencers. Image consultants must have excellent communication and networking skills to effectively work with their clients.

They must also be able to remember details and connect with clients on a deeper level. Networking with other image consultants and other professionals is a great way to gain experience and build a reputation.

Image consultants are often self-employed, but some join a professional association to get the support they need. The Federation of Image Consultants, for example, has over 300 members and provides support for business development.

While there are no formal requirements to become an image consultant, there are a number of challenges that can be encountered. Firstly, the competition is fierce, and the majority of these consultants are located in the south of England. Nonetheless, this does not prevent a person from working in any part of the country.

4. Age Limit For Hiring An Image Consultant

There is no age limit for hiring an image consultant. These professionals specialize in helping clients improve their self-image. They also help clients improve their non-verbal behavior, interpersonal communication, and professional presence.

In addition to helping people improve their looks, image consultants also assist people with shopping. Personal stylists also serve as image consultants.

Personal image is an essential aspect of a person’s life. The way a person communicates will reflect their image and will influence how others perceive them. An image consultant can improve your body language, volume, tone, and pitch. These skills are vital to building a good impression.

While hiring an image consultant is not necessary for every situation, the results can be life-changing. Working with an image consultant is an ongoing project that will benefit you for many years. Your career and personal life will change, and you will need to keep enhancing your image. An image consultant can help you develop your personal brand and create a wardrobe that expresses your true self.

Hiring An Image Consultant

It is essential that you choose an image consultant with the right credentials. Certification shows that the consultant is trained and has advanced education in the field. Be sure to look for a member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) to ensure their professionalism. Once you choose an image consultant, it’s time to begin the training.

Image consultants can be entrepreneurs or full-time employees. They work in any industry, from premium fashion to media and entertainment to retail.

There is no age limit on who an image consultant can help. With the right training and experience, you can make a successful career as an image consultant. With such a high demand for image consultants, companies have entire departments dedicated to Image Management.

They offer periodic training to staff.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Is Capital Goods a Good Career Path

Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path? [Updated 2023]

In this article, we are going to cover the above-listed topics in detail. Capital goods are produced by the service sector and are physical in nature. A society acquires capital goods by preventing wealth that can be utilized in the means of production. Proceed to know more about the same in detail. Capital Goods Definition Capital goods are physical assets that a firm uses in the production process to discover goods and services that consumers will use in the long run.  These are usually fixed assets such as tools, vehicles, equipment, machinery, buildings, etc. According to Wikipedia, the economic concept of capital goods is a series of heterogeneous commodities, each having particular technical specifications that are utilized in the making of products and services. In simple words, capital goods are goods that humans make of society. These goods are the ones whose transactions bring capital or money to the economy. Some of the best examples of capital goods are electronics, facilities, computing technology and vehicles. However, you must be aware that capital goods are the tangible items of society. So, businesses or industries buy these items and produce finished goods for consumers. Therefore, there are a lot of components that are included when we talk about capital goods. Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path In 2023? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Capital goods are crucial for increasing the long-term productive capacity of the economy. Moreover, you can choose your career in capital goods because it includes all types of wealth, excluding nature’s gift, and this yields income.  Man, not nature, produce capital. Moreover, it can simplify your living standards in the long run. Remember that only that part of the wealth that is used for further production is known as capital.  It does not generate income or output. It is just the claim on assets. This is actually the means of production and a passive factor of the same. Hence, capital goods is a career path, and the skills required to become the same can be useful in other industries as well. What Are The Best Paying Jobs In Capital Goods? Any man-made durable item used to do business is called a capital good. This is because these goods are used to produce other goods. Now, there are many best-paying jobs in capital goods, and these are: i). Implants Sales Representative Implants Sales Representative is one of the best paying jobs in capital goods. Here, you must have the ability to meet divisional goods and key performance objectives. However, that is not all. In addition to this, you must be able to work independently and must not be dependent on anyone. Estimated Salary: 50,000 Dollars (USD) ii). Territory Manager Territory managers establish and maintain relationships with clients. Therefore, if you are seeking this role, your communication should be very strong, you must be self-motivated, and you must have a positive attitude. Estimated Salary: 90,000 Dollars (USD) iii). Capital Equipment Sales Representative Capital Equipment Sales Representative gets high rewarding salaries and promotes long-term customer satisfaction. Here, the work environment and job role can vary from country to country. Estimated Salary: 76,000 Dollars (USD) iv). Remote Sales Representative Remote Sales Representative brings sales talents to a leader in healthcare solutions and medical technology. However, to qualify for this job role, you must have more than three years of experience in health care sales. Estimated Salary: 48,000 Dollars (USD) v). Medical Capital Equipment Medical Capital Equipment is also one of the best paying jobs in goods. Therefore, this job adds value to your question, “Is Capital Goods a Good Career Path?.” Additionally, to get this job role, you must have strong analytical skills and effective presentation skills. Estimated Salary: 152,000 Dollars (USD) Is There An Opportunity Cost To Increase Investment In Capital Goods Today? The answer to this question is Yes. There is an opportunity cost to increase investment in capital goods today. It is because improved production of capital goods means lower consumer goods today.Moreover, the weight of demand falls when the cost rises and vice versa. Here, we must choose between consumer goods and capital goods at present. Let’s see the difference between the two below! What Is The Basic Difference Between Consumer Goods And Capital Goods? Consumer goods are used by consumers and have no future productive use. Whereas, Capital goods are used by one business to help another business create consumer goods.         Consumer Goods                     Capital Goods Final consumption Final investment Price determination is done by suppliers  Price determination is done by companies Direct demand Derived demand Consumers are the buyers Manufacturers are the buyers Bought for personal consumption Bought for making other products Business to the consumer marketing process. Business to the business marketing process. Which Type Of Inflation Would Include Capital Goods And Consumer Goods? The answer to this question is ‘The GDP Price Index’ as it measures the price of all goods (capital goods and consumer goods). There is a basic difference between consumer goods and capital goods that is described above, and you must refer to the same. The Final Thoughts  Is Capital Goods a Good Career Path? So now, you know the reasons why capital goods is a good career path, and your career can be bright if you choose the same. Besides, if you come across any doubts, you can mention them below in the comment section, and we will try our best to clarify them at the earliest.  Read Also: Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path In Is Oil & Gas Production A Good Career Path Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path

graduation celebration ideas

Graduation Celebration Ideas: A Memory Of Lifetime!

Graduation celebration ideas will help you to rejoice in the best moments of your life that you left out. Not only achievement important but also the time you spend with your friends preparing notes is also important. You should call your friends and peers who were there with you on the journey of your graduation. Celebrate it to remember every moment that you spend with struggle and overcome it with flying colors. Ensure that your celebration must be complete from all ends and there should not be any wish left over from your end. Try to make sure that you do not make things too complex from your end. Graduation Celebration Ideas Of 2024 There are several graduation celebration ideas for 2024 that you must be well aware of while meeting your needs with complete ease. Some of the effective ideas that you can implement here are as follows:-  1. Virtual Celebration Utilize technology by hosting a virtual graduation party where friends and family from near and far can join in the party. Sending out graduation announcement cards adds a thoughtful touch. Set up a video call with decorations, music, and themed backgrounds to create an inviting atmosphere for raising a toast to your achievements and sharing moments with the people you love. 2. Mini Parade Arrange for a parade where friends and family can drive past your home to express their support with signs and balloons. Spruce up your yard or driveway with decorations like banners and streamers to bring joy to the occasion. 3. Outdoor Potluck   You can plan a potluck for your guests. Here, you can ask your guest to prepare some of the food items from their home and put them in the party. Make arrangements for some fun games so that together you can enjoy the party with a fun atmosphere spreading all around.  4. Personal Graduation Celebration In this form of celebration, you can call all your friends and share the entire story and journey of your graduation to proceed further in your life. This can be an interesting move from your end to start the new journey of your life before ending the days of graduation.  5. Memory Lane Tribute Video Create a compilation of photos, videos, and heartfelt messages, from friends, family members, teachers, and mentors to make a video honoring your graduation. Include words of encouragement from each of them. Play the video during your celebration while reminiscing about the memories you've shared. 6. Themed Graduation Feast To celebrate reaching this milestone in your education, host a dinner party inspired by a travel destination or hobby. Choose a theme that reflects your personality and interests such as a fiesta night, a pasta dinner party, or a Hawaiian luau BBQ. Prepare the venue with care. Organize a selection of dishes and suggest to guests to dress up in outfits that coordinate with the theme. Remember to show appreciation by sending graduation thank you cards to all who attended. 7. Camping Adventure Set off on a camping trip to celebrate your graduation amidst the beauty of nature. Whether it's a laid back weekend in a park, or an adventurous backpacking journey in the wilderness. Camping offers a chance to disconnect from technology, connect with loved ones, and reflect on your achievements under the starry night sky. 8. Photo Booth Fun Set up your photo booth at your graduation party with props, backdrops, and camera or smartphone for guests to capture fun moments. Design a backdrop featuring your school colors, graduation year, or personal message. Provide props like graduation caps and diplomas for posing with. It's a great way to capture memories with friends and family. 9. Volunteer Spread kindness by organizing a charity fundraiser or volunteer activity as a way of giving back. Choose a cause that's meaningful to you such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or social justice. Encourage your loved ones to join you in making an impact on the community. Planning a charity event, organizing a donation campaign, or engaging in a day of volunteering are all wonderful ways to positively impact the lives of others. Celebrating with service work will make your graduation very memorable. 10. Time Capsule Celebrate your graduation with a time capsule where you and your loved ones can contribute nicknacks, letters, and keepsakes to be sealed and opened in the future. Include photos, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes that capture this time in your life and reflect your hopes for what lies ahead. Seal the time capsule and choose a date to open it. When you open it in a few years, you can reflect on your journey and the progress you've made since then. What Things To Avoid In Graduation Celebration? There are certain things you can avoid in your graduation celebration as they can spoil your fun and enjoyment. So, you should stay away from these things from your end. Let’s find out the things that can spoil your party.  1. Alcohol You should stay mindful of the consumption of alcohol, especially if there are any underage guests. If you have a celebration outdoors, then you should encourage responsible drinking. Plenty of non-alcoholic options you must keep to your drivers. This will help you to avoid not ruining your graduation party with complete ease. 2. Food Don’t spend lots of money on buying food items that can have the chance of being wasted. You need to take care of these facts as well while reaching your goals with complete clarity. Additionally, avoid waste of food as things can go wrong if you are not careful.  3. Unattended Guests  If there are any pools of open bodies of water, then you must ensure that there exists adult supervision. You cannot make your choices on the incorrect end while reaching your needs with completely. Ensure that you follow the right solution from your end while meeting your objectives with complete clarity.  4. Loud Music You should be considerate of the neighbors if you want to employ loud music in the process of your celebration. As there can be heart patients who may not be comfortable with it. So, enjoy your graduation completion without disturbing your neighbors. Here, you have to stay alert about these types of facts while meeting your career goals in the future.  5. Limited Guest List You should prepare a limited guest list if you want to avoid the wastage of food and money. You cannot afford to make your choices out of the dark. Ensure that you know the means to have a better solution to your problems with complete ease.  6. Activities Focused On Age Group If you have a mix of ages who are attending your party, you must plan the activities that cater to everyone. You should keep things in proper shape while reaching your aims with complete ease. Ensure that you follow the correct process to meet your enjoyment goals with ease.  Final Take Away Hence, if you want to celebrate the victory of your life, like the completion of graduation.  Then these methods can be helpful for you. You should remember the reason for failure in your life as well as also celebrate the cause of success as well. This will boost your motivation level.  You can share your views and opinions in our comment box. This will help you in meeting your needs with complete ease. Ensure that you follow the perfect solution that can assist you in reaching your objectives in life with ease.  Celebrate the achievements of your life to remember them for your entire lifetime. You need to remember this day to explore the chances of future success in your life.  Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Pharmaceuticals? How To Become A Physician Assistant In 7 Years Or Less Master’s In Business Analytics: Is It Worth The Effort?

Chain Survival

What Is the Chain of Survival?

When it comes to administering first aid to people, it is always best to leave it to professionals. However, there are certain instances when you simply cannot, or should not wait for them to arrive. There are some studies which show just how important it can be to administer first aid to a person until professionals arrive. First aid experts at Advanced Healthcare Education share with us what the chain of survival is and why it is so important, that it is taught in all health courses approved by the American Heart Association. What Is the Chain of Survival? In the simplest terms, the chain of survival is a string of important actions which need to be taken in order to maximize the likelihood of survival of a person who experienced a cardiac arrest or similar problem. If you know what the links in this chain are, you are far more likely to be able to help someone, no matter if you have any medical experience or not. Links of the Chain: The first and perhaps most important step in the process of saving someone’s life is recognizing that there is an emergency and that action needs to be undertaken. If this ever happens to you, you need to call 911 immediately. Even if the situation turns out to be less critical than you originally thought, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If you are at a place which has an automated external defibrillator, have someone bring it to the person in distress. CPR and Chest Compressions: Once the emergency services have been alerted to the situation, the first link of the chain has been completed. However, this is not where your help ends. If you have any BLS training, you can actually administer CPR and chest compressions. Even if you are not skilled in basic life support, the 911 operator can guide you through it and you can greatly improve the chances of a person’s survival until help arrives. You should continue with CPR until professionals arrive. Rapid Defibrillation: If you have an automated external defibrillator (AED) at hand, it is another step you can take in order to help a person in distress. The machine needs to be placed next to the person you are helping. There are clear visual and audio instructions on the device itself which will help you attach the machine to the patient. The machine itself will inform you if the shock is required. If so, make sure nobody is touching the patient and administer the shock. Some of these machines can actually help you administer proper CPR and chest compressions. Basic and Advanced Care: This fourth step in the chain refers to the trained medical professionals who should be able to provide not only the basic medical support you could but also more advanced treatment, such as administering medication. Additionally, medical professionals are trained in advanced respiration procedures which can help provide oxygen to the patient even if they are unconscious and not breathing on their own. However, in order for the medical professionals to respond to an emergency, the first link of the chain is crucial – someone needs to contact emergency services. Advanced Life Support: Finally, advanced life support is largely left to the professionals. If the situation with the patient is that critical, the patient needs to be taken to the hospital where a team of different medical professionals can take care of them. Even though you can help someone without any medical training, you can be much more effective if you have simple BLS training. This course is relatively simple, but it instills some of the crucial points about saving lives, including the chain of survival. Read Also: Seeking A Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers To Check Out 5 Important Considerations To Get Supply Chain Management On Cloud