5 Corporate Video Production Styles


14 September 2021


Corporate Video Production

The most effective technique for getting your company’s message across to the audience is picking the right style that suits your story and target audience. A corporate video is one of the cool modern techniques of communicating with various audiences excitingly. Apart from being entertaining, it is more engaging as compared to large block text.

Business marketers can include videos on the company’s landing page, which will increase customer visits by 80%. Today, about 50% of customers will prefer watching a video rather than reading a text. Below are some possible corporate video production styles that will help you grow and improve production.

1. Sincere and Inspiring

1. Sincere and Inspiring

Whether you target social media or youtube audiences, your corporate video production should fully utilize the research, collected data, good filmmaking, and a storyline that attracts audience attention. The Youtube and social media platform videos should also have an inspiring character and a sincere promotion of its philanthropy.

Creating awareness and driving positive change that affects the global communities is one of the many ways of capturing your target audience.

2. Epic and Exciting

Everybody loves entertaining videos, which puts a smile on your face—creating an epic and exciting corporate video for an online audience. Using talent and a little drama can quickly drive your message to a vast target audience. Ensure it is short of merging your budget and has the brand storyline.

If your storyline is not captivating, it would be hard to maintain your audience’s attention—source for the right production team to ensure quality content.

3. Trendy and Sophisticated

3. Trendy and Sophisticated

A corporate video production style should be on point, trendy and sophisticated. The majority of the audience is after the latest trends, and by that, you can use new trends to convey your message. A classic video should entail the latest fashions, styles, and latest trends.

4. Traditional and Educational

Apart from having action and comedy as a video marketing tool, the brand should be understandable to the existing and potential consumers. Focus on a traditional video that promotes and educates its viewers about the service or product on offer.

A straightforward and educational corporate video can serve a large audience better. Especially the corporate leadership that is looking for specific solutions that will promote their business and enterprises. They are likely to take more time watching corporate videos that educate on new business services and tools.

Some will engage, share, or comment, while others will not hesitate to fill out the attached contact information form for more details.

5. Hip Yet Authentic

Corporate video production should be designed to attract more audience visits. Some videos will base on attracting millennial viewers. But they are quick at rejecting something out of touch and hard to win their eyeballs. You need a good corporate video production company that will ensure good storytellers, young and authentic in their approach.

Now you are good to start your content marketing strategy by emphasizing and conveying the message using video. Apart from marketing your product on other marketing platforms, you can also drive traffic to your landing page. Corporate video production is one of the best ways to expose potential customers to the product prior.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Bathtub Photoshoot Ideas

Cool Bathtub Photoshoot Ideas

In order to realize the idea of a photoshoot in the bathroom, you do not need to have a studio equipped accordingly. For this purpose it is possible to use the bathroom of your client, using certain props, and properly thinking everything through in advance. Props can be anything. Imagine and you are sure to succeed! By the way, if you want to read about another cool idea namely milk bath photography, go to Skylum`s blog. Garden Photography If the time of year and weather permits, and you take pictures in a private house - do not limit yourself to the bathroom in the bathroom, and arrange a photo shoot in the garden. Especially amusing in such conditions are photos of children. Props in this case for you will be the surrounding flowers and green lawn. In addition, if your client is an adult - use bath bombs for the purpose of dyeing water. Photos can turn out very colorful and individual. I recommend taking this picture either in the morning or in the evening to get soft natural light. Use a smaller aperture value to get a soft background. That way, your subject will remain paramount in the frame and nothing will distract from it. Use Glycerin Yes, you read the table of contents correctly. In order to do successful photo shoots, you not only need to know the craft of photography, but you also need to know how to create props. We're talking about a recipe for bubbles. Of course, you can buy a ready-made jar, but if you didn't have enough time beforehand, glycerin will come in handy. It will add strength to the bubbles, which later will be your props. So, the recipe: a couple of spoons of liquid soap and a couple of drops of glycerin in about 150 grams of water, and leave for a couple of hours. You have the perfect bubbles and bubble bath ready. It would be great if you have one, to use a waterproof camera because you can easily ruin your equipment by accidentally getting water on it. Bathtub photoshoot often does not last long, and you need to take a lot of pictures in a short time - use the camera's auto mode to solve this problem. A Bachelorette Party In The Bathtub Such a photoshoot idea may be popular with girls who are throwing a pre-wedding party, for example. Beautiful dresses, cocktails, and balloons—along with creative lighting—make for perfect props! Use Vintage In Your Photography   It's rare to find a vintage-style bathroom in our homes right now, but a large number of hotels can help you with that. To create soft shadows, place the tub itself under a window, which will give you natural light. Not always there is such a possibility, and there is not enough light in the room. So think about it beforehand and don't forget to take a reflector to avoid dramatic shadows. Experiment with the angles. Very interesting shots are taken right above the subject.  Use candles as props to make your shots romantic. Flowers As Props Sometimes you get very boring styled conditions. In order to diversify it uses flowers. This method will be very appropriate when photographing a pregnant woman. Position the subject of the photo in a bathroom, so that most of the body would be visible and the more intimate areas should be covered with flowers. This way you can convey the mood of the girl in anticipation of such a joyful meeting, and deprive the frame of unnecessary vulgarity. The Story Of The Day At The Spa The task of this shooting is to convey the calm state of the subject and his relaxation. Of course, you will need appropriate props, such as: cosmetics that are used in the spa; essential oils; flower petals; white robes and towels, and so on. In order to improve the quality of the photo in post-processing adjust the highlights, shadows, and contrast of the photo. Romantic Photo-Shooting Of Lovers A photoshoot should be as less staged as possible, use poses that are as natural for the couple as possible, for example: a gentle embrace, just like when watching a movie on the couch, only in the bathtub and in the water; place the subjects on top of each other, and photographs from the side perpendicularly and not much above their level; of course, shoot tender kisses, concentrating the frame on the subjects. Of course, in that case, you may get unbelievably candid photos, but in that case, you will need a long lens which will be very useful for sharpening the frame. For the best results, I recommend setting the aperture wide open and increasing the ISO. This will allow you to adjust the focus of the shot and get the sharpness you want. Why do we need sharpness? To catch every movement and touch that your subjects can make. Last Words Of course, using the tips mentioned above you can create some great shots, but the final stage is the post-processing, which no photo series can do without. If you are a beginner photographer you can help with that huge variety of ready-made presets, using which no one will have even a gram of doubt in your professional abilities. Depending on the task at hand, edit the light and experiment with shadows to add some personality to your shots. In the article above you have learned how to diversify a photo shoot in the bathroom using different props, as well as some tips on how to take pictures and adjust the camera. Also, a great idea - milk bath photography. Read more about it on Skylum`s blog. Read Also: Adrian Rubin Tells How To Bootstrap Business In The Photography Niche How To Best Photograph A Corporate Event Handy Tools For Outdoor Photography

Differences between a Professional Headshot and a Standard Portrait

Key Differences Between a Professional Headshot and a Standard Portrait

Professional headshots and regular portraits may seem similar, as both are photography forms meant to capture an individual's likeness. However, the distinctions are crucial, particularly in a professional context. A professional headshot is tailored to convey a person's professional identity and is often required for corporate profiles, business websites, and LinkedIn pages. These headshots are designed to create a strong first impression, showcasing the subject in a polished and approachable manner. Conversely, a regular portrait captures a person in a more personal and artistic fashion, often reflecting their personality, lifestyle, or an artistic concept. Portraits are less rigid in styling, composition, and use of backgrounds, allowing for more creative freedom. Portraits might be full-body shots or tightly cropped images set in various environments and with varying lighting and mood, contrasting with a professional headshot's usually consistent illumination and composition. Key Takeaways Professional headshots are curated for professional branding. Portraits offer more freedom and are personal or artistic. Lighting and cropping are key differentiators between the two. Fundamentals of a Professional Headshot Before exploring the key components of a professional headshot, it's important to understand that they demand precise technical execution, thoughtful composition, and careful attention to the portrayal of the subject. Technical Aspects Professional headshots stand out due to their exceptional lighting and focus, which require a photographer to make meticulous adjustments. The right lighting is crucial; it should illuminate the subject's features without harsh shadows or overexposure. A high-resolution camera is also essential to capture the detail needed for a headshot, ensuring that the final image is crisp with a clean focus. Composition and Aesthetics The framing and cropping in a professional headshot are deliberate, typically adhering to industry standards—such as the top of the shoulders and head being visible, with the subject's eyes positioned at or just above the center line. Backgrounds are simple and unobtrusive, highlighting the subject's conversation with the camera. Subject Presentation In a professional headshot, the subject’s presentation is key. Professional attire is recommended, and personal grooming is crucial. The subject’s expression is approachable yet authoritative, portraying confidence. The outcome is a portrait showcasing professionalism and character, suitable for professional contexts such as professional networking. Impact of Headshots in Professional Settings A professional headshot can be a cornerstone of a person's online presence, significantly influencing first impressions and branding effectiveness. Online Professional Platforms LinkedIn has become the quintessential online platform for professionals. A polished headshot here enhances a LinkedIn profile, signaling credibility and competence. It is the first element that captures attention, laying the groundwork for potential connections. On resumes, a professional headshot can differentiate a candidate, especially in industries where appearance and personality are integral, like sales or public relations. A headshot is a critical tool for a casting director's selection process in entertainment. Actors and models must convey versatility and professionalism in a single image, often determining if they get considered for a role. Corporate Branding and Marketing In corporate contexts, professional headshots embody the ethos of the company. On corporate websites and business cards, they help build a personal connection with clients. Companies reinforce their brand and showcase their team's professionalism through consistent, high-quality headshots across various marketing materials. Entrepreneurs utilize headshots to establish a personal brand, an invaluable asset in attracting partnerships and customers. Reflecting confidence and professionalism, headshots are crucial for entrepreneurs presenting themselves on business platforms and online profiles. For businesses that want to ensure they portray high professionalism, partnering with a professional headshot studio is a strategic move. It presents a unified brand image that fosters trust and reliability. Feel And Mood Of Portrait And Headshot There is a massive difference between the mood and feel of portraits and headshots. When a headshot is taken professionally for business purposes, it will exude a jolly vibe. The aim of a headshot is to communicate a particular message to the viewers.  In other words, when a headshot of a particular person is captured, they communicate friendliness, trustworthiness, reliability, and many other good things. Usually, these types of headshots are used for LinkedIn profiles and business websites. The use of a headshot also depends on the field you are trying to achieve.  However, professional headshots do not have to be about bonhomie always. They can be shot in different ways to express toughness, concentration, and knowledge.  When it comes to a professional portrait, the outcome usually is very straightforward. The shot is taken craftily to complement a story or article. So, for a portrait shot, there is always a proper theme.  A professionally captured portrait expresses a lot of mood, and there is a lot of drama in those photographs. In a portrait, a subject does not look straight into the camera. The subject remains busy with some activities while the photographer captures them.  To cut a long story short, a portrait is about weaving a story and conveying that to others. A headshot, on the other hand, is about introducing yourself to others. A headshot is also suitable for communicating a message quickly.  The Lighting Setup Of A Portrait And A Headshot  Lighting plays a very crucial role in determining how a photograph will look. I have already discussed how the mood and feel of headshots and portraits differ.  When a photographer captures a headshot, they will use big light modifiers. In the case of outdoor photoshoots, the photographer will use concrete or building pavements to get the headshots right.  Further, when a headshot is captured, the subject has less shadow. There is an absence of shadow to keep the overall look of the headshot pleasant. Once again, no drama is expected or required in a professionally captured headshot.  On the other hand, professionally captured portraits have a more dramatic lighting setup. The photographer has to create drama through the lighting setup. Also, keeping in mind the aesthetic appeal of a portrait, using conventional modifiers is often avoided in professional portraits. Here are some other modifiers that are used in capturing professional portraits. Color gels Mirrors Glass To reiterate, lighting decides the mood and expression of a particular photograph. So, use the lights and modifiers according to the type of photograph you want to click and what you want to communicate.  The Use Of Lenses In Headshot And Portraits When a professional headshot is captured, a photographer will usually use an 85mm or above long focal lens. Thanks to the use of a long-focus lens, there is hardly any facial distortion in headshots.   Lenses with a shorter focal length are used in clicking professional portraits. A photographer will use 24mm to 50mm lenses to depict the surrounding.  Conclusion Professional headshots are distinct in both purpose and execution. They employ meticulous post-processing to ensure a polished yet natural look, incorporating adjustments like color correction and skin retouching. The subject's engagement with the camera is direct, generally from the shoulders up, differentiating them from the broader scope of a portrait. Headshots provide a professional representation, focusing on clarity and simplicity, while portraits offer a more expansive narrative. Read Also: 5 Corporate Video Production Styles Photography and Number of Techniques How to Best Photograph a Corporate Event


Choosing the best Photographer for your Event

Whether it’s a wedding or something else entirely, photographing your event may be one of the most important facets of whatever it is you’re doing. Photographs are certain to be central to any large event. There could be many reasons for this: Firstly, you might want to remember your grand occasion. In the case of a wedding, photographs will help remind you of all the glorious memories of your magical night. If the event is more corporate, photographs may be excellent promotional tools to build your business or advertise similar events. At David Koonar Photography, we specialize in outdoor work and landscapes, so feel free to visit our site if you’d like to contact us or see some other great guides on finding photographers. Other photographers will specialize in different things. If you want to find the right one for you, be absolutely certain to follow the below steps: The Style: Different types of photographers will be suitable for different types of projects. While a wedding photographer can do a corporate event, it is best to let people do what they’re best at. No matter what your event is, be sure to find someone that has experience doing those things. It can be a school event like a graduation or a homecoming dance. It can be a large family or social event (that shockingly isn’t a wedding). It can be a crazy party or a fundraiser. It can be a giant corporate picnic in Windsor (for which you would certainly hire David Koonar Photography, right?) The Candidates: There are two basic ways to find a good photographer for your specific event. They are: - Word of mouth Research on the Internet. If you happen to know somebody that recently had an engagement party, and they’re gushing about all the gorgeous pictures, you might just want to ask for the photographer’s contact info. Finding a photographer for your own engagement party just became much less of a hassle! Of course, not every photographer will click with every person, so be certain to keep that in mind as well. The other way to find your event photographer is through the joys of research. Buckle down, load up Google, and start finding all those corporate party photographers. The Price: When you’re researching, the budget is always going to be your first consideration. You cannot hire a photographer you cannot afford. If the photographer has pricing options available on their website, this can help with your search. On the other hand, if you find someone whose work blows you away, and they’re a little out of your price range, feel free to talk to them. Sometimes, something can be worked out. Sometimes, going a little over your budget for the right contender can be the difference between something that is mediocre and something that is fantastic. The Portfolio: Once you’re done worrying about money, look at the photographer’s pictures. Most people will usually know within the first few whether they like the style or not. For those that you do like, go a little bit more in-depth and look at as many pictures as time will allow. Make a list of the best ones. These are the people you’re going to contact. The Reviews: Once you’ve looked at all the pretty pictures, your next stop reviews. Before you even interview a candidate, you will get to know them through the experiences of others. You’re going to want to look at the overall level of professionalism and whether or not reviewers enjoyed the experience. Just keep in mind, like photographers, not all clients are perfect. You may find some hard-cases in there that had unrealistic expectations. Interview Candidates: Once you have your people, talk to them! You’ll want to ask several important logistical questions. You’ll want to talk contract. You’ll want to know how many photographers they use for each job. You’ll need to know delivery times and methods. (USB stick? Physical copies only?). You’ll also want contingency plans if something happens. If a wedding turns out especially rainy, for example, where will the bride and groom take the primary wedding photos? The photographer will need to come up with a backup location. You’ll also want to get an overall feel for the person. Typically, event photographers need to be more outgoing and friendly to get the best possible shots in a social setting. This will be evident in the way they talk to you. Again, feel free to visit the David Koonar site if you would like to see more guides. We have tons of tips on hiring photographers and even becoming one. Hopefully, this has contributed to a reduction in stress about your upcoming event. Good luck and have fun! Read Also: Why You Trust Your Photographer? 7 Qualities Of A Good Wedding Photographer That You Should Look Out For How Photography Projects Can Improve Wedding Business