2018 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your PC


09 November 2018



Ever notice something odd with your computer, like it has been more sluggish than it was yesterday or that the blue screen of death is becoming a common occurrence? How do you know when it’s time to take it to the shop for repairs or it’s finally the time to put parts or the whole system entirely to the junk?

Sometimes, the most noticeable issues are just part of a big problem, and the reality is that a computer, just like many things, will eventually grow old and become unusable.

That is why it is a good idea to know what signs to look for when you’re unsure. If you’re second-guessing whether you should upgrade or completely replace your computer, there are things you should consider. Here are some signs to watch out for.

Really Slow Performance:

It’s time to upgrade if you’ve done everything to make sure your computer’s hardware drivers and operating system are updated, but it still runs slow. You may have also checked for malware and made sure that the versions of the applications you’re using are not the cause for it running slow like a turtle. It may mean that the inevitable has come and it’s time to let go of your computer.

This doesn’t mean you have to completely trash everything, because the beauty of owning a computer means you can just take out certain components and replace them with something new. You may also choose to completely replace the CPU without doing the same for the monitor and peripherals.

You Need a Faster PC:

 Signs of breaking down and slow PC are not the only reasons for upgrading. Sometimes, you just need something that’s fast enough that can cater to your needs.

You may play games on your desktop computer but have taken up a hobby like editing, so you need something more substantial that will allow you to do these things and more. These applications are heavy on low- to mid-spec machines, but higher-end ones may be able to run them without any problems.

The same is true if you like to open many tabs on your browser. Additionally, new software may need new specs that can only be seen in the more current components. If your needs have changed, you may upgrade your PC as you see fit.

You Want New Hardware:

If you want to connect new hardware on your computer but find that you can’t, it’s a sign that it is outdated. For example, if you have VGA ports, it won’t be compatible with devices that connect with HDMI, USB 3.0, and USBC.

If you can get away with upgrading the minimum amount of components on your PC, then go for it. If not, maybe it’s time to look around for new parts.

Constant Overheating:

Most PC owners will know that overheating is never good for the machine. One of the primary reasons your computer may be overheating is because there is a lot of accumulated dust and dirt on the fans. It is important to keep the fans clean so that they will do their job of ventilating the components when they are in use.

However, if the fans are already cleaned and the computer still overheats, accompanied by grinding and clicking sounds, take it as a sign to upgrade. There are many reasons this happens. It could be that your hard drive is about to permanently fail or your fans are going to break down.

Generally, if you spend more time trying to fix things you think are manageable more than using your computer for its intended use, then it’s time for you to think about getting a new one.

Something Is Obviously Broken:

If you have PC parts that are actually physically broken, you can have them either repaired or replaced. However, you need to think about whether it is worth your time and money to repair items than to replace them because there are some parts that are easier to fix and others that are easier to swap with something new. You need to prioritize replacement if your PC has major damage that affects other parts or how you use it.

Build Your Own PC:

If you’re thinking about completely replacing your computer or just your CPU, consider building your own using a PC parts picker because you get to control your budget and select components to be prioritized according to your needs. It lets you pick components you want, and it makes sure that all parts are compatible, so you won’t have any problem when it comes to installing all of them together.

If you aren’t, it’s fine. Just make sure that you faithfully do all the cleaning, maintenance, and upkeep especially if you have an older computer. There’s a difference between common issues that are easily fixable and major ones that require immediate attention.

What are some more signs that it’s time to move on from your old PC? Share your thoughts below.

Read More: 

  1. How To Play PSP Games On A PC?

  2. The 10 Best PC Gaming Desk Accessories in 2018.

  3. Top 4 Reasons to Outsource White Label PPC for Your Business.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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mobile phone

Layman’s Guide for Improving Your Phone’s Signal Strength

Most people do not have any idea on how to get better service for their phones aside from walking around and stumbling upon a signal. For most people, that’s enough. However, there are better, more efficient, and less frustrating ways of getting good phone reception. And the good thing is, most people can do them without being an expert on phones. It’s just a matter of knowing the right stuff about phone signals. You can improve your phone’s signal too. Follow this simple guide and you’ll never have to worry about dropped calls again. Trace a Signal Using Your Phone : Like mentioned above, the usual solution that people do is walk around and hope to find a signal. But that can take a lot of time. Thankfully, most phones have a hidden setting to turn on their decibel meter. Cell signals are measured in decibels (dB) and work within -50 dB to -120 dB. The signal is strongest the closer one gets to -50 dB and weakest in -120 dB. By turning on your phone’s dB display, you can efficiently trace a signal. You can track it down to where it is strongest. You can check your dB meter through these steps: iPhone : Activate Phone Mode Dial *3001#12345#* Enter Field Test Mode Check the notifications bar to see the dB reading *Note: This method won’t work on an iOS 11 phone and models that use Intel modems. Android : Access Settings Go to General Select About Phone Then click Network or Status to show the dB value Go Out in the Open : There are many things that can interfere with cell signals. Concrete walls and floors, metallic materials, the curvature of the Earth, other electronic devices, and even bad weather can disrupt signals. As such, getting away from all of these deterrents can help you get good reception. Cell signals are strong in open fields. Find an area without any obstacles between you and a cell tower to get the best reception. But first, you will need to know where the nearest cell tower is, so you may want to check your carrier’s map, use a tower finder app, or refer to an online cell tower map. Once you have an idea where the cell towers in your area are, you can start looking for a place with a direct line of sight to a tower or, at least, somewhere with a relatively unobstructed path to it. Getting a Signal Booster : A permanent solution to improving one’s phone reception, especially at home, is by getting a signal booster. A signal booster grabs the signal from the air, doubles its strength, then redistributes it around itself, effectively making another signal source. It’s ideal for homes and workplaces that regularly can’t get a decent reception. Also, signal boosters should be placed somewhere in the center of the building so that it can cover the maximum area that it can. Some boosters also improve other signal types, like the WeBoost Connect 4G, which affects 4G signals, as well as 3G and voice networks from all carriers. Conclusion : Getting the assistance of an expert isn’t necessary when one knows the essentials of improving your phone signal. Don’t suffer from bad reception ever again. Try any of these methods and keep your lines open. Read More : 1. Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail Breaking 2. How Smartphone Tracking Programs Assist Parents In Controlling Their Children 3. 5 Blogging Tips For Beauty And Fashion Bloggers In 2018  

website design templates

7 Advantages of Using Website Design Templates

In recent years, agencies and designers are turning to website design templates to help them in their work. These include platforms like- WordPress Themes HTML Themes and Templates Joomla Themes Although they could need some customization to satisfy your desires, website style templates provide numerous advantages. Here are some benefits of using web design templates. 1. Affordability- One of the biggest advantages of using websites templates is their affordability. When it comes to designing a custom PSD, brands, agencies, and designers always look at higher costs. This is why design templates are becoming so attractive. At a price of less than $100 USD, you can get attractive, easy to use and highly engaging website design templates. The best part about such templates is that they are very easy to manage. You do not need to constantly pay your agency when it comes to maintenance fees. 2. Time Efficient and Low Maintenance- The biggest reason why website design templates are becoming so popular is the time factor. I remember a time, not so long ago when websites would take two to three months to be made. There would be constant back and forth between the client and the agency. Ultimately, the project would overshoot the cost estimate and end up being expensive. However, website design templates help in saving a lot of time. This means that websites are now made within one to two weeks, no matter how complicated or exhaustive they are. From a design and development perspective, this means more projects can be churned out in a month. From a client perspective, it means that you do not need to keep waiting for three months for your website. In case you have any issues along with your designmodo free website templates, you will be able to get help from the platform from which you bought the template. Since it is not a complicated issue, you will be able to rectify the same through a simple phone call or a Skype call. 3. Instant Results How often have we experienced the pain of waiting for our agency to upload new content? This becomes particularly more depressing when there is an e-commerce website. However, since website design templates are easy to use and not complicated at all, you would not require the technical expertise of your agency. You can make changes to content, remove content, add a product, as well as publish a new blog, all by yourself. This means that changes can be made as and when required. This frees you from dependence on your digital agency. 4. Proper Writing From a digital perspective, it is all about the code! This means that a properly coded website will always perform better than a shabbily done one. Needless to say, the programmers who are coding these website templates are experts at their job. They are far more skilled than your neighborhood friend, who dabbles in programming occasionally. A properly coded website is a sign of professionalism and technical sophistication. The better and cleaner the coding process, the lighter will be the website. You should always bear in mind that website templates are always SEO optimized from a design and development standpoint. 5. Installed SEO Optimizations Website templates generally come with an abundance of built-in functionality, from SEO options to applications program editing skills. That can facilitate to save lots of your time, money, and problem altogether areas of website management. A website, which is not SEO optimized will never be discoverable by search engines like Google. If it is not discovered and indexed, it means that no one can find it in search results. This will lead to a loss of website traffic and solid opportunities for revenue generation. 6. Ability to Add Unlimited Content The best part about platforms like WordPress is the ease of managing Content Management Systems. Almost anyone can publish SEO friendly content on their website with the help of easy tools and software. They guide you in terms of making the content SEO friendly and readability analysis. Limitless Choices-The web is jam-packed with templates. Shoot a question, and you may instantly get thousands of results. With such an abundance of selections, the toughest a part of employing a templet is finding the one that most closely fits your design desires. 7. Reliable Updates When you purchase a website templet, you frequently receive updates and support for the future. Updates to CMS platforms like WordPress will usually cause theme issues. And knowing that you have access to support from the theme developers in such a situation is one of the best advantages of using a website template. Although there are several advantages to using website templates, some shortcomings ought to know about. While considering the template for your website, take care to keep these problems in mind. Read Also: Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company How To Design An Effective Company Website

Technology Companies

Dos and Don’ts of Marketing for Technology Companies

Marketing is essential to the success of any business – and that includes technology companies. According to The CMO Survey, tech companies spend 15% of their total budget on marketing. Second, to Consumer Packaged Goods industry, the tech sector has one of the highest budget allocations for marketing. In fact, tech giant Samsung is considered the second largest advertising spender worldwide with a total  $9.2 billion advertising spending. This underlines the importance of marketing in the technology industry. When you don’t run an effective marketing campaign, you’re doomed to fail -- no matter how impressive your solution is. Unfortunately, a lot of tech companies, especially startups, still fail to recognize this fact. While some technology companies have marketing plans, many of these are ineffective. We’ve seen a lot of tech companies come and go. And many of those companies that failed didn’t give marketing the right attention it deserves. To these companies, hindsight is an amazing but useless thing! The good news is that you don’t have to commit the same missteps of these failing (or failed) tech companies. They are avoidable – and you can learn HOW to avoid them. Here are some do’s and don’ts of running an effective marketing for a technology company. DO: Be bold and interesting When a tech company grows, their marketing strategies tend to stagnate and settle with the ‘usual campaigns’ that may have worked for them in the past. But the problem is that the competition is ever evolving. As such, your marketing strategies need to stay bold, interesting and exciting too. Always remember that the moment you settle with formulaic marketing techniques, you become less competitive. Don’t wait to become irrelevant. Study your market, know where it’s headed and be ahead of the pack. DON’T: Set up and just wait for visitors So you’ve built a website, social media networks and added some content. But it shouldn’t end there. Don’t expect people to find and visit your page. You have to invest in promoting and marketing your online presence. Great content, social media presence and effective SEO for technology companies are vital to connecting with your customers. DO: Focus on your company instead of customers Perhaps the cliché, “the customer is always right” also means “the customer is king!” Unfortunately, not all tech companies realize this. Marketing campaigns of many tech companies focus so much on their products or services, but never really about their customers. But the fact is that customers only care about their problems, needs, and goals. They’d only want to know if you offer a solution to their problem. To engage their interest, talk about how you can help them and in the language they understand. Effective marketing talks about how you can solve a problem, and once you get their interest, you can then brag about your product’s features. DON’T: Spend too much or too little For your marketing campaign to be effective, it needs to be funded adequately. According to U.S. Small Business Administration, a company should devote at least 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenues for marketing and advertising. This underlines the importance of marketing. You will spend on various marketing channels, and maintain a good marketing and sales team. Scrimping on your marketing budget can do more harm than good to your tech company. A 2016 Gartner Survey shows that budget allocations for marketing continue to increase, climbing to 12% of the company budget. The tech industry is a very competitive one and there is a need to keep abreast with competition. However, this doesn’t mean you can spend all of your revenue on your marketing. You don’t want to pour in your budget on failing or badly-managed marketing techniques. Evaluate each of the marketing strategies you employ and see which one gives you the most ROI. Study your target audience and know how to engage them better. DO: Delegate to experts Maybe you’re a great developer or an experienced CEO, but that doesn’t make you a good marketing person or a salesman. This is a common mistake of many tech companies. While you can give your inputs and ideas, you should give your marketing team the flexibility to create an effective marketing campaign. Pick people who have the credentials to run your company’s marketing. DON’T: Ignore your online presence A lot of tech companies tend to ignore their website and social media channels soon after launching them. It’s a huge mistake! Launching a website or social channels is not a one-off thing. It needs a sustained marketing effort to get your website work for you. Consider your website as an investment and as a vital part of your marketing strategy. You’ll need the help of agencies providing continuous website development to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, functional and effective. Keep your web presence active and relevant - it’s an important part of your branding. DO: Focus your marketing efforts In an effort to get a wide audience, some tech companies create an unclear persona and a scattered, complicated marketing campaign. As a result, they end up wasting their budget. While you want to reach as much audience as possible, launching a marketing campaign without proper targeting can both costly and wasteful. You need a targeted and focused marketing. Know your product or service and engage a specific market segment, particularly those with the highest chances of conversion. Do your research and discover where your target audience is. Take note that not everyone is a potential customer – focus on channels that bring you the best results. For example, if you are marketing a tech solution for gamers, you will have the best returns if you place your ads on a gamers’ forum instead of a woodworkers’ forum. DO: Build a strong organic relationship Nowadays, it’s very easy to buy traffic or page visits from dodgy merchants. But the problem is that these numbers mean nothing to your business. Sadly, this remains one of the most common mistakes of many tech companies. In an attempt to boost their online presence in an instant, some companies resort to devious digital marketing schemes that promise to increase their web presence overnight. This is a major and wasteful misstep you should never do. Your marketing campaign should focus on building your product. Letting people know what solutions you offer, engaging your audience and building strong organic relationships. Invest your time and efforts into marketing strategies with good returns – and you’re on the right track. Read More:  Social Media Marketing role in Technology. Importance of Flexibility with Business Technology. Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology.