9 Signs You Have a Pest Infestation in Your House (And What to Do About It)


14 November 2018

Home & Garden

Pest Infestation

The average American home has dozens or even hundreds of different kinds of insects living inside it. However, the vast majority of those tiny, unseen roommates aren’t pests.

Many insects and other small creatures can live peacefully near humans without causing problems. But others are pests that can infest your home, breeding in huge numbers and turning up everywhere you don’t want them. From mice to cockroaches, these pests can leave all sorts of different signs.

Humans have been doing pest control for thousands of years. But if you don’t know what to look for, you won’t know how to take the steps you need to control a pest infestation.

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly which signs of a pest infestation to look for. Once you recognize the problem, you can start taking the steps to fix it. Keep reading for what you need to know!

1. Damaged Wires or Furniture

Big pests, like mice, often chew on furniture or through cords. If you see damaged wires or bite marks on your furniture, you probably have a pest problem that’s not just insects.

Rodents need to chew on things because their teeth constantly grow and need to be worn down. You’ll see the marks of this activity down low, near the floor. You might also find signs that mice have been eating the food in your pantry.

This damage will probably leave you asking, “What is the best way to get rid of mice?” However, the answer to this is the same as the answer to getting rid of any pests: you should always call a professional. DIY solutions are rarely completely effective.

2. Signs of Nesting

Rodents also like to build nests, and you might see the signs during a thorough check of your home.

They’ll use any available materials to build their nests. You’ll need to check all the small, hidden areas of your home where they might have started nesting. Common signs include shredded paper and cardboard.

3. Droppings

Droppings are definitely one of the most unpleasant signs of a pest infestation you can come across.

You can often figure out the type of pest you’re working with by looking closely at the droppings. If it’s a rodent, you’ll find long, solid droppings that are sometimes shaped like cones.

These droppings tend to be small, and won’t have a strong scent. While that’s a good thing, it also makes them difficult to spot.

Insects droppings are different. You might find exoskeletons that have been shed, or wings, legs, and other parts of the insect body.

A different sign of insect pests can be spider webs. Although spiders themselves aren’t usually pests, their webs signal that they might be trying to catch the insects that have infested your home.

4. History of Pest Infestation

Not sure if you’re seeing sure signs of a pest infestation? Your house or apartment’s history might hold some clues.

Try to contact previous owners or tenants and see if they’ve experienced infestations before. You can also ask your neighbors if they’ve had any infestation issues. Where pests have been, they’ll often come back, especially if measures to prevent their return aren’t taken.

5. Dirt and Grime

This is one of the more subtle signs of an infestation. Sometimes, what looks like a simple buildup of dirt can actually show that you’re dealing with an infestation.

One reason everyone hates pests is that they make a mess wherever they go. In places where insects, rodents, and other pests hang out, you might find crumbs, dirt smudges, and other bad signs.

Rodents often take the same routes back and forth, so they’ll leave streaks of dirt or grease along the paths they’ve taken. If there’s dust on the floor, you may also see a trail where pests have walked.

These signs may start out small, but they’ll build as time goes on. The sooner you can catch them, the better.

6. Plant Damage

Many insects feed on plants. If your house plants show signs of gnawing around the edges, and you don’t have a pet that might have done it, it’s likely due to a pest in the house.

7. Unpleasant Smells

Sometimes, you’ll smell a pest infestation before you see it.

If you’re dealing with insects that carry food, like ants, the smell could be that of rotting food they’ve dropped or stashed somewhere. You might also smell the pests that have died somewhere in your home, where you can’t see them. They often hide in the walls or under floorboards.

If you start to notice an unusual, unpleasant scent in one part of your house, make sure to carefully check it out. You might find an infestation you weren’t expecting.

8. Live Pests

The most obvious sign of an infestation is visually seeing live pests. However, sometimes it’s easy to dismiss the problem if you see just one.

Keep in mind that if one pest made itself visible, there are probably many more where it came from. These creatures tend to be great at hiding. If you catch them, you probably already have a problem — it’s not just a single creature in your home.

9. Strange Noises

Almost all of your senses are useful when it comes to detecting a pest problem. Sometimes, they make unusual sounds that can be quiet and hard to catch. Pay close attention to the sounds in your home late at night, when everything’s quiet.

You can also put your ear up to the wall, floor, or anywhere the pests might be hiding. The sounds you hear can confirm the other signs you’ve found.

What to Do About a Pest Infestation

Now that you’ve spotted the signs of a pest infestation, what should you do about it?

As mentioned above, your first step should always be to call professional help. If you try to fix the problem yourself, it can grow much bigger before you can stop it.

Need to protect the outside of your home too? Check out our guide to keeping pests away from your garden here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Garden Wall Fountains

Wall Fountains Are Trending In Both Indoor And Outdoor Décor

Fountains are a center of attraction for any home, office, or estate but are surrounded by some ill notions like you need a big space to enjoy that soothing sounds of water and they are not cost-effective and do need a huge amount of water to keep it running. After completing this article you will be free from all those notions. Fountain designs have evolved with time and the trends of the users. The best example of those designs is Campania Fountains, you will be amazed to see the range of fountains they provide. You can have a fountain for any place in your home. No matter how big or small a house you have they have a fountain for you. And forgot to mention one more notion that fountains are more likely found in the outside garden area of the house. Well to break that notion Indoor Wall Fountains are trending products amongst all the fountains. They are well designed, they come in amazing look and they fit practically anywhere. As they are attached to the wall. Indoor wall Fountain Just imagine one of those hanging in your home, they are best to add natural beauty to your home, many people say that the home becomes dull and less lively. To make it more lively how about soothing water flowing from a beauty flowing through the wall? You can have your evening tea listening to the soothing sound of water and a fire burning on a chilly winter eve. They are available in many shapes and sizes as well as designs. Just make sure you measure the space first where you want to keep the fountain, this will ease the process of shortlisting one perfect fountain for you. One other thing you need to keep in mind is the color and material of the fountain, it will look more beautiful when it blends in the interior of your home. It will beautify the whole area. And also the material, they come in metal, glass, stone and many other materials. Just make up your mind that which material will be best suitable for your interior. Basically, all these things are just to make sure that you get optimum value for all the money you are spending. It should blend in and not fall apart from the interior of your home. Garden Wall Fountains If you have a small garden and a large outdoor fountain doesn't seem like an option, then you can always find one that can be attached to your garden wall or placed anywhere near your lawn or gate. They come in various shapes and sizes. If you have a small garden space where you have a lush green lawn or a place where you’ve kept a few planters, these garden wall fountains can add charm to any of these spaces. They come with a unique lighting setting that is a must-watch. Try to find a fountain that best suits your surroundings and also which makes the whole area more beautiful when it matches the lightings and its color which you have set in your garden area. This will make the whole area look more ravishing. The view becomes just mesmerizing in the night. You can impress your neighbors with the view over a Barbeque Party. And you don’t even need to do much for maintaining the fountain. It can be cleaned easily and you won’t need more water to maintain the flow of the water through the fountain. It fits any size and also helps you save more as it comes at many affordable rates as compared to those large garden fountains. As I said earlier that wall fountains are the best when it comes to breaking the stereotypes and ill notions about fountains. No matter which area you choose, indoor or outdoor get a wall fountain and make things more beautiful and lively. Read More: Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems How To Make A Perfect Summer Retreat From Your Backyard How To Bring Summer Into Your Space  

Home Maintenance

How To Approach Home Maintenance With A Focus On Well-Being

We all know, at least by intuition, that having our living spaces clean is important – and not just because of the visual appeal of it. Then, what are the main reasons why it’s so crucial for our lives? Sure, the look of a clean home, the convenience of finding things in their place, habits it helps us foster, and the sense of obligation – especially if you live with other people, all of them play their part. But, there’s something that really makes house cleaning vital: the link between it and our physical and mental well-being. So, what aspects of health are we talking about here, and how exactly does keeping your home in shape make a difference? According to Hire A Maid and their team of seasoned experts in house cleaning, there are a few main health-related considerations that connect to the state of our living spaces. We’ll discuss them below, and then explain how to approach home maintenance with a focus on well-being. What Are The Approaches Of Home Maintenance With A Focus On Well-Being There are a lot of approaches to home maintenance with a focus on well-being. In this case these approaches are quite suitable and feasible in terms of keeping your health nice and up to the mark. Below I am going to discuss the approaches of home maintenance with a focus on well-being.  1) Germs & Contaminants This one is pretty straightforward: cleaner space means fewer germs and other contaminants. Your goal shouldn’t be to live in a completely sterile bubble, it’s more the means to lower the chance of illness by keeping those pesky germs at bay, especially during flu season.  To that end, you should regularly wipe and disinfect surfaces throughout your home and give extra attention to the high-touch ones. It’s a tried and tested way to keep yourself and your family safe.  And don’t forget the kitchen and bathroom, where a combination of moisture and food particles creates ideal conditions for pathogens to thrive. To make sure all of these areas are regularly addressed, it’s best to craft a realistic cleaning routine – one that’s easy to stick to but still addresses all microbe-prone surfaces regularly.  2) Allergens & Air Quality Allergies are a common issue, one that many people unfortunately have to deal with even in the safety of their own homes. Allergy symptoms may be somewhat unpredictable, but luckily, it’s possible to lessen their grip on your day-to-day life. It’s quite simple really: regular cleaning reduces the amount of allergens the same way it reduces the number of germs.  Dust is a common culprit for triggering reactions, along with dust mites. And even if you and your family members don’t suffer from allergies, dust and dust mites can irritate almost anyone.  To reduce the amount of irritant particles and improve the quality of air in your home, focus on dusting regularly and efficiently, use a high-quality vacuum, and tackle upholstery, carpets, and bedding whenever possible. 3) Order & Stress Levels Aside from being an eyesore, clutter can crowd your mind as much as your space. The hassle of moving around through the mess, a decrease in productivity – these are just some of the ways in which clutter and neglected cleaning tasks can add to your stress levels.  Before you know it, it becomes a loop where the sight of the mess and the dread of having to address it feed into each other, making you feel increasingly overwhelmed.  Tackling clutter is about reclaiming peace as much as it’s about reclaiming your space. Start small – a drawer, a shelf, a corner, and work your way through the home. If possible, rely on others for help, whether it’s family members or hiring a cleaning professional. Once everything is in order, brainstorm ways to keep clutter from creeping back in. The ripple effects of a clean home on our well-being are extensive. Improved sleep, heightened concentration, and a general sense of wellbeing are all byproducts of a space that breathes cleanliness and order. Furthermore, the discipline and habits cultivated through regular home maintenance can translate into other areas of life, promoting a lifestyle that values mindfulness, health, and balance. What Are The Monthly Home Maintenance Checklists? While this is about a monthly home maintenance checklist, preserving the property’s condition is essential. Below, I am going to discuss the monthly home maintenance checklists.  1) Cleaning HVAC Filters  While this is about adequately installed HVAC filters, this will help you breathe easily in your home. This further ensures that your cooling and heating systems will also work efficiently.  2) Test Smoke Alarms  Always ensure that smoke detectors are functional in the home. This is a key feature for early detection in handling several other safety hazards. On the other hand, you must replace such batteries every six months to keep consistent and reliable operations.  3) Clearing Drains and Sinks  Always ensure that you are regularly clearing sinks and drains. These will prevent the inconvenience and chaos of several other clogs.  4) Examining Electrical Cords  Always examine several electrical cords. In this case, you must inspect the cables for frayed wires, or else you will lose the connections, which would prevent the electrical hazard.  5) Lubricating Door Locks and Hinges  Always lubricate the door hinges and locks to prevent doors from further squeaking. This ensures the smoother operations of several other locks.  6) Cleaning Gutters And Downspouts  After regularly purging the blockages and water damage, you might get a flawless water service across the entire washroom.  7) Checking Plumbing For Leaks Always ask the plumber to detect leaks as early as possible. This will save and prevent money along with extensive damage. Ensure you check the shower heads, plumbing, and faucets for such leaking to avoid headaches. It takes work to handle this kind of service, especially every season.  What Are The Four Types Of Maintenance Strategies That You Must Know?  Did you know that predictive maintenance is about rapidly gaining and sparked by several other advancements across the IIoT? Below, I will discuss four types of maintenance strategies you must know.  1) Reactive Maintenance  After all, reactive maintenance is quite simple as it can fix several other things they usually break. Since repairs still need to be planned. Ultimately, this is a suitable method in which you can employ equipment that is optional for operations. Or else this has a low cost.  2) Preventive Maintenance  Another one of the most suitable approaches, which entails periodically pausing the operation of assets, is preventive maintenance. One of the main objectives of this maintenance is to enhance the lifespan of assets.  3) Reliability Centered Maintenance After all, reliability-centered reliability-centered maintenance acknowledges equipment failure, which is not always unpredictable. This delves deep in terms of analyzing each equipment’s potential failure patterns. This is also applicable to craft a tailored maintenance plan.  4) Predictive Maintenance Did you know that predictive maintenance is a vibration of analyzing a sensor that might warn of an impending malfunction? This prompts inspection, and this would also be feasible for timely repair. In Conclusion It’s clear that the benefits of regular home maintenance go beyond the surface. Fighting off germs, clearing the air from allergens, reducing stress levels – the impact on well-being is undeniable. It’s all about including mindful cleaning habits into your life, for the sake of your and your family’s well-being. So, embrace these tasks, rely on a routine, don’t hesitate to ask for help tackling them, and enjoy a living space in which you can thrive. I hope you liked this article! Read Also: Home Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home In Good Condition Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19

Evacuation Plan

Why You Need A Cold Weather Evacuation Plan

Whether you already have an evacuation plan or are just starting to think about making one, it’s necessary to have different plans for different scenarios. Think about it: does your evacuation plan assume that there will be blue skies and warm temperatures during an evacuation for a fire? A thorough evacuation plan takes many different situations into account. You should be aware of the different types of evacuations that occur, from natural disasters such as forest fires, landslides, tornados, and house fires. And yet, often, people forget to plan for adverse weather conditions, like having to wait in a safety zone in frigid temperatures, pouring rain, or a snowstorm or having to leave through emergency exits with heaps of snow or ice obstructing the way. Checkout Three Prime Reasons You Need A Cold Weather Evacuation Plan: If you already have an evacuation plan and are prepared with emergency tools like the Evacuscape evacuation chair, you’re already ahead of the game, and winterizing your plan won’t require too many tweaks. If you don’t yet have any evacuation plan in place, you can make your cold weather plan at the same time as your warm weather plan. Here are some of the key reasons why it’s essential that you plan for cold weather evacuations. 1. Higher Risk of Fires Between fireplaces, candles, and increased use of heating systems, there’s much more opportunity for fires in the home to occur. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says that house fires occur more often in winter than in any other season. The increased risk must be taken into account during emergency planning for everyone’s safety. Plus, you can take the opportunity to ensure your practice has good fire safety tips. 2. Increased Chance for Severe Weather Natural weather-related disasters come at all times of the year. Winter brings freezing cold temperatures and all sorts of precipitation – from snowstorms to ice storms. Storms can last for days, and power outages often occur, leading to further safety issues. It’s essential to know the different scenarios that can occur. For some, it may be safer to stay put indoors, whereas, for others, you may need to leave your home. You May Also Check: All The Colors You Should Wear This Winter 3. Provides More Opportunities for Safety Planning Considering different conditions allows you to prepare accordingly. From simple and easy things like keeping a warm coat or jacket available to quickly grab on your way out to keep you warm while waiting outside to advance planning, like making sure exits are clear of snow and ice and making sure windows that might be used are easily opened when the cold and ice start happening. The whole point of emergency evacuation planning is to ensure people know how to evacuate safely and are familiar with the plan enough that they can remember it in the event of an emergency when feelings of panic are likely to occur. One thing you will probably never hear someone say is that they regretted taking safety precautions like planning an evacuation plan for their family and going over it every once in a while, to ensure everyone is familiar with it. Making another evacuation plan for cold weather allows you the opportunity to go over your plan, talk to your family about it, and keep it fresh in everyone’s minds to keep your family safe and protected this winter. Read Also: How to Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Garden During WinterPrepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving7 Daring Party Drinks to Try This Winter