Weighs in On Building an Online Business: 7 Steps to Success

Published on: 09 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Online Business

Building an online business is always challenging, particularly if it’s your first business venture. Competition for customers is high in almost every marketplace, so you need to find ways to stay ahead of your competitors. Planning and preparation are crucial for long-term success

When it comes to online entrepreneurship, the CEO of SMEJapan.com, Joel Devidal enjoys sharing his passion and knowledge for his career with others. He serves as an advisor and board member to companies, helping them create bright futures through decisions around strategy, marketing, and development. His intuition and experience help these organizations eliminate excessive operational costs while still delivering quality to the end users.

Here are seven steps detailed by Mr. Devidal for building a successful online business.

Find a Gap in the Market:

Look for a niche or gap in the market that has not already been filled. This may be as simple as finding an area where your competitors are falling short of customer expectations, or it could mean finding a way to provide extra value or novel additions to your products.

For example, if you want to start a business selling residential smoke alarms, it would be difficult to compete with more well-established companies. However, you could create your niche by making your products from recycled materials and working with a designer to create unique and attractive designs.

Do Your Research:

Proper research forms the foundation for any business, but its importance is often overlooked. Researching your competitors is crucial for planning, starting and growing your business.

Customer research enables you to define and target a specific type of customer, making it easier to market your products and reduce advertising costs.

Create a Platform:

Your website is the storefront of your business; it should contain all the information potential customers will want to know, including your contact details, mission statement, FAQs (frequently asked questions) and any legal notices you need to include.

The design of your website should complement the type of business you’re running. Consider hiring a professional web designer to make your platform attractive and easy to navigate.

Build Your Reputation:

Posting regular content on your website or blog is a simple way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Create well-researched content that is useful to your customers. Stay informed about developments and important issues in your area. Writing content for trade magazines and other appropriate websites will also help to build your reputation.

Drive Traffic to Your Website:

It takes time to achieve high search engine rankings, but there are other ways to drive traffic to your website.

Social media is one of the cheapest and most effective tools for increasing website traffic, but monitoring several social media accounts can be time-consuming. Focus on maintaining a presence on one main social media platform rather than trying to spread your time across multiple platforms. Alternatively, if your budget allows, you could hire a social media manager.

Paid advertising campaigns can also be highly effective at driving traffic to your website, but you will need to consider whether the results will be worth the cost of running the campaign.

Convert Site Visitors to Customers:

Once visitors arrive at your website, it’s your job to convince them to buy your products. Showcasing your products and services with targeted landing pages will increase your chances of immediate sales. However, visitors often need time and extra information before making buying decisions.

Therefore, the main aim should be to capture the email addresses of your site’s visitors. Once you have their email address, you can work on building a long-term relationship through regular email communication.

Keep Customers Coming Back:

Providing an excellent customer experience is the key to keeping your customers satisfied and ensuring future sales. “Happy customers are more likely to recommend your products to family and friends,” stated Mr. Devidal. Keep in touch with customers by sending regular email updates, exclusive offers, and discounts.

Building an online business is a difficult task, but proper preparation will increase your chances of success. Taking the time to do your research and plan your strategy will make all the difference when setting up a new business.

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Struggling Company

How to Save a Struggling Company

Operating a struggling business can feel like an extremely stressful uphill battle, especially when there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Luckily, there are dozens of ways to bring a failing business back from the brink of failure. However, it will take some willpower and a multifaceted approach to pull it off. Things aren't going to fix themselves, and in most cases, a full recovery will require the implementation of some radical changes. That being said, here are some steps you can take to save even the most troubled business from its own demise: How to Save a Struggling Company: 1. Apply for a Loan: Regardless of which approach you choose to take, chances are you'll need a bit of extra funding to facilitate a full-fledged reform. If you have decent credit and can show proof that the business is earning some form of revenue, you can probably get approved for a loan on a same-day basis. Small business loans from Become. Lending Express has become a popular option for struggling companies that need extra cash flow to get out of the hole. 2. Find New Customers and Clients: While a loan can keep you from going under, to really get back on your feet you'll need to start focusing on generating additional revenue. Be competitive in your niche, provide unique products/services, and utilize aggressive promotional techniques to spread brand awareness. Most struggling businesses simply aren't making enough sales to cover their operating expenses, so the straightforward solution here is to bring more business in the door or to your site. 3. Halt All Unnecessary Expenditure: Excessive overhead is the last thing a struggling business needs hanging over them. Make a minimal list of everything your company needs to continue operating and scrap everything else immediately. After all, if you're at the stage of needing a loan or a ground-breaking ad campaign to keep the business afloat, you don't want to be wasting borrowed money on expenses that aren't even necessary. 4. Bring in New Management: When you're trying to find the root of where your business went wrong, nine times out of ten there is somebody that can be held accountable. Assess the company's primary mistakes and try to ascertain who was responsible for allowing those decisions to be made in the first place. While letting go of employees can be a difficult adjustment to make, bringing in fresh perspective and talent could be all that's needed to turn things around. Better yet, consider the advantages of taking matters into your own hands for a while. Create a Comprehensive Recovery Plan: In closing, all of the above steps should be incorporated into an overall recovery plan that will guide the business back into a state of solvency and profitability. Try to be as detailed as possible when coming up with specific goals, budgets, deadlines, and agendas. The more specific and realistic your plan is, the greater your chances of success will be, so it's important to take everything into account, even if it takes days to run all of the calculations and brainstorm it out. Read Also: Importance Of Flexibility With Business Technology 6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid

Starting A Business

6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business

As an entrepreneur, you should not expect the world to be straightforward rather it’s full of ups and downs. There are hurdles and the magnitude depends on how you approach them – if you are smart and experienced you can handle the issues carefully and skilfully. Many a time the experiences come after being in the process and it could take time. To save you from that here are six bits of advice that will help in your new entrepreneurship. Have a Business Plan: How will your business serve a specific purpose and what sort of market opportunity it presents! What are the alternative strategies and action plans, what are your exit plans – whether you want to sell the business after a certain time or achievement? The marketing policy, advertising plan, market forecasts – all these factors should be planned well before you start your business and all these in a single portfolio would consist of your smart business plan. Don’t underestimate it even if you are not forced to the formal paperwork for securing a loan or funding. Never Live in the Past: Remember customer demand and the marketplace are not static entities rather they shift constantly. So, your business plan has to be prospect oriented, adaptable and lively. What you have to do today is not what you had done last year. So, don’t get stuck in the past. Research and follow the market landscape, its flux, maneuver your strategies and approaches based on the current demand. This is true for any new business as well as for the old entrepreneurs too. Never Hire Your Friends: You may tend to form quick relationships and are very good at making new friends. Socially, that is very appreciative, however, that could become the main drawback for your business to fail too. Trust in people is good but there has to be very strict regulation to uphold that trust. Hiring friends or making the employee a close friend would mean a reluctance towards that particular serviceman and that could hamper the service. If the employee is not doing fine for your start-up, you have to put the feeling aside and look for someone who is better suited. Never Jump In Without The Planning: Planning is a must at the beginning as well as for every new step and initiative you will be taking to expand or explore different options for your business. In the middle of ever-growing new ideas, you can’t just lose control due to the enthusiasm and excitement, and jump into something. You can’t lose the focus and at the same time moving forward is not easy. Every new initiative must be well assessed for how it fits your goals and objectives, what are the impediments involved and what the outcomes are. You must be a strong planner. Don’t Trap Yourself in Discounts: In order to win the market, new start-up companies may fall under pressure to heavily discount their products and services. It’s true that customer attraction is vital for any new business, however such low prices that can’t be sustained in the long run might eventually result in the opposite. Remember, high-level discounts are not the only way to attract customers, also you can smartly raise some prices for certain products and services without breaking apart with the buyers. Focus on raising the value of the products to the customer in the long run rather than just making large discounts. Never Feel Shy to Fail: It is inevitably true that human endeavors are error-prone and you are also a human too. So, mistakes and failures are not impossible. If you are there to be successful, you have to experience the pit of failures too. If you fear to be failed, you might be pushing away your success on the other hand. Entrepreneurship is exciting, but your readiness to accommodate any failure will strongly minimize the damages. You may have had some faults and leaks in your previous plan, and as soon as you fail - you notice that and mark it with a red dot. Stress or panic can’t be the result of the failure, rather you have to go for your restart with the amendments. So, sooner you fail, better you discover your path to success. Conclusion: If you are planning to form an LLC, you need to know how to get LLC. In some US states, the process can be difficult if you are not well-informed of the procedures. Getting a tax ID is another important thing for your business. The good news is that you can apply for EIN these days online. So, keep the above-mentioned tips in mind when you start a new business. Read More:  Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft. The Business Networking Benefits of Co-working Spaces.  

consulting firm

Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm

Throughout the 21st century, there has been a multitude of changes that the world has seen. The large majority of these transformations have come from the rise of the Internet and other web-based technologies. Tech, like smartphones and tablets, as well other entities have allowed society to go through massive changes. The economy is another entity that has been altered immensely by the rise of the Internet and technology. Many new industries have been spawned, and pre-existing fields have adopted these technologies and implemented them into their business models. One industry where technology has greatly modified the field has been consulting. Consultants take a myriad of actions to aid numerous types of companies, and in order to ensure that your consulting firm is running effectively, it is important to recognize the excellent job that your employees perform. Employee recognition is crucial to a successful consulting firm, so it is in your company’s best interest to ensure that your workers know that they are appreciated. Ideas for Consulting Firms to Recognize Employees Whether your employee is a vice president or an entry-level auditor, everyone who works for a consulting agency is an important part of the team. It is crucial to let your employees know that because, in order to motivate your employees, you have to let them know they are imperative to the company’s mission. There are many ideas for recognizing your employees and if you want your company to be successful, it is important that you follow these tips. There are three major keys to meaningful employee recognition. Those include personal recognition, specific recognition, and unexpected recognition. Personal recognition entails personalized thank you notes and verbal thank-yous, specific recognition is when employers tell their employees exactly what they did correctly to warrant recognition, and unexpected recognition is when management acknowledges a job well done when it was least expected. Utilizing all of these types of employee recognitions will allow your consulting firm to have highly motivated employees. Understanding the Benefits of Employee Recognition After learning about how to effectively recognize employees’ efforts, it is crucial to learn about how this will influence your consulting firm. Having highly motivated employees can provide numerous benefits for any business. Employees who are motivated will be less likely to leave your company. Diminishing the amount of turnover is essential to running a successful business, so having employees that feel inspired by their higher-ups’ recognition will certainly benefit your consulting business. Another major benefit is the more comfortable and contented office atmosphere that will be created. When employees feel like their bosses know they have done a great job, they will feel like they matter more to the company, creating a more egalitarian mood throughout the office. Final Thoughts As the consulting industry grows, it will become evident how important it is to have motivated employees. Employee recognition is crucial in any field, but especially in the consulting industry. In such a highly personalized field, employee recognition is incredibly important and will aid your consulting firm to decrease turnover rates and create a better working climate. Read Also: How Power BI Training Can Increase Business Profits? 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business Victor Mitchell, Serial Entrepreneur On How To Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business