7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture


23 January 2019

Job & Career

employee productivity

Most people will spend roughly 40 hours per week at their workplace. Yet despite spending so much time at the office, the average worker is only productive for less than three hours per day.

Less productivity means wasted time and less profit. Additionally, an unproductive workplace is often caused by a lack of happiness.

If your office is struggling with employee productivity, it may be time to look at some ways to boost it by creating a positive culture

7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture:

Here are seven ways you can promote a happier, more productive workplace.

1. Set a Good Example Through Body Language:

When it comes to office decorum, we often think about things like polite conduct.

But one of the biggest signs that employees are unhappy may not be verbal at all.

Often, unhappiness manifests in physical ways, such as body language.

Psychologists believe that the way we present ourselves physically through our body language has a major impact on how others see and interact with us — even if we aren’t always aware.

If you’ve noticed a change in employee morale for the worse, set a good example by focusing on creating a warmer, happier environment through physicality.

Something as simple as making eye contact to show interest or smiling can have a big impact on the work environment.

2. Facilitate Team Activities:

Team Activities

To reach peak potential, an office must be a well-oiled machine. Every employee must do their part to put out the highest caliber of a workday in and day out.

For some, though, they may feel less like a team and more like a series of individuals.

Reinforce teamwork through regular group activities. Once a month or so, take the team out for a night out.

Getting to know one another in a semi-professional manner outside of the office can instill a sense of belonging that many offices lack.

3. Provide a Space to Relax:

The day-to-day grind can wear even the most dedicated of employees down.

According to the American Institute of Stress, workers are more stressed than ever, with 46% of workers chalking their stress up to a burdensome workload.

You can combat workplace stress by providing a safe, relaxing environment where employees can take a quick break.

Consider building a rec room. For those who prefer fresh air, implement a community garden or talk to Shelters Direct about smoking shelters.

4. Let Employees Voice Their Opinions:

A good employer is someone who listens to what their employees have to say.

Make sure that employees feel they can voice their opinions and that they feel heard by their bosses.

5. Offer Incentives:

Another great way to encourage employee efficiency is to offer out-of-office incentives.

Partner with local businesses like gyms and health clubs to offer discounts or free memberships to employees. Perks matter more than employers think.

6. Choose Team-Building Language:

Many managers aren’t sure how to treat employees. Should they be stern or friendly?

While the solution lies somewhere in the middle, how an employer talks to their employees does, in fact, matter.

Use team-oriented language with words like ‘we’ and ‘us’ to create a stronger sense of community.

7. Give Employees The Tools to Succeed:

Productive employees can only be productive if given the proper tools.

That includes providing a clean and safe workspace, as well as up to date software and hardware.

If you’re not sure what employees need to be as productive as possible, simply ask.

Improve Employee Productivity With These Great Tips:

In order to establish a happy, efficient workplace, where employee productivity is at an all-time high, you’ll want to follow these tips.

Remember, you as a manager have the ability to make a difference, so the change starts with you.

For more great tips on how to lead by example, check out our post on people management tips.

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Career Advice

4 Key Etiquette Tips on How to Ask for Career Advice

It is common to ask for professional career advice in the modern job market. Many job seekers want to improve their positions during the job search. No matter what kind of work you are looking for: an online job, a startup, or a role in the writing business. Besides, many mentors want to share their earned experience and help applicants grow professionally. Such a request for help does not have any specific format. You may ask any kind of mentor: a hiring manager, a career advice expert, or just a professional with a rich Linkedin profile. When choosing a career advisor, do not limit yourself to a single option. Do not be afraid to ask as many people as you can reach. Besides, you may ask for advice from people from parallel industries. You may get unexpected insights about how your career field works and what goals you may approach. Several guidelines will help you politely ask required questions to your mentor for help and receive a positive answer. 4 Tips For Career Advice 1.  Do Home Research Before asking a mentor for help, you need to make necessary preparations. One of the best ways to receive adequate consultation is to attach your resume to the introduction email. It will help your mentor understand what you are capable of and what kind of advice they can provide. You deserve a well-crafted resume, so contact ResumeService 24 to get satisfying results. This resume will not only help you attract your advisor's attention but also pass ATS bots. Modern resume-scanning software filters applicants according to certain criteria. Therefore, top professional resume writing services will help you match all your knowledge and experiences in an appropriate format. This bot-beating resume will aid you more than once in your career.  Besides the resume, you will need to research the field you are going to ask for a bit of advice. A correctly formulated question is half of the answer. You need to know precisely what you are asking for and what you cannot find. You may consult with hiring managers or with people on career resources. Such clarification will help you to ask the question correctly. Another research that you should do is about your possible mentor. Visit their Linkedin profile, and learn the area of their expertise. The more you know about your future mentor, the more you will get in a minimum amount of time. Preliminary research will save you and your mentor a lot of time. 2.  Do Not Be Afraid Asking for a piece of career advice may sound intimidating for some people. Taking someone’s time for your benefit and approaching high-rank professionals with this request may seem impolite. Remember that professional consultation is a common practice. Many people are ready to provide such advice. If you approach such a request politely and strictly to the point, you will receive immeasurable help. Competition in the modern job market is intense. You need any kind of help you can get. Job seekers who have gathered more information first-hand have an advantage over regular applicants. 3.  Contact Via Email E-mail is one of the most popular means of contacting a career advice expert. Your email should be short but informative. Here your resume will be in handy. In your mail, briefly introduce yourself, state your question and provide the necessary information. It may include:  Your experiences.A cover letter. Relevant accomplishments. Try to mention only important elements. You need to compress your correspondence into a page at max. People who deal with work email will likely answer a short e-mail than a lengthy essay. At the end of the letter, state how you will follow up and how you plan to stay in touch. Finally, proofread and edit your message. Sending a poor-written letter will not make a good impression. You may resolve your question with e-mail correspondence or set a personal meeting. 4.  Personal Meeting Try to accommodate your mentor's schedule when you plan a personal meeting. You need to help them to help you. Choose a fitting date and suggest an audience. You want to keep it short. If you ask for twenty minutes, you will arrange a consultation more luckily. During the meeting, do not spend time on small talk. You have gathered to discuss business, and you should not take more time than necessary. Naturally, we do not exclude general politeness but try to keep the conversation in one direction. It would be nice to ask what you can do for your mentor afterward. Usually, professionals help you invest in your career without expecting something in return. Yet, it would be polite to offer your service or help to your advisor. Finally, do not forget to thank your career advisor. A short follow-up letter will be a proper courtesy from your side. Also, follow-up letters are a good communication point to continue your professional relationship. Final Tips Do not be discouraged if you do not get the professional help you want. Or if you received a decline to your request. It does not mean that you were impolite or violated any rules. There are many factors that you cannot control during career research. Therefore, try to acquire as much professional help as you can. Ask for help from different people and diverse resources. The more you practice receiving career advice, the more versed you will become in professional communication. 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Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path

Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path In 2023?

Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path in 2023? How many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment? What are the best paying jobs in telecommunications equipment? Let’s discuss these queries in detail.  The telecom industry is booming. Its global revenue is expected to reach 1.5 trillion by 2022. According to financial experts, new technologies such as 5G connectivity, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things will play a key role in its development.  Those millennials who are looking to switch jobs or start their career can consider telecommunications equipment as their profession. The equipment that is shaping the telecommunication industry is mobile and wireless technologies.  Telecommunications Equipment - What You Need To Know? Telecom equipment technician setup installs, rearrange, or removes routing, distribution, switching, and dialing equipment used in headends and central offices. These technicians receive on-the-job training that usually lasts a few months or weeks. The precise tasks of telecom technicians alter with their work and specialization. Several telecom technicians work with diagnostic equipment, specialized hardware, and computers. The demand for customer service representatives, telecom equipment installers, and engineering specialists is slowly rising, and this is going to rise in the future too.  Job Description Of Telecommunications Technicians Telecommunications engineers are generally responsible for the following tasks: Installing telecommunications equipment and appliances. Maintaining, testing, and erecting aerial and background wires and cables. Joining cables and sealing sheaths  Installing cabling for internet transmission, radio, and telephone  Adjusting and testing electronic equipment  Attaching cables and wires to appliances Locating faults in telecommunications equipment using ammeters, voltmeters, and ohmmeters  Examining work areas, specifications, drawings to determine connections and positioning.  Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Telecom technicians typically want postsecondary education in computer networking, telecommunications, and electronics. You will get a chance to work with experienced technicians and enhance their work skills to a great extent. Telecom technicians perform the role of upgrading and maintaining companies and evaluate customers’ needs, and download telecommunication systems that fulfill those needs. Besides, some skills and qualities that can be useful for telecommunication technicians include physical strength, communication skills, and attention to detail. Entering this field usually requires a certificate relating to Telecommunication Technology or a diploma. How Many Jobs Are Available In Telecommunications Equipment? There are more than 10000 jobs available in the telecommunications equipment industry. However, this number can rise in the future, and the job role and duties in each sector vary to a great extent. Now, let’s not make you wait any further; here are the best paying jobs in the telecommunications equipment industry. i). Telecommunications Specialist You can work as a Telecommunications Specialist if you are accustomed to all types of telecommunication systems and networks. The day-to-day duties include managing policies and procedures, implementing innovative networking solutions, troubleshooting potential issues, securing computer systems, etc.  Depending on your skills and expertise, you can earn an average of $55,000 per year as a telecom specialist. They develop and implement communication networks and provide technical suggestions. ii). Data Analysts & Scientist Analysts Another best paying job in the Telecommunications equipment sector is Data Analysts & Scientist Analysts. According to the reports, the accumulated volume of data will reach 5.2 zettabytes by 2025, and the information needs to be analyzed and sorted out.  So, you need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business intelligence, computer science, or mathematics for this role.  iii). Telecom Project Managers If you are interested in Telecom Project Managers then you need to have a broad range of skills. This can include staying up to date with all the trends, managing time efficiently, being good communicators, etc. The key responsibilities in this sector include implementing network security policies, ensuring timely installations, making adjustments when required, directing specific projects, developing personnel policies, etc.  iv). Equipment Installers & Repairer You can also consider Equipment Installers & Repairers as a career path in the telecommunications equipment industry. These are also called Telecommunications Technicians and handles telecom equipment repair and maintenance. Besides, post-secondary education in electronics and computer science is favored. Workers are urged to attend technical workshops.  v). Telecommunications Engineers Now, comes the most popular field in Telecommunications Equipment, i.e., Telecommunications Engineers. The more experience you gain in this sector, the higher your salary will be Here, you need to interact with technicians, customers, and co-workers. At the same time, you need to have excellent communication skills, analytical capabilities, and advanced math skills. The Final Verdict Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path in 2021? Now, you know why the telecommunication industry is high in demand and how you can benefit from the same. Choosing this career path can be the best decision that you can take for your career. Besides, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below! Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Precious Metals? How Many Jobs Are Available In Other Consumer Services? How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts?

is consumer services a good career path

Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path?

Each and every occupation has its perks. Consumer services offer a good headstart for people starting their careers in the field. Also, there is a promised and good growth potential in this sector. The service sector of an economy is divided into three different categories. Business services. Public services. And consumer services. Many of us tend to confuse consumer service with customer service ( which is about helping customers before and after purchase). Consumer services are intangible, and they are often produced, served, and consumed at the same time. But, is consumer services a good career path? What are the good sides and the disadvantages of a career in the consumer service platform? If you have similar queries, then this article might be helpful. What Is Consumer Service? Consumer services (again, not to be confused with customer services) focuses on intangible services that derive value from different intangible experiences, outcomes, or processes. Such services have no physical experience. If you want examples, we can name a few familiar consumer services that we are familiar with, Computer software, Consulting, Health care, Accounting, Education, Insurance, Investment banking etc. Some jobs in the consumer service sector might also require you to work in call centers, and they might be based in retail stores. In some cases, you might be required to work from your home. A basic skill needed in the consumer service sector is good communication and problem-solving. Industrial services and consumer services differ from each other. Below is a detail, Consumer Services Examples Some examples of consumer service jobs can be found in different industries. Below are some industries you might want to check out, 1. Retail In the retail industry, businesses create and sell products and services for personal use. If we calculate in the US, there are more than 3.8 million retail businesses. These consumer services in the retail sector employ around 44 million people. As a result, it is one of the biggest private sectors. 2. Healthcare Health care services also come under the consumer service sector. The healthcare sector offers an assured answer to your question – “is consumer services a good career path?” there are different consumer services in this sector that are indispensable. You can find consumer service jobs in these sectors under healthcare services, Rehabilitative Emergency Home care And long-term treatments 3. Education There are plenty of job opportunities in the healthcare service sector. But, the education sector is not devoid of consumer service occupations. You have jobs in universities, colleges, and schools. 4. Hospitality Hospitality is the host of a huge service industry and is comprised of food and beverages, travel and tourism, lodging, and more. All of these feeds are interconnected to each other. There are many job opportunities in hospitality as a consumer service professional. Similar to these sectors, consumer service jobs are available in Information technology, finance, product as services, and professional service sectors. So, Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path In 2024? Consumer services is a good career path in 2024 for those who enjoy interacting with people and solving their needs. Consumer services is a broad sector that includes a wide range of careers focused on delivering consumer services and support, such as customer service, sales, retail, marketing, product development, research and development, and operations.  Of course, there are also some challenges and drawbacks to working in consumer services, such as dealing with difficult customers, working under pressure, and facing competition. However, these can be overcome with the right skills and mindset, and by seeking training and support from employers or colleagues. Some of the benefits of pursuing a career in consumer services are: Job security Many consumer services, such as health care and banking services, are essential for people's daily lives, so the demand for these services is likely to continue regardless of economic conditions. Consumer services industries are also constantly evolving and innovating, creating new opportunities for skilled workers. Flexibility Many jobs in consumer services offer flexible work schedules, making it easier to balance work and personal life. Some jobs also allow remote work or digital delivery, which can increase convenience and efficiency. There are also various types of jobs in consumer services, allowing candidates to choose positions that suit their interests and strengths. Growth opportunities There are many career growth and advancement opportunities in the consumer services industry, with many entry-level positions leading to management positions. Consumer services roles also help to develop transferable skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, which can benefit any profession. Meaningful work Consumer services roles play a crucial role in ensuring customer satisfaction and building brand loyalty, making it a meaningful career choice. Consumer services professionals can also make a positive impact on society by supporting local businesses and communities, reducing waste and clutter, and promoting health and wellness. Jobs Available In The Consumer Service Sector Now, with a clear idea about the consumer service sector, we are ready to explore the job opportunity in the consumer service sector. This type of service has a wide range. The consumer service sector is the largest sector in the world, where jobs range from garbage cleaning to offering brain surgery. In the US alone, this sector has a wide range of jobs lined up, taking up almost 50% of the total available jobs in the US. Different types of jobs are available in education, health, retail, and other different sectors. Teaching students, student counseling, and financing loans for students are intangible services produced and consumed simultaneously. So, is consumer services a good career path? Yes, it is a viable option, given the number of variable job opportunities in different sectors. Salespersons and customer service representatives also come under consumer service. Pros And Cons Of The Consumer Service Sector Here are some pros and cons of the consumer service sector - Pros  There are countless opportunities of working in the consumer service sector. Low academic degree requirements make it a great place to start your job. You can build interpersonal skills dealing with different types of clients. Workers have opportunities to earn bonuses and commissions. Cons Sometimes it may not seem consistent. You have to deal with multiple and frequent changes in the business. This could often seem frustrating. The working hour is not regular sometimes. You might have to work on holidays and weekends. Professionals in this industry often face burnout and stress. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are some frequently asked questions about the consumer service sector that I have answered below. Q1. What Career Path Is Customer Service? Consumer service is a good career option. If you have good communication and problem-solving skills, you can choose customer service jobs. As a customer service provider, you have to help customers before and after the purchase of a certain product or service. Q2. What Are Examples Of Consumer Services? Consumer services are the type of job where employees offer intangible services. These services are typically produced and consumed simultaneously. Some common examples would be auto repairs, haircuts, healthcare, education, landscaping, or pet sitting. Q3. What Companies Are In The Consumer Services Field? Here are some companies that we can take as examples of consumer service companies,1. Talkdesk2. Kasisto3. Acorns4. Walmart5. Apple6. Amazon7. Innovaccer8. Pfizer9. Thumbtack10. Babylon Health11. N26 Q4. Is Customer Service And Consumer Service The Same? Consumer services and customer services are different. Customer services aim to support customers before and after the purchase of a specific product or service. However, consumer service is about providing intangible services like auto repairing or haircuts. Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path? - Verdict There are some pros and cons. But consumer service industries are great to start your career in. You might start at an entry-level job, and you will rise through the ranks and can eventually make a profitable career out of it. Truthfully, consumer services are a good career option. In this sector, you get to work with new people and multiple people every day. In this article, I have explained several reasons why it is a good career path. Also, the number of jobs in this sector is multiplying every year. Did this article help? Please share y our feedback with us in the comment. You can also leave your queries regarding the same. Read More: Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path? Are Commercial Banks A Good Career Path 10 Tips For A Successful Law Enforcement Career