CAT 2016 – New Changes Introduced by IIM – Bangalore


21 September 2016


CAT Registration

IIM Bangalore is hosting India’s toughest exam – Common Aptitude Test – commonly known as CAT, this year. IIM – Bangalore announced that this year, CAT 2016, the aspirants can edit their application with regards to their work experience, their percentage of marks scored and the programs selected to study at IIMs. This type of move is the first of its kind that has been introduced by IIM Bangalore that is a much-needed respite to those candidates who might have missed or erred information while registering.

This facility will be available for the registered candidates from 1st October to 5th October

CAT is scheduled to be held on December 4th in 138 test centers. The last date for registering is September 22nd until 5 Pm. It is advisable to carry out the registration process now to avoid the last-minute rush. Looking at the trend from the last two to three years, there’s going to a huge surge in registration which can lead to a server crash in the last moment. To avoid any kind of technical error, aspirants should register at the earliest.

Help-Desk For PWD candidates:

The PWD candidates will be given priority access – which means – they will be allowed inside the test center fifteen minutes before other students. IIM-  B also introduced a webpage dedicated to the candidates that will register the special requirement for them such as – wheelchair facility, scribe assistance, zoom facility, etc.

CAT Registration

For CAT Registration candidates can refer the linked article first and keep the information stated there handy, to avoid any confusion. The registration window will be active for only thirty minutes, within which the candidates have to fill up the registration form.

With an increase in recruitment activities in IIM institutes, it is expected a surge in CAT registration this year. Aspirants having any kind of query related to CAT can call Byju’s CAT helpline number: 9880031619

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web-marketing | Content Rally

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Web Marketers

Getting along with a web marketer is about as easy as negotiating your client’s settlement over a picnic outside the courthouse. Some people are that easy to work with, but they’re about as common as an 8-1 ruling in the Supreme Court. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] image[/caption] For lawyers, web marketing is what the French call a devoir — a “have to.” Most of us would rather wash our hands of it. After all, we went for a JD, not an MBA or a marketing degree. We have a whole desk full of case files and ethical obligations demanding our time. Marketing is hitching for a spot in the backseat, at best. But the Web is where the clients are. Internet marketers are the new rainmakers. We need them to keep the soil moist, so to speak. In today’s marketplace, Google is the ground from which law firms grow. The trick is to find a marketing firm that can get the job done at the right price… while keeping our blood pressure below the call-an-ambulance level. That’s easier said than done, but here’s some advice. Five Commandments for Keeping the Peace with a Web Marketer 1. Slow and Steady You know what they say — it wins the race. SEO is not an impatient person’s game. Top 10 search results are not achieved overnight. Sure, you might see a blip here and there, but if you’re looking for instant gratification, you’re searching in vain. Think of it as the stock market. You’re investing for long-term gain. 2. Micromanagement is a killer: Attempting to micromanage your marketing will put you and your marketer in that blood pressure danger zone. You’re the lawyer. They’re the web gurus. You each have jobs to do, so stick to those. It’ll do wonders for the relationship. 3. Know what you’re paying for:  Legal web marketing isn’t exactly inexpensive. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Just know what you’re paying for. A good marketing firm will offer itemized transparency for their services, and that’ll keep you from feeling resentful about any “phantom charges.” 4. Don’t get emotional: This isn’t “Dr. Phil.” Your relationship with your web marketer means everything, but that relationship should be built on performance, dependability, and communication — not personality. Trust is important, and it takes time, but you should assess the firm’s effectiveness in the services they provide, not the extent to which you “like” them as people. Oh, and the Golden Rule applies here too — treat your marketers with the courtesy and respect you expect from them. 5. Work with good people This is especially important in the legal arena. So much of web marketing is content-based; but as attorneys, we have to be careful about whom we allow writing about the law on our behalf. Stick with experienced and highly credentialed marketers, preferably those who are able to have your content written by licensed attorneys. The State Bar will thank you for it (in the form of zero discipline for marketing blunders). Here again, you get what you pay for. Need Web Marketing Advice for Attorneys? Ask. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. If you need web marketing advice for attorneys, ask around. Maybe some of your law school friends practicing in other jurisdictions can share their experiences. A simple conversation can shed real insight. You might be surprised by how much you’ll learn from the web marketers themselves. Ask them to educate you. Most are more than willing to elaborate on their history, their best practices, and their approach to client management. Working with web marketers isn’t always easy, but take these tips to heart and you’ll see long-term success (instead of simply seeing red). Kaplan Lawyers PC is a New York City personal injury law firm that helps victims of personal injury and their families in Bronx, Queens, and Kings Counties, as well as all of New York City.

writing assignments

Tips on cheap paper writing assignments

Students out there who can afford to spend a ton of money on the expensive custom paper writing services. If you need to get the income for a better future so the expensive custom paper, assignment and writing assignments are also available here. If you are struggling to get research paper complete and done that will be happy to know that can get assistance and comes to writing assignments. It will be able to get a writing service can write the research paper. If you want o get writing cheap services then follow the tips at Custom papers : On the time are selected the resource it is not so important to make sure that can also receive the custom research papers. They are actually designed as directly to the express and then exact specifications work directly with the instructions and supports. In lots of cases, it will get that working on the assignment extremely overwhelming and applies to all the students and do not think are excluded due to are doing a complete degree at the university. Actually one of the most common ways would be easy to seek the tips and guidelines from essay writing services and how it would also mean the cost and could complete as the substantial or may not lots of people would be willing to pay enough price or rates. Writing a literary analysis paper successfully : Lots of the students actually understand writing an analysis paper is one of the hardest and stressful tests they can ever find. Basic thing is that this kind of paper goes actually beyond the presentation of facts. It needed the paper explanation of the same facts and about their analysis. Actually basic equipped those appropriate tricks to help them continually write the excellent papers over time without copying. Writing and analysis paper is not exactly an easy thing even for the most of dedicated students and specificity of the exact formats and details needed to write great analysis is the thing and college students may not have the time to master with so many other things to handle or manage. It has been completely possible with the years of efforts and practice and continuous writing of similar subjects over the years in all around the world. Contacting companies for discounts : As much as the companies we can contact so much and also the things possible and sometimes how to do so and is not readily available to you and then just reviewing and whatever prices are advertised on a particular services homepage. Now it should always speak with the companies and directly to learn about special promotions or discounts offered to first-time buyers. If you are about to start writing a paper for college assignment then it might need the support and help of professionals and whole paper writing services at the perfect point. There is no need to despair and are an extremely challenging project and also the level of academic writing. If you are already written dozens of essays, research papers, critical thinking, and creative writing assignments then you should have to prepare well. Read Also : Tips On Project Statement Writing Tips On Writing Better Case Studies Tips On Cheap Assignment Writing Services Hiring

Successful Entrepreneurs

5 Ways College Prepares Young Adults To Become Successful Entrepreneurs

College is a time of learning and growth. It's a time when young adults learn about themselves and their passions. For many, college is also when they first start thinking about becoming entrepreneurs. There are several things that college teaches young adults which prepare them to be successful entrepreneurs. In this article, we will discuss five ways that college helps teach young adults. 1. How To Be Independent And Manage Your Life Successful CEO Dennis Bonnen understands that when young adults go to college, they often take their first steps towards independence, which can be a daunting transition but also exciting. College allows students to manage their own lives, make their own decisions, and learn from their mistakes. These skills are essential for success in any area of life, but they are significant for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks, embracing change, and finding creative solutions to challenges. College provides students with the perfect environment to develop these skills. In addition, college students have access to a wealth of resources and support networks to help them turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. 2. Develop Creative Thinking Skills College provides an environment where young adults can explore their creative thinking skills. They are encouraged to think outside the box and to find new and innovative solutions to problems. This type of thinking is essential for success as an entrepreneur. In addition, college teaches young adults the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. These are all qualities that are necessary for any successful business venture. Furthermore, college students have the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals. These connections can be invaluable when launching a new business. A college is an excellent place for young adults to develop their creative thinking skills and learn what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. 3. Networking With Other Young Entrepreneurs College provides a platform for networking with other successful entrepreneurs. By meeting and interacting with other entrepreneurs, students can learn what it takes to be successful in business. In addition, Successful CEO Dennis Bonnen believes that college allows young adults to learn about various aspects of running a business, such as marketing and finance. As a result, college can teach young adults the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful entrepreneurs. In addition, the experience of attending college can help entrepreneurs develop important connections that can lead to success in the business world. Consequently, the college provides a valuable experience for those interested in becoming successful entrepreneurs. 4. Expose Young Adults To Different Business Ideas In college, young adults are exposed to various business ideas and strategies. They learn about different types of businesses, how they operate, and what it takes to be successful. This exposure is essential for young adults who are interested in entrepreneurship. It allows them to see what is possible and to develop a better understanding of the business world. In addition, the college provides students the opportunity to learn from the successes and failures of others. This type of learning is invaluable for any budding entrepreneur. A college is an excellent place for young adults to get exposure to different business ideas and strategies. 5. Learn How To Deal With Failure And Setbacks One of the most critical lessons colleges teach young adults is dealing with failure and setbacks. In business, there will always be obstacles and challenges. It is essential to learn how to overcome these hurdles and use them as growth opportunities. College provides students with the perfect environment to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from their failures. This type of learning is essential for any entrepreneur. Overall, college is an excellent place for young adults to learn how to deal with failure and setbacks. Conclusion College provides young adults with the perfect environment to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success as an entrepreneur. There are many different ways that college helps teach young adults about entrepreneurship. These five ways are some of the most important. If you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur, then you should consider attending college. It is a great place to start your journey to success. Read Also: How Many Types Of Entrepreneurs Are There In 2022?How Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs Are Changing The WorldSmall Business Entrepreneurship – Small Business, Strategies And Many More!