7 Steps to Build a WINNING Influencer Campaign 

Published on: 22 January 2021 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
Influencer Marketing Campaign

Brand influencing existed before social media, but (intelligently) centered more around events than individuals.  

An example would be a group of young people enjoying a brand of beer at a football game. All the while also encouraging the other fans to drink it. 

There are many other examples of individuals outside social media being used as brand ambassadors.  

Like athletes wearing branded hats, musicians using only one kind of guitar, etc. 

However, the potential is endless in a world of social media where these potential influencers have 24/7 access to their fans.  

There is almost endless potential for these individuals to drive business revenue through their influence 

Most of those individuals who successfully influence branding outside of social media are popular. With social media, if you reach out to the right influencer in the right niche, they can help you grow. 

Even if they only have a reach of a few thousand followers. Here are five steps to building a solid influencer Marketing Campaign. Even for small, niche social media markets.

Have Realistic Goals

One of the many appealing things about an Instagram marketing campaign is the price tag range. As there truly is a deal out there for every company and every potential brand influencer.  

Some goals for every campaign should reach a brand-new audience and reestablish trust from your current buyers.  

If you’re a web-based company, increasing traffic to your site should also be at the top of the goals board. If you’re not, you should be thinking of ways to monetize your goods or services via a website. 

The level at which you measure success in each of these fields is up to you. However, some improvements should be made to all of them. 

Even if you’re only investing $80 in a local influencer with 4,000 followers. 10 new followers on your page and a percentage increase for web traffic are realistic and easily-measurable goals.

Match the Message to the Niche

For micro-marketing campaigns directed towards the followers of a given influencer (maybe a quarterback at the local college). Ensure to create a message that will resonate with those followers.  

It’s important to do research here, as many influencers get heard due to accomplishments but take on a much more personal persona on social media.  

For instance, a person may be famous for golfing but is a huge gamer in his or her free time, and most of the social media posts are related to gaming.  

In this case, if you could create a message that somehow ties in golf and video games, your odds of meeting your goals increase by quite a bit. Easier typed than done!

Let the Influencer “Sit at the Table”

There is no audience with a more direct niche than an audience that follows a single individual’s life through the lens of social media.  

With this in mind, no one knows what that niche likes more than the influencers themselves.  

Inviting the influencer or influencer to share opinions on how the message is to be conveyed will not only resonate with followers but will also make for a more passionate message from a said influencer.

Take Advantage of Analytics

Social media analytics are instant, virtually free, and extremely easy to understand and utilize for the betterment of your campaigns.  

The beauty of having the sole person delivering your message is that you only must talk to one person (or, perhaps a small team) to implement changes to that message.  

This can even be done during a campaign and should be fully taken advantage of. Tailoring and making changes based on audience response is incomparably easy to do on social media.  


Every real influencer’s goal with social media is to grow their audience. For some, it’s no doubt equally as satisfying to the psyche as it is the wallet, but to most, they know that the bigger the audience, the bigger the paycheck.  

As a team or individual just starting out in the influencer marketing business, you, too, should be hoping to grow your reach.  

Finding out what works and what doesn’t is the name of the game with small dealings.  

Learn from those mistakes, widen your niche, and invest even more in working with an influencer whose audience (and investment) is a little larger. Repeat and reap the benefits!

Build Relationships that Last

One-off campaigns can work, but influencer marketing really clicks when you focus on building longer partnerships.

If an influencer fits your brand well, it’s smart to stick with them. In fact, when followers see the same person backing your product over time, it feels more genuine. It’s about trust, and trust surely leads to better results.

Plus, working together long-term means you both grow. As the influencer gains more followers, your brand’s reach grows, too.  

Especially when their audience is loyal, they’re more likely to listen and engage with recommendations.

If the influencer sees themselves as part of your brand’s journey, their content naturally feels more authentic. 

Keep Testing and Tweaking

No campaign is perfect, but each one teaches you something. It’s important to experiment. Try different content styles—videos, stories, giveaways—and see what sticks.

Your audience might respond better to a live session than a boring static post, or maybe an influencer tutorial pulls more engagement than a product review. The key is to track what works and what doesn’t.

And don’t get stuck in a pattern. Just because something worked once doesn’t mean it will again.

So, keep testing and adapting as trends change. That’s what keeps your marketing fresh and relatable. 

Start Small, Aim Big!

Influencer marketing isn’t just for the big players. Small brands can tap into it, as well!

The trick is starting with realistic goals, finding the right influencer in your niche, and letting that relationship grow naturally.

The results might start small, but as you refine your strategies, your brand will see more and more impact. 

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Marketing Techniques

5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work

It is the age of digital marketing but that doesn’t mean businesses should abandon traditional methods of promoting their products or services. While many people seem permanently attached to their smartphones, some people choose not to be constantly connected. Since these people may still be interested in what you have to offer, you will need to reach them through traditional marketing techniques. Digital and traditional strategies can work well together. Let’s discuss some of the old-school techniques which continue to bring in business. 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work: 1. Neon Signs: Signage is still an excellent form of promotion and neon signs are still impactful. They are vibrant and highly visible even from a distance, yet inexpensive. This is especially helpful for small or new businesses that need lots of exposure but don’t have a huge marketing budget. Neon signs can be made in almost any shape and size so they can be used for logos, words, or anything else you may have in mind. These signs are easy to set up and they last a long time. They are great for bars, gaming lounges, tattoo parlors, and other fun, edgy businesses. 2. Billboards: Billboards are another convenient way to get your message across using visuals. The 2017 Nielsen Poster Advertising Study provides evidence that customers still respond to this traditional marketing technique. They are perfect for communicating evergreen content to large numbers of potential customers over an extended period of time. People driving along the highway or other busy streets can’t help but notice a large compelling image or carefully crafted word. Since many people take the same route every day, they will see your message frequently. If you have a product with mass appeal, billboards should be used in conjunction with your digital marketing efforts. 3. Direct Mail: Email marketing is a key part of many digital marketing strategies but you shouldn’t neglect traditional direct mail. In fact, it’s making a comeback, so you may want to prepare hard copies of your catalogs. Emails often end up in the spam folder or get ignored or deleted because people get so many of them. Direct mail is on the decline so recipients are more likely to open an envelope that comes to their home. It also seems more personal than email and is more likely to get a response. Direct Mailing Services may also bring a greater return on investment. If you're interested in direct mailing, you should take a look at this EDDM guide. 5. Flyers and Brochures: If you have a brick-and-mortar business like a store or a restaurant, don’t underestimate the power of handing out flyers and brochures. Brochures help you to share lots of information about your products or services in a tangible form. Flyers, on the other hand, are an excellent way to notify people about sales or offer special discounts. These handouts also allow representatives of your business to interact with potential customers and answer their questions. 6. Telemarketing: Don’t dismiss the idea of cold-calling in the 21st century. Research suggests calls have conversion rates of between 30 to 50%, making them one of the most effective marketing solutions. Calls were found to last almost 16 times longer than a website interaction so this traditional marketing technique should not be dismissed. Telemarketing is especially helpful in the B2B sector where you can properly segment your markets. It’s also great if you’re looking to upsell current customers or clients. Random calls will not have high conversion rates so you need to do your research and have a strategy before you pick up the phone. It’s easy to think that you should focus solely on digital marketing. However, some of the best promotion strategies involve both modern and traditional marketing efforts. Neon signs, billboards, direct mail, flyers and brochures, and telemarketing can all work well depending on your locale and target market. Read Also: Signs Your Traditional Marketing Campaign Is Working Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing


Best Way To Earn Passive Income In 2020: Email Marketing

If you’ve done it well enough and offered something of value for free, then a bunch of people will opt-in. Now you have their email address and contact info and you can follow up with them for the end of time or until they unsubscribe. So, its important to give out some sort of free gift that you give to people in order to get their email. Okay. Emails- All You Need to Know:  So what is your free gift, what are some things that work, really? Free ebooks. I'm sure you've seen those: “download our free report on __” For example, the eBook that I was circulating as a free gift was – “The 11 questions to change your life”. And then if people liked it (in a lot of cases they did), they want more and I give them an offer from my best Journal course, so there you know after they got it all they can get my best Journal course. So this is a very simple, opt-in I put 11 questions down and I give it away for emails (Shopify product research). Now, this right here has brought in probably ten thousand email addresses and, people have moved or they've unsubscribed or I’ve deleted them. Like I talked about earlier, but just from this little book right here I was able to generate a lot of income. Now I have their contact. So whenever I have a new video out, I know that they're interested in self-growth. So maybe if it's a self-growth video, I'll shoot it out to them. Or maybe if it's like a new offer I have, I'll shoot it out to them. Checklist: So anything like this, which is sort of like a free book and I say its more of a checklist, which is the second thing that works really well - you can do a checklist. I know some big entrepreneurs who were like to get the free YouTube checklist. Okay, like the five things to grow your YouTube channel get for free. Checklist and you take their email through email marketing and then you send it to them and it's all automated. Another thing that I'm a big fan of its free membership sites and. For instance, I’ve had one in my Facebook Community for YouTube entrepreneurs. It's pinned in the description there. And so it's like a gear list, a list of stuff you use or a quick start guide and the goal with your free report or your free opt-in or your baits is to get people immediate results. A good question to ask yourself is, what's like something that your audience could take action on open and get immediate results on in like 10 minutes. So you don't want your free report to be like an entire book, right? Authors will say get my first chapter for free, you don't want your free report to be like just mega long, although it is a strategy, I'm not a fan of it. If I get a free gift, I want it to be immediate action. So here is like gear favorites for it and conveniently these are all affiliate links, which is also cool, because even if they don't buy anything from me, down the road and they still get some good info if they want to buy something for themselves. Well, I make a commission on this. So that's a cool way you can cross-pollinate your income streams. I’ve built a multitude of free gifts and distributed them to my subscribers through click funnels something that they can do in 10 minutes or look at in 10 minutes, something that you can put together super quick even in like a Pages document or a Word document or a Google Document and just export it to a PDF. But don't spend too much time on this, the goal is to just get something up that you can start giving away to people to collect their emails through the email marketing. Best Way To Earn Passive Income: Email Marketing Lastly, when it comes to email marketing is for you to have multiple lists. This is because people have different interests. The people who are interested in YouTube, they're not guaranteed to be interested in personal development, for example. They're not, into maybe saving and investing and so if you talk about multiple things on your Channel, blog or your brand you want to segment your list as much as possible. Okay, so just try to narrow it down to people who like tennis or people who like golf or people who like swimming if you have a sports club or something like that, because of the tennis people are getting swimming tips. They're going to unsubscribe. They're going to get pissed off and that makes sense because you signed up for tennis not swimming. So as much as possible whatever that is in your business, try and segment your list as much as possible. And so that's why I have 20 lists of them have 300 people and some of them have 6000 people. Read Also: Pittsburgh Sportsbook Is Now Available At Parx Casino In Bensalem, PA 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Mobile Marketing Tips

5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales

Driving sales is the most important task for any marketing department, no matter how large or small your business. Here are five ways to leverage mobile marketing to increase sales immediately: Build Websites With Mobile in Mind Traditionally, websites are built to perform well on desktop and laptop computers, and then later they are optimized for mobile. In today’s business environment, however, it should be the other way around. Take a look at these statistics about mobile search traffic: 70% of searches made on smartphones or tablets result in immediate action. 73% of consumers believe mobile websites load too slowly. 68% of traffic is lost if a website isn’t configured well enough for a mobile device. Clearly, mobile searches are valuable, and your competition is losing out on these opportunities. Take the time to capture them, or you’ll lose out on sales, too. Create a Mobile Loyalty Program One of the best uses for a mobile application is to provide a loyalty program for your audience. Here are the benefits you can expect your brand to immediately enjoy: They’re less expensive than most inbound tactics that focus on finding new business rather than improving loyalty. Companies that run loyalty programs usually enjoy more growth than other companies. Your company’s reputation is improved by simply launching a loyalty program. You’ll have access to a larger portion of your customer’s overall spend. Not only that, but your customers benefit too. On average, 90 percent of all users with mobile devices believe that enrolling in a brand’s loyalty program benefits them. It’s a win-win situation. Start Distributing Coupons via Mobile Instead of Print One of the best tools you have in your arsenal to drive sales is coupons. Sending them out gives customers an instant incentive to make a purchase immediately, but if you want your customers to use them, you need to make it convenient for them to do so. That’s why mobile devices are the perfect way to distribute your coupons — convenience. Instead of having to print or clip the coupons and bring them when they shop, they’ll have instant access. This is the biggest reason that mobile coupons have a redemption rate that’s 10 times higher than print or clip coupons. Use Text Messages to Nurture Your Leads Text messages are extremely effective at getting read, with an incredible 98 percent open rate. Compare that to email, which hovers slightly above 20 percent. With that kind of power, not taking advantage of text message marketing is a huge mistake. [gallery size="full" columns="1" link="none" ids="1444"] One of the best ways to use text messages is to nurture existing leads. Text messaging is an extremely personal communication method, so sending out generalized blasts isn’t a good idea; instead, you want to send relevant, timely information to a targeted audience. Because you know that your message is going to be read, delivering the right message at the right time drives incredible results. Make Everything as Easy as Possible Mobile marketing is a great way to reach an enormous, engaged audience, but you need to understand how that audience is interacting with you. Mobile devices are easier to use than ever before, but they still can’t rival the functionality of traditional computers. If you want to drive mobile subscriptions and more business, you need to simplify everything. Don’t require too much information when somebody is creating an account for your mobile app. Let them do it with just a username and password. Once they've created an account, offer incentives, such as coupons or bonus loyalty points, for additional information. Use shortcodes to make text message subscriptions as simple as sending a single word. The fewer barriers to entry mobile users have, the more people you’ll attract and keep. Have you used mobile marketing to drive sales? Share your own tips and tricks below!  Read also: 1. App Development Benefits: Here’s why you should go Mobile 2. Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects