How to Master the GRE Verbal Reasoning Section


27 January 2021


Verbal Reasoning

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) assesses a graduate school applicant’s aptitude in verbal skills and mathematical skills necessary to succeed in their higher education. Test-takers work through five total sections: one Analytical Writing, two Quantitative Reasoning, and two Verbal Reasoning sections.

Especially if you don’t have a background in a writing and reading-intensive discipline, the Verbal Reasoning portion of the exam can be quite challenging. Many GRE test-takers don’t know where to get started with improving their reading comprehension skills.

What is Verbal Reasoning?

According to the official GRE website, the Verbal Reasoning section “assesses your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences and recognize relationships among words and concepts.”

The two Verbal Reasoning sections of the exam have 30 questions each and give test-takers 20 minutes to complete them. They include the following types of questions to test the skill sets described above:

1. Reading Comprehension Questions

Throughout the Verbal Reasoning section, test-takers will encounter three different subtypes of reading comprehension questions:

  • Traditional multiple-choice questions with five choices and one correct answer.
  • More complex multiple-choice questions with three choices and either one, two, or three correct answers. No partial credit is given for identifying some but not all of the correct options.
  • Select-in-passes questions, where the exam taker reads a short passage then answer questions about the specific function of sentences within the text.

2. Text Completion Questions

These questions are based on a passage with one to five sentences. Within these passages, one two three word spaces are left blank, and the test-taker must answer multiple-choice questions about which words would best complete the sentence if filled into the blank space.

3. Sentence Equivalence Questions

Each of these questions presents a single sentence with one word missing. The test-taker is given six choices of words that could fill in the blank, and they must identify which two options if chosen, would create sentences with equivalent meaning.

How to Prepare

Since the GRE tests aptitude and skill sets, not your knowledge of specific topics, many students find it difficult to strategize their studying. When it comes to the Verbal Reasoning section, the following preparation methods can sharpen the skills that the section assesses.

1. Brush Up on Your Vocabulary

Vocabulary forms a big part of GRE success. Answering text completion and sentence equivalence questions become quite challenging if you aren’t familiar with the answer options. Additionally, strong vocabulary skills will help you easily parse the complex passages included in the reading comprehension questions.

There are two steps to improving your vocabulary skills: simple memorization and vocab-in-context. You can use flashcards with word definitions to help with memorization, and you can read dense materials or study vocabulary words within complete sentences to practice the latter.

2. Take Practice Tests

Practice tests are a great way to know where you stand. It will help you learn about your strengths and weaknesses and how much you have to improve to achieve a higher score. It will also guide you in deciding how rigorously you will have to work on your existing vocabulary skills. Consider using guides and reference books like Kaplan GRE study books to practice with questions that accurately simulate the difficulty of the exam.

3. Pacing and the Process of Elimination

When taking practice tests, focus on your pacing throughout the Verbal Reasoning section. Get a gauge for how long the passages typically take to read and understand and how long each type of question takes you to answer.

To get through questions faster, work on your process-of-elimination strategies. It’s also important that you recognize when you simply don’t know the answer to a question and are better off choosing a random answer than spending too much time on it.

4. Markup the Text

One mistake most test-takers make when reading through a passage is not making simple annotations, which results in them having to reread the passage. It will save precious time to take to circle or underline important points or keywords while going through the text the first time.

5. Stick to the Text and Information Given

Never get carried away by your opinions or background knowledge when dealing with a critical reasoning question based on a given passage. The passages present all the information you need—assuming information can lead you astray.

Tacking Test Day

The most effective way to prepare for all sections of the GRE is to familiarize yourself with the skills tested, types of questions asked, and pacing. If you focus on these elements and take full-length practice tests to simulate the day of the test, you’ll know exactly what you’re up against and how to tackle every aspect of the exam.

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Online Learning in Germany

5 Advantages of Online Learning in Germany

Most students aspire of pursuing their higher education goals abroad in some globally renowned university. However, they are unable to realize their ambition due to financial or other obligations. They may take a variety of online courses from their country and be at par with global educational standards. Some people feel that online classes aren't as productive as in-person classes, workshops, and seminars, while others are concerned that taking classes at home may drive them to lose interest. These critics are ignorant as there are various advantages to attending online classes. We'll look at some of the benefits of pursuing online learning in Germany as it will help you to explore a plethora of opportunities globally: Flexibility in schedule:  Online training makes it much simpler to incorporate classes into your hectic schedule. , For instance, if you wish to learn early in the morning or later at night, you may find an instructor who is available at those times or someone that is stationed in a remote location. You can arrange your lessons around your work, college, or other hobbies, no matter what your routine is like. Furthermore, there is no need to account for commuting time since there is no obligation for driving to lessons. Access to a wide variety of resources:  Accessibility to digital resources is not only a cost-cutting measure, but it is also an excellent approach to supplement your classes. You'll be able to examine clips, listen to recordings, comprehend text or journals in English, and participate in group activities. Your instructor will assist you in making the best possible use of technology by providing you with the most relevant content for your ability and advising you on what to pick out for additional training or to complement sessions. Digital skills: Online courses will allow you to discover the most recent online developments while also providing you with sophisticated technological abilities. Organizations prioritize such capabilities as every part of our commercial industry is transitioning to digital platforms in order to improve overall productivity. One of the greatest hurdles for recruitment agencies, as per a research study is a shortage of qualified prospects. According to 67% of employers, the largest recruitment challenge in today's employment market is a shortage of competent and technically qualified candidates. Affordability: Among the most compelling arguments for taking online classes is the low cost. Online classes are less expensive than traditional courses, yet the content and syllabus of that given subject are not compromised. Although most students choose to learn at their leisure from the convenience of their homes or are already engaged with other responsibilities. Renowned schools and institutions throughout the world are now delivering online courses in Germany. They have the option to allocate their workload evenly between their interests and online courses. Duration:  For individuals who wouldn't want to be trapped in a course for too long, timelines and durations are some of the most appealing features. You may also browse for online courses that fit your routine and won't disrupt it. Online courses are easy to execute since they allow you to submit work within your timetable, watch video classes at your convenience, and practice at your preferred rate. So, if you're thinking of enrolling in an online course in Germany, you must research all of your resources and budget for the course to get the most out of it. Online courses are also valued much like traditional programs. Read Also: Guide To The Legal Education In The United States Counselor’s Guide To Choosing The Best Education Majors 5 Things You Should Look For When Applying To A Higher Educational Institution 8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education


Preparing Your Child for Future is Not Just About Education Anymore

Parents play a crucial role in the growth and development of their child. Children learn from their parents by simply observing them from a young age. Children are really inquisitive and ask tons of questions about everything. Though your child is growing up fast, the world is moving faster. This is the time to understand that preparing your child for the future is not limited to education any longer. You need to prepare your child for a global world, and this means you need to go farther than education. As a smart parent, you need to teach wise money management skills to your children. Children observe you deal with money matters in your home and learn from your actions. If you are a spendthrift, your children will consider it okay to spend money on unnecessary items. However, if you carefully plan your finances and build a budget, your children will learn to do the same. Every parent wants to ensure that their child is financially responsible, and this can be achieved through simple but consistent steps. Here is how you can prepare your child for being financially independent and responsible. 1. Set an Example : Young children watch you and learn. If they constantly see you use plastic money, they will notice that it is easy to swipe the card and when you argue with your partner about money, they will notice it too. You need to set an example for them in order to ensure that they understand and follow the same as they grow up. 2. Practically Explain the Importance of Money : Children need to understand that it is not easy to earn money. To do this, you need to physically hand them money and accompany them to a store, ask them to pick up a few items and make the payment for the same. This will work better than a ten-minute lecture on the importance of money.  3. Stay Away from Impulse Buys : In order to set a healthy example, you need to stay away from making impulse buys. You need to restrain yourself from using money without thinking over it. If your children ask you to buy them something every time you are at the store, you need to avoid it and encourage your children to wait for at least a day before making the purchase. Ask them to think over it and consider if they really want to spend the money on the purchase. 4. Build A Budget : If your child is a teenager, it is the right time to introduce the importance of the budget to them. Set a simple budget and ask your child to stick to it. This will help your teen understand financial discipline and to stick to a limited budget through the week or the month. As your child grows, you can ask him or her to make their own budget within the specified amount and to follow the same.  5. Teach Children to Stay Away from Loans : It seems extremely simple to apply for a loan and borrow money. But it does not come for free; there is a responsibility of making payments within the due time. Before your teen starts college or applies for the first job, you need to explain to him/her that it is best to steer clear of the loans. Talk through alternatives and encourage the habit of saving. It is best to spend the money within your limits instead of getting under a pile of debt. 6. Enroll them For Financial Certification Exams : There are various certification exams conducted by NSE, BSE, etc. Ask your child to enroll for the same. These examinations will help them learn about the investment domain. There are various modules to select, like mutual funds, derivatives, banking fundamentals, financial markets, etc. As you prepare your child for their bright future, you must also fulfill your responsibility towards securing their future. What this means is financial planning for their higher education and career. The best way to do so is by investing in the child education plan. If you have got time on your side, you can put your funds in child education plans such as SIPs in equity-oriented funds. Equities are the best option available to create wealth in the long term. However, considering the volatility involved indirectly investing in stocks, the SIP route of mutual fund investing provides a better option for parents who are looking to create a considerable corpus for their child’s future. Moreover, your investment in child education plan is managed by professionals who have expertise in cherry-picking stocks. Thus, you have a highly diversified portfolio which can provide considerable returns over the long run (*mutual funds returns vary according to on-going market conditions). Conclusion: Financial freedom is only valuable if it is accompanied by financial responsibility. Teaching children about finances at a young age will help them in getting future-ready.  

Business Course Online

Should you Study a Business Course Online?

With the world becoming more interconnected with rapid advancements in technology, the business world is becoming a dynamic platform for complex economic transactions. Hence, it is essential to know the progress made in the field to compete with other qualified people in the domain. Business course online is an excellent way to gain a foothold in the corporate industry, especially if you belong to a different academic background. They are also gaining popularity because they are cheaper than regular business degrees without compromising on the quality of the education provided. Who are some people who pursue Online Business Courses? There are millions of people all over the world, who take up online business courses. Have you ever heard of someone who leapfrogged his way into the top management overnight? Or someone who shifted careers in front of you and is now a hot-shot VP in a big MNC? What did these people do that catapulted them to success? The answer is often learning and constant self-development. The rigors of a 9-5 job do not leave ample room for progressing when it comes to developing yourself. This forces you to be stuck at a position that can only afford you minimum growth and sustenance. The key to destroying this rat race is to improve your skills and add to your qualifications. If you present the improved version of yourself to your employer, he will have no chance but to promote you and give you the commensurate increment. In our experience, we have seen students juggling multiple careers, while at the same time rigorously preparing and following business courses online. It does not matter whether you want to be a hotshot Investment Banker on Wall Street or an Entrepreneur jet setting his way across continents, you will have to develop yourself to take the leap. If you want to start a business career and are looking for options, you should consider opting for online business courses. If you are unsure about these courses, this blog can be an eye-opener. Read on to find out about the various benefits of online business courses. Benefits of pursuing a business course online: Business courses are a great medium of teaching you how to solve issues in a business environment. Here are some benefits of studying business courses online. i) Convenience: While you might be familiar with a conventional education set-up, pursuing a business course online can afford you a lot of conveniences. Online classes can allow you to study from your home, the local library, or any other place with an active internet connection. Some universities also offer the option of recording the video lectures so that you are not inconvenienced by issues like illnesses or a bad internet connection. ii) A personalized timeline: While conventional degrees require you to adhere to their fixed schedules, online courses can allow working around your schedule. As a result, you don’t have to worry about rigid schedules or inflexible course options. Conventional business schools also demand a strict attendance percentage, which is much relaxed in the case of online courses. iii) A chance for national and international collaboration: If you think that online courses do not match up to the networking opportunities in a conventional academic set-up, you may be in for a surprise. You are joined by students from different backgrounds and geographical locations. You also get the chance to interact with your peers and faculty, discuss weekly assignments, or ask questions. Many online business courses also hold separate networking opportunities to provide their students to meet and interact with each other. iv) Affordability: Conventional business courses can cost a small fortune, and not everyone is able to afford them. But online business courses cost a fraction of traditional courses, which can easily fit in your budget. In addition, you can also forego the expenses of living on the college campus or travelling till there every day. v) The flexibility of maintaining work with academics: A major advantage of online business courses is the flexibility to pursue them while working a 9 to 5 job. Unlike conventional courses that require you to fulfill college credits within a specified time, online courses offer a more relaxed timeline that does not require you to compromise on your career. Things to remember before opting for an Online Business Course:   It is important to pay attention to the fact that you would need to set your priorities. If you are paying the fee and have the intention of seeing it through, you need to take out time from your routine. While some shady courses, might give you certifications in exchange for money, the best ones are rigorous and involve tests and appraisals to test your growth and development. It is also important to check some references and see the benefits that people have accrued who have taken up the course. Connect with them over LinkedIn or social media and see the impact the course has had on their professional life. Do not believe every positive thing the platform or the course says about itself. Tap into some Quora and Reddit articles, see, and analyze things for yourself. You will not end up spending more than an evening doing your research. Always remember that you would be investing time, money and effort in the online business course. Hence doing the background check and references is essential. Conclusion: Pursuing a business course online is a great way to tap into the business boom in recent years without hampering your existing career or economic status. With new companies being established every day, enroll in a business course online to establish a well-paying business career. Many people have benefitted immensely from taking up an online business course. They have not only seen their professional life being impacted in a positive way but have also experienced the improvement in their personal lives. If you are of an ambitious nature and want to give your career a much-needed boost, an online business course might just be the avenue you were looking for. Do let us know about some great platforms, which are offering online business courses in the comments section below. Read Also: How Do You Grow Your Business Online? How To Grow Your E-Commerce Business The Many Benefits Of Online Education Quit The Rat Race: 5 Tips For Becoming An Online Entrepreneur