Career Spotlight: Becoming A Market Research Analyst


12 September 2024


Market Research Analyst

Do you know how a company just knows what you want? They collect a few surveys, and suddenly they know more about your requirements than you! Is it all automated? Short answer, no!

Someone is sitting and analyzing every behavioral data of a consumer to create profiles. They are called market research analysts!

Are you just fascinated with the idea of a market research analyst? Or someone who is planning to become one?

This is how you can become a market research analyst –

Let’s begin with understanding who a market research analyst is.

What Is A Market Research Analyst?

What is a Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts are the strategic brains behind a company’s marketing decisions. Their job is to gather data on consumers and competitors and then use that information to guide business strategies.

Whether a company is launching a new product or planning a marketing campaign, market research analysts are the ones who determine the best approach. They don’t just guess; they rely on cold, hard data.

What Do They Do?

What Do They Do

A market research analyst’s role involves several core responsibilities. Why don’t we go through them to know the responsibilities a little better?

Data Collection: Gathering data is the starting point of any market analyst. This could be through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or analysis of existing market data.

Trend Analysis: After gathering the data, they identify patterns and trends that provide insights into market behavior. For example, what products are gaining popularity, or which consumer needs are currently unmet? How can the company they work for help meet them?

Market Forecasting: Analysts will often predict future market trends. However, this is not just through guessing. However, when a company plans to launch a product next year, these professionals will forecast whether the market will be favorable or not.

Furthermore, they also inform about whether the product will launch in the right direction and be liked by the audience you are targeting.

Consumer Segmentation: By analyzing consumer data, they segment the market into groups based on behavior, preferences, or demographics.

Reporting and Presentations: Then, they communicate their findings to decision-makers through reports, presentations, and visual data displays.

Competitor Analysis: Understanding competitors’ moves and strategies is key. Market research analysts monitor what competitors are doing and how they’re positioning themselves in the market.

What Degrees Do You Need To Get?

What Degrees do You Need to Get

There isn’t one fixed path to becoming a market research analyst, but certain degrees, and conceptual skills can give you a strong foundation:

Bachelor’s Degree: A degree in marketing, business, economics, or statistics is often the starting point. Subjects like research methods, consumer behavior, and data analysis are crucial.

Advanced Degrees: Unfortunately, just a bachelor’s degree wouldn’t do for more senior roles. Therefore, a master’s degree in market research, data science, or business analytics can be advantageous. An MBA is also beneficial if you’re aiming for leadership positions.

Your educational qualifications should focus on building a mix of analytical, research, and communication skills, as these are the backbone of a successful career in this field.

Later you can also upskill by becoming a data scientist, and it can open more doors for you.

Tools You Will Need To Learn

Tools You Will Need to Learn

As a market research analyst, you’ll need to know the art of upskilling. You can do so with various tools and software that streamline your work:

Data Analysis Software: Tools like SPSS and Python are complex tools. Mastering them might take you years. However, you should still try to master it because it is great for running statistical analysis and handling large datasets.

Survey Platforms: Software like Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and Google Forms help design and analyze surveys.

CRM Tools: Understanding tools like Salesforce and HubSpot are essential for tracking customer data and trends. This ensures that market research analysts do not depend on guesswork.

Data Visualization Tools: Tableau, Power BI, and Google Data Studio are crucial for presenting data in a visually engaging way.

Competitive Analysis Tools: SEMrush, SimilarWeb, and BuzzSumo provide insights into your competitors’ strategies and their market performance. After all, you will need to know what others are doing for their customers. That is always a sign of a good market research analyst.

Mastering these tools will enhance your efficiency and make your work more impactful.

Life Of A Day Of A Market Research Analyst

Life of a Day of a Market Research Analyst

What does a typical workday look like for A Market Research Analyst?

We will go through it step by step to have a better idea of their role as a Market Research Analyst.

1. Morning: Data Collection And Initial Analysis

The day often begins with reviewing the latest data from surveys, focus groups, or market reports.

Analysts spend the early hours gathering information that will guide their day’s analysis.

2. Midday: Deep Dive Into Analysis

The core part of their job kicks in around midday. This is when they run statistical models, crunch numbers, and identify key insights.

Meetings with product teams or marketing departments often happen around this time to discuss early findings.

3. Afternoon: Reporting And Strategy Discussions

After the analysis, it’s time to translate data into actionable strategies. Analysts prepare detailed reports highlighting key trends and recommendations.

Then, they might deliver a few presentations to senior management to guide their decision-making.

4. Late Afternoon: Market Monitoring And Competitor Analysis

Keeping a pulse on market trends and competitors is crucial.

Analysts usually allocate some time in the late afternoon to social media updates, reviewing industry news, and studying competitors’ moves.

5. End-of-the-Day Planning And Strategy Tweet

Before wrapping up, their main job is to refine strategies based on the latest social media insights and plan for the next day’s tasks.

After all, without understanding whether your current plan is working or not.

The final work would involve technical analytics, strategic thinking, and effective communication, which would also include talking to their team.

How To Get A Job As A Market Research Analyst

How to get a Job as a Market Research Analyst

Getting your foot in the door as a market research analyst requires more than just the right degree.

Here’s a practical guide:

Start with Internships: Right after you have finished your bachelor’s degree, many companies offer internships in market research, allowing you to gain real-world experience while studying.

Create a Portfolio: Build a collection of your best work. Whether from academic projects, freelance jobs, or case studies. A strong portfolio can showcase your analytical and research skills.

Get Certified: Professional certifications, such as the Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) or Google’s Data Analytics Certification, can give you an edge.

Network Actively: Next, join industry groups, attend webinars, or engage in professional forums. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and keep you updated on industry trends.

Tailor Your Applications: When applying for jobs, customize your CV and cover letter for each position. Highlight skills like data analysis, research methodologies, and strategic thinking.

Best Career Options & The Potential Salary

Best Career Options & The Potential Salary

The field offers diverse career paths. Depending on your interests, you might specialize as:

Consumer Insights Analyst: Focus on understanding consumer behavior and preferences.

Product Research Analyst: Specializes in product development and testing.

Brand Analyst: Concentrate on evaluating brand performance and strategy.

Competitive Intelligence Analyst: Monitor competitors and track industry trends.

When it comes to salaries, market research analysts can get a reasonably good salary, provided you have the skills to back it up. Especially when your analysis begins to work for a company and starts bringing in a lot of profit.

Entry-level positions typically offer between £25,000 to £35,000 annually. With experience, salaries rise to £50,000 or more.

For those in specialized roles or with advanced degrees, six-figure jobs are not uncommon.

Final Note!

The path to becoming a market research analyst combines curiosity, a knack for numbers, and strategic thinking. It’s about more than just crunching data; it’s about turning data into insights that drive real business results.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance in this field, there are plenty of opportunities for growth and impact in the business world.

Especially with the advent of digital marketing, you will have enough opportunities in terms of SEO, and website data analysis.

So, are you ready to dive into this world where data meets strategy?

You could be the one predicting market trends and helping businesses shape their futures.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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Drip Marketing Campaign

Why every Business Holder should Start Using the Drip Marketing

Business is all about being customer oriented and coming up with new engaging plans to build rapport with customers. Making timely emails, reminding customers to finish their task, providing proper confirmation, catering them with right targeted content and many more. All these things are possible when using automation tools offered by Snovio. I came to know about it recently, so mark my words as this new technology is tried and tested by me for my own business. The reasons I love to do business with this platform are not so numerous but they are valuable. How you will benefit from using Snovio Snovio Email Drip Campaigns is a tool that might be used for many purposes. Here are some points you might benefit from. ●Warm the leads up: There is no harm in little persuasion if the customer is interested. So to make them interested in your services or good, they need to have prior knowledge about the company or the type of service you provide, so that they will be interested in you. In order to make this happen, you need to activate the customers by providing with the right content. This process is called “warming up” in this field. It might be of any form like a blog post, or a piece of information on how to use the platform or service, or an email asking for their expectations and possible questions. ●Locking the customer: Once the customer is enough interested in the service, you need to lock the customer with you, by providing them more information about the topic they are interested in. This kind of actions will make sure that you will have that customer for a long period. Sending them messages regularly will show your determinism towards the customers and things like these will help you win the heart of the customer. Snovio tool provides users with the right tools which are required for any business to reach marketing and sales success. ●Converting lead: Once you make the customer comfortable in reading and understanding the service or content, it is the time to move towards making the sale which will be beneficial for an interested customer or a business owner. Drip Campaigns features: The tool is completely free but provides users with paid plans as well. All the features are unlocked within the free plan and you can use the tool to the fullest. Let me provide you with a list of features that will help you skyrocket the business: email campaign templates to save time and not to create a new email campaign every time you need one; email templates to send pre-written plain-text messages; personalization variables to add a human touch to every email and build relationships with the leads; triggers and delays to spread the emails regularly, not like a spammer; goals and statistics to see how well the campaign and every message in particular perform. Enjoy it to the full: All the benefits and features mentioned above are really working and you can try the platform today. You can sign up right now and enjoy all the features for free. With drip emails campaign, you can reach out to target people, warm them up, and later convert, thus increase sales. Isn’t that the goal you are aiming to? Read Also: 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales 10 Top-Notch Tools To Improve Your Business Writing Skills A Guide To Running Your Instagram Marketing Campaign 5 Types Of Digital Marketing

Public Relations

Four Things Marketing and Public Relations Firms Want to Tell You

When you start a business, you will not always be available to handle all the tasks, and even if you are available, you may not have the capability to do it on your own. Therefore, apart from hiring employees in different departments, you might also require to work closely with marketing and public relations agencies who will help in placing your company in a better place than it is today. Public relation is a wide term that entails a lot of activities, and this is one of the reasons why you might need it in your business to have access to information in the wider market. These agencies have a lot they can tell and do for you concerning your personal life and your business. However, to get the best services from a marketing and PR firm, you must consider the qualities they possess to ensure they have an effective PR strategy. Here are some of the reasons why you need to listen to PR agents. 1. Presentation Of New Ideas: If you rely on your ideas alone to grow your business, you will find that you are doing the same thing you started with and therefore achieving the same results you were achieving then. However, if you consider working with a marketing or PR agency, they will first understand your business operations, and then provide you with new and more creative ideas for growth and success of your business. These people tend to be more exposed to the outside world because their work entails gathering information outside there and then use it effectively to advise business people. They will also train you on better, effective and safer ways of telling your story out there without ruining your image and reputation. 2. Developing Brand Identity: Consumers tend to trust brands that are well established, and a marketing or PR firm can help you in building your brand identity. With their skills and experience in building other brands out there, they will also improve customers’ recognition by identifying your key and unique selling points and build them from there. The building of brand identity include getting people to understand your products and services, the difference they make to people’s lives and why they should buy from you. Good communications on Behrman is one of the things that have kept some businesses alive even if their products or services are not better than those of their competitors. 3. How To Effectively Communicate: Communication is key in everything you do whether in business or personal life. This is the reasons why a PR agent will tell that it is not what you say, how many messages you send or how long your message it but how you say it. Anything you say to the people will be open for analyzing and how you say it will determine whether you are building a good image or ruining it. A good PR agency will help you to develop or outline your vision, mission, core values and goals in a way that they will be attractive and compelling. Why don’t you work with a PR agent who will help you in becoming an effective communicator? 4. Your Relationship With Media: Media can either build or ruin your brand or business, and this will depend on how you relate with them. This is one of the core services offered by marketing and public relation agencies whereby they help you in building a good relationship with the media. The agencies always have contact addresses and access to the media people and therefore know the kind of stories that would be accepted and how to win an interview or a page coverage on a popular magazine. Featuring in any of these is a great achievement. However, you must know how to apply due diligence and a high level of creativity for you to produce a compelling story to be featured. Public relation agencies have mastered this art and therefore will help you achieve the best when it comes to media relations. It would be very hard for an entrepreneur to succeed when working alone and that is why partners such as marketers and public relation agents are required to help you in the success journey. Read Also: 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency

Content Marketing

Trends That Shaped The Content Marketing Industry In 2022

Content marketing is the backbone of online advertising. It involves creating and publishing materials like blog posts, videos and images online to attract target audiences and encourage them to remain connected with a particular brand. For that reason, it has become indispensable to companies looking to grow and succeed. Recently, it has been evolving at an unprecedented rate. Many tactics or strategies that have been effective in the past may not achieve the same results in an ever-changing sector like this one. Firms are now teaming up with experts in life science content marketing to stay on track. For your company to stay ahead of its competition, it's important to keep up with the latest trend in 2022. Here’s a breakdown of the most significant ones: Top 7 Trends Of The Content Marketing Industry In 2022 1. The Rise Of Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing remains one of the most lucrative forms of promotion to this day. All signs indicate that it will probably stay that way in the foreseeable future. It's the practice of partnering with social media personalities, celebrities, or bloggers to generate interest in your brand. These people usually have millions of followers on various social media channels. When you get them to share your content with their own audiences, you tap into a market that sustains itself organically. In the right circumstances, this should provide you with numerous opportunities for conversion.   But it takes more than just reaching out to a popular personality to get results. The trick with influencer marketing is finding someone who can actually help you connect with your target market. Businesses should do research to figure out what they’re going for by working with an influencer. The ideal one matches your marketing voice and tone and can reliably encourage their audiences to consider what you offer. 2. The Popularization and Optimization Of Voice Searches Since the beginning, business websites came with search bars to help users find specific information with ease. From there, user interface designers have tried and tested a variety of methods to improve the “type and click” format. The latest, and currently most popular, is voice search. This method of query input works much like a search bar. The difference is that, instead of typing keywords, users only have to speak into a microphone to issue commands or look up information. It removes a layer of effort needed to utilize a website’s or app’s functions. The use of voice search technology boomed for various reasons. For the most part, consumers saw it as a way to save time. All they have to do is speak to their devices to accomplish tasks. Furthermore, they can do it while driving, walking, or doing something else. The growing concern for accessibility also drove the popularization and optimization of voice search capabilities. Persons with physical or neurological disabilities can rely on it to access the same functions others use daily, allowing them to participate in an environment increasingly shaped by digital technology. 3. The Continuing Power Of Social Media Content The number of people using various social media platforms continues to grow by the day. There’s simply no going around the need to use them to produce a working online marketing strategy.   One of the reasons why social media remains popular as a marketing method is that it allows businesses to connect with vast audiences beyond the limits of time and space. Their data-gathering capabilities also provide businesses with real-time insights into client behavior.   Even though certain social media platforms have dominated the field, that has not stopped innovators from creating more. And yet, not every channel may be suitable for your business. For that reason, if you decide to create dedicated social media accounts for your business, you need to select the right platform. Currently popular platforms have subtle differences in the way they can further your marketing. Ideally, you should work with one that your target market frequents regularly while also offering content formats you can reliably use. Striking this balance is necessary to sustain your strategy in the long term.   4. The Domination Of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is another trend that holds strong in 2022. Business owners have long used it to streamline various operations, and promotional work is no exception. For instance, by leveraging the power of AI, one can continuously collect data on consumer behavior. Using that, companies can design buyer personas that help them customize their marketing efforts better. Since AI can automate marketing processes and eliminate repetitive tasks, they are a useful investment for furthering your marketing operations. They also help you maximize the use of resources, aiding your efforts for business sustainability.   5. The Constant Need to Optimize Old Content Although publishing content online can be a game-changer to the success of a business, creating them requires a lot of work and time. For that reason, most businesses turn to an updating strategy. They work to optimize old content to better fit the current needs of their target market. Besides saving time and money, updating old content has many other advantages. For instance, it provides them with a regular base from which they can catch up to the latest search engine optimization (SEO) trends. If you don’t have a dedicated team for your online promotion efforts, this is a viable strategy you can use to generate engagement.   6. Video As The Reigning Format of Content The rise of video-centric platforms is a testament to the continuing power of video as a format.   There are many reasons why most markets concentrate on videos more than other types of content nowadays. First of all, search engines love videos. Humans rely mostly on a vision for perception. So, formats that capitalize on visuals tend to rank high in search engine results pages. Videos also offer more in the way of convenience than plain images and text, combining both sounds and visuals to get messages across. Your business should consider utilizing it more in your promotional material if you need to engage your audience.   7. Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization (SEO) is still part of the current arsenal of content production among businesses. It's not enough for a brand to produce content that aims to address its clients’ needs without making it easy for them to access. Such is the importance of SEO in achieving marketing milestones. There are various methods to utilize SEO. As always, the key to its successful use is finding a specific strategy that gets you the results you want. Are You Keeping Up? Undoubtedly, content marketing will remain necessary in the future as digital technology continues to shape our world. By no means is this an invitation to try and implement every single trend. It only serves as a roadmap for firms like yours to find their own way to achieve success. Find what works for you to stay ahead of the competition. Additionals: How to Get Into Content Marketing The Top 7 Content Marketing Challenges for 2022 Content Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making 4 points to consider when creating a Great Content Marketing Strategy