The Art of Answering Hard Interview Questions


08 October 2024

Job & Career

hard interview questions

Navigating hard interview questions can be a challenge most job seekers face. Especially when these tough questions do not have a correct answer!

Knowing how to answer tricky questions while maintaining professionalism can set you apart.

Below, we break down some of the difficult interview questions asked during interviews. Then, offer strategies for crafting solid responses and outline the professional etiquette necessary to leave that long-lasting positive impression.

#Hard Question 1 – “Tell me about yourself.”

#Hard Question 1 - “Tell me about yourself.”

This is more of a statement than a question, but it’s the opening question so many people have trouble with.

It’s the simplest thing imaginable, yet people seem to need to learn how to do it. The trick here is that you don’t have to tell your entire life story; in fact, please don’t.

Stick to basic information and then cut to educational and professional qualifications, which can help you in the job role you are interviewing for.

#Hard Question 2 – “What are Your Weaknesses?”

I know that everyone says not to do this. You know be all quirky and make a witty joke! Not very ideal interview skills.

But interviewers now really appreciate quick wits!

I recently, however, did it in a big interview.

My answer to this question was:

“Since I am assuming there is a finite amount of time for each applicant, and there are many qualified applications, my biggest weakness would be running out of time to tell you how fantastic I am.”

It worked, too. One of the serious ones even had a light hint of a grin on her face!

It’s a bit of a trap, but interviewers just want to know that you’re self-aware and working on it.

Nobody’s perfect, so feel free to use a real one. Just make sure it’s not a disqualifying one. For example, do not give stupid and vague answers like “I am a perfectionist, and since I always tend to give a perfect copy of my work, it affects my mental health.”

Derailing mental health because of crippling OCD is a serious condition, and you shouldn’t be using this to put yourself on a pedestal!

#Hard Question 3 – “How Are You Working on Your Weaknesses?”

#Hard Question 3 - “How Are You Working on Your Weaknesses_”

Among the hard interview questions, weaknesses will take a good chunk of it. If you answer the previous question well, this question will inevitably come your way!

Example: “I’m trying to improve my presentation skills. I’ve been joining Toastmasters and practicing my speaking.”

“I am currently focused on improving my communication skills, particularly my public speaking. I am working on being a more persuasive speaker so that I can do well in this class and professional presentations. One area that I believe would help me be more effective is learning to use visual aids to give better presentations.”

Give detailed steps that you are taking to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

#Hard Question 4 – “Why Our Company?”

Let me get this straight! You are fooling no one by implying this is the only interview you have lined up.

This is one of the reasons why you need to be professional and do thorough research about the company who is interviewing you. It begins with tailoring your resume, and cover letter based on the company’s job role.

Next, knowing about the job role and what they are looking for.

Among all the hard interview questions, this is particularly a test of how well you’ve researched the company.

Interviewers want to see genuine interest in the role and organization. First, state the company’s values, culture, or projects that match your interests and goals. Second, communicate what you can contribute to their team.

Pro Tip: Be detailed! Don’t just say, “I like the company’s mission.” Explain what specifically appeals to you about their objectives/goals and why you are passionate about what they do.

#Hard Question 5 – “Why Should We Hire You?”

#Hard Question 5 - “Why Should we Hire You_”

This is your chance to tell them why they should take a chance on you. Share with them your top strengths that would be compatible with the job posting.

Think of it as a quick elevator pitch. (Pro interview tip: You should always have an elevator pitch about yourself ready).

As if you entered an elevator with the CEO of your dream company – 30 seconds – how would you sell yourself to him/her?

You want to make it clear that YOUR skills, experience, and confidence make you unmistakably perfect for this job or this company!

“I have been in customer service for five years and have never missed my performance goals. I’m looking forward to using my abilities in your company to help customer satisfaction.”

#Hard Question 6 – “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

This question is to ensure two things:

Whether you are committed to the position you are getting.

Do you have the zeal to do better and strive for a promotion in the foreseeable future?

Most interviewers are trying to determine if you plan to stay with the company or are likely to leave as soon as you find a better opportunity. They also want to understand your level of ambition.

Think of how your goals would align with the position and company you’re applying for and discuss how you’d like to grow within the company.

Pro Tip: “Do not mention other roles or industries; talk about how you can progress within the company that is interviewing you.”

#Hard Question 7 – “Describe a time you dealt with a difficult situation.”

#Hard Question 7 - “Describe a time you dealt with a difficult situation.”

Every corporation has its own difficulties to deal with. However, if this is your first job, you can very well draw conclusions from your academic challenges.

Pro Tip: They do not want to know whether you handled a team of teams and dealt with a difficult situation all by yourself. However, they will want to know whether you have the strength and resilience to deal with any difficult situation alone.

This question tests your problem-solving and stress-handling abilities. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your response.

For example, pick an example from your professional life, describe the difficulty, detail what you did to address it, and emphasize the positive result.

“I had a client that was upset over something that wasn’t communicated correctly. I fixed it immediately and told the client we wouldn’t make mistakes like that going forward. Plus, I offered them certain gifts as compensation. The client was happy with the results. It just takes a little bit of hearing the other side to ensure you retain an angry customer.”

#Hard Question 8 – “Can you explain the gap in your employment?”

Most people have a time in their employment history when they weren’t working for one reason or another, whether it be for personal reasons, going back to school or some other endeavor.

Therefore, these tough interview questions about gap years can make almost anyone nervous!

The best way to answer concerns over an employment gap is honestly. However, ensure to mention things you did that will show how and why you were still productive during that time.

Any courses you did, or how you upskilled yourself in this gap year, or work on projects will help strengthen your case.

Pro Tip: Keep it positive. You should be honest, but this is not an opportunity for you to vent about what annoys you at work.

#Hard Question 9 – “What motivates you?”

#Hard Question 9 - _What motivates you__

Your answer should be related to the position you’re applying for, so think about what you’re most excited to do at this job and why—whether it’s reaching a personal goal or being able to help other people, for example—and explain how that relates back to your role at the company.

#Hard Question 9 – “What is your greatest professional achievement?” 

This question is a great chance to subtly brag about yourself, but also remember that the interviewer wants strengths relative to the position, not in general.

For example, if you are applying for a management-level position and have managed teams in the past, explain how many people you have managed, the largest team size you have led, and any notable achievements as a manager.

“I led a team who achieved an almost 20% boost in sales in just six months thanks to our new customer engagement strategy.”

Pro Tip: Whenever possible – quantify. Numbers always add a layer of credibility. Plus, try to keep your face and tone professional whenever you say such a thing. It shouldn’t come out like you are bragging, but at the same time, you should be proud of your achievements and not downplay it.”

#Hard Question 10 – “Do you have any questions for us?”

#Hard Question 10 - _Do you have any questions for us__

Don’t say “no.” This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you’re genuinely interested in the position, so ask a good question — or several. Inquire about things like company culture, team dynamics, or growth opportunities within the organization.

However, save questions about salary and benefits for later in the process. Especially if you have a few interviews to crack, always ask about the salary in the final round.

Do not worry; you can always negotiate, and even if the salary is not up to the mark, you cannot always take that position.

Pro Tip: Come prepared with a list of questions to ask that demonstrates you’ve done your homework.

Here is a list of unique interview questions to ask the employer!

Professional Etiquette Tips for Interviews

Now that you know about the hard interview questions and the answers that are close to the appropriate ones, here are a few more items to remember!

1. Being Punctual is Non-Negotiable

Being Punctual is Non-Negotiable

Being punctual should be a non-negotiable when it comes to attending interviews.

Arrive on Time. It may sound simple, but arriving on time for an interview is critical. In fact, 10-15 minutes early is probably the best arrival time. However, not more than that, you wouldn’t want to seem too eager or nervous.

2. Your Posture Speaks a Lot

Your non-verbal signals reveal a lot about yourself. Sit with your back straight, make eye contact, and smile with a firm handshake.

Don’t hold your arms or fidget, as the interviewer might take it wrongly as a sign of apprehension or disinterest. Instead, slightly lean forward and nod to show that you are engaged.

3. Listen – Do not Just Jump to Answering

Listen – Do not Just Jump to Answering

The art of active listening is a must when giving an interview!

Allow the interviewer to complete his/her thoughts and then answer the question.

It helps you to frame your response in a better way and reflects your genuineness in the conversation.

4. Politeness is Given

Being polite also has a long way to go. Start and finish the interview by thanking your interviewer for their time. And send a follow-up thank-you email later too; to remind them how interested you are in this job.

5. Dress code

Dress code

If you’re unsure what to wear, it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.

Even if you’re not sure of the company culture, dressing a little more formally will give the impression that you take this opportunity seriously. Plus, who doesn’t look great dressed up? Look at some of the best interview attire for men.

Why a Good Cover Letter Matters as the Final Touch?

A strong cover letter for a resume can be the difference between standing out or blending in with the pile of applications. It’s your chance to showcase why you’re a perfect fit for the role beyond what’s listed in your resume. 

A great cover letter adds a personal touch, offering data for your qualifications and highlighting specific achievements that match the company’s needs. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills.

Make it concise, focused, and tailored for each job. This effort shows you’re genuinely invested in the role.

Confidence is Everything!

Mastering hard interview questions and maintaining professional etiquette is essential for landing your dream job.

With the right preparation, you can confidently handle even the toughest questions. 

Always remember to follow up after your interview, and don’t overlook the importance of your cover letter as the final touch.

These small details will make a big difference in setting you apart from other candidates and getting you closer to that job offer.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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The significance of face-to-face networking for freelancers

Face-to-face networking is one of the most important communication tools that we have in the modern world. The fact that digital communication is taking over all the aspects of human life does not imply that offline communication has completely lost its place in the modern world. As a freelancer, you can develop a brand and find new clients with the help of networking. The best way to do this is by going into the offline world of live meetings with people. This article puts forward the importance of face-to-face networking for freelancers. Intro for a self-presentation : You have a limited amount of time to provide the right impression on people. You will show your confidence, mood, and expertise through face-to-face communication. What you need is a confident handshake, a smile, and eye contact. It’s good to prepare a presentation that will last from 15 to 30 seconds. Your goal is to attract the listener’s attention to your personality and your project. The most important thing is to make sure that the presentation is precise. Active listening : It’s absolutely ok if you have some selfish expectations for networking. However, you should realize that you should give people something valuable if you want to get something from them. One of such things is active listening. You will demonstrate that you really care about what someone else is saying to you. Active listening comprises your facial expression, your body position and asking questions. You need to make good use of active listening if you want to take face-to-face networking for freelancers to the next level. A good portfolio : Just take it with you to give to other people. If your design site, just prints the best variants. If you ask people to go to a website where they can see your portfolio, they will probably forget about you the next day. It’s easy to do and you will have a much greater effect than just giving your business cards to everyone. Make sure you make a rich portfolio that will showcase your abilities. The portfolio is important because it communicates your capabilities to your target audience. A good follow-up : One single meeting won’t give you the result that you aim at. You cannot build a long-lasting relationship at once. One of the easiest ways to keep in touch is sending an email within 24 to 26 hours after the meeting. You can write what you liked and write something that relates to the words you have heard from this very person. Follow-up plays a critical role when it comes to networking for freelancers. It’s the only way to make sure that efforts bear the right fruits. Get the most from networking : If you see that there’s a chance to attract a new client or an important person for you, don’t lose it. You cannot predict the result of a new connection, so do your best to get the most from each. You can get exhausted from so many new connections, but we think that it’s worth trying. So, organize a meeting, do the follow-up and keep in touch to reach the goals that you have. In summary, face to face networking is highly significant for freelancers. The most important thing is to put in the right strategies that will bear the expected results. Read More : Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use A Coworking Space Role of supply chain management in business

Caribbean Medical Schools

3 Tiers of Caribbean Medical Schools – Medical School Guide

The Caribbean consists of over 7,000 islands and the Caribbean Sea. Cays, islands, islets, and inhabited reefs surround the Caribbean region. The Caribbean is a well-known tourist destination with a considerable number of tourists visiting this island every year. According to the IELTS Practice Online website, the total number of visitors on the island in 2021 stands at 3.5 million. Apart from being a popular tourist attraction, the Caribbean is also famous for medical schools- catering mainly to American and Canadian students whose applications got rejected. At present, there are over 80 medical schools on the Caribbean Island, accepting students from all corners of the world with average GPA or MCAT scores. There’s no denying that a Caribbean medical school offers a second chance to those students who had not been accepted to the American or Canadian medical schools due to the competitive landscape. But, unfortunately, Caribbean medical colleges and universities vary widely in quality, accreditation, and attrition rates. If you’re considering attending a Caribbean medical school, you definitely have navigated several websites with a bunch of conflicting information, untrue statements, and unbiased lists of recognition or ranking systems. This blog will walk you through different segments of Caribbean medical schools and help you make a well-informed decision for a rewarding future ahead. Three tiers of Caribbean medical schools Under the three tiers of the Caribbean medical schools ranking system, colleges and universities are classified into top-tier, mid-tier, and bottom-tier. The basis of categorization is a variety of approvals and accreditations. So, let’s gain a comprehensive understanding of the three tiers of Caribbean medical schools. 1. Top-tier Caribbean medical schools Top-tier medical schools in the Caribbean have approval from US agencies, such as the New York State Education Department and the Florida Department of Education. Besides this, medical universities accredited by the Caribbean The Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) or the Accreditation Commission on Colleges of Medicine (ACCM) is best to acquire medical education. These medical schools also have the approval to participate in the US Federal Direct Loan Program. 2. Mid-tier Caribbean medical schools Mid-tier medical schools in the Caribbean generally lack full credentials. These medical colleges and universities are usually accredited by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP), but they hold only one state approval or not at all. 3. Bottom-tier Caribbean medical schools Bottom-tier medical schools in the Caribbean are the ones you should ignore. These medical schools are only for profit-making purposes, and you will have a hard time getting out of them. Bottom-tier Caribbean medical schools don’t have any state approvals or accreditations. Conclusion For students wishing to attend a medical school on the Caribbean Island, check out accreditations and approvals of the colleges or universities you want to get into. Fully credentialed or top-tier medical schools are the ones that guarantee a promising career in this realm. The Caribbean also has some world’s leading international medical schools, with alumni working across the US and Canada. Browse now to make a sound decision! Read Also: Top things to know before entering a medical career Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021?


Top 10 Best Job-Boards In The US In 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Finding the perfect opportunity can be challenging. No worries, as job search engines will aid you in your search. These platforms compile job listings from various sources, making discovering openings matching your skills and preferences easier. Here Are Ten Best Job-Boards In The US In 2023 Take a look at the ten best job search engines in the US for 2023; they can make a significant difference in streamlining your process and connecting you with potential employers efficiently. 1. Lensa Lensa has become one of the top job-boards in the US for job seekers of various skills and backgrounds. Lensa's powerful job search engine scans numerous job sites and gathers the most relevant opportunities in one place. It also offers job alerts to keep you updated with the latest postings. Lensa's convenient features, such as keyword filtering and date-posted options, enable you to refine your search further. This job board suits everyone, from college students seeking internships to experienced software developers looking for new challenges. Employers and recruiters also benefit from Lensa, as it allows them to browse a vast pool of qualified candidates and connect with them directly. Additionally, Lensa provides useful resources like salary data and employee reviews to help guide you in your job hunt. For those seeking specialized roles, particularly in tech jobs, this platform ensures a tailored experience. Subscribe for email alerts to stay informed about your industry's latest opportunities and trends. With Lensa, you have a reliable partner in pursuing a fulfilling career. 2. is user-friendly, allowing job seekers like you to upload your resume and get matched to relevant positions quickly. For skilled professionals such as web developers, Monster offers a variety of job listings and remote work options. The site also provides valuable salary research tools to help inform your job hunt while offering essential career coaching services to sharpen your interview preparation. Knowing the benefits and tools on can make a difference in your job search. This platform may just help you find your next opportunity. 3. Dice If you're looking for tech jobs, Dice should be on your list of US job sites. Dice is a specialized job-boards for professionals seeking roles in software development, web development, and other technology-related industries. You'll find job listings from startups to Fortune 500 companies on Dice. The key benefits of using Dice are its focus on tech jobs and the ability to upload your resume for potential employers to view. Unlike some other niche job-boards, Dice provides a job search engine and job alerts so you can stay updated on the latest openings in your field. 4. Linkedin LinkedIn continues to be a leading job board in the US for job seekers of all backgrounds. This platform stands out with its focus on professional networking and a user-friendly interface. LinkedIn allows you to filter by job title, location, and remote work possibilities when searching for job opportunities. Aside from job searching, LinkedIn assists in expanding your professional network. You can connect with peers in your field and seek advice from experienced professionals. The platform also offers valuable career advice, salary research, and interview preparation. 5. GoogleForJobs GoogleForJobs also offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies your job search process. It caters to various industries, including software and web developers. GoogleForJobs streamlines hiring and recruitment. This platform accumulates job listings from various websites and makes them easily accessible. This eliminates the need to visit multiple job websites, helping you save time and effort. Additionally, it provides customized job alerts based on your preferences and qualifications. Employers recognize the benefits of GoogleForJobs, and by advertising on this platform, they enhance their employer brand, attracting top-notch candidates like you. Happy job hunting! 6. ZipRecruiter ZipRecruiter offers job seekers the chance to match with open positions based on their skills and requirements. Unlike LinkedIn or Indeed, Ziprecruiter stands out as a job board and aggregator, compiling listings from various sources such as websites, recruiters, and niche job boards. As a job seeker, you will appreciate their search engine capabilities, allowing you to filter by job title, location, and remote work options. Plus, there is an added benefit of receiving job alerts customized to your preferences. Building a profile on the site makes your resume more accessible to a broader range of recruiters and hiring managers. Web and software developers especially can find targeted job opportunities in their field. 7. WeWorkRemotely WeWorkRemotely is one of the best job board options for remote work opportunities in the US. You will find jobs across industries, including web development, design, customer support, and more. WeWorkRemotely attracts recruiters and employers from reputable companies, increasing your chances of finding high-quality remote work options. This site also offers valuable career advice, interview preparation tips, and salary research resources to help nail your job hunt. One aspect to consider is the costs associated with using the platform. There may be some costs for premium features and offerings, but its reputation and valuable resources make it a worthwhile investment. So, take advantage of WeWorkRemotely to find remote job opportunities that suit your skills and aspirations. 8. Ladders Ladders is a well-known job board, popular among job seekers focusing on high-level positions. This platform offers listings for various industries but specializes in roles with a salary range of $100,000 and above. Ladders emphasizes professional networking through its integration with LinkedIn, bolstering your chances of discovering new job prospects. Their reputation ensures exposure to the right pool of highly skilled candidates. Although posting positions may involve costs, the value it delivers in qualified and committed applicants makes it a top choice among Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups. Remember that job search engines, like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, may aggregate listings from Ladders, offering you another avenue for exploring available positions. However, for a direct experience with features tailored for high-income professionals, visiting Ladders' website is a smart move in your job search. 9. FlexJobs Flexjobs will be among the top 10 job boards in the US, providing job seekers with remote work opportunities. The platform caters to various industries, featuring software and app development positions, web developers, and many other job titles. As a job search engine, Flexjobs simplifies the job hunt by enabling users to filter job listings by location, job title, and more. Flexjobs is a cost-effective option with a solid reputation for connecting job seekers to potential employers and startups. This job board stands out for remote work opportunities, as it balances niche and broader categories for job listings. 10. AngelList If you’re interested in startups and technology companies, AngelList is one of the best job boards. As you search for jobs on this platform, you'll see a variety of open positions in diverse fields, including software, innovative technology, and creative roles. Angellist offers several benefits for tech-savvy candidates. You can quickly create a profile, add your skills, and connect your LinkedIn account for seamless networking. The platform also supports a comprehensive job search function where you can find remote work and easily apply to exciting opportunities. To make the most of your experience on Angellist, maintain a detailed and accurate account, subscribe to its email alerts for job opportunities, and utilize its salary research features for informed job applications. Conclusion In your search for the perfect job, these top US job boards will be pivotal for providing diverse opportunities. Exploring these platforms increases your chances of finding a position that is perfect for your skills and aspirations. Invest time in understanding how each job board works and tailor your application for the best results. Stay informed and use these resources to enhance your success in landing your next job. Good luck in your job search! Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Banks? Best Paying Jobs In Medical/Dental Instruments Is Medical Specialities A Good Career Path? – 12 Best Jobs