Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking


22 May 2018


Call Center Tracking

Customer service is the cornerstone of your business’s success. It’s also the key to keeping the customers you already have.

In fact, companies with a thought-out customer service approach enjoy a 92% retention rate.

If the bulk of your customer service efforts is in the hands of a call center, it’s important you make this operation as efficient as possible. To do this, you need detailed information about what’s going on behind the scenes.

Utilizing call center tracking is the best way to get this data. Implementing call center tracking software will help show you where improvements need to be made. The result is a better customer experience.

Monitoring your call center can help your business in a number of ways. Read on to learn more!

1. Understand Your Revenue and ROI:

Knowing what products and services are driving revenue is important for any business. It allows you to make decisions about future products and improve ones that aren’t doing so well.

By tracking your call center, you know what customers are more excited about and what they find troublesome about your products. You’ll be able to see the source of each call to get a better grasp on exactly where most of your profit is coming from.

This data will also help you understand what your return on investment is for the marketing campaigns you’re creating for each product. Where your calls are coming from clues you into which advertising channels are working.

Tracking call center metrics makes all this very easy. Detailed reports from your tracking software will lay all this out in an easy-to-read manner.

2. Measure Adherence to Scheduling:

A huge benefit of tracking your call center is a better understanding of the KPI (key performance indicator) of your customer service reps. This information will help you streamline your call center scheduling.

You may be asking yourself how this works. Well, you can monitor inbound and outbound calls, the average length of calls, and the location of inbound callers. All this helps you improve in-house scheduling and reduce the chance of calls going unattended.

You’ll also be able to measure the productivity of each rep. You’ll then know if your call center isn’t robust enough and if certain employees are causing bottlenecks.

All this information helps call center managers create a more well-oiled, effective operation. It also greatly helps with optimal shift scheduling so customers are more efficiently serviced.

3. Refine Marketing Strategies:

Detailed call monitoring provides invaluable information about your customers you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Such information includes customer loyalty, purchasing trends, and who your potential customers are. Think of call center tracking as a way of becoming more familiar with your target audience.

All this information allows you to make changes and strategize future marketing efforts. It can also give you some insight into which strategies you should do away with.

Your marketing team can use this information to focus their efforts on the right channels. They’ll also be able to better understand the strengths of your products and services and emphasize them in advertising campaigns.

All this will have a positive effect on your overall revenue and help maximize your ROI.

4. Recording and Routing Calls:

Call center tracking software provides the capability to record calls between your reps and customers. This feature can help in a number of ways.

First, you’ll be able to get a firsthand account of what problems customers are having with your products and services. You’ll also be able to tell which products consumers like the best and what elements of your product are the most desirable. This data will allow you to refine your product and make more informed decisions on future designs.

Recording calls will also help you determine which employees need further training and which have the potential for promotion.

Tracking software will also help in figuring out kinks in your routing procedures. This is important, as misrouted customer service calls can lead to a loss of existing customers.

5. Improve Your Quality of Service:

One of the biggest benefits of tracking calls is the effect it can have on the quality of customer service you’re providing. You’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where setbacks occur in your current operation and remediate them.

Find out how easy it is for callers to reach a solution to their problems. If the process is difficult, you’ll need to take means to streamline it.

You can also see what the average wait time is for callers. If you notice customers abandoning the call because of long delays, you know you have a problem. This is where you can use caller id reputation to filter out the callers whom you must prioritize to make the most out of the conversion.

Are you seeing missed calls or routing issues? You may need to beef up your staff or reposition certain employees. You may even find that a virtual receptionist service would benefit your operation.

Whatever solution is right for you, call tracking services can expose areas that need improvement.

6. Cut Down on Employee Turnover:

A high turnover rate causes a loss of time and money.

When you track your call center, you’re able to fully understand the skill level of each employee and the overall morale of your department. You can then make changes to your training protocol.

It also provides an opportunity to appropriately place employees in roles more suited to their strengths. All of this makes for a much healthier work environment. It also creates a more rewarding experience for each employee.

These things are key to keeping your turnover rates low.

Boost Your Customer Service with Call Center Tracking:

Knowing what’s working and what’s not is the first step in creating the best possible customer experience for your business. Implementing call center tracking can allow you to undercover information about your operation so you can make educated improvements.

Call tracking software has come a long way and now offers many features that can help you streamline your customer service process. Look into implementing it for your call center and let your customer experience evolve.

For more articles that will expand your knowledge in the business world, check out our blog.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Board Meeting

Everything You Need To Know About A Board Meeting

Are you new to being a director of a company and are not sure how board meetings work? Well, this is something that you will become acquainted with quite well as time goes on. But, before your first one, you may have a lot of questions. For example, what exactly is a board meeting and how do they work? We have created a guide that is going to give you a rundown of what you can expect. This way, you can walk into the room with some confidence. So, let’s get started. What is a Board Meeting? Let’s start off nice and simple. What is a board meeting? Well, this is when the directors of a company of its board members all get together and discuss what is happening at that company. In particular, a board meeting is often called to discuss the growth of that business and how it can move forward. So, in a board meeting, it is likely that the directors and those present will discuss topics such as the company’s performance, as well as any concerns or issues that have to be resolved. Of course, the overarching aim is for the company to progress. Note that a board meeting is supposed to be a formal meeting. It is going to involve people that have power at the company and that are capable of making decisions. Often, minutes are going to be made during the meeting so that they become a document afterward. Language is formal and so are the topics discussed. How Often are Board Meetings? When it comes to board meetings, every company is going to be different. Namely, some like to have them twice a year. Alternatively, it can be more often than this. But, they are usually decided on in advance. You can learn more about who can call a board meeting when you click on the link. This is going to be communicated ahead of time so that the meeting does not come as a surprise to anyone. There is no official amount of notice that you should give before calling a board meeting. For example, this could be a few days or even a month in advance. But, it is best to give everybody enough notice so they can prepare and make the most of the meeting. Generally, months in advance is too much and not standard. But, only a few hours or a day before is also unrealistic. You will need to think for yourself what a reasonable time is for giving notice of a board meeting. Is a Board Meeting Important? The simple answer to this question is yes, a board meeting is considered an important business date in the diary. Indeed, it is essential to review how the company is doing and how it can grow in the future. Think about it as an opportunity to review objectives and goals and to see if progress is being made. Plus, it is the chance to create more. Therefore, board meetings are not something that should be treated lightly. If you are invited to one, it is expected that you attend. You may have to do some work to prepare for one too so that you are up to date with what is going on. Do Board Meetings Have to be Face-to-Face It used to be the case that board meetings would always be face-to-face. This was how they were done. But, over the years, technology has changed the way business is conducted. Indeed, it has changed some board meetings. So, it is possible to have virtual meetings where you are on a video call or voice call. But, some companies still prefer to meet face-to-face for board meetings. This is a good way to understand nonverbal communication and body language. Plus, it avoids the problem of technology going wrong and being unable to see or hear people on the other end. Ultimately, it will depend on what everyone is comfortable with. Virtual meetings will still have a place in the future. For example, if there are board members that cannot attend for some reason, they are still going to be able to join this way. All they will need is a computer or a phone to join in the meeting. As long as all board members are happy with the way the meeting is going to take place, there are no rules on whether it has to be face-to-face or held virtually. Additionals Best Business Meeting Agenda ExamplesFive Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better

Branding Expert

5 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Branding Expert For Your Business

In the last few years, more and more businesses are realizing the importance of branding. As against sales and marketing, businesses know that branding is essential for the long-term vision, sustainability, and growth of an organization. While many businesses have made the mistake of equating branding with marketing, there is growing awareness that the two are separate in form and function. This is leading many businesses to invest in strategic branding experts that can help them. In this resource article, we are going to look at five factors that businesses should consider before hiring branding experts, consultants, or strategists. If you are a business owner looking to invest in a long-term branding exercise, this article will guide you in the right direction. How can a Branding Expert help a Business: What you need to know Before we get to the list of factors that should be considered, it would be better if we discuss how a branding expert can help a business in the first place. Business owners are in agreement that branding is important. What they do not know is how they should proceed. Many have the mistaken assumption that branding is only logo designing, social media presence, and marketing! While this is not entirely false, the above constitutes just about 5% of what branding is all about. In reality, a branding expert can help a business optimize three main focus areas about the brand- Tangible Visual Properties- photoshoots, imagery, social media presence, logo designs, color schemas, fonts, website, blog section, and videos. Tangible Textual Content- brand motto, values, culture, mission statement, blog articles, slogans or taglines, social media copy, and content. Intangible Brand Promise- credibility, culture, personality, trust, levels and positioning, perception, experiences, customer service, and support. As you can see from what we have mentioned above, this is a fairly exhaustive list of topics. An experienced and credible branding expert will help you address all the above goals and objectives. List of 5 Factors to Consider when Hiring a Branding Expert for your Business 1. Creativity-  While technical specializations are an important aspect of the digital age, you want the branding expert/consultant/agency to be creative. Some of the leading brand strategists like Bennet Schwartz have several years of experience as Creative Director. Creativity is an essential factor you should look at as branding is all about good storytelling that captures audiences. 2. Experience-  Being great at branding requires years of experience. This is not something you can get up and get good at. It requires sophistication, expertise, and years of executing marketing and social media strategies. Great branding experts that lead organizations are often Creative Directors with a graphic design or copywriting background. You need to look for at least five years. 3. Past Client Credentials-  If you are lucky enough to get a branding expert that has worked with a business in your niche, you are on the right path. Even if you do not get one, the key is to look at past client portfolios. Ask the agency or expert to take you through the kind of work they did. Focus on both the creative as well as the technical ROIs. Do not hire someone before establishing credentials. 4. Timelines and ROIs on the Project-  Small trick- if the branding expert says that they will get you the moon and stars within six months, they are lying. You should bail immediately. Experts will tell you that branding is a long-term gain where you need to invest for at least two or three years to start seeing results. It is best to get a definite answer in this regard as it will help guide your business expectations. 5. Prices, Payment Structures, and Affordability-  This ultimately depends on what you are asking the branding agency to do. If you want the whole suite of what we mentioned in the earlier sections, you are looking at sizable costs. However, you can always break it up into stages and ensure incremental payments. Make sure to discuss the same with the agency so that there are no problems later on the payment front. The Final Word Branding differs from business to business. It is a completely individualized experience that comes with a customized strategy. In other words, what worked for one brand might not necessarily work for someone else. This is something that separates great branding experts from the ones who are just in the market to make some money. If you have any questions, you would like us to address, please let us know in the comments below. Read Also:  Role of Promotional items in branding How To Find Best Podcast Topics Ideas In 2021 5 Critical Branding Tips to Attract New Clients to Your Auto Parts Shop


5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)

Many characters have learned of a compound described as THC, which is the component in marijuana that makes users what they call "high." But lately, awareness has moved to a different mixture of marijuana named CBD and for real logic. While physicians can't appear to see past particular consequences of THC, CBD nugs do not seem to impersonate that dilemma, while data of CBD's therapeutic advantages remains to improve. Presenting you with five factors that you should apprehend about this individual composite: Here are 5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD): 1. CBD is a fundamental component in cannabis CBD is an example of over 60 mixtures observed in cannabis that apply to a group of particles named cannabinoids. Of those mixtures, CBD and THC are present in the raised concentrations and are consequently the endless known and analyzed. CBD and THC planes direct to differ between various flowers. Marijuana produced for recreational goals usually includes more THC than CBD. Nevertheless, by utilizing particular breeding systems, cannabis growers have maintained to produce families with high planes of CBD and close to zero planes of THC. Those strains are unique but have grown more common in late years. 2. CBD is non-psychoactive Juul CBD pods do not produce what they call high. Although this presents CBD as a bad option for recreational users, it provides the element a meaningful benefit as a medication, because wellness experts favor therapies with minimum outcomes. CBD is non-psychoactive due to the fact that it does not operate on the related pathways of the THC compound. Those pathways, named CB1 receptors, are extremely concentrated in the cerebrum and are liable for the brain-altering consequences of THC. A 2010 survey announced in Modern Drug Security reasons that CBD "does not differentiate between various psychomotor and mental capacities." The writers append that many investigations imply that CBD is "well endured and supported" even at high dosages. 3. CBD has a wide range of medical Benefits Though CBD and THC perform on various pathways of the physical body, they appear to hold several of the corresponding therapeutic advantages. According to a 2012 study printed in the Clinical Pharmacology, investigations have determined CBD to hold the subsequent medicinal qualities: Antiemetic: Decreases illness and nausea Anticonvulsant: Contains spasms activity Antipsychotic: Battles psychosis ailments Anti-inflammatory: Combats swelling ailments Anti-oxidant: Combats neurodegenerative sicknesses Anti-tumoral/Anti-cancer: Combats swelling and cancer cells Anxiolytic/Anti-depressant: Fights stress and anxiety disorders Sadly, most of this data originates from creatures, because very rare thoughts on CBD have moved out in individual patients. But a pharmaceutical report of CBD was newly produced by a narcotic business sordid in the United Kingdom. The company, Pharmaceuticals, is presently supporting clinical tests on CBD as a therapy for schizophrenia and specific models of epilepsy. Furthermore, a pair of investigators at the California Healing Center, directed by Dr. McAllister, has declared that both expect to start tests on CBD as a breast ailment treatment. 4. CBD reduces the negative effects of THC CBDistillery gummies appear to give reasonable security for the marijuana effect. Various investigations imply that CBD works to overcome the intoxicating results of THC, such as mind impairment and fear. CBD also seems to prevent the rest, causing impacts of THC, which may reveal why unusual strains of cannabis are associated with enhancing sharpness. Both CBD and THC have survived to display no chance of fatal overtreatment. Yet, to decrease possible consequences, medicinal users could be greater off utilizing cannabis with greater levels of CBD. 5. CBD is still illegal Though CBD displays much hope as a medication, it continues to be illegal in various sectors of the nation. CBD is listed as a Schedule I narcotic in the US and a Schedule II narcotic in Canada. On the day of Dec. 13, 2016, the United States DEA performed it obvious that all marijuana-based infusion is deemed a Schedule I sedate below the national law, containing CBD oils and additional samples of CBD extracts. On a side note, the United States FDA newly signed a petition to claim a pharmaceutical variant of CBD in kids with unusual models of epilepsy. The narcotic is produced by Pharmaceuticals and is given the name Epidiolex. According to the organization, the narcotic holds more than 98% CBD, minimum numbers of any additional cannabinoids, and 0% THC. GW medications perform different cannabis-based medications named Sativex that have been established in over twenty-four nations for managing various sclerosis. Read Also: How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives