6 Tips to Help Your Business Stay Ahead of the Competition

Published on: 25 May 2018 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
Help Your Business

With the ever-growing technological advancements, the business landscape has been changing rapidly. Without a competitive advantage, it’s difficult to make meaningful profits that can fuel your business. It is therefore important to concentrate on your competitors and come up with easy to offer better products and services to the customers.

If you intend to outperform the competition, you must be willing to create a competitive advantage for your business. It’s one of the reasons why some ideas that seem average achieve outstanding success. Here, you’ll learn a few tips to give your business a boost and become better than the competition.

Balance your strengths and weaknesses :

Just because your competitors have developed a superior product that is offered at a lower market price doesn’t imply that you’ve lost the fight. The truth is that every company has a few weak points that you can exploit.

Your main goal is to find the weaknesses and ensure that your brand is performing better.  For instance, you can focus on offering extended guarantees or a better customer service to your clients. During your marketing campaigns and presentations, you should make sure that all your target audience understands the unique selling points and how they can benefit them.

Look for bigger clients :

When you win a bigger client, you can be sure that you’ll have better revenues as a result of increased business. This implies that you’ll have enough resources to run your marketing campaigns as well as recruiting top talent.

At times, it can be easier to deal with a big client since they have established systems. On the contrary, small clients tend to have more service problems and you need to dedicate more attention to them. Most importantly, working with a huge client will give you some leverage in terms of social proof when you intend to look for even bigger customers.

Focus on the fundamentals :

When your competitor introduces a brand new product in the market or develops an extravagant marketing strategy, it’s easy to panic. But when you take a closer look at the fundamental principles behind the offering, you’ll realize that most of the add-ons are just for showoff.

Unless your competitors are focusing on creating a customer base built on their burn rates, they aren’t doing anything that should scare you. Therefore, the hype they may have generated doesn’t reflect the true picture on the ground.

As such, the most important aspect is to consider what is adding value to the business as well as grow the bottom line.

Plan less and conduct lots of tests :

When you are running a small business, your main advantage is the mobility and flexibility. Instead of attempting to be perfect, focus on accomplishing more tasks that allow you to innovate. On the other hand, a bigger organization has a tendency to be sluggish when completing tasks. This can be attributed to the lengthy planning process that requires several authorizations.

Basically, numerous plans and forecasts are not always useful. At the end of the day, you end up testing few ideas since you’ll have invested lots of time in pre-action tasks. Successful business people understand that competitive markets are not easy to predict especially when you want to introduce a new service or product. As such, your best option is to take action and test the idea in the market.

When you invest in tests, you are bound to gain insight and improve your products. Most importantly, you’ll be able to focus on satisfying the market needs and compete more efficiently.

Outside advice is critical :

While it’s important to listen to the people working in your business, the truth is that they have dedicated most of their attention to executing the ideas. This means that it’s easy to be oblivious to market changes happening outside the organization. More often than not, prompt execution of planned tasks seems to be the most appropriate thing to do when you want to make progress.

Nevertheless, getting some insight from an outsider can be quite instrumental in getting an idea of what the clients expect. This input can guide you in adjusting your services and products as well as gain a unique competitive advantage.

Seek innovative ways to disrupt the market :

When you stick to the status quo, it’s likely that you won’t be able to come up with new things. Instead, be on the lookout for different methods of doing things by testing various approaches. In the long run, this makes your business prepared to take advantage of new and lucrative opportunities.

However, being innovative also means that you will need more funds to keep your business going. Unfortunately, cash flow problems are one of the issues plaguing the small business sector. But this doesn’t have to stop you.

The truth is that you can take advantage of small business loans from justrightloans.com and keep your finances in order. With financial products like business lines of credit, you can have access to funds whenever the need arises. In the end, you will be more prepared to compete with your rivals.

Conclusion :

In business, even the smallest competitive advantage can have a huge impact on the outcome. Therefore, your main responsibility is to find ways of becoming better than your competition. At least, this is a sure way of ensuring you stay in business for a long time.

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Standard Consulting Updating Businesses Now On ISO 9001 Changes

Whilst quality management system ISO 9001 is a set of International Standards recognized throughout the world, you could also describe it as a way of life or a mindset. Quality management is one of those things that just makes sense - in fact, much of it is exactly that, common sense! Practical, simple and very effective, it's a way of delivering the very best products and services to the customer - and implementing it really isn't rocket science! Whilst so much of this is commonsense, nonetheless, there is a set of policies, processes, and procedures needed to make it all happen. But this is a system that should be at the very heart of any organization. Whether you own a large company, a small business or you run a voluntary organization or charity, you have 'customers', and meeting their requirements should be your main goal. Well-oiled machine Standard Consulting in Brisbane sums it up perfectly when they describe ISO 9001 as a way of consolidating the many internal processes within an organization into one well-oiled machine. It leads us away from considering a business to be many different components running alongside each other, seeing it instead as a total commitment to quality as a whole. Standard Consulting's Quality Management System training packages help organizations of any size understand and adopt this concept, leading to improved performance, fewer complaints, more happy customers and a better bottom line. Crucially, it will also help organizations meet regulatory requirements and achieve ongoing improvement. Government tenders Quality Management System training helps businesses understand that their customers are not the only ones to consider. For example, a business chasing Government contracts and tenders is unlikely to make even the first cut without a QMS system in place. In our competitive world, where a tender might attracts hundreds of bids, Government departments need some sort of benchmark against which they can measure the applicants. Or perhaps you are an SMB wanting to join a major organization's supply chain. Again, it is unlikely you will be considered with a recognized system in place. Remember, that major company has to meet its own regulatory requirements and keep its customers happy, so it is crucial they work with like-minded organizations. In order to be effective, Quality Management System ISO 9001 must be embraced by everyone within an organization, from top to bottom. And decision-makers within the business need to consider it in the context of all future plans and policies. It also demands that all policies and procedures be documented, and constantly reviewed and updated, in much the same way the Standards themselves are revised and updated. Standard updates In fact, there has recently been a review, with the current version of the Standard being Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015. Three years in the making, this only goes to show how important and up-to-date these Standards are, formulated by professionals from throughout the world. Well over a million ISO 9001 certifications have been issued - a reassuring sign that businesses are really starting to take on board the importance of quality, in their goods, services and internal operations. ISO 9001 was revised to make it more in tune with how we do business these days - reflecting our global market better. Quality Assurance vs Quality Control As professionals such as Standard Consulting will tell you, it is far better to create a top-quality product in the first place - Quality Assurance - than to have to deal with returns and complaints later - Quality Control. It's a mistake to think that quality control is enough. As well as disappointing and potentially losing customers, producing faulty products that get returned is a complete waste of money for the organization. Better to get it the right first time, every time. There are, however, a few misconceptions about ISO 9001:2015, and these will be properly explained during quality management system training. For example, you'll hear some people say that the Standard is only for big organizations, or that it is only applicable to certain industries. That is not the case. Suitable for any business International Standards can be applied to any size organization, in any industry, and be just as relevant. The concept of quality products that are fit for purpose has nothing to do with the size of your business. In fact, we are seeing an increasing number of SMEs implementing these systems, because they can see how it saves them time and money and helps them secure a larger chunk of the market. Another myth is that it is only for manufacturing or retail businesses but again, this is untrue. Quality Management System ISO 9001 is used by hospitals, schools, churches, charities, police departments and more. To put it simply, every group or organization or business needs structure - and structure needs policies and procedures. Think about it - even families have structure, rules, processes, systems, and patterns. So it's fairly obvious you need the same processes and systems in business - but much bigger. To find out how your business would benefit, talk to Standard Consulting - experts in International Standards.

rainwater harvesting

Some Facts You Need to Know About Rainwater Harvesting

The practice of rainwater harvesting, also known as roof water harvesting, involves setting up systems that allow any rainwater that falls on roofs to flow to rainwater collection tanks and not on the ground. The rain stored in tanks can then be used for a few chores that require the use of water, like gardening and driveway cleaning. While rain is clean, rainwater that’s already in the tank is generally not recommended for use in tasks like handwashing, dishwashing, and clothes washing. Drops pick up dust and other impurities when they land on roofs. In urban locations, it’s worse because drops pick up impurities whilst still on the way down. As such, rain in tanks should be further purified to become suitable for more chores and important tasks. That said, rainwater harvesting can cost much in terms of time and money. Despite all the effort and money needed to get the most out of a rainwater harvesting system, having one in your home is still better than having none. Here are the benefits of having a rainwater storage tank in your property. Benefits Of Rainwater: You Save Money If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain each year, a system that’s properly set up will allow you to save significant a good amount of money on water each month. Remember that you pay for every liter of water that is sprayed out a garden hose. You Help Prevent the Depletion of Local Water Supply Water that flows to the taps of houses comes from underground sources and surface bodies of water. If more people use water supplied by the utility companies, time will come when there won’t be enough for all. Thus, by building your own rainwater collection system, you help prevent shortages. You Help Save Energy Also, it goes without saying that water from underground and surface sources isn’t 100% safe for human consumption. It has to be filtered or cleaned using energy-intensive procedures. Thus, by building your own rainwater collection system, you take part in lessening the energy consumption involved in the filtering of surface- and underground-sourced water. You Help Prevent Flooding and Erosion in an Area The practice of rainwater harvesting can reduce erosion and flooding near downspouts. It also helps in controlling stormwater runoff. When heavy rains come, there is a tendency for stormwater infrastructure to be overwhelmed. When this happens, both sewage and contaminated water will overflow into groundwater. If rain falls onto concrete, asphalt, and other impervious surfaces, it won’t go into the ground. Because it does not go into the ground, it cannot help replenish groundwater. When it flows across man-made structures like parking lots, it will pick up pollutants. This will eventually reach the water supply. With rainwater harvesting, you can reduce how much water adds to runoff. If, by this point, you’re convinced that you need to build your own residential rainwater harvesting system, here are the best ways to go about it. Rainwater harvesting systems are typically composed of the following: A collection surface or catchment area The catchment area needs to be an impermeable surface, and the best one to use is the roof of your home. Just make sure the roof to be used is made of non-toxic material. Conveyance system This can include gutters as well as downspouts which lead water from collection surface to water tank. Filters and Diverters  Both things prevent dirt and leaves from entering the water tank and mix with the water. Tank Choose one that can fit in your property and store enough water for your household. Water treatments The treatments to install in the system will depend on how you intend to use the water. Options include carbon filtration and drip irrigation. Distribution system Transports water from containers to parts of the home where water will be needed. Options include gravity systems or pumps. How to Set the System Up The first step is to evaluate the site. Determine where on the premises the rain pools, flow and drains. It’s also important to determine your property’s exact size, boundaries, and the exact location of electric and plumbing lines. From there, you can determine where to place the tank. Next, determine the required components for the system. Consider tank location, tank size, collection surface size, treatment methods, and preferred distribution method. You may need to consult a professional rainwater harvesting system(rainwater collection system)  installers for this step. Once you have determined the components your system needs to have, as well as the exact locations of these components, the next step is selecting an installation expert. Make sure the chosen installation expert is knowledgeable, experienced, and licensed. After the installation, make sure to ask the installer the best ways to keep the system clean and functional at all times. This way, your system can last several decades in your place. Read More: How To Start Trading On The Stock Market And Profit? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Google Maps Marketing: Guides On How To Boost Brand Advantage


How Can Thrift Stores Encourage People To Donate?

Regardless of the type of items a thrift store offers, donations are essential for reaching objectives. Not only are donations needed for thrift stores to remain functional, but they’re also necessary for stores to help the local community. Owners must find ways to encourage donations positively, without leaving a negative impression in the minds of potential donors or clients. This guide can help. Simplify the Donation Process In a perfect world, people would be motivated by the kindness of their hearts to drive to a thrift store and unload all their donations personally. Unfortunately, this isn’t reasonable to expect from the majority of people these days. Put simply, today’s families are busy, with barely any time for rest, let alone time for social causes that go above and beyond. There are many things that thrift stores can do to make donating easier for everyone involved. For example, many thrift stores schedule pickups, either at nearby locations or at individual homes. These options are more convenient for donors, which makes it more likely for them to support local efforts. Don’t pickups represent a significant expense and hassle for thrift stores? Not with the help of modern technology. Modern thrift store POS system features often include convenient pickup scheduling. Donors may even be able to self-schedule pickup times or see the closest drop-offs online. Other features include self-service kiosks and online receipts for tax purposes that speed things up for donors. Provide Many Dropoff Options What if thrift stores aren’t able to handle pickups at individual homes because of personnel issues? They can still make donations as convenient as possible by providing a range of ways people can donate items: Secure donation boxes at partnering business parking lots Driver-attended box trucks 24/7 thrift-store donation boxes Even seemingly simple changes can have a large effect. For example, if a store normally accepts donations at the rear entrance, is it possible to implement a drive-through option instead? Even though donors probably only save five or 10 minutes, the convenience factor can make them more likely to contribute. Instead of viewing donation as a hassle, they’re more likely to see it as something they can take care of quickly on the way to work or while running errands. Understand the Donor Mindset A common misconception is that people are strongly motivated to donate because of charitable feelings. This is the case for some people, but not that many. In today’s hectic climate, people who donate often do so because it’s convenient and beneficial for them. In other words, they probably have a secondary motive in addition to helping out the community. This motive can be wanting to get rid of clutter, showing respect for a loved one’s final wishes, or simply hoping to avoid the hassle of a garage sale. A large number of people donate because they view it as preferable to simply throwing items away. Moms who are cleaning out their child’s closet often have this habit. Thrift stores shouldn’t criticize this attitude. Instead, they should welcome (high-quality) donations from any source, regardless of whether the person cares about the mission or not. What matters is the donation itself, not what motivates it. For this reason, attempting to increase donations by appealing to feelings of guilt or compassion toward less-fortunate individuals isn’t generally very effective. It’s good to have a mission statement, believe in it, and promote it in marketing, but this mission isn’t going to be a major driving force in prompting donations. Show Gratitude Once thrift stores understand that many potential donors have a quid pro quo mindset, it’s possible to find ways to encourage donations by appealing to this attitude. Some stores provide vouchers that donors can redeem for free items. For example, for $50 worth of items, donors could receive a voucher for a free $10 item. Doesn’t this cut into the already tight profit margins for thrift stores? Not necessarily. Few donors redeem the vouchers, and those that do are more likely to return to donate other items in the future. The benefits of being generous to donors generally outweigh the costs. The idea is to produce a feeling of satisfaction, a “reward” for donating. This feeling makes people more likely to tell friends and family members about the store, which is good for both donations and sales. At the very least, gratitude means saying thank you. Even an automatic email can do wonders for online donations. Read Also: Do You Really Want to Live on Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle 8 High-Need Animal Shelter Donations How to Collect Vintage Items