How to Properly Handle, Clean and Store Your Art

Properly Handle

Art belongs on the wall, but sometimes circumstances will force you to move them. For example, if you’re temporarily moving away from your home or relocating to a home with less space to hang your artworks, you may have to store some of them. Additionally, if you’re a painter who doesn’t sell their art the minute it’s complete, you are likely going to have to store those artworks in your home or specialized storage facilities like Museo Vault.

Art is delicate, and one innocent mistake could end up costing you dearly. That is why it’s important to know the basics of how to handle, clean and store your paintings. Everyone knows that paintings should be kept in a dark room, but choosing which one could play a huge role in their perseverance.

In this article, we are going to walk you through the basics of properly handling, cleaning and storing your art in order to avoid causing them permanent damage. These tips will prevent various damage types like mold, scratches, cracks, and flaking.

How to Properly Handle Your Art 

Art is so delicate that it can even get damaged as you’re taking the picture off the wall or dusting the frame off. That is why you need to be extra careful what you wear around art, how you pick it up and hang it back.

Handle One at a Time :

Even if you’re in a hurry, never carry a stack of paintings, no matter if they are large or small. They could get scratched or dented if carried in bulks. When handling art, make sure to do it one painting at a time. If a painting is large, have two people handle it simultaneously.

Wash Your Hands before Handling :

Your hands need to be completely clean if you plan on handling art. Additionally, consider buying cotton gloves if you frequently have to handle art. Make sure the gloves are always washed. This precaution will help avoid leaving fingerprints both on the painting and the frame.

Remove Any Jewelry :

Rings and watches can scratch and damage your painting as you’re carrying it or taking it down from the wall. That’s why you need to remember to always remove any jewelry that could damage the painting before handling it.

How to Properly Clean Your Art

Like we mentioned, paintings are delicate so you have to take special care when cleaning them. Knowing which products to use to clean and dust the paintings in keeping them pristine for years to come.

Dusting Your Paintings :

Paintings hung on the walls are a dust magnet, and have to be cleaned regularly. But you can’t just use any old duster to do it. In order to avoid serious damage, use a soft artists’ brush made from natural hair. Keep the painting on a soft surface leaned down so the dust is pulled down as you brush it.

Move the brush carefully and slowly in a single direction and make sure you’re not applying any pressure to it. When you’ve dusted off the entire picture, change the direction and go for a second pass. Never use stiff brushes, moist cloths or feather dusters when cleaning art.

Cleaning Your Paintings :

This should be common sense, but never ever use household cleaners or similar products on paintings. The chemicals in these products can completely ruin the painting. If there’s a need to clean the painting, consider hiring an expert.

How to Properly Store Your Art

Finally, proper art storage is the key to its preservation. This is also where art collectors are most likely to make a mistake due to the numerous factors that determine whether a location is suitable for art storage or not.

Avoid Damp Rooms :

Never store your art pieces in the basement, the attic or any room with an outside wall. These rooms are usually either too dry or too damp. Either of those could affect your paintings. However, if you’re out of options to make sure to invest in a good humidifier and an AC unit to keep the room temperature constant and humidity levels acceptable.

Never Stack Paintings :

If you don’t have enough space and have to stack the painting one over the other or against each other, make sure you use appropriate protection like padding. Painting racks are ideal if you need to store multiple paintings.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Why You Should Always Use Special Effects for Video Productions

Special effects don’t necessarily have to express over the top scenarios, like explosions or fantasy lands. In fact, special effects are just some visual tricks to simulate imagined scenarios that would be impossible to recreate in real life. These visual effects are powerful storytelling tools that will help your audience imagine themselves as part of your story. While these effects are commonly used in movies and commercials, they can be used in any type of video, from a creative tutorial to a plain vlog. Here are some of the major advantaged of using special effects in your videos: They are versatile : As we already said, special effects can be so much more than just explosions and fantasy worlds. They are simply a tool through which you can express your most creative thoughts and stories. You can use them to simply stylize a basic video to increase its graphics quality, you can use them in live-action videos to cut down on some production costs, or you can create animations from scratch in order to tell a story in a unique way. However, the trick is to create professional-looking visual effects in order to properly transmit your message. If you don’t know much about special effects, we advise you to work with a team of professionals such as Augustus Films, the best VFX Company in Los Angeles. They have experience with a wide range of video projects, from commercials for local companies to independent movie productions. They are entertaining : For marketers, the internet is a constant battle for attention. Every piece of content that gets posted online must battle dozens if not thousands of other pieces of content within the same area of interest. Using visual effects is a great way to make your videos stand out from the crowd and gain the undivided attention of your audience. Even a seemingly unattractive subject can become entertaining with the right use of visual effects or animations. Moreover, animations are particularly useful at putting audiences at ease, due to the fact that they are associated with the childhood period. They are memorable : Did you know that our brain is capable of processing images 60,000 times faster than it can process text? Moreover, according to recent studies, the brain is three times more likely to remember visual and verbal information, than it is to remember just verbal information. As such, presenting your story in a unique visual manner is a great way to make sure that you will have an impact on your audience and that your message will be easily remembered. However, to achieve this, try not to use special effects just for the sake of saving money. People have seen dozens of explosions in movies, but you will certainly be memorable if you show them a unique, artistic explosion that will leave them speechless. They give you more creative freedom : While you can tell a good story with just words or with a good picture, special effects offer you the more creative freedom to play with the details that make the difference and tell a story that will really captivate your audience. Don’t waste your time tricking your audience into imagining a fantasy scenario, but let them see it with their own ideas. Transport them into your world and make them feel like they are a part of your world. They create visual fluidity : When the story that you tell doesn’t match the images in your video, you are causing a visual discrepancy, which your audience will certainly not appreciate. You can’t make a fantasy movie in an urban background and you can’t have actors pretending to fight in slow motion. Moreover, it will be next to impossible to materialize your ideas and turn them into a believable video, without any digital tricks. Speaking of believability, the quality of the video effects that you use will have a strong impact on how believable your story or your message will be, so make sure to only work with professionals. Read Also : Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong Top 5 Graphic Design Trends For 2017 How To Maintain WordPress Website For Free?

WordPress Plugins

4 WordPress Plugins to Make Your Blog More Powerful

Starting a blog is one thing, but making it successful requires a lot of creativity and dedication. The blog is considered as an integral part of the lead generation process because it not only converts a random person to a potential lead but also helps him make better decisions.  It is due to the reason famous B2B companies Cloudways and Design Mantic believes in doing effective blogging. These companies are not only writing blogs to promote their services. But, they are producing remarkable content to quench the thirst of their prospects. And, this is where WordPress serves as a tremendous CMS. If you are running a WordPress-hosted blog and looking for results-driven plugins, then you have reached the right place. Here, I will reveal some of the most amazing WP plugins that will take your blog to the sky in no time. So, here you go… All in One SEO Pack If you are eager to make your blog successful, make sure to satisfy search engines. However, it is only possible if you are using an appropriate SEO friendly plugin for your WP hosted blog. Despite of hundreds of plugins, I prefer All in One SEP Pack. The reason is quite obvious. It is easy to use, extremely effective and helps in optimizing the content through brilliant use of targeted keywords. Therefore, if you haven’t been optimizing your blog for search engines, then it is a perfect time for you to download this plugin for better outcomes. Akismet When running a blog, it is extremely essential for you to keep it protected against spammers. Because once you become the victim, you will have to go through some serious problems as far as the rankings and traffic is a concern. To help resolve this issue, Akismet is a highly recommended anti-spam plugin for WP users. The best thing about this plugin is that it picks the spammers quite early and stops them make any unwanted activity within the blog. It is because of this reason I would suggest you install Akismet to your blog right now. SumoMe Running a blog without social sharing buttons is like writing a book and keeping it at home. Remember, attracting thousands of visitors to a blog won’t maximize the effect until you install a social sharing plugin. For this, I would strongly advise you to use SumoMe. Industry influencer and a great human being Jeff Bullas also use SumoMe to help his readers share valuable content across all the gigantic social platforms quite easily. So, what are you waiting for? Hello Bar I believe that there is no other plugin better than Hello Bar for generating leads. I have been using this plugin for quite some time and it really helped me improved the figures quite drastically. There are two factors that make Hello Bar a legit choice for lead generation. The first one is its compatibility with WP and the second one is its attractive interface. If you are desperately looking to attract more potential customers, then I would suggest you use Hello Bar as a vital source. Read More: 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

simple packaging

Simple Packaging: Your Guide to Branded Design

Packaging. Such a common, everyday word. It has become embedded in the lives of consumers that, unfortunately, many businesses have forgotten just how important and valuable it is. The thing is, even that seemingly simple packaging holds immense power. It can either make a buyer spend money or make them put it back on the shelf and pick up another similar item. After all, consumers, for the most part, see only the packaging when they purchase items directly from a store. Just think about it, packaging covers about 100% of most products you see in stores. There's also the fact that what covers a product - and what's on it - makes up about a third of most purchasing decisions. If you’re having trouble thinking up methods on how to design packaging and custom boxes, worry not, as we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll give you some of the best packaging design tips. It All Starts with Understanding How Packaging Works : First, let's talk about what packaging is and how essential it is to branding. Why it has grown to become a $9-billion industry. At its core, the packaging is the method and the materials used to contain, cover, safeguard, and transport items. The methods can vary from cleaning to preserving. Materials differ too, with the most common being cardboard, paper, plastic, metal, glass, and metal. The thing is, packaging has many more roles than just giving products a pretty face. Indeed, it's a powerful tool to attract the attention of buyers. It's crucial in branding awareness and recall. More than that though, it's vital in helping reduce product waste. For instance, research has shown its great importance in keeping food and beverages edible. In other industries, its ability to protect items significantly reduce potential damages, which then lessens the need to throw them out for replacement products. In the food industry, effective packaging for food products can be made with sustainable materials. In fact, a recent study noted that socially-responsible packaging now plays an important role in buying decisions. More than half (52%) of the study's participants noted they spent money on a product/service from companies using eco-friendlier packaging methods. Also, take note that packaging also has a lot to do with product safety. This is especially true for products that are for human consumption, including food, beverages, and medication (including vitamins and supplements). You want your customers to safely reap the most out of their purchase, and at the same time, remain in compliance with packaging laws and regulations. Simple Packaging and the Immense Branding Power It Boasts Of : You want to make sure your product, as soon as it's ready, goes on display right away. But you can't really say it's ready, not unless you've also made certain that its packaging is 100% ready to go. Whether you go for a box, bag, wrapped, taped, or glued packaging elements, every element of your packaging should incorporate what's mentioned above. You also need to ensure that it possesses all the right components for effective branding. Consider this: The average grocery stores now sell 40,000 more products than they did two decades ago. In a place where your products compete with many of these said items, how you package your brand's offers can make or break the deal. Again, it can either make consumers want to put it in their shopping carts and pay for it or put it back on the shelf and buy a competitor's product instead. Essentially, product packaging is your primary selling tool. After all, it's the most tangible method to represent your product and brand to your target market. Keep in mind that you only have seven seconds to leave a positive impression on consumers, so you need to make them see instantly why they'd want to spend money on your offers. All these said you need your product packaging to have eye-catching features. But it also needs to retain functionality and should be economical. And for eco-friendly consumers, sustainable materials. The Right Elements that Go into Successful Packaging : Just as how you'd carefully review all the elements of your social media marketing campaign on Facebook, the same goes true for inspecting all your product packaging elements. Again, how you package items can instill better brand awareness and recall. For it to help your brand achieve success, it needs to boast of the right elements. What elements are these? Brand logo, color, shape, and typography are the most essential. Brand Logo : The position itself of your brand on your packaging can also make or break a buyer's decisions. Therefore, you want to implement the best positioning strategy for your brand logo for consumers to notice it right away. Also, keep in mind that logo placement affects brand recall. Color : Color affects - either in a positive or negative manner - consumer buying decisions. For instance, studies reveal that 85% of consumers buy products because of its color. They also cite that color can raise brand awareness up to a whopping 80%! Of course, you still need to base the colors you choose on your products/services. For example, if you want to stir emotions of urgency and leave an "energetic vibe," you'd want to consider using red as a primary color. Just check this service and see how your mind and body reacts to it. Shape : Even the shape of your product packaging can already say a lot about the product it contains! You should then use this as another tool to better market your brand's offers. For instance, angular shapes speak to men, while curved shapes are more ideal for female-centered products. Packaging for Ease of Use and Better Branding : These aren't the only reasons you need to be more aware of the great power behind the packaging. Even simple packaging can elicit an "Ooh" from potential buyers rather than just a regular "Ahh." So, as early as now, especially before launching new products to the market, make sure your packaging has all the vital elements for better branding. And for more business tips and tricks that'll help you better shape your brand, make sure you check our blog. Read Also : 5 Ways To Reduce The Packaging Cost In Your Business Make Sure Your Product Hits The Market As Soon As Possible