What Is an Ad Exchange? Everything You Need to Know

Published on: 21 October 2022 Last Updated on: 24 October 2022
Ad Exchange

In short, an ad exchange is a platform that allows advertisers to buy and sell advertising space. Ad exchanges automate the process of buying and selling ads, making them more efficient and convenient for both parties.

Prior to the advent of ad exchanges, advertisers had to negotiate directly with publishers in order to secure ad space. This process was time-consuming and often resulted in wasted inventory, as publishers were often unable to sell all of their available ad space.

Ad exchanges solve this problem by providing a central marketplace where advertisers and publishers can buy and sell ad space in real time. This not only makes the process more efficient, but it also allows for better targeting of ads since buyers can select specific criteria (such as location, demographics, interests, etc.) that they want their ads to be shown to.

The result is a win-win for both advertisers and publishers: advertisers get better results (i.e., more clicks) for their money, while publishers are able to sell all of their available inventory.

How Ad Exchanges Work

Ad exchanges typically work like this: Publishers make inventory available on the exchange, setting a price floor for each ad impression. Advertisers then place bids on that inventory through the exchange’s programmatic buying platform. The highest bidder wins the auction and their ad is served on the publisher’s site.

This auction process happens in real-time, which means that buyers only pay when their ads are actually displayed (i.e., when someone clicks on them). This pricing model is known as cost-per-click (CPC), and it’s different from the traditional cost-per-impression (CPM) model in which advertisers pay a set fee for every 1,000 times their ad is shown, regardless of whether anyone actually clicks on it.

How Ad Exchanges Work

CPC pricing is generally regarded as being more effective since it ensures that advertisers only pay when their ads are actually seen by potential customers.

Nevertheless, prices can vary depending on the type of inventory being sold, such as whether it’s a display ad or a video ad, and also on factors like audience demographics. Private marketplaces are another type of ad exchange where only select buyers are allowed to participate in an auction for premium inventory from a specific publisher.

Programmatic ads direct deals are another option for brands looking to buy ad space programmatically; in this case, they would work directly with a publisher to set up a deal, rather than going through an exchange.

The History of Ad Exchanges

Ad exchanges have been around since the early 2000s, but they really started to take off in 2007 when Google launched DoubleClick Ad Exchange (now called Google Display Network).

Around the same time, a company called Right Media was pioneering programmatic buying with its own ad exchange. In 2007, Yahoo! acquired Right Media in a move that helped accelerate the growth of ad exchanges.

In 2009, AppNexus was founded as an independent ad exchange; today it’s one of the largest players in the space alongside Google and Rubicon Project. In 2016, AppNexus was acquired by AT&T for $1.6 billion as part of AT&T’s push into digital advertising.

History of Ad Exchanges

Ad Exchanges vs Ad Networks

It’s worth noting that there is another type of platform similar to ad exchanges known as ad networks. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Perhaps the most notable difference is that ad networks typically operate on a CPM basis, while ad exchanges use CPC pricing. In addition, ad networks typically work with smaller publishers who don’t have the necessary traffic levels to participate in an exchange.

As such, ad networks tend to be less effective for advertisers since they don’t have as much control over where their ads will be shown.

Ad Exchanges vs Ad Networks

Final Thoughts

Ad exchanges provide a marketplace where buyers and sellers can come together to trade advertising space quickly and easily. If you’re looking for a more efficient way to buy or sell advertising, an ad exchange may be right for you!


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Advertising Agency

A Checklist Of Tools For A Successful Advertising Agency

When you are running an advertising agency, sometimes the question of what kinds of tools you’ll need pops up. There are some obvious ones, such as art, photo editing, and copywriting tools as well as employees who know what they’re doing to make your firm successful. There are other tools, however, that may slip your mind. What are you doing your business accounting on? How are you communicating with your employees and customers? How are you keeping track of employee time and pay? Here are some of the various categories of management tools to take a look at to assist you along the way. Let's Checkout Various Four checklists Of Tools For A Successful Advertising Agency: 1. Accounting Every business needs the means to keep track of its money. You need to track the money in, the money out, and what the money is actually being spent on. Larger firms have dedicated accountants but if you’re a small firm, you may need to rely on either outside help or a program to do it. It’s likely for the best if you use a combination when you can afford to. Keeping track of things day to day can easily be done with a number of different software suites. If you’re good with math and creating spreadsheets, you may be able to work with something as simple as Office Excel. In addition to this, you will have to keep in mind that tax season will come around. Whether you need to submit your taxes quarterly as an entrepreneur or have it done once a year, you will need either a software suite or a tax professional to take care of the work for you. If you have employees, you will also need to make sure appropriate takes are not only taken from their pay but also issue any and all tax documents your employees will need to complete their own taxes for the year. Speaking of pay, you will also need the means to get your employees their paychecks. There are many payroll services out there. Doing a google search or asking other business owners will point you in the direction to find the perfect service for your needs. 2. Time clock/scheduling You will need a means of keeping track of your employees’ working hours. This can come in a variety of different forms. There is software available for employees to clock in digitally which can tie into your payroll systems. Some may prefer to have a physical timesheet filled out by each employee. Yet others may want to put a lot of trust into their employees and have them verbally report their time in and out. Each of these systems has its ups and downs. Verbal communication relies on your employee’s words and can turn out to be unreliable. A physical timesheet does generate a lot of waste and can still be lied on. Also, if you lose the only copy of an employee’s timesheet you will then have to rely on their word. In this day and age, a digital time clock that is hard to lie to is going to be the best option. While the system does have a chance of going down, it can then be backed up with a physical timesheet. This also ensures that few people have access to an employee’s timesheet, making it more secure. For more on managing your agency, click here. Related Resource: What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do For You? 3. Interoffice communication There are many different ways to manage interoffice communication. In this day and age, it has become common to use chat applications to communicate between employees. This can happen not only to employees in the same office but can help facilitate communication when an employee is out of the office. There are many programs available for this purpose. For more in-depth conversations, telephone, video, and in-person conversations remain the best option. The logic behind this is that it is hard to read a person based on text alone, even if you know them well. Misunderstandings can happen at times. Therefore, making sure you have a solid system set up for these kinds of meetings is vital. This may take some trial and error, but the results will help you have a better relationship with your employees and a smoothly communicating office. 4. Email I decided to put email separately because an email address can make or break your first impression on a customer. Always have an email that is dedicated solely to your business. To start out, it is okay to use a generic email service. You will want to make sure that, as soon as you can, you get a hold of an email domain name that is solely for your business. Sometimes, especially if you use email marketing, your email address is going to be the first impression a potential customer gets of you. If it’s the email address you had as a young teen, with many letters and nonsense, or even swear words, you do not come off as a professional. Instead, simply your name or your business name, with your domain name will serve to make people think of your firm as a professional business and make them more likely to want to do business with you. While this was just a broad generalization of tools, you’ll need to make your Advertising agency successful, this should give you some ideas of what you’ll need to look out for. Get what you need to start out and expand on the tools through time to make your firm shine. Read Also: How to Start Social Media Agency in India What to Consider When Starting A Marketing Agency Uncover the Benefits of Partnering with a Social Media Agency in Malaysia

which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of local restaurants

Which Ad Extension Would You Use For An Advertiser Who Has A Chain Of Local Restaurants?

 Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of local restaurants?  Seller ratings Location extensions ✓ Sitelink extensions Previous visits extensions Correct Answer: Location extensions Explanation: To maximize the ad impact, you must use local extensions for an advertiser having a chain of local restaurants. These extensions encourage people to visit your business.  For example, when someone searches for the best parlors nearby then the extension will show him/her the distance to the location, the street address, call button, and the clickable access to a details page for his/her location. What Are The Benefits Of Location Extensions? The main purpose of the local extension is to help individuals find their locations, the distance of the business, showing your ads with your address. Then, people can click on your extension to get further information all in one place. At the same time, this extension can include a call button or a phone number so that users can easily access your business. On the other hand, you can also set up location extensions in your Google Ads account and remove the same whenever you want to.  Why You Need Local Extensions On Your Google Ads? There are various best practices for local businesses running paid ads on search engines. However, the most vital thing local businesses can do to increase their search advertising ROI is to turn on local ad extensions.  Therefore, now let’s discuss the top reasons why you need local extensions on your Google Ads. i) They Impact Your Overall Search Ad Performance  In addition to your quality score and bid amount, the format of your ad actually has a lot to do with your ad’s performance and placement. It is true that Google prefers ads that not only have the most relevant content but the best extensions too. Therefore, to boost your ad visibility, you need some useful extensions; here I am talking about local extensions on your Google Ads. At the same time, this ad extension gives you enough space to promote your business, such as your business hours, phone no., local address, etc. This will improve your conversion rates to a great extent. ii) They Encourage Mobile Users To Visit Your Business  More than 50% of searches are conducted on mobile devices and your main focus should be on targeting mobile users. Your ads are no exception while you are optimizing all your search engine marketing for mobile search. Here, the main thing is that your ad extensions will drive much traffic and conversions to your website in the long run and this will result in the improvement of your investment returns. iii) They Help Your Ad Appear In Results Beyond Google Desktop Search The local extension of Google is needed for ads to visible local search results and Google Maps. This is very vital when users are searching for something on the search results. Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of local restaurants? More than 90% of customers use search engines to find local information and if you don’t use the same, you are truly missing out on a lot of potential leads for your brand. which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of local restaurants?  The Final Thoughts  So, local extensions are the answer to your question Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of local restaurants? The reasons for the same are described above in detail and if you have any queries, then let me know below. Reference: https://www.certificationanswers.com/en/google-digital-sales-certification-exam-answers/ https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2404182 Read Also: Instagram Advertising For Beginners 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren't Showing the Desired Results Benefits of Pay Per Click Services to Your Business


Instagram Advertising For Beginners

More and more businesses are using Instagram advertising to reach and engage with customers. Are you ready to hop on board? Whether you plan on handling it yourself or working with an agent who provides Instagram advertising services, it’s important to understand what Instagram ads can do for you. Learn more on how ads benefits your business. In this guide, we’ll cover: Setting up your Instagram Ad account Creating ad campaigns Targeting a specific audience Choosing the right ad format Monitoring the success of your ads But first, let’s chat about whether Instagram Advertising is actually right for your business. Is Instagram Advertising right for me? If you’re not sure if Instagrams ads will be profitable for you, ask yourself these questions: What are my business goals? Instagram tends to work best for businesses that want to build their brand, gather new customers, and convert people who have already made a connection with their business. What is the nature of your business? Instagram is an effective advertising platform for all kinds of businesses selling physical products or professional services. As a visual platform, strong brand imagery is crucial. Who’s your target audience? Although a wide range of people uses Instagram, the demographic is younger than Facebook users. Instagram’s advanced targeting features will help you narrow down your audience and reach the right people. How to set up Instagram Ads You’ll need two important things before you can start creating ads: Facebook Ads Manager account (since Instagram is owned by Facebook, you’ll be making all your ads through here) A business account on Instagram (only business accounts can run ads) Now let’s dive into the good stuff. Making your ads. In Facebook Ads Manager, you’ll be guided through a step-by-step process. Campaign  this is where you’ll choose your objective. What do you want the ad to achieve? It could be anything from getting more store visits, reaching a wide audience, or gaining lots of engagement. Instagram breaks campaign goals into three sections: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion Ad Set  here you’ll pick the finer details of how the ad will run. That includes who you target, how long the campaign will run for, how much you want to spend, and where the ad will show. Ad Level  now you can decide on what actually goes into your ad. The copy, the images, videos, colors, etc. It’s up to you to create ad content that is highly relevant and engaging for your audience. How to target the right audience with Instagram Ads The great thing about Instagram ads is that you get access to Facebook’s powerful targeting options. That means you can target people based on location, gender, age, job title, relationship status, etc. You can also target based on interests such as yoga, camping, cat owners, etc. Some cool Instagram targeting features include: Connections  this feature lets you target people who like your page or friends of those people. You can even exclude people who like your page if you want to reach new customers. Custom Audience use this feature to reach people who have previously interacted with your business. E.g. visited your site, signed up for your newsletter, or watched your videos. Lookalike Audience  this feature helps you target people who haven’t interacted with your business before but are similar to people who have. How much does Instagram advertising cost? Instagram advertising is a form of Paid per Click (PPC) advertising. This means you pay every time someone performs a particular action on your ad or sees your ad – it all depends on the goals you set at the beginning of your campaign. When setting your budget, there are two options: Daily budget set how much you want to spend per day the campaign is running. Lifetime budget  set how much you want to spend over the whole length of the campaign. While you can start with a budget as low as $5 per day, you’ll want to come at your budget with a strategic approach. Think about your product, profit margins, and business objectives. At the end of the day, you want to find the sweet spot that gets you the best return on investment (ROI). Which ad formats perform best on Instagram? Instagram offers a number of visual-based ad formats. The ideal one for your business will depend on the nature of your industry, your target audience, and the objectives you want to achieve. Sometimes it takes testing out a few different formats to see what your audience responds well to. Single Image Link Ad  Simple and straight to the point. This ad format works well if you want to get one clear message to your audience. Video Ad  Show up to 60 seconds of video and captivate your audience with both visual and audio elements. Protip: adding captions can improve watch time. Carousel Ad  Show multiple images or videos and link to different pages on your website. This is a good format if you’ve got a lot to showcase. Slideshow Ad  Best for when you want to show multiple images. It’s automatic, so the user doesn’t have to slide through. Story Add  Want to reach people while they’re watching Instagram stories? This format lets you use photos, videos, or a combination of both. How to monitor the success of your Instagram campaign All the data about your campaign is collected in Facebook Ads Manager. Some of the most important metrics to look at are: Impressions  how many people saw your ad Clicks  how many clicks your ad received Cost per action (CPA)  how much you pay each time someone completes the desired action such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase That’s cool and all, but what’s so important about monitoring your campaigns? When you know the numbers, you can put more of your budget into the ads that are working and scrap the ones that aren’t. It’s all about optimizing your ads to drive up conversions and lower your CPA. Over to you If you’re just diving into the world of Instagram marketing, hopefully, you feel more confident having read this guide. Of course, there’s so much more to discuss – from utilizing hashtags to crafting a click worthy call-to-action and leveraging user generated content... But that’s for another day. Read Also: A guide to Running your Instagram Marketing Campaign Getting Familiar With The Types Of Instagram Contests New Platforms to Explore in Advertising this Year 6 Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money! How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes