The Disadvantages Of Synthetic Text-To-Speech In Advertising


24 December 2020


Disadvantages Of Synthetic Text-To-Speech

Speech to text conversion is commonly used in advertising as an alternative to using a real human voice. It works using technology that converts input text into speech that is designed to be as natural as possible.

There are a lot of variants on the type of technology used, but overall the software tends to be very similar and fairly easy to get hold of for businesses who want to use it in their advertising.

If you are considering using this modern software for your next advertising campaign, it’s definitely worth thinking carefully about. Despite it being somewhat cheaper than real human voiceovers, there are some pretty chunky downsides to be aware of.

Let’s take a closer look at the disadvantages of synthetic text-to-speech in advertising:

It Is Unlikely To Be Quicker Than A Professional Human Voiceover

Many people think that a computer system will be a quicker way to get a voiceover when in fact the system used can be very time consuming and challenging to use correctly. It isn’t a simple process and there’s quite a lot of learning involved in order to get a good result.

The Results Are Never As Natural As A Human Voice

Despite the incredible advances in technology with AI voices, the result of text-to-speech technology is still pretty robot-like. The natural nuances of the human voice have still not been mastered when it comes to AI voice so if you do plan to use AI vocals for your advertising campaign it is important to know that it will be noticeable.

People Don’t Like AI Voices

73% of people don’t trust AI voice technology and 71% of people prefer a human voice rather than a synthetic one. When it comes to your branding and message, that’s quite a big factor. Could an AI voiceover turn your audience off your advertising?

Pronunciation Will Not Be Perfect

If you’re wanting a clear message from your AI voiceover you may struggle with text-to-speech. Pronunciation is always a little bit off, which means your messaging may well be lost somewhat via the voiceover.

Technology Is Still Young

You may feel that soon enough there will be a way to use AI in text-to-speech advertising that is cheaper and quicker than a real voiceover. The problem is that great AI voice-overs are pretty far off. Technology has advanced a lot but nowhere near making it easier, quicker, and realistic compared to a human voice-over actor. Using text-to-speech advertising now means accepting its limitations.

Pace Of Speech Is Unnatural

The speech will be read as it is written when you use text-to-speech software. This means that there won’t be any natural pauses, hesitations, and silences as you would have with a professional voiceover actor. Companies offering text-to-speech software will advise you to add exaggerated pauses and paragraph breaks in your script to get around this issue. The fact is that this doesn’t sound dramatic or effective, it just sounds awkward because the AI voice can’t add the tone and intonation necessary to make those pauses make sense.

Consider Using A Professional Voiceover Service

If you want a natural, personality-filled, professional voiceover for your advertising, consider using a professional voice over agency. The costs compared to text-to-speech are surprisingly affordable, and the results are second-to-none compared to AI voices. It could be the perfect way to give your advertising the professional finish you’ve been looking for.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?

Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK? Is this the answer that you are searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place… Question: Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?Options:(a) Server-to-server connections are easier to set up than code-less conversion tracking(b) Adding multiple SDKs for various advertising or analytics platforms have no impact on app code file-size(c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app(d) Adding SDK and conversion tracking changes to your app doesn’t require review by the Google Play StoreAnswer: (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app If your answer is option (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app, then you are absolutely correct! But now is the time for you to understand the reason behind this being the answer. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more… What Are SDK Files? But before talking about "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" it is important for you to know a little about the SDK files. So what are they? The full form of SDK is Software Development Kit. It is a set of tools that are needed to help the software developers make or create the application for a particular platform. They are generally made and provided by the manufacturer of the hardware platform or a programming language. There are a number of things that are included in an SDK file. According to Red Hat, "a basic SDK will include a compiler, debugger, and an application programming interfaces (APIs)." However, these are not the only things that are included in the SDK files. They can also include things like drivers, libraries, documentation, and testing/analysis tools. And network protocols. Some of the best examples of SDK files are: Java Development Kit (JDK) iPhone SDK MacOs X SDK Windows 7 SDK Cloud SDK So, What Is S2S? Well, if you are planning to choose a server-to-server app conversion tracking over the SDK file, it is important to learn a bit about S2S as well, isn't it? A server-to-server or S2S tracking is a method in which the data is shared from one server to another. The major benefit of this is the fact that there is no need for cookies on the website at the time when a visitor enters the website. So, if the software does not take cookies, how do they get the data, and how can they track it? Well, I have the answer for you! The S2S tracking works in a simple way. It works by generating and storing the unique identification. This UID can be anything in the form of the clicks made by the user or even by the impression on the ads. This is how the data is collected. When the same user visits the website again and takes part in such an action that will be tracked, the UID matches, and that is how tracking is done! Pretty simple and efficient, isn't it? Now let me explain the answer that you were searching for! Read More: How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads? Explanation Of "Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?" Now that you know what an SDK file is, it is important for you to understand the explanation behind the question, "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" So here I go! The server-to-server or an S2S app conversion tracking helps the customers to send the details or credentials that they want to, to the website. These details or data are required for tracking the AdWords app user conversion. In this method, the AdWords app sends the tracking details from their server to the Google server during the event of conversion. On the other hand, the SDK files are not easy to implement or operate. When they are incorporated into an app, most of the time, you are supposed to add a piece of code. Furthermore, the tracking is also not controlled by the users. This also adds to the worries as they are not the ones to decide whether the process of data tracking is safe or not. Additionally, the most important benefit that you might have in choosing server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK is the fact that S2S is a much easier way of implementation. You will not be able to face any errors or bugs. The SDK, as I have already mentioned, has many complex technicalities. Thus, if the file is not implemented properly, you will have to go through the annoying experiences of bugs in the app. Wrapping It Up! SDK Files are the ones that are kind of a binary file type that some of the software use. They are the software development kit with which a lot of the software is embedded. However, if you are considering choosing server-to-serve app conversion tracking over an SDK file, then there is one major benefit. And that is the fact that it is much easier to implement. But, of course, if there is an error while implementing the SDK file and the tracking code, there could be bugs. In case you were searching for the answer to "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment box below at the bottom of the page. Read Also: Which Kinds Of Hits Does Google Analytics Track? When Does The Tracking Code Send An Event Hit To Google Analytics? 7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Recover Your Lost Files from BitLocker Encrypted Drive

Recover Your Lost Files from BitLocker Encrypted Drive

Data is an important pillar of modern society. This is why many people use third-party software to encrypt data and restrict any unauthorized access. Although this might offer high-level security to the data, at the same time, it adds difficulty at the time of data recovery. Being a digital marketer, I ensure that nobody accesses my data. To do that, I use BitLocker to encrypt all my data. One morning when I was trying to access my photos, I found that the SD card was somehow damaged, and now I cannot access my photos. This really startled me, as it was only a couple of days away or my clients' photos were delivered. I Tried data recovery software to recover the inaccessible photos, but the efforts were in vain, as the BitLocker was resisting to do. Fortunately, after several tries and integrating a couple of tricks, I was able to get back my photos. It was a great feat for me, and I thought that many individuals like me face the same problem. So, I took this opportunity to share my experience and how I was able to recover data from BitLocker encrypted drives. How to Recover BitLocker Encrypted Files? Data recovery is a complicated and time-consuming process. There is data that can be restored or recovered from simple recycle bin recovery. The data recovery process is complex. I have come up with this solution to recover BitLocker encrypted data. 1. Recover Data from BitLocker Encrypted C: Drive: As we know, C: Drive is the operating system drive.l the moment you start your system, new data keeps on adding to the system drive. So, the recovery of encrypted data depends on whether the lost un accessed files have been overwritten or not. In case of overwritten activity, you will not be able to get back your data. Instead, the data will stand corrupted. However, if the data is not overwritten and is encrypted by the BitLocker, you can recover data by following the steps given below. Once such a scenario occurs, stop using the drives to ensure data is not overwritten. Download a data recovery software. You will see the main interface with all the active drives in the system. Select the targeted drive. Initiate a scan. Select the data you're meant to recover and click “Recover”. 2. Recover Data from Encrypted Data Drive: Data drives are the drives where you store data. The D: Drive and F: drive you to see are the data drive. If you cannot access these drives, you can follow the same process. The only difference will be that you will select the drive storage instead of selecting the system storage. Download and install the data recovery software. Select the BitLocker encrypted drive. Run a scan. Select the targeted data. Click recover. 3. Recover Data from BitLocker Encrypted SSDs: Today, instead of HDD, most systems have SSDs. While we use an SSD, we have no idea that it deletes data without our permission. I know this can surprise you. But that is the truth. Windows 7 or the other later ver5sion initiates an automatic TRIM on SSDs. The only way to ensure your data is safe is to keep track of whether TRIM is enabled or not. Once you know that TRIM is Disabled, you can use the same steps to recover or access BitLocker encrypted data. Download and install the data recovery software. Select the BitLocker encrypted drive. Run a scan. Select the data you want to recover. Click recover. Conclusion: To sum it up, yes, there are easy ways in which you can recover encrypted data. In this article, I have shared the methods I used to retrieve my data. I hope that these methods work in the same way as they worked out for me. Read Also: Things to Consider While Choosing Data Recovery Software How To Empty Trash On Android?

VPS Hosting

The Complete Guide To Choosing VPS Hosting

What Are Virtual Private Servers?  Virtual Private servers are hosting plans that most hosting providers offer- it is a 2 in 1 package - it offers features of a dedicated server and also the capacities of shared hosting accounts. This is done because shared hosting plans usually have limited capacities and a dedicated hosting plan might be too pricey. VPS web hosting plans provide top-quality performance at a lower rate and is a popular choice for medium sized websites that require a lot of resources.  VPS hosting is done bay physical servers that are housed in data centres. This server is then divided into partitions to create each individual virtual server. When you purchase one of these sections you are the only with access to that part of the virtual environment - which means that you can use the resources available in a similar manner that you would on a dedicated server hosting accounts.  In addition, the VPS area performs like a dedicated server even though it is part of a physical one. This feature makes it a good choice for websites that need resources similar to that of a dedicated server but do not have the budget to match.  Who uses VPS hosting?  A lot of website owners prefer VPS hosting because they get more control over their server environments. Even though they do not utilise all the system resources allocated to them, the control they have over resources is usually worth the extra expense. Website administrators who wants dedicated hosting but do not have the technical skills or cannot currently afford a plan, consider VPS hosting as a good starter package.  Things to consider before choosing a VPS hosting provider  1.The content management system offered: acquisition, technology shifts or management changes can alter the value of a web hosting plan. It is good practice to ensure that your web host allows you to unlock your website, so you can quickly switch providers or make changes.  2.Decide how much support you need: a basic customer service comes with access to phone support and email . The turnaround on request however would vary from provider to provider. Some web hosts offer 24-hour customer support, while others can only be contacted by email. One of the drawbacks of a non-managed service is that even though you may be able to ask questions about the basic configuration, you may not be able to get the support you need.  3.If you would like to completely delegate the management of your site, then you should consider managed hosting. Web host who offer and manage WordPress hosting will ensure that your system  is configured properly, patch your software when needed, manage backups, and keep an eye on security issues as well as other tasks.  4.Do not fall into the trap of unlimited: loads of hosting providers offer unlimited bandwidth and storage for a few dollars a month. This offer isn't always how it is represented. For example, if you pay $3 for a month of hosting, there would be a clause in your terms of service that allows your web host to stifle website performance or shut down completely after a usage threshold has been crossed.  5.Own your domain: it is pretty common for domain registrars is to offer web hosting services. If your domain registrar is also your web host, you should ensure that you have complete control over your domain name and you can switch registrats if you need to.  6.Estimate traffic volume expected: most hosting providers charge based on bandwidth and storage usage. If you anticipate that only a few people will visit your website then you are bandwidth needs will be low but if you are suddenly featured at the top of a Google search engine result page or if a product campaign ad goes viral, you can expect increased bandwidth usage. Defining this will help guide your web hosting selection process.  7.Understand the server type: the cheapest hosting plan available on the market is usually a shared hosting plan - where hundreds or thousands of websites share one server. The performance of your website would depend on the load on the other sites are putting on the house. Shared hosting also limits your access to server resources, limiting your ability to upload files via FTP - limiting the amount of database you have access to, the programs you can run on the service, and preventing shell access.  Managed VPS web hosting solutions  Server Virtual Private server plans do not come with complete server root access but is managed by the hosting company. However, with the increase in the popularity of managed hosting service, the user tackles this. Which means that if you have one, you can customise your VPS server in any manner that you desire. But you can also get the help of your web hosting provider to resolve any technical issues you cannot address yourself.  What are the features of a VPS hosting plan?  The features that would come with a VPS hosting plan will vary depending on the provider. However,there are a couple that you should be on the lookout for.  1.Managed data backups: like with any other hosting service, your VPS plan should come with a backup option for your data. Because anything can occur within your provider's network, we recommend that you choose a service that makes it possible for you to manually backup your data - in order to ensure that your website can be restored at any time. Thankfully, most VPS hosting plans  offer an inexpensive way to get the flexibility, features, control and resources of the more complex and costly dedicated server hosting plans. With the rapid development and increased popularity, the price of VPS hosting is rapidly reducing so,it is possible for you to find a VPS solution that suits you.  2.Root access: with root access, you get complete control over your VPS account-software installations, configurations and so on. All these actions can be done from the interface of your control management system.  4.Multiple domain hosting: even though a lot of hosts offer multiple domain hosting with their shared hosting plan, most times they lack the required resources needed to guarantee smooth performance. Many VPS web host offer plans that make it possible for you to host multiple sites without compromising on performance. Typically, you can also set up - separate email accounts and allocates specific resources for every individual site you create.  5.Support and management: just like a dedicated hosting account, VPS hosting requires you to manage your own server. However, there are many web hosts that provide management and support services to help with administrative tasks. This feature is invaluable if you do not have technical skills.  7.Server monitoring: a good VPS service provider will constantly monitor network and hardware that your account is hosted on. Which guarantees the physical security of the server and guards against cyber threats such as DDOS attacks, hackers and malicious software.  What are the benefits of virtual private server web hosting?  There are many benefits of VPS web hosting but top on the list are:  1 Flexibility: you are free to choose the software and operating system you would like installed on the stock server  2.Stability: as opposed to shared hosting, increased activity and traffic will not adversely affect your websites  3.Dedicated resources: VPS hosting plans come with dedicated RAM, disk space and CPU.  4.Better performance: having your own dedicated resources allow your visitors to enjoy faster load times on your website.  How to use VPS web hosting  The web hosting data storage space on a primary virtual server is managed via a hosting CP user interface. There are tons of websites hosting CP tools on the Internet, so you are not limited to the one supplied by your web hosting provider. For example, cPanel can function on most servers OS. Apart from this, everything is pretty much the same as with shared hosting accounts -database management, file management, electronic mail management and so on.  In most instances, web hosting control panels come with a reseller back-office tool which can be used to set up and resell web hosting plans to other individuals. This is a good way to generate money as there are a lot of web users who are looking for good quality web hosting service.  Is VPS web hosting a great option for you?  Sometimes, choosing the right hosting plan can be a challenge however, if you have a website that has outgrown a shared hosting plan and needs more resources, then VPS web hosting is a good choice. You will get enough resources to manage the increased load matter the type of website you operate.