Why You Should Always Use Special Effects for Video Productions

Published on: 31 March 2018 Last Updated on: 25 July 2024
Why You Should Always Use Special Effects for Video Productions

Special effects don’t necessarily have to express over the top scenarios, like explosions or fantasy lands. In fact, special effects are just some visual tricks to simulate imagined scenarios that would be impossible to recreate in real life. These visual effects are powerful storytelling tools that will help your audience imagine themselves as part of your story. While these effects are commonly used in movies and commercials, they can be used in any type of video, from a creative tutorial to a plain vlog. Here are some of the major advantaged of using special effects in your videos:

They are versatile :

As we already said, special effects can be so much more than just explosions and fantasy worlds. They are simply a tool through which you can express your most creative thoughts and stories. You can use them to simply stylize a basic video to increase its graphics quality, you can use them in live-action videos to cut down on some production costs, or you can create animations from scratch in order to tell a story in a unique way. However, the trick is to create professional-looking visual effects in order to properly transmit your message. If you don’t know much about special effects, we advise you to work with a team of professionals such as Augustus Films, the best VFX Company in Los Angeles. They have experience with a wide range of video projects, from commercials for local companies to independent movie productions.

They are entertaining :

For marketers, the internet is a constant battle for attention. Every piece of content that gets posted online must battle dozens if not thousands of other pieces of content within the same area of interest. Using visual effects is a great way to make your videos stand out from the crowd and gain the undivided attention of your audience. Even a seemingly unattractive subject can become entertaining with the right use of visual effects or animations. Moreover, animations are particularly useful at putting audiences at ease, due to the fact that they are associated with the childhood period.

They are memorable :

Did you know that our brain is capable of processing images 60,000 times faster than it can process text? Moreover, according to recent studies, the brain is three times more likely to remember visual and verbal information, than it is to remember just verbal information. As such, presenting your story in a unique visual manner is a great way to make sure that you will have an impact on your audience and that your message will be easily remembered. However, to achieve this, try not to use special effects just for the sake of saving money. People have seen dozens of explosions in movies, but you will certainly be memorable if you show them a unique, artistic explosion that will leave them speechless.

They are memorable :

They give you more creative freedom :

While you can tell a good story with just words or with a good picture, special effects offer you the more creative freedom to play with the details that make the difference and tell a story that will really captivate your audience. Don’t waste your time tricking your audience into imagining a fantasy scenario, but let them see it with their own ideas. Transport them into your world and make them feel like they are a part of your world.

They create visual fluidity :

When the story that you tell doesn’t match the images in your video, you are causing a visual discrepancy, which your audience will certainly not appreciate. You can’t make a fantasy movie in an urban background and you can’t have actors pretending to fight in slow motion. Moreover, it will be next to impossible to materialize your ideas and turn them into a believable video, without any digital tricks. Speaking of believability, the quality of the video effects that you use will have a strong impact on how believable your story or your message will be, so make sure to only work with professionals.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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mobile website

What Makes a Good Mobile Website

People are tethered to their phones even when they are not using it. When they are not doing anything, they remain close to their phones to hear any notification ringtone. More importantly, they use their phones to access websites, shop, watch YouTube, log on to Facebook or Instagram, or search on Google. By the end of 2019, the number of mobile Internet users would have grown to 4.68 billion. A mobile UX designer optimizes your website making use of the best practices for mobile users. If your website is not yet optimized, you need to do it right away. It’s projected that by 2021, 73% of all eCommerce activities will come from mobile users. Right now, China alone has 98% penetration rate in terms of mobile Internet. What Can a Mobile UX Designer Do for You? To answer that, you must first know what makes a good website. Google has attempted to answer this question by listing the following elements: Make the navigation easy for the user. Call to actions should take a prominent position The users can call customer service directly from the website Menus should be clear and concise Visitors tap the logo when they go back to the home page The local search box should be visible at first glance Add filters to narrow down the search, particularly for eCommerce sites In the same vein, the site should yield relevant results in response to site query Avoid site registration before users can explore your website Users can make a purchase even without registering to your site Quick sharing to social networks Quick links so they can email themselves and finish the task on other devices The website should be optimized for mobile, which means fonts are larger and the images are expandable What Can You Expect from a Mobile UX Designer? A mobile UX designer will make sure that people will have a positive user experience when they access your website through mobile devices. A good designer will: Conduct UX research to understand users’ needs and behaviors Cut out the clutter for easier navigation. The navigation should be intuitive Properly use colors, graphics, font, and negative space to highlight key content and promote activity Test your mobile website for optimum experience and functionality Make sure your website is stable for mobile use Insist on the consistency of themes and design across devices Ensure that important elements measure 18mm so they can be easy to tap Finally, the mobile UX designer should ensure that your website loads fast. According to Google, most mobile websites load at an average of 15 seconds. That won’t do. The same Google research warned that customers almost always leave when it takes more than 10 seconds for the mobile landing page to load. Even if the website loads for 1-3 seconds, the bounce rate will increase to 32%. The mobile app services of Sunlight Media include a dedicated mobile UX designer who will check and test the architecture and workflow of your app. They will work with you to achieve your goals and ensure the app will adhere to your style guide. Head to their website now or contact them at 323-868-3581. Read Also: Winning Tactics To Build A Competitive Service Delivery Website Top Utility Tools You Need For Your Website How To Design An Effective Company Website

Web Design Affects SEO

How Does Web Design Affects SEO?

Web design plays an important role in today's SEO world. First, its visual appearance is very important because websites are the first thing people see when they want to know more about your brand. In addition, user experience is an important part of search engine rankings, so website design and how users interact with them directly impact SERP rankings. Web design combines programming and graphic design, where text is mixed with sounds, images, graphics, and video clips. To get the best benefit from your investment in your website, we recommend hiring a web designer. Hiring a web designer Adelaide appeals to people and search engine crawlers, as web design affects SEO in every aspect of an online presence. Three Ways Web design affects SEO: 1. Visual quality will increase screen time Web design also helps build trust with users by strengthening their privileges. According to data available, nearly 38% of users exit a website if they encounter an unattractive layout. By combining high-quality content with a visually appealing layout, you can increase the amount of time your users spend on their screens. This is considered optimal for both conversions and SEO. Introduce your efforts on a website that demonstrates your commitment to your customers by combining high-quality content with great images. This will make them crazy about your content and increase screen time. And as soon as the search engine picks these signals, the ranking goes up accordingly. 2. SEO and human understanding coexist The visual appearance of the website will certainly boost your SEO ranking. The better the design, the higher the ranking. However, it should be noted that this concept does not apply to "frolicking" search engine bots. Search engine bots tend to mimic the human user experience. So what's bad for human users is bad for search engine bots. If a website is poorly designed or too complex, human customers will seek help from other websites. Internet searches are closely related to websites, and such activities warn search engines of user behavior. And as soon as the search engine understands this fact, your ranking will drop accordingly. With good Adelaide web design, you can practice keeping both human users and search engine crawlers on your website. 3. Make it easy for crawlers to list your website Web designer Adelaide indeed needs to prioritize human users' needs and weigh the needs of search engine crawlers. Search engines employ web crawlers for web indexing. Therefore, you need to consider those behavioral mechanisms when making web design decisions. Wrong web design decisions can make it harder for crawlers to index your website and compromise your SEO ranking. Things You Should Remember While Designing Your Website – 1. Image & Content optimization  Images and content play an important role in giving the website an effective design to rank higher on SERPs. Website’s colors, layouts, and fonts are vital to look after, but a designer should also take care of its content and images. Having a beautiful website with low-quality images and unclear content is something that might piss off the audience and search engines. On the other hand, creative and valuable content indicates to Google that your website is functional. Ensure the web designer optimizes the on-site images and works on the loading time. You should always add Meta descriptions to your site’s images so that Google’s bots can index the pictures too. You should also add relevant keywords to the title of the photographs and alt-text to make search engines understand and index images for specific keywords. 2. Mobile responsiveness Today the methods of searching the products have changed. Customers hop on to their smartphones to look for the products they need. It has given opportunities to businesses to optimize their website as mobile responsive so that they never lose a chance to turn the audience off and switch to the competitors. Website designers need to design the website as mobile-friendly to stay on top of user and search engine’s expectations. The benefit of responsive design is that you only need to create it once and maintain it, saving time and money. 3. Speeding up website According to a report, a 100-millisecond delay in loading can diminish the conversions by 7%. As a business, you need to be in line with all the upgrades to ensure you don’t take a back seat in the market. Marketers need to design a fast website, keep the users engaged and boost their SEO rankings. It’s a fact that if users need to wait for more to open your website and browse things, they’re likely to be irritated and jump on to the other websites in a few seconds. Google realized that users are switching out of the bad experience, lowering your SERP rankings. 4. Design easy and clean navigation One thing that you should consider while optimizing your website is that your website should be clean and straightforward to navigate. Potential customers might turn off if there are no proper landing pages and they are arduous to navigate. Instead, they should get the information they’re searching for handy—the same implements for search engine crawlers. If the crawlers find it tricky to get on to your website, URLs will sift through a lot, which might turn your chances of high ranking down. So, all you can do is simplify the URLs to be short and not hard to remember. Conclusion From the report above, you can see how web design affects SEO rankings. And this does not merely affect your online presence but also has a direct impact on sales. Here are some suggestions for creating a great reading experience on your website. Choose bright colors when designing your website Use easy-to-read fonts and font sizes Divide the content into subsections to get the reader's attention Are you worried about the way web design affects SEO? Then contact a web design company today for optimizing your label for SEO. Read Also: 7 Advantages of Using Website Design Templates Local SEO In Australia: How Much Does It Cost? The Challenges of E-Commerce SEO SEO Consulting Price: The Average Cost of SEO Services in 2021 How do you choose an SEO-friendly theme for your website?

Top 5 Graphic Design

Top 5 Graphic Design Trends for 2017

The craze of graphic design has been on the trends for years, but that of 2017 is a great deal to talk about. When you talk of website designs, brandings, billboards, posters/fliers, and other varieties of graphic designs, 2017 trends are breaking the internet. There are lots of choices that are making the forefront which could be selected according to your desire. We have made series of research through the page layout techniques, the typography, displays, color packaging to know the most suitable graphic designs that will suit your desire. Moreover, we are here to guide you through the trends that are on the top list, sit back relax and enjoy our top five list of this year’s award winning graphic design. 1. Launch Your Market with Cinemagraphs The first on our top list is cinemagraphs; this simply portrays still photographs with a slight touch of movement in the same manner as a video clip. It is common in the form of GIFs in order to add more life to the photograph. With this design, the modern market is making use of this format to stand other competitors because it attracts the viewer’s attention instantly. 2. Minimalism Design At Is Best The minimalism Design can be rooted back to the beginning of the 20th century; it became very popular as it focuses on the simple functionality for many brands and graphic designs. This year, the trend is increasing with a refined and elegant approach that creates a suitable balance that is appealing. Many brands and designs have adopted the use of minimalism as it is here to stay. 3. Apt Geometric Collages While we were younger, I could recall the number of hours we spent in creating collages. Yet, geometric collages are now rated as one of the award-winning graphic design in the year 2017. As the third on our list, it has emerged a lot of memorable images, magazines, movie posters, and most favorite cartoon characters. These designs involve the use of diversified elements into a single design which must be arranged in a geometric layout. 4. Modular Layouts for Text Management Every viewer wants to hasten their communication with every design they come across, they tend to lose interest if the text is long and boring. In order to avoid such a scenario, modular layouts are here to organize your text in a clearly readable manner with simplicity.  As the popularity of this design is increasing, graphic designers are making use of it as the best platform to pass the message through text in short and precise manner. 5. Bold photography and sleek text Basically, mixing bold photography and sleek text is the best captivation for most viewers in the world; be it ads and social media promotion, mobile devices, and brands such as Nike this design is key! This is because of its instant expression. This design simply interprets the visuals of your creativity to the world. Read More:  How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building? Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android 5 Reasons Why You Should Invest In APM Patient Portal Development Company Addresses Technology Shortcomings That Limits Interoperability App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities How To Get Product Ideas For Your Ecommerce Business How To Become A Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets Top Apps To Help You Manage Your Money