Balancing the Books with Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists

Published on: 04 September 2018 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024
Virtual Receptionists

In this modern age of ever-increasing use of electronic forms of communication, there is no wonder that many kinds of businesses are constantly looking for ways to keep up with their competition. Indeed, accountancy firms looking to improve the way they handle incoming calls to their offices will probably consider contacting a provider of virtual reception services.

Modern World

Of course, busy owners of an accounting company who need to ensure all their calls are answered in a professional and courteous manner at all times would be wise to search for websites providing insight into the benefits of virtual phone answering solutions. By looking at websites that tell you the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant, overworked accountants who wish to find a solution to their current issue regarding office reception service should be able to find out more about why using a virtual office assistant service is a good idea.

Needless to say, accounting firms with aspirations of becoming a leader in their industry will need to make sure they are able to retain their clients by providing a phone call answering service with very high standards. Providers of professional virtual phone answering an email response services that are thinking of branching out into the accountancy sector will need to make sure they hire the right people for this kind of work.

Skill Set :

As there are suppliers of virtual office receptionists who have people from a variety of backgrounds in their employment, it should not be too difficult for an accounting firm to find a virtual office assistant with the right skill set for their organization. Indeed, by taking our time when looking for a telephone answering service for our accounting business, we should be able to avoid ending up with a virtual assistant that is not suitable for the tasks they are given. Of course, highly-qualified virtual office assistants with a background in bookkeeping or other accounting competencies will be able to deal with related enquires by existing or potential clients so much more competently than those with little or no experience in this field.

Some of the tasks undertaken by a receptionist working in the accounting industry include:

  1. Managing all incoming invoices
  2. Inputting Accounts Payable data into the accounts system
  3. Making sure key bills are paid on time
  4. Answering telephone calls from clients and colleagues
  5. Managing email accounts for client communications

Multiple Offices :

Multiple Offices

Accountancy firms that have done exceptionally well since their inception may have got to the stage where they have offices in a number of places including different parts of the country where they are based. Australian accounting firms in Sydney who happen to have a number of offices in the CBD would be wise to get in touch with a provider of virtual assistant services in order to be able to provide a focal point for all their incoming calls.

Indeed, by reducing the number of different telephone numbers we have for our business, we should be able to increase the control we have over our company practices. Bosses of an accounting company that have managed to secure the services of a professional virtual office assistant provider are bound to discover the benefits of such a smart business move.

Moreover, busy accountants who do need to visit their various office locations throughout the city will appreciate having a virtual receptionist to handle all incoming calls whilst they navigate through congested traffic during peak hour times. Of course, accounting firms who are able to function much better by employing the services of a virtual secretary will be able to focus more on the other important aspects of their business.

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Effective Crisis Management

6 Tips for Effective Crisis Management

Whether you call it a disaster plan or a crisis plan, every company and organization needs to have detailed plans in place on how to respond to a worst-case scenario. This should be a team effort, not the product of one individual. Here are some tips for handling the nightmare situations you hope never occur. Create a Team: This is the very first step. Whether creating a team is to develop a plan from its inception or to manage a crisis when it occurs, it should involve multiple people with a firm grasp of their individual responsibilities. Brainstorm What-Ifs: Effective crisis management means having a plan in place before the crisis actually occurs. For example, Pittsburgh is ranked as one of the worst cities in the country for car accidents. Developing a “what-if” plan there might involve including the name of a Pittsburgh car accident lawyer. Write it Down: Every detail should be spelled out. While there might be more extensive information for crisis team managers, every employee should be familiar with the plan, including having a copy of what they need to do…or not to do. Along with writing it down is remembering to update it as employee information and technology change. Manage Communication: There are internal and external components to consider. Communication lines to inform employees of what to do and where to go need to be clearly established. However, companies and organizations also have to know how they will manage the story that goes out to the public. For example, many school systems establish protocols that allow only a district public information officer or a building administrator to communicate to the media. Effective communication sometimes also means controlling what and when information is released. Be Honest and Open: In an age when everyone has a phone to record events and information can quickly go viral via the internet and social media, it’s important to be as candid as possible in handling any sort of crisis that has the potential to become a public relations nightmare. First and foremost, keep your own employees informed. Be proactive with social media by frequently updating whatever services you use. Assess and Train: Your plan needs constant re-evaluation to be effective. Once a crisis is past, the team should assess what happened and any changes that need to be made as a result. In the wake of a crisis and as new employees come on board, it’s important to conduct training and drills to everyone remains up to date on how to respond. Having an effective crisis management plan in place can mean the difference between your company recovering from a reputation-damaging event such as an oil spill or a criminal investigation and sustaining a blow that affects your bottom line for years to come. Read Also: How To Do Bookkeeping In Malta Minus Complications What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses?


Prep Your Office For An Ergonomics Work Setting: Tips To Make It Perfect

A healthy and safe working environment is quite a product-oriented work environment. Regardless of the company’s size, some enterprises strive to prepare an ergonomically sound and capable workplace for their employees.  Ergonomics is vital because it safeguards the employees' mental and physical health and well-being. Similarly, you can avoid issues like repeated injuries and overexertion by incorporating effectively designed ergonomics equipment.  When there is poor ergonomic practice, it is the duty of every employee to ensure they are using good ergonomics at their own working station.  With a desk, fancy chairs, and equipment, the world will not assist an employee who slumps and slouches in an awkward way at their desk. In this article, you will find certain important tips to help you focus on the office and create a productive and healthy working environment.  Ways To Immediately Improve Your Workstation Ergonomics When you are uncomfortable at your desk or feel discomfort while working, it is due to a poorly positioned keyboard and monitor. It might further prevent an individual from reaching their full potential of working.  Here is a list of tips to help you create an ergonomic working station.  1. Proper Height Display  Monitor and other display devices should be placed at an eye level when your employees use them.  Similarly, when viewing a display, one must not strain the neck or squint the eyes. Therefore, ergonomics is dedicated to employees not being required to alter their neck to right, left, down, and up to see a display.  Thus, the principles apply to individuals with conventional single monitors and power the users in employing the multiple displays. 2. Good Working Posture  Whether your employees work in a warehouse or within a corporate office, the top ergonomics priority is establishing an effective workstation.  You need to ensure that your employees are able to stand or sit in the correct body posture. On the other hand, you need to see if they work in a relaxed position that requires no stress or excessive reaching to task completion.  Standing at the workstation is also suggested and is a good ergonomics approach. This will ensure your employees stand straight and wrists and arms remain in a neutral position.  3. Keyboard Position With ergonomics, a proper keyword, a mouse, and other gadget configurations are just as significant as your employee posture regarding neutral body position.  If the individual is reaching out for the mouse at a problematic place and has violated the parallel rule (inline) of wrist or elbow, then it might not be suitable for health reasons.  Ensure the employees reach for input devices that can lead to excessive fatigue after lengthy exposure.  You should place the mouse and keyboard where the employees can easily access them without neglecting any of the neutral body positioning rules.  Furthermore, tailor your devices for the employee who is using them.  Furthermore, both the devices should be tailored for the person using them. This might require an adjustable device for diverse users. Thus, flexibility or malleability is the most important element.  4. Adjustable Chairs And Desk  You must prioritize purchasing high-quality commercial business furniture with adjustable chairs and equipment to maintain a good posture and a neutral body position.  If you observe, there are individuals who have a poor sitting posture. On the other hand, there are employees who do not take breaks and sit constantly in one place for a long duration. This creates a risky situation of experiencing injuries and weariness to their neck and back.  The more comfortable a chair and desk can be, the more you can tailor the individual's use. Similarly, when it comes to ergonomics, employees must sit comfortably and work with dedication rather than suffer from pain.  5. Reduced repetitive Movement  The majority of business or corporate employees suffer from MSDs or Musculoskeletal disorders that occur due to repetitive movement.  Even if your employee applies perfect ergonomics rules, repeating the same without any motion will cause them stress and later an injury.  One of the best ways to combat the issue is by altering the duties and responsibilities. When they do something else and perform a different movement, even after a short time, it will eventually bringing down the capability for stress and injury.  6. Environmental Setting Often, the environmental setting is overlooked within a working station. Some essentials of ergonomics are proper lighting, convenience, humidity, and temperature.  However, the lighting must not cause any glare on the computer screen. This denotes that your workplace should be equipped with soft light systems. Incorporate light that is good for working and reading and will be necessary for computer light.  On the other hand, the settings of temperature are trickier since individual preferences differ. Avoid MSD among employees and reduce the working space temperature for a comfortable work experience.  7. Standing Up And Moving Around  This is one of the most important tips for office employees: get up from your seat and move around. It is as simple as it can be.  Once an hour, workers should get up from their seats and take a few minute breaks.  You can also encourage your employees to take short breaks, walk, visit the restroom, or grab a cup of tea. Remember, a healthy working environment is a productive working environment.  8. Shield Your Eyes  There are many business sectors that use computers regularly, and employees spend several hours each day.  When you constantly work in front of the computer at a regular stretch of time, the blue light from the screen induces eye weariness and strain.  In this situation, it is an effective method of incorporating ergonomics in your workstation to include preventive measures to keep employees motivated.  It is your responsibility to look after the employee and their well-being. In order to do this, you might either wear blue glasses or rearrange the employee schedule of spending screen time.  Summing Up Some of the major advantages of ergonomics working station include: Increased working satisfaction. Reduced number of employee compensation claims. Decreased sick leaves or less number of physical injuries.  Therefore, the majority of professionals within different business sectors spend their working days at a desk. This is why it is crucial to adjust their desk and chairs to their comfort level.  Thus, it is important to learn about workplace ergonomics as it can help you reduce fatigue, workplace injuries, and stress levels.  Even if the employee is not in danger, you can contribute to making the workplace a pleasant atmosphere where individuals look forward to coming to work every day.  Read Also: Remote Working In 2022: 5 Must-Have Tools—You Need To Know Sneak Peek Into The Working Of HR Department Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space

Bar Business

5 Tips to Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business

Bar business owners or managers face an almost universal challenge: hiring the best staff. It's not about filling shifts nowadays. Your cooks and servers all play a part in the customer's experience. Choosing the best talent for those roles and your cocktails are equally important to your business’s success. Even a novice bar manager will tell you how crucial staff can be. Here are 5 useful tips to get the best employees. 5 Tips to Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business: Bar business owners must follow the below mentioned points to select the best talent for their organization. 1. Attitude is Important: Your staff is your bar’s face. If a server or bartender approaches a customer with a negative attitude, the customer will leave, never to return. If you feel your staff is not performing well, ask yourself if you can trust them to run the bar for you. Staff is bound to mess up, but it’s their recovery that matters. If their attitude is affecting other employees, do something about it before they bring the whole bar  business down. If you hire a great pro with a bad attitude, your cocktails will look nice, but your clientele will flee. Work ethic, team dynamic, and personality are much harder to teach than how to pour a drink right. Part of the process is finding job candidates. The other part is training them. As competition for great employees increases, bars now need to make more effort and tell a better story about the value of working in a team. There’s an imbalance between demand from bars and supply of quality staff. The people you hire have the greatest effect on the bar’s overall culture. 2. Know Your Market: Knowledge of the bar industry is important, but it’s not the only factor. Comprehension of best practices, industry standards, and good suppliers should be second nature to a decent bar manager. Do you know what the market in your area is like? Who are your main competitors? Is the bar you manage just another place to go, or is there a gap you can fill? Why might someone go to your bar business instead of the one down the street? Bar managers need to understand the competitive landscape they inhabit. 3. Hire the Right Bartenders: You cannot afford to hire fresher as bartenders and then train them to deliver. This will eat into your revenue and you will never get the desired results. The bar industry is a vibrant industry that faces a lot of attrition. If you are strategic in terms of looking for the right people, you will be successful. It is always a good idea to have at least 2 experienced bartenders and 4 fresher. This helps maintain the standard and helps you prepare the next rung of the leadership. A good bartender for your bar business is a big reason why some bars are successful, while others shut shop within a few months. Investing in the right bartender is probably going to be one of your toughest decisions. Train Employees to Upsell: Upselling customers is a great way to boost profits in your bar. This is where profits are made and success stories crafted. Upselling involves influencing customer preferences so that they end up making a choice that is beneficial for your establishment. It is also about the staff reading the body language of consumers. For example, if someone is celebrating a promotion, a staff can garner the public opinion of the group and suggest a far more expensive bottle than the one the customer had originally intended to purchase. Peer pressure, wanting to show off and winning over loved ones are reasons people fall easy victims to upselling. A bigger bill means better tips. People usually fix their tips at roughly around 10 to 15 percent of the total bill. Upselling helps boost employee morale as they get more tips and earnings from the same. By training your staff to upsell, you will be contributing to a better working environment. 4. Build Positive Relationships with Staff: Experienced bar managers know that success isn’t possible if you don’t manage your staff wisely. To establish an open and positive rapport, try to build positive relationships with them. A frustrated staff member affects performance, morale, and customer experience. While it’s often claimed business shouldn’t be personal, this is changing in many industries. When bar managers form relationships with their staff, they establish a personalized connection with someone who will become a reliable, long-term employee and attract people to your bar as well as keep loyal patrons coming back. Take the time to interact with your staff. 5. Believe in your Staff: It may seem easy to be a bar manager, but it’s definitely not. If you decided on this job because you thought it was glamorous, you might want to reconsider your decision. However, if you are running a bar because you want to, stay confident and passionate and project this mentality onto your staff. Encourage them and believe in them. They will reciprocate and this will reflect on the customer experience in turn. Your clients will keep coming back. They will visit you whenever they're thinking of a place to go out because of the positive, laid-back atmosphere you’ve managed to create. Final Thoughts: The right employees and attitude are very important for smooth operation, but getting a reliable bar POS system is just as essential. Your bar needs a firm grasp of cash flow, inventory management, and data. Moreover, an outstanding POS system will expedite and ease the bar management process. You can’t afford to dispense with a solid POS system. Read Also: The Best Red Wine That Suits Your Taste Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees?