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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting: How Does It Work and Crucial Things to Consider?

Most of us would prefer to lose a few KGs or pounds quickly before going on a summer vacation. However, it is difficult for anyone to change his/her life-long eating habits. Because most diets that follow a predetermined diet or exclude whole food groups are never really a long-term solution. In fact, you can lose weight noticeably in a very short time through diet cures. As soon as the cure is over, you gain weight again just as quickly. Even worse, nutritionists warn that lightning diets can even cause additional weight gain. However, fasting has been rediscovered in recent years. While diets usually harm health, fasting is said to have numerous health-promoting effects. In particular, the intermittent fasting is to prove the support fat loss, to lower blood pressure and inhibit inflammation. We have summarized for you how interval fasting works and how it can be combined with taking natural hemp oil. What Is Intermittent Fasting and Why It Is Practiced Fasting is understood as voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. You must not be underweighted and have enough fat reserves that can supply the body with energy during the period. In most of human history, fasting was part of everyday life. Because hunters and gatherers could not keep their food for long without freezers. Whatever was found or captured had to be eaten quickly. That's why nutritionists are convinced that fasting regularly is more natural than snacking all day long. This change in our eating habits could have made obesity more common than ever. Several individuals fast for many days or even weeks. However, this method is unsuitable for most of us. There comes interval fasting (or intermittent fasting) into play. In contrast to conventional diets, it does not require tiny portions and no omission of favorite foods. In other words, it is not like a traditional diet. Rather, it is a planned eating behavior, in which one limits the food intake to a certain period of the day or the week. How Does Therapeutic Fasting Affect the Body? There are many different reasons why fasting is practiced. In the past, it was more often a religious or cultural tradition. But so-called therapeutic fasting has also been practiced for a long time for medical purposes. The term therapeutic fasting refers to the practice of fasting to promote health and well-being. Further studies have recognized the positive effects of fasting for rheumatism, high blood pressure, and high levels of fat and sugar in the blood. Another health benefit of fasting is the onset of autophagy after 16 hours without food. This is a vital process that some describe as the body's “recycling program.” This is because cells that are damaged or are no longer needed are disassembled and recycled. With this form of cell cleaning, autophagy ensures that we have healthy body cells and a strong immune system. How Long Should You Fast? There are two popular and best methods: 16:8 – Meals are scheduled so that there are 16 hours between the last meal the day before and the first meal the day after. The first meal of the day starts an 8-hour period in which you eat. After that, a fasting period of 16 hours begins again. 5:2 – This method divides the week into fasting days and non-fasting days. On 5 days you can eat normally, on 2 days you fast. Since this reduces calorie intake, both methods should lead to weight loss. Just make sure that you continue to eat normal servings. Otherwise, despite fasting, you might consume as many calories as you normally would. What to Pay Attention To? It is recommended to start with a shorter fast. For instance, you can get used to not eating anything after 6 in the evening. If you then have breakfast at 7 in the morning, it is already 13 hours in which you have had no food. From here you can slowly feel for long periods. The 16:8 method is the best long-term option for most. It is very easy to follow to them by adjusting your daily routine. Some skip breakfast, others dinner. Over time, the body gets used to it and the "diet" becomes a lifestyle. During this, apart from food, calorie drinks are also avoided. You should only drink a lot of water. Unsweetened tea or a bowl of thin vegetable soup can also be enjoyed. There should always be a break of at least 4 hours between each meal. Take a little walk right afterward, because exercise is good for digestion. During this time, it is also important not to eat snacks. When the blood sugar rises, the body begins to release insulin, and the fat loss stops. In some cases, this can even lead to food cravings. Nevertheless, be careful not to eat larger portions than usual. It is also recommended to eat healthy sources of protein and plenty of vegetables. This way you will be full for much longer and fasting will be easier. But people with any medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting this fasting. CBD Oil in Combination with Intermittent Fasting CBD users who would like to start with intermittent fasting and those who want to make fasting easier with CBD often ask themselves whether one can and should safely combine the two. Fasters already know that MCT oil is a suggested supplement when you are on interval fasting. It is an extract from coconut oil that is often touted as a “keto booster.” Slowly body begins burning reserved fat and it is called Ketosis This can only happen if no carbohydrates are available. The result is straightforward - we lose body fat and weight. Exactly this principle also works with interval fasting. Another dietary supplement that is being used more and more by fasting people is CBD oil which can be bought from online dispensary Canada. Due to its effect on the endocannabinoid system, which affects many important body processes, CBD can support interval fasting in various ways. A study showed that it can encourage metabolism. It is therefore considered by experts as a potential means of treating and preventing obesity. There is also evidence that it can inhibit appetite. The well-known cravings of marijuana do not come from CBD, but from THC which can, you get from stashclub. For example, while high-THC medicinal cannabis is used by cancer patients to stimulate appetite, CBD can do just the opposite for many users. Can CBD Oil Break Fasting? Most people do without any calories when fasting. Since CBD oil is made with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, every drop has calories. Technically speaking, it could, so to speak, interrupt fasting. Intermittent fasting can be avoided by simply consuming the CBD product of your choice during the period in which you eat. Another recommendation from fasters is to use an MCT-based CBD oil because the combination of these two agents most effectively supports ketosis during fasting. Many fasters swear by CBD and therefore take it to help them get by without food and to prevent food cravings. For example, even if you tend to eat from stress and anxiety, it could help you to be successful in fasting. Read Also: 7 Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil You Need to Avoid These Foods for Breakfast 5 Best Sports To Lose Weight Fast in 2020


What We Know About CBD And A Night Out With Alcohol

A good night out with the guys or gals is never a waste, if done properly, they are usually still spoken of months down the line, and if you’re anything like me then you would have had your fair share of good times. Alcohol has been around for hundreds of years, being tweaked as the years advance and tastes different over time, the main objective of enjoyment though has never changed. There are many reasons why people feel the need to drink on an evening out, some of which we look at in this article. Then there are the whispers of the new kid on the block, even though this ‘kid’ has essentially been around way before any of us and dating back to ancient Chinese emperors and English royals, I’m talking about a blessing from Mother Nature, CBD. To find out the more in-depth version of this ingredient you can click here what is CBD but it boils down to a plant grown naturally in nature and these days specifically grown and harvested for many properties, the positives are far outweighing any skeptics. CBD, when used as a treatment for ailments, can be very beneficial, and the success stories are significantly increasing as awareness grows throughout the globe. What we are going to be having a look at today is if you are a CBD user for whatever reason and decide to go on an excursion where there will be alcohol, what are the effects likely to be? CBD vs alcohol When we think about both products in their cases we conclude that relaxation is a by-product and one that we look forward to. Both work on the neuro system, one regulating the pain receptors and how the pulses are sent in a more regulated fashion while the other influences our social behaviors and moods. Thus if we think about using them combined, the results would be that much more intense. Each ingredient would be serving the same purpose but in a different method of implementation, and could result in an overdose or significantly increased side effect of ‘too much of a good thing.’ If it is something you have been thinking about leading up to a planned weekend away, then being safe is going to be your main priority, why not try these out for ideas on how to be more vigilant and come out to the other end in one piece, so to speak. It’s isn’t always going to be easy to know what to do and when, but with a bit of homework and research we can be sure that safety is a priority. Read: What is the Ideal CBD Dosage for You? Similar reasons why people drink alcohol or use CBD products When we feel relaxed and not under pressure to impress we can be ourselves, others can get to know the real you and not the ‘act’ you want them to meet. We have less stress and anxiety about meeting new people and can show our true colors and personality because life is too short to be someone else. Pain relief. Whether emotional or physical pain is never great, we look for any solution to be out of our discomfort, and CBD with alcohol can do this for us. If you are experimenting with CBD cocktails as they have come to be known as moderation is key. Being careful with recipes and measures and taking your time getting it right. This is quite similar to peer pressure, but if being surrounded by others who have great benefit from using CBD what have you got to lose? A chemical-free product that creates overall well-being, win-win if you ask me. Other opinions are always available we know people love to give advice, check out this blog for what others have to say on liquids and CBD consumption. You may be the wallflower in your group of friends and being out on the town can cause you to panic, being more relaxed and coping better with your surroundings makes for better social interaction. You can be more involved in activities of your circle of friends without feeling overwhelmed by your introvert trait. Whatever you decide to do with your life, do what makes you feel comfortable and live your life to the fullest. Read Also: How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Feel Tired

4 Reasons Why You Might Feel Tired During The Day

It is very normal to be tired throughout the day from time to time. However, if you notice that you feel tired every day over a long period of time, there may be something going on with your body. Ongoing fatigue and the constant feeling of tiredness can adversely affect your mental and physical wellbeing, which can make it hard to go about your daily life, so it is important to try and pin-point the cause of these sorts of issues before they take hold. Luckily, once you figure out the cause of your tiredness, making a few simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your energy levels throughout the day. Here are 4 Reasons Why You Might Feel Tired During The Day: 1. Caffeine intake Most of us like to have a few cups of coffee or tea to give us a little boost throughout the day, but consuming a lot of caffeine during the day can cause you to lose sleep at night. This is because caffeine is a stimulant, and while it is great to make us feel more alert and give us energy during the day, it can keep you up at night if you consume too much of it. People who consume too much caffeine may experience issues such as insomnia, irritability, muscle tremors, fast heartbeat, and fatigue, all of which can have a serious impact on your overall health. If you think that your caffeine intake may cause you to lose sleep at night and feel tired throughout the day, you should limit the amount you consume each day, or stop drinking tea and coffee a few hours before bedtime. 2. Poor sleeping habits It is recommended by the Sleep Health Foundation of Australia, that the average adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. However, due to different age and lifestyle factors, you may need less than 7 hours or more than 8 hours of sleep to function throughout the day. The main point is that this sleep has to be uninterrupted because disrupted sleep can cause fatigue during the day. If you create a sleep routine for yourself and go to sleep at the same time in the same conditions each day, you will find that it is a lot easier to get to sleep each night and that you feel more rested in the day. This is because of your internal body clock that gets used to a certain wake and sleep cycle as time goes on. If you are struggling to get to sleep each night, you should try to make your bedroom the right environment for sleeping. Most people find that a dark, quiet room with cool temperatures will help them to get the best night’s rest, so you should try to make these changes in order to sleep well at night. 2. Eating a big meal Nutrition can have a significant impact on your mental and physical wellbeing, so what you eat during the day can prevent or cause fatigue. Choosing a healthy and well-balanced diet can help you to beat fatigue and tiredness. Foods that have a higher concentration of carbs and sugar are not very good fuel for the body compared to lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Eating raw and whole food can do so much more for your body, but you have to remember to wait at least 3 hours between meals to avoid indigestion. You should also consume dinner at least 3 hours before you go to sleep, in order for your body to properly digest your meal. If you feel hungry before going to bed, bananas are a good choice for a snack because they are rich in magnesium, which helps the muscles relax so that you can sleep easy. 3. Sleep disorders According to a recent study, more than 60% of Australians suffer some kind of sleep disorder that severely affects their quality of sleep. And because sleep disorders can affect all aspects of your physical and mental health, it is important to consult a doctor or a sleep specialist when you exhibit any signs or symptoms. One of the most common sleep disorders that a lot of people may have without knowing is sleep apnea, which is a serious sleep disorder that can affect you in several different ways, but mainly affects a person’s breathing as they sleep. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, but there are many ways to manage and treat the problems that this condition may bring on. One solution that most doctors recommend for patients is a combination of a sleep apnea mask and a machine, like the models available from CPAP Direct. These machines help patients to breathe easier as they sleep so that they can sleep through the night and in turn feel energized during the day. There are many reasons why someone might feel tired during the day, but only you can determine what is making you feel tired over a long period of time. If you are not sure about what the cause of your tiredness is, think about your lifestyle factors and your sleep routine to see if any changes can be made. If you still feel tired throughout the day after you have made a few minor changes to your lifestyle, contact your doctor as soon as possible so that you can help you with your fatigue during the day. Read Also: Why The Best Time To Relax Is When You Don’t Have Time For It 5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?

Doctor At Home

8 Advantages Of Calling Up A Doctor At Home

Medical technology has become quite advanced, and with it, the way doctors treat their patients has also changed. Today, there is no need to drop everything and run to the doctor’s office for any kind of emergency. Instead, you can call up and schedule a home visit from the doctor himself. In this fast-paced life, the opportunity to call upon a home doctor is truly a treasure. Many services even provide a full 24/7-doctor rooster that is available for a visit if you need them. Here are eight advantages of calling up a doctor at home that might make you rethink your visit to the clinic for the future. 8 Advantages Of Calling Up A Doctor At Home: 1. No Waiting Waiting at the doctor’s office for ages can be a real struggle. Sometimes you might even need to wait for your turn for more than four to five hours straight. That can visit your doctor seem dreadful and overwhelming. The good thing about calling a doctor home is that you will not have to wait for half a day for the checkup. In the vicinity of your home, the doctor will show up and immediately do the checkup without any delays. It can save you so much more time than you would have ever imagined. 2. Keeps Things Personalized Sometimes the patients need a little more personalized touch by the doctors. It makes the patent feel more connected and gives them hope for a better diagnosis and recovery pattern. That you can achieve if you call the doctor home. In the comfort of your home, you get the feeling of a more initialed relationship with the doctor. Each individual can get a customized treatment that way. When a doctor comes to your house, they can get a thorough idea of your lifestyle, which makes it easier for them to treat the patient in a much more suitable manner. 3. Best For The Elderly Calling a home doctor is the best option for elderly family members that you have at home. With selections like a home doctor, Sydney, you can get access to the best kind of medical care for them without actually having to step a foot out of the house. Older people are more receptive to germs and illnesses as they have a weaker immune system. Trying to protect them from it while taking them to the hospital is very overwhelming. By scheduling their visits at home from a doctor, you can protect them from the environment, which can keep them safer and healthier from any kind of issue. 4. Less Stressful Let’s face it; a trip to the doctors’ can be very stressful in more ways than one. Apart from the hassle of getting an appointment, transportation to the office can also be a massive cause for concern. You might need to take a day or two in advance to set up your visits to the doctor’s office. However, if you schedule a doctor’s appointment at home, then things can be remarkably stress-free. You do not need to take extra time to see around your schedule and check where you can fit it in. You can just set it up at the time that is convenient for you. No need to take extra time planning the trip but rather just be at home at the time the doctor gets the schedule to visit. 5. You Can Get A Detailed Diagnosis If you are into the process of getting a more detailed and thorough diagnosis, then calling the doctor at home is your safe bet. This way, the session is just between the two of you without anyone else in the queue. It gives the doctor the ability to concentrate solely on you and thus give you the exact diagnosis that you need. The result of this will provide a higher quality of medical treatment that can help you get batter much faster than the traditional method. This way, you connect with the doctor that can help you fight the illness more effectively. 6. Extremely Convenient If you are feeling unwell or might have a sick child, then the last thing that you want to do is go down to the doctor’s office. The opportunity of calling the doctor at home makes it so much more convenient. For instance, if you a disabled family member at home, then taking them to the doctor’s office can put quite some strain on them. That is where calling the doctor at home can work like magic. They can come in with the necessary medical equipment and deal with the patient in the most operational manner. Trust me; nothing can be more appropriate than this. 7. Saves You Money Trips to the doctor’s office can be costly. Apart from the regular fees, you might need to deal with some additional costs, like getting a taxi to the clinic. When you call a doctor at home for your visits, you can save money. You might only need to pay the regular fees for the tour, which is not that high. That saves money on the additional costs that may have to arise. By doing it, you can save time, money, and even hospital resources that may come in handy for someone else. 8. Accepts Health Insurances The great news is that even if you call a doctor home to visit, you can still be applicable to use your health insurance. Yes, you read that right; home visits by doctors cover under the health insurance policy. That makes it super easy to do it. If the health insurance is also including a home visit, then why not avail it? Make sure you so take advantage of it, as it truly is beneficial for you. Conclusion All these advantages of calling a doctor at home for a visit are quite high. You can skip the traditional method of going to the doctor’s office and instead focus on things that suit you. Having being treated in the comfort of your own home can help you get back on your feet much faster than any other thing. Read Also: Symptoms and Treatments for Shingles 10 Tips for Saving on Prescription Drug Costs Have You Heard of Upcoding? It’s a Big Part of Medical Fraud

Best Meal Replacement

Seven Best Meal Replacement Ideas For Weight Loss

In a world where there is an endless variety of yummy, unhealthy, and fatty foods, finding something healthy to eat to stay fit can be very challenging. For you, in daily life, there is so much temptation to resist. To stay healthy and in shape, you need to stop binging on the cookie in your pantry, quit getting a quick snack from the fast-food chain's drive-thru, and resisting the urge to have a tiny bite of the cake in your fridge. This temptation happens when you just can't make enough time to cook a healthy meal for yourself. But don't worry, we have the perfect solution for you! Your blender can save your time by providing you with some healthy smoothies and soups that will replace your unhealthy and fatty meals. Yes, you read that correctly. The best meal replacement shakes and soups contain all the nutrients and calories in a specific quantity needed by your body. There are many drinks, bars, and soups at stores considered as a substitute for a substantial meal taken two or three times per day. These drinks help you lose weight faster. How? When you replace your full meal with a glass of a shake, you intend to take in fewer calories but more nutrients, protein, minerals, and other critical healthful substances. Protein shakes also reduces the hunger cravings that result in unhealthy eating. Best Meal replacement drinks are easy to make, and due to fewer calories, balanced carbs, proteins, and fats, they stabilize your blood sugar levels. You may be eating your perfect meal on time but can yet be lacking calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamins. Hence, taking the protein bars and shakes will help you to meet the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals for your body. Most people ask if the replacements shakes or bars are healthy and safe to take in or not. As far as the product contains no harmful ingredient, it is safe to consume. There are several ways to lose weight through the best meal replacement products. Following are the seven best meal replacement ideas for achieving a healthy weight loss: 1. Protein Bars In the modern world, every other person is following some type of diet to lose weight. To aid the weight loss process, people supplement their regular meals with different low-calorie food items. For example, Protein bars have now become one of the most popular meal replacement choices. They are also known as nutritional bars and tend to contain a high amount of protein and healthy carbs. They carry five to ten grams of fat, fiber, and 25 to 30 grams of carbohydrates. Protein bars help to fulfill different purposes of a human body. Some people intend to replace meals by protein bars to switch a variety of nutrients in a meal. Moreover, you have to eat protein bars in moderation between the meals to reduce weight. Overindulging in protein bars may lead to constipation and will slow down your weight loss. When weight loss becomes your primary concern, you then know what products to take inside of your body. Protein can affect your metabolism and body weight. It reduces the level of ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone in your body. Hence, choosing the right protein bar with optimal nutritional value and low sugar content will help you to lose weight. 2. Protein Shakes Replacing your meal with a healthy shake is the quickest and convenient way to lose weight. When you are using the best meal replacement shake, you should acknowledge the amount of protein, carbs, fiber, calories, and other essential, healthy supplements you're taking in. Protein shakes provide at least one-third of your daily intake to make you stay healthier. Not all shakes have healthy ingredients. Shakes that contain artificial flavors or preservatives are not the ones for your body if your goal is to lose weight. Protein shakes that contain more protein helps in better and faster weight loss. In favor of losing weight, protein shake must contain 15-25 grams of protein, 10-15 healthy fat, and 18 vitamins and minerals. Getting enough of these nutrients can boost up your metabolism and help in losing extra fat. 3. Low-Calorie Soups Meal replacements soups are high in protein and less in carbs/fats. Replacing your at least two meals with diet soups can reduce your overall calorie intake. Not all soups you see are for the same purpose. Some contain vegetable oil and sugar in high amounts. Healthy vegetable-based soup can help in reducing the calories gained during the meal. You can also add a source of protein to your soup, which by controlling your appetite, aids in weight loss. Sources of protein in your soup can be skinless chicken breast and beans that are low in fat. 4. Salads Not all salads help you to lose weight. Most of the salads do contain more fats and calories than others. Replacing your meal is a common way to lose weight by most of the dieters. A high-calorie meal, when a healthy salad replaces it, washes away all the unwanted calories from the body. Green leaves are the best friends of dieters. Using a diet-friendly salad can help you lose weight in no time. Beans can also be added to the salad as they are high in protein and fiber. Choose healthy fats for your salad, such as avocado, olives, almonds, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds are few sources of fat for your salad. 5. Oats Who isn't familiar with oats? Oats contain several nutritional benefits. For people on a diet, oatmeal is the favorite breakfast to have. The oatmeal diet is usually for the winter season. They provide enough fiber to the human body to lose weight. Replacing your meal with oatmeal can be beneficial to your health as just one-half cup of oats contains two grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein, and guess what? Zero grams of sugar. They are also a great source of calcium and iron and are low in calories and fat. It makes you feel full longer than other foods as it helps to boost your metabolism. 6. Smoothies Smoothies are a great way to lose weight when you are in a rush. Meal replacement smoothies are a healthier alternative that contains 200-300 calories and helps reduce calorie intake. Not just any smoothies, but you should select the one that is rich in protein for meal replacement. Two smoothies a day can be enough for you to get several protein and nutrients needed by the body. Make sure the smoothie you are taking in is lower in calories. Smoothies that focus on fruits, vegetables, and protein with healthy fats are essential and a great source of losing weight. 7. Granola Bars When it's about diet and meal replacement, people immediately switch to eating breakfast bars and granola bars instead of taking proper meals. There are several other bars apart from protein bars, such as granola bars. You can eat granola bars or any other healthier breakfast bars in the morning. Your breakfast bars should contain at least 5 grams of protein and 35% of calories. Some healthy bars to consider are Clif bars, Odwalla bars, Luna bars, and crunchy Granola bars. Conclusion The best Meal replacement products, when taken in moderation, can help you reduce weight in no time. On the other hand, you should remember that not all shakes, drinks, bars, or salads are healthy for you. You should be very careful and selective of what you eat since a high amount of sugar and carbs can slow down your weight loss. Read Also: 5 Best Stimulant-Free Fat Burners Only the Best Membrane Protein from Calixar Why is Fitness Important for Weight Loss? Best Weight Loss Program to Lose 20 Pounds

teeth brushing habits

5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective

It’s easy to assume that keeping your teeth brushing habits in good condition is largely just about preserving a gleaming, Hollywood-standard smile. However, your teeth aren’t just for show; they serve an array of crucial practical purposes. These include helping us to digest food and even talk coherently. Neglecting your teeth brushing can lead to tooth decay – which, in turn, can lead to pain as well as the necessity of fillings, crowns or inlays. There’s also the risk of gum disease, which can wear away at your teeth and even bone around the teeth. How, then, can you brush your teeth more effectively? 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective: Choose the right toothbrush The Oral Health Foundation recommends that adults advise people to use small or medium size brush head. The brush head should be soft, os that it does not damage tooth gum. The head needs to be small enough so that it can reach to the back end of the teeth. While children’s brushes should be smaller, they must still include filaments of the same type. Then there’s the question of electric toothbrushes – which, research has indicated, do remove plaque more effectively than manual toothbrushes. Both adults and kids can benefit from going electric. Use a good fluoride toothpaste Considering that many dental experts have credited fluoride with helping to prevent cavities, it’s surprising that not all dental products actually contain fluoride. You should make sure that your toothpaste has it, which shouldn’t be too difficult, given the wide choice of fluoride toothpaste. There is evidence that even people who otherwise stay on top of looking after their teeth can see their efforts undermined if fluoride isn’t involved, Medical News Daily observes. “The optimum level of fluoride for anyone aged three and over is between 1,350ppm and 1,500ppm, so it doesn’t matter too much which brand you’re using as long as it has that level of fluoride,” Karen Coates of the Oral Health Foundation has explained to The Guardian. Brush in a massaging, rather than aggressive, motion Once that toothpaste is on your brush, how hard should you press it onto your teeth? Coates cites “a fine line between brushing effectively and overbrushing.” She adds that electric toothbrushes could help you to strike the right balance due to their inclusion of a pressure sensor. Of course, it’s already common knowledge that you should brush twice a day. However, when you do brush, make sure you do it in small circular motions while being careful not to leave the front, back or top of any of your teeth untouched. Resist sawing back-and-forth motions! Spit out toothpaste left over, but don’t rinse Fluoride can help to strengthen and shield your teeth – and, in this way, prevent the onset of tooth decay. However, you must allow the fluoride to work its magic. That means not rinsing your mouth after teeth brushing, as you would be rinsing out the fluoride. Therefore, just settle for rinsing out the surplus toothpaste after your brushing. Coates says reassuringly: “The residual bits of fluoride will stay on the teeth for about 30 minutes after brushing.” Pay regular visits to the dentist According to the expert recommendation, you should get a dental checkup every six months. Each routine dental examination will see the hygienist clean your teeth and remove any plaque and hardened tartar. The dentist will inspect your mouth for warning signs of oral health issues like cavities, gum disease or mouth cancer. If the dentist spots minor damage, like a chip or crack, they might advocate a cosmetic treatment like teeth bonding from Ten Dental – and give you some more teeth brushing tips if there is visual evidence that they are needed. Read also: Dental hygiene tips Dental care tips


Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre

A beautiful smile used to be an effect of good genes. Today, everyone can have a beautiful and full smile. For those people with some teeth, problems are available dental treatment who will help to get rid of teeth problems and improve the look of the smile. This article will tell more about dental treatments that are applied abroad at reasonable prices. 1. Popular dental treatments 2. Where to go to have a beautiful smile and not spend a fortune? Popular dental treatments Every customer who wants to have nice teeth and does not be afraid of opening his/her mouth should try one of those dental treatments: Dental Implants: They are the most popular treatment method when you do not have teeth at all or you suffer from dental problems. The implants are designed to replace your natural teeth and they still look like your teeth. As an outcome, this method is very popular, but it also costs a lot in many countries. Before you get any procedure done, it is important that you have the most credible information on dental implants at your disposal. Figure out how you should go about it, select the dentists, do post-op care, and what medications you have to take. If you do prior research, you will be able to have a successful dental implant procedure done. Teeth Whitening: If you suffer from yellow teeth because of the bad condition of your teeth or you smoke or drink too much black coffee, it is worth thinking about this treatment. It is completely painless and it improves the look of your teeth after a few dentist's appointments. Crowns, bridges, dentures, and veneers are also popular treatment methods used in many clinics these days. Where to go to have a beautiful smile and not spend a fortune? If you suffer from toothache, you should visit your local dentist. However, if you can wait some time, it is worth to pack your bags and come to Poland. Poland is a country situated in the Central part of Europe. It is easy to get there by plane, train or your car. What is more, you can arrange your dentist's appointment for one week and after the appointment, you may explore the interesting places in Poland. What to see? It is worth to start from the most popular places among international travelers – Krakow. It is a city located in the south part of Poland, in the Malopolska region. This is famous for St. Mary's Basilica and the Sukiennice Market located in the Market Square – in the heart of the city. What is more, it is also worth visiting one of the oldest castles in Poland – the Wawel Castle that is located about a 10-minute walk from Market Square. Other interesting places to visit are the Auschwitz museum (former German concentration camp) and the Salt Mine in Wieliczka.   Article prepared in cooperation with Indexmedica - cosmetic dentistry abroad Read Also: Do You Suffer from Varicose Veins? How to Know if You Need Treatment 4 Tips to Find an Effective Drug Therapy


8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

The holiday season is officially over, which means it’s time to start working off some of the extra pounds you picked up at mom’s house. While people generally love the idea of looking like the dudes who do commercials for home-exercise equipment, most of us still hate working out and dieting. If you are one of them, don’t worry. There are a ton of startups offering the kind of motivation you need in the form of mobile apps. Such apps use activity tracking as well as fitness and health risk assessment apps. Today we’ll be exercising our startup muscles by taking a look at some of these young companies and what makes them tick. 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness: Fitness gamification is huge right now, which makes sense given that it adds a much-needed dimension of play to the arduous task of getting fit. A great example of fitness gamification is Tep, which is basically a cross between a fitness tracker and a Tamagotchi; though, in the case of Tep, the star is a niftily-designed giraffe rather than a globular cluster of black pixels. The more a user exercises, the better the giraffe does (users can buy their long-necked pets treats with rewards points they earn from walking, running and cycling). If users slack off, though, it’s curtains for the poor creature. According to the app’s creators, a group of five super-talented self-starters from Szeged, Hungary, «Tep’s competitive edge relies on emotional connection and the mental „threat“ that the beloved pet might suffer from the lack of proper physical activity and thus offers a solution for curve fatigue effect.» Does that sound a little dark? Sure. But it’s for a good cause. The founding team’s goal is to help users lose eight million pounds of fat in the next three years; there’s also talk of buying a giraffe. The founding team built Tep on their own time and dime, but are currently funded by Traction Tribe and prizes from Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Tep is available in beta for Android and Windows phones, with an iOS version coming soon. Wokamon If you like the idea of a digital workout buddy helping you toe the line, but giraffes aren’t really your thing, then you might dig Wokamon, which comes to us from Mars Zhu and Hazim Abdul Hamid of Noodum. Wokamon features dozens of animated monsters that get bigger and stronger as you do. Since it comes with a pedometer and syncs with wearables like Jawbone, Fitbit, and Up, you can be sure that every calorie burned gets counted and fed to your growing army of critters. Connecting with friends on social media through Wokamon earns you reward points, which you can burn on unlocking new creatures. Noodum and Wokamon are currently being funded by an $18,000 seed investment from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Innospace Incubator. Gamified fitness apps like Wokamon and Tep have a lot of options when it comes to future monetization. They can either take the Zombies, Run! The approach of charging for downloads (which works if you’re as niche and well-made as that app) or offer in-app purchases for things like new backgrounds, characters, or crystals and boosters for your pet monsters. For now, though, we can take advantage of both Tep and Wokamon for free. Teamster Teamster is an iOS app that, contrary to its name, has absolutely nothing to do with trucking. What teamster does do, though, is help you connect with other people in your area who are interested in the same sorts of athletic activities as you. Conveniently, users are able to identify which sports they like and their level of skill in each on a scale of 1 to 5, which means you won’t be totally outmatched when you meet up for a game with other users. When you find another user who shares your interests and skill set, swipe right in the app to add them to your team. Sounds like Tinder is ubiquitous, doesn’t it? Users can then create activities for other users or teams to join. Teamster comes to us from the Melbourne based duo of Henry Chan and 22-year old Sam McCallum, who has a background in competitive running, cycling, and skiing. Actually, 2015 is shaping up to be an awesome year for apps that bring social networking logic to the gym. Take Boston-based Perspyre, for example, which is coming out soon with a beta version for Android and iOS. The whole point of Perspyre is connecting people who love to sweat and giving them access to workouts, advice, and motivation. Users can log into the app via Facebook and take post-workout selfies, record workouts, and brag about new personal records. Though it’s admittedly a little intense for beginners, Persypre is perfect for those who are already «motivated and dedicated» enough to willingly visit Crossfit and P90x classes. Perspyre is the brainchild of Jason Chisholm and Jeremy Mays and has received $25,000 in seed funding from John Piret of the investment firm Newbury Piret & Co. If Perspyre sounds like it’s right up your alley, keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-launched SternFit iOS app which also gives workout buffs a great platform for sharing pics, tips, and workouts. Rocket Journey If your meteoric rise to peak physical perfection is still in the launch phase, you’ll find a helpful companion in RocketJourney, which bills itself as the «smartest and friendliest way to a fitness lifestyle.» The app’s founding trio of Carlos Ayala, Pablo Artee, and Ernesto Cambuston has received funding from 500 Startups, the seed fund and startup accelerator comprised of Google and PayPal alums. RocketJourney tracks all of your fitness activities from cycling to yoga to lifting to competitive eating — just kidding about that last one — and verifies that you’ve actually worked out through GPS and wearables integration. The app motivates you to stick to your fitness regime by giving you points for completed workouts and taking away points for missed ones. The same logic holds true for user-created «teams» which add the pinch of peer-pressure that it just might take to keep you on track. You can register for updates on RocketJourney’s release on the website. OneSet OneSet — «Vine for Fitness» — is another promising app to stay tuned for in the months to come. Users can create 15-second videos demonstrating an exercise or «stack» other users’ videos into workouts. Since videos are organized by muscle group or goal, it’s easy to find the right moves for you. OneSet’s founding team is based in Waterloo, Canada, and consists of brothers Amad and Shameel Abdullah, as well as full-stack developer George Xu. GYM radio Sometimes all it takes to reach the athlete within is finding the right music to sweat to, or the right gym to do it in. Though GYM radio’s online music streaming service has been around since 2013, its new iOS, Android, and Windows phone releases have made it easier than ever to get amped up and pumped up at the same time. The app features three music settings — cardio, gym, and hardcore-tailored to give your workout the right feel. Here’s the best part: GYM radio is completely ad-free, which means your runners high won’t get interrupted by voice-actors pitching toothpaste or discount car insurance. GYM radio also offers a premium upgrade which, for a monthly or yearly subscription, will let you listen offline, skip songs, and get access to material unavailable on the standard version. Gymhopper Gymhopper — «Uber for gyms»- is a Swiss startup that aims to help you find the right gym by offering its users discounted individual training passes. Gyms benefit from the app by getting a little extra exposure as well as a shot at their target market, people who are actively searching for a new place to get sweaty. Gymhopper is currently in series A fundraising but expects an iOS release later this year. What can fitness startups learn from RunKeeper? Figuring out how to actually make money with your app is a problem that can plague even the biggest of startup fish. Each of the aforementioned apps will have to figure out the right monetization strategy for their product and user-base. One good model employed by the leading fitness tracker RunKeeper is to partner with other businesses to provide sponsored advertising to users. That means Teamster’s users could theoretically get discounts on Nike products for showing up at local softball games, and Perspyre users could get 25% off gym memberships for visiting p90x classes 3 times a week. There are a lot of good ways to get back in shape, and a lot of good startups out there creating more every day. Read Also: 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!


Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug?

Belviq (lorcaserin) is a well-known solution for weight tranquilization. The medication is sold and created by Eisai Inc. - a Tokyo-based drug-maker. It was first affirmed by the FDA in 2012 for U.S. markets. It modifies the mind's concoction signals liable for craving and expands sentiments of totality to assist patients with getting thinner. The medication is utilized as a consolidated treatment with diet and exercise to help grown-ups who are overweight or enduring weight-related clinical issues. lorcaserin is once in a while endorsed to treat heftiness connected to diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol, however, it doesn't treat basic health conditions. Belviq (lorcaserin) is accessible in two separate structures. Belviq is a 10 mg tablet endorsed to be taken two times every day. Belvin XR is an all-inclusive discharge type of lorcaserin endorsed as one day by day portion. How is Belviq dangerous? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mentioned that Eisai Inc. pulls back Belviq from U.S. markets referring to worries over the medication's connections to cancer growth. This is the reason why you should consult a Belviq lawyer if you come across this medicine. Since lorcaserin was affirmed in 2012, analysts have been concentrating on the medicine's safety. The FDA initially necessitated that the medication maker leads a twofold visually impaired, randomized, fake treatment controlled clinical preliminary that verified the dangers of heart-related medical issues. However, the scientists broke down roughly 12,000 members, some of whom were given Belviq while some took a fake treatment. Scientists didn't find resulting heart issues attached to Belviq, however, they found that patients taking the medication had a higher cancer growth analysis rate than the individuals who took a fake treatment. FDA analysts found expanded paces of cancer in patients recommended Belviq. About 7.7 percent of patients who took lorcaserin had a cancer analysis contrasted with 7.1 percent who got a fake treatment. Through the span of the preliminary, 662 lorcaserin patients were determined to have 520 primary cancer while the fake treatment group had 423 patients determined to have 470 tumors. The FDA likewise revealed that the more extended a patient was on Belviq, the more noteworthy the expanded danger of creating cancer. Other dangers of Belviq The FDA prescribed that individuals taking lorcaserin promptly quit taking the medication following exploration discoveries binds the drug to expanded dangers of cancer growth. It's essential to take note that the medication was endorsed for individuals who are overweight (with a BMI somewhere in the range of 27 and 30) and have hypertension, elevated cholesterol, or diabetes. Belviq symptoms include: Cerebral pains Faintness Weariness Sickness Constipation Patients with diabetes who take lorcaserin can likewise also experience back agony, coughing, and hypoglycemia. Lorcaserin can likewise cause heart valve issues and eased back heartbeat. The Drug Enforcement Agency characterizes the medicine as a Schedule IV controlled substance referring to dangers of addiction; individuals who take more than recommended may encounter hallucination, slow thinking, and elation. Belviq can likewise unfavorably interface with different drugs. Read Also: Going to Rehab: What You Can Expect When You're Getting Clean 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

High Cholesterol

Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can be caused by your hereditary makeup, a diet high in excess fat, and obesity. If you've lately been diagnosed with high cholesterol, discussed below are tips to combat the condition: Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol: 1. Track the Cholesterol Level Frequently As stated by the American Heart Association, the risk of a heart attack with a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl is twice as high as for a person with a cholesterol level of 200 mg/dl. Most doctors want total cholesterol below 200 mg/dl, meaning that LDL (bad cholesterol) is less than 130, and HDL (good cholesterol) is above 40. Observing or monitoring your cholesterol level can help you achieve the right cholesterol balance. 2. Read Resources by Yourself Ensure you explore the topic of cholesterol and learn as much as you can. Remember that our body produces and makes use of cholesterol to help execute certain vital functions, such as building new cells and creating hormones. It appears that low HDL levels can intensify your risk of heart problems. Saturated fats in most foodstuffs are blamed for increasing cholesterol. It is important to identify treatment options that are accessible to both conventional medicine and substitute treatments so that you can make a good decision. The choice of traditional or alternative medicine is determined by your present cholesterol level, your overall health, and your way of life. Some people like to take statins to lower cholesterol, while others do all they can to evade them. Make sure you tell your doctor about all of the treatment methods you have chosen. 3. Lose Weight If you're carrying some excess weight, dropping part of it can lower cholesterol, as well as improve your overall health. Being overweight can interrupt normal fat metabolism. Do not start on an accelerated diet, but watch for a slow and stable loss of half to one pound per week. Combining this with regular exercise can lower your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. 4. Exercise Regularly Spend 30 minutes a day walking briskly or doing moderate exercises such as cycling, aerobics, swimming, or running. Following the NHS exercise recommendations are useful for lowering dietary fat and the risk of heart disease. 5. Make a Distinction between Good and Bad Fats Research has revealed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats lowers the risk of coronary heart disease by decreasing LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL. This kind of good fat is found in olive and peanut oils, avocados, and nuts (mainly walnuts and almonds). Also, the unsaturated cholesterol counteracts swelling in the arteries and prevent damage to the blood vessels. Limit your intake of saturated fats (mainly animal products such as cheese, butter, fatty meat, and whole milk) and trans-fats (salad dressing, margarine, cakes, pastries, and snacks) as these can increase cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are an additional group of HDL. They are found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. They can decrease LDL and triglycerides. However, to benefit from omega-3, you need to lower your total saturated fat intake. 6. Increase in Fiber Consumption Vegetarians are known to have lower fat levels and a lesser risk of heart disease than meat lovers. Plant products, such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and beans, are all high in fiber. There are two main types of fiber - soluble and insoluble, with the soluble form lowering cholesterol absorption in the arteries. 7. Eat Compound Starches Whole grain pasta, root vegetables, brown rice, barley, oats, and whole-grain dough are complex starches that are not just high in roughage, but also have many vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and Life essentials nutrition. They help lower cholesterol. Try to reduce your consumption of refined starches like cookies and white bread, as this can increase the risk of high cholesterol. 8. Drink Green Tea A good and healthy substitute for soft drinks and other sugary drinks is green tea. Studies have revealed that it aids in lowering LDL cholesterol. 9. Eliminate Stress Studies have found a link between job stress and disturbances in cholesterol levels. Stress and the associated emotions such as fear, tension, depression, and anger cause the discharge of hormones that tighten the arteries, reduce the flow of blood to the heart, and increase blood pressure and heart rate. These reactions, along with increased cholesterol, can significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack. To get rid of stress, leave the situation by taking a short walk, taking a deep breath, meditating, stretching, or listening to soft music. This allows you to cool down and relax. 10. Stop Smoking Smoking not only lowers HDL, which is the good cholesterol, but it also comes with a whole host of adverse health effects, such as an increased risk of many cancers, stroke, and heart disease. Following these tips will go a long way to ensuring your cholesterol level returns to the normal range. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and improving your diet are also great for your health and general well-being, so there's no excuse for avoiding these positive changes. Read Also: 11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body 5 Natural Immune System Supplement Tips for Cold and Flu Season

physical and occupational therapy

The Physical and Occupational Therapy Changes in Medicare for 2020

There has been no time more integral to the advancement of our society than the 21st century. The past 20 years have been essential to the technological increases that are impacting billions of people all across the globe. Many facets of our society have been affected in the modern era, and healthcare is one of the most impacted elements. There has been a transformation throughout the healthcare industry, as new technologies like procedural telemedicine, as well as new regulations, have become commonplace throughout the medical system. There is a multitude of different specialties in healthcare, but one of the top aspects is physical and occupational therapy. This facet is involved in helping people fix their bodily ailments without the use of more invasive procedures.  What is Physical and Occupational Therapy? Physical and occupational therapy has become increasingly popular throughout the 21st century, as advancements in the field and a greater understanding of the body have helped to improve peoples’ wellbeing. Patients who frequently attend physical and occupational therapy often have chronic pain or muscular-skeletal issues that can be aided with different exercises and stretches that help to heal the body. Working as a physical or occupational therapist allows you to more effectively treat patients who need help and requires immense knowledge of the human body. As 2020 has already gotten underway, it has become evident that the many changes to the system, especially for Medicare patients, are continuing to affect physical and occupational therapy offices. Understanding these changes is essential if you work in this field.  Learning about the 2020 Medicare Changes for PTA & OTA Modifiers Working as a PTA (physical therapy assistant) or OTA (occupational therapy assistant) has undergone immense change since the beginning of the new decade in 2020. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has altered its billing policies, which has impacted the modifiers used in your office as well as the reimbursement procedures provided by PTAs and OTAs. Medicare changes 2020 has been implemented as a payment differential in the ways that PTAs and OTAs are paid. The payment rate is now 85% of the rate of what assistants are paid. CMS has noted that any care that exceeds 10% of the total time of care would now be subject to reduced billing. The payment differential has to be applied to all private practice facilities, home health agencies, hospital outpatient departments, as well as rehabilitation agencies. The codes that this can be applied include therapeutic services, as well as administrative or non-therapeutic services. Any timed or untimed coded procedures and modalities are also included, such as re-evaluations and initial evaluations. These many changes also include new documentation which provides a short description of the application of modifiers. While many of these changes may sound a bit challenging, understanding them is essential for the success of any physical or occupational therapy office.  Final Thoughts Working in the physical or occupational therapy field can be very complex, especially when dealing with Medicare billing. Learning about the 2020 changes in Medicare billing is essential when running a physical or occupational therapy firm. Read Also: What Transaction Management Software Will Do to Aid Your Real Estate Business Recognizing How Important Inventory Management is to Your Ecommerce Store


Does medicine really help in treating Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic bone disorder marked by inflammation of joints that causes pain and stiffness. One of the most common kinds of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which gets worse with age. It occurs due to damage to the ligaments over a prolonged span. Another one is Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an immune-triggered disorder that attacks joints like foreign tissues and also known as an autoimmune disorder.  Doctors prefer medication to treat arthritis, but it can lead to some side effects. Here are some among them: Side Effects of Arthritis: 1) Stomach Problems: The stomach problem is one of the significant side effects of medication for arthritis. The most common ones are heartburn and bleaching.  2) Bleeding: Using NSAIDs can irritate your stomach lining. It can also rupture the linings and lead to bleeding. Consult your doctor in such a condition. 3) Toxicity: Steroids can help in recovering faster, but it leads to high blood pressure, high sugar, and decreased bone health and weight gain if used for a prolonged period.  4) Liver damage: If you are running on methotrexate, you should know that it can cause liver damage if continued for an extended period. 5) Eye damage: Methotrexate, along with DMARDS, can lead to more severe problems. It can affect eyesight considerably. You may start having sudden eye pain, and you may become light-sensitive. Ways to get rid of this Arthritis We have seen that prolonged medication causes several kinds of side effects that can affect your health more seriously. It is better to opt for natural home remedies because they do not have any side effects and are very beneficial in the long run. It will also save some of your hospital bills too. Let’s take a look at them: i) Weight reduction: Your knees, hips, and feet remain under constant pressure by your weight. Weight reduction can be of great help in arthritis since it reduces wear and tear of joints and helps in healing faster. ii) Engage in physical activity: Aerobics and swimming are the best kinds of activities for arthritis patients. Regular exercise will keep your weight balance. One should not go for heavy weight lifting or rigorous training as it can damage the joints. If you are unsure of getting physical activity on your own, you can always go for expert physiotherapy in Singapore. The professional will be able to help you engage in physical movement, but in a much more controlled and safer environment. This ensures that you do not end up getting hurt adversely. iii) Hot and cold therapy: Take a regular bath in hot water. It will help to reduce joint inflammation and also relax your muscles. At night you can wrap an ice cube in a cloth and rub it over the inflamed area which can make a huge difference.   iv) Try acupuncture: It is an ancient method in which thin needles are inserted into specific parts of the body that reroutes an energy flow and restores body balance. It is a researched and established practice and certifies by WHO. v) Weed Consumption: Weed has medicinal properties that can heal arthritis. You can fill up the Acmpr form if you want to grow weed and get benefited rapidly. Final Touch: It is essential to understand that Arthritis is one of the common problems of old age, and it takes time to heal completely. Taking medicines for an extended period can severely damage other body organs, so it is better to go slow and try these tested methods. It has no side effects, and it has benefitted millions of people across the globe. Read Also:    How to Salvage Your Furniture after a Flood  How RTB Ad Serving Works