Achieving Academic And Clinical Placement Success For Nurses


09 September 2023

Job & Career

Nursing is an extremely rewarding and fulfilling career choice. Nursing school is a very exciting and busy time in your life, especially toward the end of your education. Practicing good strategies for balancing your academic, clinical placement, family, and other obligations is important.

As a prospective nurse, it’s important to understand what you can do to improve your experience so you can be well-prepared for your future career. Here are some tips for balancing your life while attending classes, clinical placements, and studying for your nursing licensing exams.

Practice Good Time Management

Practice Good Time Management

Managing your time is difficult as a student. Some nursing students have more obligations than others to consider when creating a good time management plan. This can be very challenging, but it is achievable with good planning and discipline.

Considering your obligations for a week and making a plan or schedule is helpful. It’s also important to realize that things happen sometimes that are beyond your control that may make it necessary for you to reorganize your day. This is good practice for working as a nurse because nurse schedules can vary wildly due to the unpredictable nature of healthcare.

Of course, being realistic about what you can do in a day is critical. Trying to pack too much into each day for an extended period can lead to burnout and affect all areas of your life. Nursing can be stressful, and it’s important that staff use all the resources available to them during busy times. This is particularly important for those who are studying alongside their work placement.

Avoid Procrastination

Waiting until the last minute to take care of priorities can make life extremely stressful. It’s important to schedule time to catch up on tasks that take longer than expected. Using your time effectively and efficiently is crucial in avoiding last-minute stress.

Be realistic about what is most important and prioritize those tasks first. If there are particular things that you find yourself procrastinating on more than others, then you need to consider why that is and take steps to put yourself in a better mindset to take on the task and get it out of the way sooner rather than later.

Take Care Of Yourself

Being driven and highly motivated is great, but, as a nurse, it’s important to make sure you stay healthy and happy in order to provide the best care you can to your patients. Nursing can be very physically demanding. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly will help you have the energy you need to get things done while keeping you fit and healthy.

Of course, everyone needs some time to relax and enjoy a hobby or pastime. Prioritizing self-care at home will help you perform at your best in the workplace. Don’t forget to make time for important things in your life, such as family, friends, and the activities you enjoy outside of work and studying.

Allow Enough Time For Sleep

Clinical placements are very important to take seriously; they are an excellent place to gain valuable references, and in some cases, you may even be able to land a position at the facility where you are doing your placement at. During your clinical placement, it is imperative that you are well-rested and alert so you can provide your patients with a high level of care while learning the skills you need to do your job well

While it can be tempting to work as much as possible to further your career, it is not a good idea. You need to get adequate rest to perform well in your placement and studies.

Even if you allow enough time for sleep, it may be that stress and having a lot on your mind makes it hard to fall asleep and stay that way. Doing something relaxing for at least 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep is a good idea. Avoiding computers, tablets, and smartphone screens is recommended. Try reading a physical book, listening to music, taking a relaxing bath, or doing whatever it might be that makes you feel relaxed in a healthy way.

Use The Support Of Those Around You

Using the support of friends, family, and partners is important when studying alongside a work placement. Ensuring that those around you are aware of your busy schedule means that you can maintain healthy relationships that can support you through your work. Partners, friends, and family are able to provide both emotional and practical support. Talking to loved ones can be an important emotional support, while friends, family, and partners can offer practical help by helping you out around the house, or caring for your pets or children.

If you have important exams that mean extra study time, be proactive in making sure that your schedule is cleared for the most part well in advance. Your loved ones will understand if you’re more busy for a time, and can be an invaluable source of help through a stressful time.

Tips For Academic Success

Tips For Academic Success

Finding time to study may seem challenging, so it is good to have some strategies to help you make the most of your time.

Take Plentiful And Good Notes 

The notes you take are important. For starters, you learn things better if you write them down. Notes help you have the information you need the most in a concise format. Great notes mean you can create a study guide that can help you concentrate on the information you need the most for exams, papers, and other work.

Consider Studying With A Partner

Having someone to study with can be very useful and help you both stay on task. During study sessions, you can quiz each other and rely on one another to discuss and explain concepts you are struggling with.

A study session with a buddy can also be an opportunity to have a bit of fun. A reward at the end of a successful study session can boost your mood and provide a welcome break from a day’s hard work. The reward can be anything you both enjoy, such as catching up with a television show, taking a walk, or eating some particularly good food.

Vary Your Study Locations

It is easy to get in the habit of studying in the same spot every time. This can become boring and eventually make it harder to concentrate. Even if you have to study at home, you can switch desks or rooms, or even try working in the garden. Alternatively, consider studying at the library, a favourite coffee shop, the park, or anywhere with a comfortable, suitable space.

Nurses working toward the same or a similar qualification can meet in a study group to compare notes and motivate each other. This is particularly practical for those working on the same nursing placement. Study groups are a great opportunity to enhance learning, socialize, and bond with fellow students and colleagues.

Consider How You Learn Best

Everyone is different when it comes to learning habits and practices. It is important to be honest about your learning style and how you learn best. Some people do well with memorization exercises while others may need to write something down multiple times. All of this can depend on what kind of learner you are.

The time of day that you study can make a big difference too. If you are able to study during the part of the day or night that you are most alert and seem to learn the best, then you will make the best use of your study time. If you are not a morning person, then trying to study then is not the best use of your time.

Consider if you study best in shorter but more frequent sessions or when you can set aside longer blocks of time and plan your schedule accordingly.

Eliminate As Many Distractions As Possible

We live in a very distracting world. In modern times there is social media and unlimited distractions available via the internet. While it is important to find time to do things you enjoy and you absolutely should not neglect family obligations, it is important that you have some time that is solely dedicated to studying without any major distractions.

If you have to do so, silence alerts on your phone, and eliminate any unnecessary technology.  It can also help to keep it simple when it comes to meals and snacks to save time. There are also a number of apps available that can help productivity and will stop you from using your phone for certain periods of time or can block the more distracting social media apps.

Making The Most Of Your Clinical Placements

No matter what level of nursing degree you are trying to achieve, you will need to complete a series of clinical placements to graduate and qualify for any licensing exams. Nurses advancing their careers through an RN to MSN NP course benefit from degree programs that offer clinical placement services. Wilkes University offers a 100% online program that allows you to choose from three specializations: family nurse practitioner, adult-gerontology primary care, and psychiatric/mental health.

Choosing the right clinical placement is very important because it is where you can apply all your previously learned knowledge and help treat actual patients. It’s important also to connect with your preceptor; your preceptor is the mentor you will be working under at a medical facility. They may be an RN, nurse practitioner, or physician, and can provide you with valuable knowledge and experience to help you through your education.

Ask Questions

Keep a notebook with you during your clinical placement and write down anything of interest or any questions you might want to ask your preceptor. Asking a lot of questions will help you gain the most knowledge and prevent you from making assumptions or mistakes.

Writing down your questions is important because, in a hectic healthcare setting, you may have to wait a while until an appropriate moment to ask them arises; not all questions should be asked when you are trying to shadow your mentor while treating patients.

Treat Your Placement Seriously

Taking your clinical placement as seriously as if it were your permanent job is important to your success. You want to provide your patients with the highest level of care possible; you will learn the most by treating patients conscientiously.


Balancing academic and clinical placement success is possible. By creating a good schedule based on prioritizing tasks while practising self-care, you can succeed in all areas of your life while pursuing your nursing dreams.

Now is a great time to pursue a career in nursing due to the high demand and amazing opportunities it presents. There are online degree programs that you can do while maintaining your regular job. If you have prior higher education, you may qualify for accelerated programs that allow you to achieve your career goals faster than you think.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Surgeon Jobs

Navigating The Surgeon Jobs Search Journey: Tips For Success

Searching for a new job can be stressful. Once individuals know they wish to leave their current position and find a new job, they can reduce this stress by taking basic steps. Landing this new job may take four to six months, so the earlier a person begins, the better off they will be.  Tips For Navigating The Surgeon Job Search Journey Are you thinking of leaving your current job? Then these tips might come in handy in your new job search journey. Preparing for the Search Before launching a surgeon job search, consider what is needed in the new job. Create a list of priorities. Some doctors want to work in a teaching hospital to train future generations. Other medical professionals might be more interested in research.  Factors to consider when creating a priorities list include salary, location, and work-life balance. While no job will check every box unless the job seeker is extremely lucky, knowing what is essential will help narrow the choices. Be Persistent Many medical practices don't have HR teams making the hiring decisions. They rely on doctors to handle this task, and these doctors also treat patients.  Surgeons must recognize this and understand the hiring process often takes longer as those responsible for choosing who to employ have other duties. Follow up regularly so the organization knows the interest is still there. Please don't give up until the organization states it has no plans to hire you.  Network Every person needs to network regardless of how long they have been in an industry. Begin building this network in medical school and expand on it over the years.  Ask this network for help when looking for a new job as a surgeon. People love to help one another and will share job openings. They may even offer to provide references and help with this search, but they can only do so if the job seeker asks.  Cold Calling Most people dread cold calling. However, it never hurts to do so when there is a particular facility a person wishes to work at. It also never hurts to cold call when moving to a new city or state.  Let the hiring manager know of this move and see if there are any open positions. While they may not need a surgeon, they could know of another facility that does and share the information.  Practice Considerations Know which type of hospital or setting is best for your long-term career goals. Where are these practices commonly located? Will a job change require the move to a new state? If so, apply early for medical licensure if this step must be taken. The licensing process can take several weeks, so this step should never be put off.  Update Paperwork Always have an updated resume available. The perfect job may open up when a person isn't searching. When this happens, they scramble to update the resume and gather other paperwork. Review references and contact information regularly to ensure they are accurate and willing to serve as a referral.  Optimize Your CV You are aware that recruiters review several applications for surgeon jobs in a day. This job is tasking because choosing appropriate resumes for the job is crucial. After all, they have to fill important surgeon positions in their organization. They have to select the efficient surgeons for the job position. Therefore, recruiters follow some criteria when choosing the right CVs from the bunch of CVs. In this case, recruiters will include surgeon jobs’ experience, skill level, and accomplishment in their criteria. These criteria may vary according to jobs, but there is one thing that is common for all recruiters: skill level. They mostly look for your skill level to match the job position. So, be clear about what you have accomplished in your previous job position.  Optimize your CV to fit all your previous accomplishments and skills to highlight your right fit for the job. This way, your CV gets picked, and you get a chance to interview face-to-face. Try adding to keep your CV error-free and easy to read. This will help recruiters scan your CV easily. The format of your CV should also be correct. Prepare For The Interview Don’t just stop after optimizing your CV because the goal is to get the right surgeon job from several surgeon jobs. If you do get a callback from the recruiter for an interview, then you have to crack it. You already know that preparing for an interview can be challenging since you don’t know what the employer will ask you.  So start preparing for your interview based on your previous surgeon job interview experiences. Focus on failed interviews where you were unaware of any question related to your field. As a surgeon, you can read up on medical books related to your field of study. This will help you answer questions in your interview.  If it's a virtual interview, try to look presentable even if you are interviewing from your home. This gives a good impression on your future employer. Along with speaking clearly in your off-screen interview, try practising also for on-screen interviews as well. Another thing you must keep in mind is to keep your room clean when doing a virtual interview. Since the space is visible to your interviewer, a cluttered room doesn’t give a good impression. Don’t Forget To Follow Up Interviewers take several interviews and then decide on the best candidate for their vacant position. When the recruiters are debating on who to pick for the surgeon jobs, your follow-up shows your interest in the job. Then, they can go back to your application to give it a think-over. This can be a turning point in getting you the surgeon job. So, after your interviews, always follow up with your recruiter about the job. This helps increase your chances of getting the job. You can send an email thanking the recruiter or interviewer for the interview opportunity.  In this email, try incorporating the passion or hobbies that your interviewers shared with you during the interview. This shows your attention towards the conversation and your ingenuity. Conclusion A pleasant attitude goes a long way toward landing a dream job. Surgeons may receive several job offers and must determine which to accept. The priorities list is of great help. Review the list and see how each job offer aligns with the priorities. Talk with the hiring team if one job seems perfect in most ways but has a single sticking point. They may be willing to make accommodations. If not, there are other opportunities to explore.  With time and effort, a surgeon can find their dream position and return to doing what they love: helping patients. Patient care should always be the focus, even when looking for a new job, and surgeons ensure it is. Additional Reading: Is Medical Specialities A Good Career Path? – 12 Best Jobs How to Get a Job as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative? Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Treated Unfairly

Most Important Steps To Take When You Think You Have Been Treated Unfairly

Finding a great job can be difficult. The better the job the more competition there is, meaning that you have to stand out from the crowd. However, what do you do when you have started your dream job and find that you are being treated unfairly. You may think that you simply have to put up with it, after all, what other options are there? But, the simple truth is that every person has the right to be treated fairly. You need to identify if you are being treated unfairly and do something about it. Identifying Unfair Treatment The first step is to look at how you are being treated in comparison to others in your workplace. There is a difference between unfair treatment when you are treated differently from others, and bad treatment when everyone is treated badly. It can help to speak to a reputable unfair dismissal lawyer, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will help you to identify whether and how you are being unfairly treated. They can also be of assistance in resolving the matter. Step 1 – Bring It Up The first step in dealing with unfair treatment is to bring it up with the company and the specific individual. In many cases, this is your direct boss. Talk to them about the issue you are facing and see how they respond. This can be enough to end the issue. You must remain calm when talking and it is advisable to take a witness into any meeting. You should make notes regarding the entire process. Step 2 – Contact Superiors If this has no effect and the business has an HR department you can bring the issue up with them. They will have set procedures that need to be followed to assess your claim and deal with it properly. If your business doesn’t have a separate HR person that you can talk to then you will need to go to the boss or owner of the company. Of course, if this is the person unfairly treating you that won’t help! Step 3 – Involve The Professionals Should both the above steps have been unsuccessful then it is time to speak to your unfair dismissal lawyer again, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will be able to contact your employer for you and remind them of the law regarding the treatment of employees. The fact that they are already in the loop means it will be easier for them to assist you if the employer reacts badly and dismisses you. Of course, you need to be aware that dealing head-on with unfair behavior at work means you may not feel welcome in the workplace anymore. If this is the case you can leave and file an unfair dismissal claim as you have been forced out. Again, it’s a good idea to speak to the unfair dismissal lawyer first to ensure you get the best advice and follow the right protocol. Read Also: 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

Skilled Workers

Why Skilled Workers Will Own the Future

Unemployment is something that most people try to avoid. To facilitate these people have tended to avoid industries that appear to be, at best, uncertain. The result has become a lack of skilled workers. This is becoming obvious in certain industries, such as manufacturing. Because this has been a volatile industry young people have not been interested in learning the skills. However, the older workers are now retiring and a huge gap in the skill set is starting to become exposed. This means that skilled workers will be able to dictate their own terms as the need for them will be much greater than the number of them available. This may cause some businesses to struggle which is why it is essential they take steps today to rectify the issue. This is one reason why skilled workers, like those you can hire at the Brix Projects are increasingly in demand. There are several other reasons why skilled workers will own the future: Lack Of Retention : For many years firms have been taking on employees with little experience and training them while offering a low wage. This has helped the companies to be competitive and profitable. However, once the employees are fully trained they are likely to move on to another firm where their pay package is greater. In fact, there has been a large number of skilled workers who have taken their skill set out of the country altogether. This simply shrinks the pool of available talent making it very difficult for a company to get the right skilled staff. The consequence is that the employment market moves to favor the employee as opposed to the firm. Training : While some firms are happy to take on inexperienced workers and train them, this is not true of all firms. Add to this the flexibility of the market which ensures that many are not completing their training. The result is a lack of investment in developing skilled workers and an ever-increasing gap in the workforce. This is a gap that cannot easily be filled! Flexibility : More and more firms are relying on specialist contractors to handle specific jobs. This is in a bid to drive costs down and be more efficient. However, as fewer people training in skilled trades, it will become harder to locate someone when you need them. The result could be an interruption to your business when you really don’t need one. The only solution will be to use a skilled tradesperson; regardless of the cost. This is the real crux of the matter. The lack of skilled workers means that they will be able to charge what they wish for their services. But, this is certain to have a knock-on effect on other companies and their profitability. The ones who survive will be those that start to prepare today; training and encouraging more young people into skilled careers is the only way to resolve this issue in the long term. Read Also : Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company People Management Tips From A Successful UK SME