Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Published on: 04 September 2023 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024
Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Innovative technologies made providing medical services in a remote format possible. It allows you to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care, greatly facilitating the work of medical personnel and providing convenience for both patients and doctors. It explains the significant proliferation of healthcare applications.

Benefits Of Healthcare Applications

Benefits Of Healthcare Applications

There are situations where healthcare applications are much more effective than traditional healthcare. We list the main advantages of medical applications:

  • provide prompt medical assistance, eliminating the need to visit a medical facility;
  • patients feel more comfortable when providing medical services;
  • improving the quality of the information collected;
  • significantly reduced financial costs for both medical institutions and patients;
  • ensuring optimal communication links between the parties;
  • attracts more users to use applications due to the availability of various useful tools.

It is the presence of such significant advantages that stimulate developers to create healthcare applications. By ordering outsourced healthcare software development you’ll access top-notch quality, accelerate your product’s delivery, save on costs, and unlock endless possibilities for your business ideas.

Consider The Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare

Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare

Healthcare applications focus on digital patient records, drug prescribing, and remote appointments. No matter what your healthcare application is about, there are seven key steps to successfully building it.

Decide On An Appointment

Before starting development, you should decide on the purpose of the healthcare application. There are many assignments, but we will list a few examples to help you solve the issue of product scaling:

  • for the management of medical data – assisting medical professionals and patients in the exchange of medical information, as well as scheduling appointments with a doctor;
  • for medical personnel and medical organizations – they are larger and include more functionality;
  • for patients – designed to help patients effectively and quickly – they are simple and include a wealth of wellness information providing essential health support.

When you understand the purpose of a medical application, you will be able to understand its scope and structure for development.

What Will Be The User Audience?

When creating a healthcare application, you need to consider the user audience. It would be best to understand how precisely the completed application will be aimed at the age category, social component, etc. An application designed for patients should include specific recommendations for improving well-being and information about various diseases and medications.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for the control of the symptoms of diseases and the prescription component for their treatment. For example, it is essential to include information about staying well with various chronic diseases.

Define Platform

It is necessary to choose a platform for developing a medical application. On which mobile devices it should function and which operating system it should support (or support for both systems is beneficial). Always carefully approach this issue, considering the user audience and age categories.

Ensuring The Competitiveness Of Products

Currently, there are a vast number of applications for health care. Therefore, the development should consider the missing thematic or user niche or the existing non-competitive medical application. The right approach should ensure a high rating of the created products and bypass competitors in many aspects.

In addition, it is recommended to provide unique and valuable functionality that allows you to solve many issues (medical staff, patients) that were not previously solved using existing healthcare applications.

Be sure to think of quality content that includes essential and helpful information. The more your product differs from the current one, the more successful its entry into the user market will be.

Availability Of Key Functionality

Availability Of Key Functionality

Each medical application has different ways to access information, and accounts, get medical care, and more. Therefore, it can take time to determine which functionality to use in product development. Here are some examples of options that you need to consider when developing a medical application:

  • individual reports of patients about their state of health, allowing you better to navigate the existing risks and methods of treatment;
  • analytical reporting with charts – allow users to monitor their actions and assess the situation;
  • The presence of chats and the possibility of video communication – are essential for providing medical care remotely, especially when there is no opportunity to visit a medical facility;
  • The toolbar is necessary for both patients and physicians, providing information collection and helping to prescribe treatment promptly;
  • tools that allow you to receive various notifications, electronic prescriptions, and reminders.

The more thoughtful the functionality is, the more the user audience will be attracted to the developed healthcare application.

Design Development

Design is important when creating a medical application since a high-quality and well-thought-out interface is essential for users. We list the most important properties that must be taken into account when designing products:

  • ease of use;
  • font size and type – straightforward and easy to read;
  • clear navigation;
  • High-speed loading – find a balance between powerful functionality and fast loading of the application.

A well-designed interface will increase the rating of your medical application.

Product Promotion

After the launch of the application, it is essential to promote it to spread and increase the user audience. It is necessary to use wide advertising, including social networks.

We’ve covered the most critical steps in developing a healthcare app. If you correctly consider all these aspects, then the success of your created products is guaranteed.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Time Card App

Is A Time Card App Really Necessary? Data Points To Yes!

Owning a company and running a store is tedious; it is not always easy to track everyone and know what they are doing. A time card app allows you to run your store or company more efficiently as a manager or business owner. It provides many benefits that you may not know about. While a job clock may not help with everything, it can be one of the best ways to reduce stress in your life and make things a bit easier. Is a time card app necessary? All of the research data we have indicates that implementing a time card app is needed to run your business correctly. The previous ways of manual tracking time, scheduling, and processing payroll are outdated, stressful, and costly. You may not be aware of this but calculating everyone’s time by hand to send to the payroll company takes an insane amount of time. Needing to be there at the physical location to ensure everyone punches in takes time away from more critical business tasks. It is essential as a manager or business owner to keep up with the latest trends and tools that could help run a successful business. The Data That Points To Yes- If you have yet to hear of a time card app’s benefits, it’s time to learn. They are incredibly beneficial to a business, and because of that, many companies are adopting these systems to automate time tracking and scheduling. No matter the size of your company, a timekeeper app can allow you to efficiently and effortlessly track employee work hours and time off. It enables you to schedule your workers based on their preferences and your business needs. Prevents Buddy Punching: Buddy punching is a term that is often associated with those who are punching time for someone else who is not physically present. This means someone is getting paid for the time they are not working. Usually, friends will do this for one another. Using a time and attendance app, you can prevent buddy punching and other forms of time theft, saving your business thousands of dollars each year. Offers Advanced Reporting: Having advanced reporting options is crucial for a business owner. These reports allow you to see things like labor costs, which is often one of the most significant expenses you will face, and it will enable you to compare it to what your company made that day. Reports can also be used to determine the productivity of your employee. If you find someone is taking too long on a project, you can adjust your staffing levels or get more hands-on on the project. Automates Payroll: Calculating employee work hours by hand is one of the easiest ways to make payroll mistakes. Not only are clerical errors frequent, but manual payroll processing can be incredibly time-consuming. Having a time card app that automatically tracks employee work hours and transfers that information to your payroll provider is crucial to ensure paycheck accuracy and employee happiness. Improves Scheduling: Another fantastic benefit of using a timesheet management app is that it improves the scheduling process. It allows you to create a schedule in advance and send out notifications to your entire team. Employees can easily swap shifts or scheduled days off through the software. Employees also can enter their preferred working hours, which allows you to create shifts based on employee preference and your business needs. A time card app can be one of the most essential tools that can significantly impact your business. It can help you save tons of stress in the future and can boost your team’s happiness when they know you are paying attention to the amount they work. If you wonder if this system is necessary, it is, and it’s time to make the switch. Read Also: Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work

whatsapp hacked

Breaking The Code: Understanding And Recovering From WhatsApp Hacks

As one of the most widely used messaging applications with billions of users, WhatsApp has become a prime target for criminals. They seek to hack the platform and access sensitive information. WhatsApp is fairly prone to people hacking it if you are not careful. Unfortunately, the popularity of messaging apps has made them vulnerable to these attacks. Scammers often attempt to deceive users into sharing their 6-digit verification code, which they then use to log in to the app. So, is your WhatsApp hacked? Let's learn what to do when this happens. Is Your WhatsApp Hacked? If your verification code falls into the wrong hands, they can easily hack your WhatsApp account. However, if you have made this mistake, there is no need to worry. There is a way to recover your hacked account. Here is how you can ensure your WhatsApp is safe and not hacked. Inform WhatsApp & Others Contacts If you suspect that your account on WhatsApp may have been hacked, you should first inform WhatsApp about the issue. You can contact them via email at and make sure to mention "Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my account" in the text body. Additionally, it is important to inform your friends and family members about the security breach so that they are aware and do not fall prey to any objectionable messages from the hacker. Once your account is successfully deactivated, you will be given 30 days to reactivate it. If you fail to reactivate it within the given time, all saved chats or media backed up in the cloud will be at risk of being deleted. Reactivate WhatsApp If you receive a duplicate SIM card, you can reactivate your WhatsApp account on a different device. WhatsApp will send you a six-digit code that you will need to enter to gain access to your account. After entering the code, the hacker will be logged out of your account automatically. However, if you do not receive the duplicate SIM card within the given time frame, delete your WhatsApp account to prevent the perpetrators from misusing your account. Please note that uninstalling and removing WhatsApp are not the same. To delete your account, you need to contact WhatsApp Web Support. If the hacker activates the 2-step verification process, this will motion WhatsApp into asking you to enter the code. Since you do not know the code that the hacker has used, you will have to wait for seven days to recover your account. The good news is that during this waiting period, the hacker will not have access to your WhatsApp account. As one of the most popular messaging apps with over 2.5 billion users, WhatsApp remains a prime target for regular hackers who attempt to compromise user privacy. WhatsApp Safety: Signs Of Being Hacked Here are a few signs you should look for to determine if your WhatsApp account could have been hacked. If you start to see any of the signs and think that your WhatsApp may be hacked, here are a few things you could do to get back your account and prevent future attacks. If you see new contacts in your account that you don't remember adding Spam messages and media sent from your account to old or newly added contacts An unknown device from an undisclosed location has accessed your WhatsApp account There are notable changes to your profile details, such as your username and profile picture that you don't recall making Someone adds you to new groups that you don't remember being a part of If you have misconfigured account and security settings WhatsApp Hacked How To Protect Your WhatsApp Account? If you think that someone has hacked your WhatsApp account, you can follow a few steps to recover your account. It will also prevent hackers from accessing it again. 1. Regain Control Of Your WhatsApp Account Have you ever clicked on a shady link? Did you scan a weird QR code to join a group, or did anything to lose complete access to your account? In this case, you should try to regain access to your WhatsApp account. 2. Sign Out Of Your Account From Any Device WhatsApp Web no longer requires you to have your phone nearby to use your account. Therefore, if a scammer has linked your WhatsApp account to her WhatsApp Web, they may be using that account without your knowledge. The same applies if you use your account secretly on the WhatsApp desktop app. Therefore, it is essential to unlink your account from any unknown device you are currently using. To do this, follow these steps: Open WhatsApp on your main phone, where you just restored your account. On Android, tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then tap Linked Devices. Scan and remove suspicious devices accessing your account. Tap the device you want to remove and click Sign Out. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Linked Devices and unlink the unknown device. Recovering your account and logging out of unauthorized devices may protect your account. This prevents hackers from gaining access again. Next, notify your contacts of the security breach. 3. Notify Contacts About Security Breaches After hacking into a victim's WhatsApp account, attackers often pose as the victim and attempt to make money by demanding money from their contacts, asking for sensitive information that they can misuse later, or sending phishing links to hack other accounts. Once you have secured your account, it is essential to notify all your contacts about the breach so that they are aware of the situation and do not ignore any suspicious messages. Those who have already responded to the scammer's message can take action to recover their money (if they've already sent it) and keep their sensitive information safe. 4. Block Unknown Contacts And Leave New Groups If scammers hack your WhatsApp account, they may use it to promote products or attempt to phish your contacts. They can also join random groups and spam them, which can harm your reputation and credibility. You should check your recent chat boxes with contacts that are unknown and messages you sent to groups. If you notice any suspicious activity, inform the contacts and group members about the breach and block all unknown contacts. You should also leave groups you do not engage in. To block a contact on WhatsApp, open the contact, tap the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, then tap More, and hit Block. After that, tap on Block in the confirmation popup. To leave a group on WhatsApp, go to the group you want to leave, tap on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, tap More, and hit Exit group. After that, tap on Exit in the confirmation popup. Secure Your WhatsApp Account After you've successfully recovered your hacked WhatsApp account, it's important to take measures to prevent any future security breaches. One of the first things you can do is enable two-step verification. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your account. You can also activate the feature of disappearing messages for conversations that are sensitive. It will protect your data by encrypting cloud backups and customizing your privacy settings. This will make your WhatsApp account more secure. By taking these steps, you can reduce the likelihood of people hacking your WhatsApp account in the future and ensure the protection of your privacy. Don't let scammers compromise your WhatsApp account. Wrapping Up Recovering your hacked WhatsApp account is possible as long as you act fast. Being aware of the steps to take can help you regain control of your account in no time. Stay vigilant to prevent your account from malicious activities that could harm your reputation. One of the most prevalent methods used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to WhatsApp accounts is through phishing scams. Educating yourself on how these scams work can help you identify and steer clear of them. So, has someone hacked your WhatsApp? If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read More About: How To Fix A Hacked Android Phone? WhatsApp Not Working: Why It Happens And How To Fix It Your Wrist, Your Chat: Setting Up WhatsApp On Apple Watch

CRM Apps

The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps

You’ve got great resources within your business: a rock star sales force, savvy human resource managers, capable customer service managers, and more. But do you have a proven system for reducing the friction, inside and outside of your business, to enable all of these key players to do their best work? The use of the CRM apps can make things easier for you. A good customer relationship management (CRM) system is the glue that holds a high-functioning business together. Once the purview of heavy desktop-only applications, modern CRM is delivering wins by the minute now in the palm of your hand, opening worlds of insightful data and always-on connections to your customers in meaningful ways through capable and intuitive mobile apps. The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps: Your customers love it: Your customers, much like your workforce, are always connected through their mobile devices. Equipping your employees with CRM mobile apps facilitates customer engagement through popular social media platforms, adding accessibility and visibility to everyday nature of social media means you can keep a constant finger on the pulse of customer interactions and stay ready to respond to your customers when they engage you, building rapport, credibility, and relevance. Office on-the-go: When your salespeople go out into the field with a CRM mobile app, they have an enormous wealth of information right in their hands. Instant access to a single authoritative source of internal and customer data means salespeople can update relationship data any time, even in the middle of a conversation. There’s no more going back through hurried notes; easy-to-use apps make it simple to capture all the details, no matter how small they seem, because of every detail matters in cultivating long-lasting relationships. Instant access means immediate feedback, too, whether it’s insights from internal partners or direct customer engagements on social media. With a single tap, you’re up-to-date on everything from responses to your latest product launch to marketing’s newest promotion without having to trudge through an already-bursting inbox. Keep up the pace: Customers don’t just like instant answers – thanks to the fast-moving nature of news, media, and the internet – they expect them. And to be successful, your business must not only meet these expectations but exceed them on a daily basis. Buckets of emails, time-consuming phone calls, and extraneous sales meetings are all barriers to closing more deals. Meanwhile using mobile CRM apps can provide everything your business needs to adapt to these changes in an on-demand way, so there’s no delay. You already know what a talented group of people you have supporting your business; CRM tools like customer insights, aggregated relationship data, and instant feedback help your associates take their game, and your business, to the next level. Connected workforce: Do you have a distributed workforce? Agents who regularly travel or necessarily put in lots of time outside the office or away from their desks? Having your employees use mobile CRM apps enables them to serve customers from anywhere. It allows them to be more responsive to customers, makes it easier for them to adapt their own schedules, and helps them fulfill the needs of the customer relationship in the most efficient way possible. This is particularly important for salespeople. It may not sound like it at first, but the difference between consuming and cultivating relationship data on a phone or on a sometimes-cumbersome laptop can make a world of difference. Remember the last time you had a major insight or got a stellar lead on your way to catch the next leg of your flight? Those moments of inspiration are much more easily captured when you don’t have to stop, pull out a laptop, fumble for a mouse and charger, login, and only then get to work. CRM Apps and marketing automation: Are you still relying on promotional emails, mailers, or other means of customer engagement that give you no insight on engagement? Adding a powerful CRM mobile app to your toolbox that’s coupled to a consumer app for use by your customers means you can now send promotions, updates, and other marketing engagements right to their CRM apps. Imagine sending your biggest customer a personal promotion in a push notification right on their device! Not only are you removing roadblocks to getting your pitch in front of their eyes, but you also get baked-in insights on who has engaged, who show interest, and who may be planning to make a move all without them having to say a single word to you. Understand that yesterday’s options won’t cut it in today’s world. You’ve got to be on the leading edge to stand out these days, and the vast benefits of putting your relationship tools right in the hands of those who matter most could very well put you in the lead. Know your options, because knowledge is power and that knowledge could just be the one thing you’re missing right now. Read Also: 8 Best Shopping Apps For 2019 How To Make Money From Resale Apps 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off