How to Ensure You Have the Perfect English to Enhance Your Blog

Published on: 06 September 2017 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

Writing compelling content for your blog is difficult.

Writing when English isn’t your first language can feel down right terrifying.

But, if you want to build a global audience that tunes in regularly to read your blog posts and learn from your tips and tricks, you have to do it. After all, more than half of the internet is in English, and that without even taking into consideration activity on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Even if you are a native speaker, that isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be able to create engaging content. Sure, you may have an easier time spotting common mistakes like then and that, or there’s and theirs, but writing in perfect English and writing persuasive content are two different things.

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, here’s how to improve your native language to increase the power of your words.

Use Grammarly

You know that ending sentences with a preposition is wrong, but you’re still making this mistake. The reality is that you need someone (or something) to help you identify these mistakes and unlearn them.

That’s where an app like Grammarly can come in helpful.

Not only that this app acts like a proofreader that spots every error and grammar mistake, but it also tells you why a particular word, comma or punctuation mark is wrong. That’s an excellent way to learn about the mistakes you make.

Take Online Lessons

Let’s be honest: your grammar, although good, is not perfect. You may know the difference between your and you’re, but other complex rules aren’t that easy to understand. The plural of abbreviations, for example, can be pretty confusing and half can be both singular and plural.

The truth is that language is like a living organism that is evolving continuously. Keeping up with the changes isn’t always easy. That’s why a tutor might not be such a bad idea.

The great thing about the digital world we live in today is that you don’t have to enroll in a class to master your writing and language skills. With services like Preply, you can do this from the comfort of your home. Just visit, and you’ll find numerous English tutors that can help you discover and understand even the least known tricks and secrets of the English language.

Keep Track of Your Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes new bloggers make is that they work hard to create amazing content, but don’t spend enough time editing it. It doesn’t matter how well-researched your articles are or if you’ve come up with a unique point of view to a common problem. Your audience is going to judge you by the way your articles look first and then focus on the complexity of the ideas presented.

Read also: Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

One excellent way to enhance your blog is to write down the mistakes you notice while editing your posts. Make sure also to add pointers that remind you why that particular conjugation, word or preposition is wrong and how to correct it.

Challenge Yourself

Creating and posting content on your blog can make you feel extremely vulnerable, especially in the beginning. After all, you are sharing your ideas with the entire world, and not everyone will agree with your take on things.

Once you get used to it, you stop getting that adrenaline rush every time you hit the Publish button. Becoming comfortable is the first step to mediocracy.

Always challenge yourself to write in styles that you’re not that familiar with or create new types of content. To make things even more interesting, try guest blogging. Not only that it’s an excellent link building strategy, but it will help you get out of your comfort zone and create content for new audiences.

Creating quality content can feel like a daunting task. But, the best way to overcome it is to sit down, open a new document, and start writing. Don’t worry about making mistakes. By using the tips in this article, you will be able to create perfect articles.

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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blog writing

How to Become a Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets

Writing an article while you are sitting on the ocean beach with a rainbow cocktail? Of course, you have seen the pictures of travel bloggers that seem nothing to do but enjoying exotic countries. They travel several months a year, taking gorgeous pictures, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. Are you a white-collar who is sick of his job? Is your secret dream to pack your stuff and open the door to adventures? Well, if it is so, you should do your best to prepare for a great journey. But how do travel bloggers make money? What are they living for? What do you need to do first to start the blog? Does this business worth quitting your cozy office? We gather several secrets that will guide you while you are considering which country to choose for your first travel. 18 Hours a Day It is not a joke. As a rule, to achieve success, a newcomer has to run his own business in the real world 18 hours a day. Travel bloggers are not an exception. They apply efforts every day to create cool content and attract the attention of big advertisers. High competitiveness requires constant attention, so a blogger needs to work day and night tirelessly. Don't be misled with pictures taken on lovely landscapes because this is not such easy at it seems. Travel bloggers spend long hours at the laptop cursing all your life when Wi-Fi is poor. Create Content Maybe, you are an adventurous man or brilliant engineer. If you can't put words together when it comes to writing, your new business is sure to fail. You need a lot of talent to get popular on the Internet. So, before starting a blog try yourself in the writing field. Create something awesome and ask your friends or relatives for a review. Are you still uncertain of your own genius? Then practice! Write! Jot down your thoughts, create an essay and read it aloud. It will take at least several months to feel confident about your skills. You may find plenty of practical pieces of advice about essay writing on various online services. Find Your Audience Building trust relations with the readers is the most important task for any blogger. Why? The answer is simple. You just can't earn a decent income without a proper audience. No one will invest the money in your business. Get readers first. Find out who is your target audience. The money will come later. What is a Use of That? We read travel blogs, not just for fun. Mostly, tourists seek useful information about the place they are going to visit. Thus, creating entertainment content, you should never forget of those who will come to your blog searching for the timetables, prices, tips, and tricks. Include food recommendations, details where to stay or what to do in your story. Add to your excellent video entertainment and breathtaking photos. Do you think you have a sense of humor? Then make a joke! People like it! Gorgeous Photos Take pictures of everything you see and do while traveling. Remember that even the most mundane things will be in use when you create a story or supply your blog with additional information. You can take pictures of an airport and describe where a traveler can exchange money or find a bus station. Create Events Make your journey impressive and fascinating! Do you have favorite activities? What about getting a new experience? How about biking through India or climbing Kilimanjaro? Do some exciting stuff. Your readers will love it! Use Guest Posting Does no one seem to know about your blog? The best way to change it is to place guest posts on popular resources. The link will lead a new audience to your blog and sent you traffic. Besides, if you will post an article on reputable sources, it will help you with branding and credibility. Work via Social Media These days, social media are the most powerful promotion tools. Staying active on Facebook or Twitter is essential if your goal is earning a living. But don't let yourself to become a victim of social networks: don’t waste too much time there. Analyze your traffic, choose the time to share publications and respond to comments. Do not neglect other social media platforms like YouTube or Pinterest. Art of SEO Your texts must respond not only the reader's interest but Search engine requirements as well. In other words, you need to use magic phrases to attract engines like Google. The art of writing this "spell" is called SEO. If you are going to run a popular blog, you have to study this subject laboriously. Targeted Advertising Sooner or later you will understand that to expand the target audience you need to spend money advertising on social media. You may pick Facebook or Twitter or any platform that you like. Announce your blog loudly! A percentage of visitors will become your regular readers after discovering the blog for the first time. Hire a Team You can't run a successful travel blog alone. Of course, the first time you will be playing different roles: a traveler, journalist, photographer, public relations, accountant, graphic designer, and so on. Mostly, it is a typical situation as many bloggers met this challenge when they entered their career. For some time, you are the only person that is responsible for the safe “voyage.” But a “shipwreck” is inevitable if you do not hire a team when your blog gets popular. You will not be able to run it alone. We have outlined the tip of the iceberg. As you see, a travel blogger works long hours every day. While moving from place to place, you never know whether you will have a comfortable work environment, a nice chair, and a cozy bed. You face a thousand obstacles, survive in long and tiresome car journeys, struggle with mosquitoes and have a risk to catch an exotic disease. All travelers meet language challenges. You have to realize clearly what is waiting for you on this path. Otherwise, your travel blogger’s experience will be the most disappointing. So, we want to showcase that this is not a job but a lifestyle that has its own benefits and hardships. Read More : 4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Blog More Powerful Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits The 10 Wordpress Pluging Every Success Blogger Uses Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Blogging Benefits

Blogging to Live Better: 10 Benefits of Blogging

Remember back when blogs weren't really a thing? Not the case anymore. As of 2015, 28.3 million Internet users updated a blog at least once a month. If you're not sure what all the hype is for, here are ten benefits of blogging that you shouldn't miss out on. 1. Share Your Passions : Maybe you have a deep-seated love of French baking. Or maybe you're gung-ho about knitting. Maybe you're a talented underwater basket-weaver. Whatever your passion project might be, a blog is a great place to share it with the world. Because where else but the Internet can you find people with so many different passions wanting to talk to each other? 2. Get a Better Job : If you're great at blogging, you can even turn it into a better job. Maybe you use blogging as a tool to help improve your online profile, show potential employers your chops, and get hired. Or maybe you love blogging so much and get so good at it that it becomes the better job you always dreamed of. Either way, if you dedicate yourself to learning how to blog well and writing regularly, you could parlay it in to a better job than the one you have now. 3. Become a Better Writer : And while you're at it, you could become a better writer in the process. After all, blogs update all the time--every week, every few weeks, or every month (or, for the very ambitious, every day!) Where else would you have so many opportunities to practice your craft? And if you're worried about how blogging translates into more technical writing like whitepapers, reports, emails, or essays, think of it this way: the only way to get better at writing is by writing. A lot. Blogging is, as a rule, a conversational form of writing. It's a great way to get comfortable writing, and writing quickly. Once you're thoroughly comfortable around your own language, how to structure a piece, and how to rock a word-count, translating those writing skills into other forms of writing is a breeze. 4. Practice Another Language : Since you have so many opportunities to write, why not use them to practice another language? If you're consistently forcing yourself to form coherent thoughts, sentences, and paragraphs in your non-native language, you may be surprised to find how much easier it is to work with that language. And, as you establish a following, you'll have more opportunities to interact with native speakers of the language, which means you'll be able to practice even more. Who knew blogging could help you learn so much? 5. Improve Your Technical Knowledge : Of course, it doesn't have to be languages. You could also flex your blogging muscles to improve your technical know-how. Let's say you want to write about failed back surgery syndrome, like this website. What's the easiest way to learn about failed back surgery syndrome? By writing about it and doing the research required to write about it with authority. Always been curious about coding or economics? What better way to talk your way through what you've learned that blogging about it? 6. Connect with New People : And while you're blogging, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to connect with people as you establish a following. These could be people you'd like to add to your professional network. Maybe they're potential blogging clients of yours. Or maybe they're people who are just as passionate about interior design as you are. Either way, learning how to spread your opinions and engage with your comments section is a great way to bring more people into your orbit. That's the beauty of the Internet. 7. Get Immediate Feedback : Plus, while all kinds of new people are engaging with your work, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to get feedback on your work. Did you ever take a writing class in high school or college? Think back to how that process worked--you wrote something, turned it in, and waited a week or a semester to hear back about it. It was a decidedly one-sided process. Blogging is different. When you post something, people have a chance to engage with it in real-time via your comments section--and you have a chance to talk right back. This is especially useful if you have an idea you want to develop further. Put it out into the world on your blog and see what people say. Sometimes, a little outside perspective is just what you need to make progress. 8. Establish Yourself as an Expert : Let's be honest--anyone can blog about something. Let's say you want to be a travel blogger. You can totally start a blog and write about far-off places. But as you spend more time on your blog, doing your research, writing about what you've learned, and sharing your expertise, the more your blog turns into a demonstration of your expertise in your chosen field. One post about something is one thing. But if someone comes to your blog and sees twenty in-depth pieces about a particular subject, they'll view you as someone who knows what they're talking about. 9. Get More Exposure : Of course, not everyone starts a blog just to write about their dogs. Plenty of businesses start blogs to help boost their online exposure. Who says you can't do it too? As we noted, blogging is a great way to attract an audience and engage with people. If you run a business, a blog is a great way to bring attention to that business and topics related to your business. It might even bring you a few customers. 10. Build Your Portfolio : Finally, the only way to build a writing portfolio is by writing. A lot. Blogging is nothing if not writing a lot on a regular basis. If you need to beef up your portfolio and show your own expertise on a subject, a blog is a great way to start getting your name on articles online. Even if it's just your own blog, it gives employers, clients, and fellow enthusiasts a chance to read your work in a casual setting. More Benefits of Blogging (and Writing) Now that you know so much about the benefits of blogging, why not start a blog for yourself? If you're not sure where to start, no worries. We can help with that. Check out our blog for all kinds of tips to boost your writing and blogging, like this post on the common mistakes every new blogger makes. Read Also : 5 Blogging Tips For Beauty And Fashion Bloggers In 2018 Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Tips On Keeping Your Car As Fresh

Tips On Keeping Your Car As Fresh As Production Day

When it comes to owning a car, there is nothing better than that first day when you pick it up, and it is spotless and fresh. The new car smell is fantastic, and when our car is brand new and clean, it is such a joy to ride. While we always have intentions of keeping a new car as clean as possible, over time, the smell starts to fade, and the car becomes not so fresh. This is why it is so important to stay on top of the cleaning process by correctly looking after your car. In this article, we will be talking you through some tips on keeping your car as fresh as production day. These tips are super easy to follow and will make a significant difference when it comes to how great your car looks. 1. Regularly Wash Your Car Regularly washing your car is essential. As you are driving your car, over time it will naturally get dirty and messy. This is unavoidable, especially when it comes to adverse weather or the winter months. If you live in a rural area, you will also be subjected to potential mud and grime too. If your car is looking dirty on the outside, then it is not going to look as fresh as it did on production day. This is why it is important to purchase the correct cleaning materials, and regularly wash the outside of your car. While you can take your car to a professional car wash occasionally, you can also keep on top of the cleaning yourself too. Another big issue with cars is bird poop. This is something that can be frustrating to remove however there are a number of ways in which you can stop birds pooping on car chassis. 2. Regular Hoover And Clean The Inside Of Your Car Regularly hoovering and cleaning the inside of your car will help to keep it as fresh as possible. Even if you are clean, over time a car will naturally become dirty. Whether this is fingerprints on the dashboard, crumbs on the seats, or dirt on the car floor, it is essential to remove this as soon as possible. This will help to prevent any staining from occurring, and it will stop the car from looking worse for wear too. There are so many cleaning products that are safe to use on car interiors. We would recommend regularly hoovering the car, and wiping down the surfaces, to keep on top of the cleaning and mess before it gets out of control 3. Purchase Car Mats Car mats are a must as they are far easier to clean in comparison to the floor of a car. If something were to stain or tip on to the car mats, they can be scrubbed, washed, and removed with ease. The carpet of the car floor cannot be cleaned as easily as this. Car mats will keep the floor of the car fresher for longer. 4. Purchase A Car Bin A car bin is something that not everyone considers purchasing, however, they are so useful to own. They take away the temptation of placing rubbish within the side compartments of the car or on the car floor. Once full, the car bin can then be easily removed. This helps to prevent unwanted spillages, and crumbs from getting into the seats and floor of the car, and they are a great way to keep cleaner in general. The beauty of car bins is that they are inexpensive to purchase, and are easy to remove and refill when full. 5. Stay Organized Last, but not least, you will want to stay organized. This will make a significant difference when it comes to keeping your car as fresh as possible. The more organized you are, the less clutter and mess there will be in your car. While you will want to have the essentials in your car, we would recommend purchasing a folder for important documents, and an organizer to place in your car boot. This can hold all the necessary items such as cleaning products, deicer, and other useful products. Being organized prevents them from cluttering your boot or the floor of your car. Summary These are just a few ways in which you can keep your car as fresh as production day. As you can see, these steps are easy to follow and are not overly complicated. However, they make a significant difference. In addition to this, we would also recommend purchasing an air freshener for your car too! Read Also: Cleaning Your Home with Pets Roof Repair: Should You Hire Roofers or DIY? Can Families Be Happier and Healthier And Still Saving Money?