Genius Job Interview Tips That Will Guarantee Success

Published on: 26 November 2018 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
Job Interview Tips

No matter how experienced are you when the day of a job interview comes your heart starts to beat faster, words get stuck in your throat, and hands shake like on the first date. We know the feeling, and it’s completely natural to be anxious before attending an interview which might decide your future. Nevertheless, there are ways to control stress and anxiety, and solid preparation is one of them.

Not to forget, in order to succeed in your next job interview, you have to put a foundation. A great start is your resume, and you should carefully design it depending on the desired position. The first step is to introduce yourself briefly, tell the main facts regarding your previous occupations, educational background, achievements, and skills. Everything should collaborate and bring the best picture. The second step is to design your resume in a way it would stand out and be easier to scan. To help with that use premade resume templates which you can find on Novoresume.

In this article we suggest six tips on how to master your next job interview:

job interview


1. Use all possible channels for your job interview:

In times of the digital revolution, it would be a shame not to use all possible channels and platforms to get needed information. This point is highly valuable while preparing for the job interview, as you can find all the smallest details about the hiring company. Don’t only check the website, but also include social media, blogs, and articles from additional sources. It is beneficial if you can find finance data regarding the company, analyze it and try to take the main points. Use statements about their business, make a basic forecast about the industry, if possible the company itself. It will surprise interviewers and show devotion to your career and compelling research skills.

2. Make yourself look good:

A candidate should research the hiring company, however, not to forget, there is a great possibility that the company will check the applicant as well. To represent yourself well, check all social media accounts, publications and other related public data about you. Even though you probably forgot that picture from the party three years ago, it’s still there, and you should be aware that the company can easily spot it. Clean your photo albums, check all embarrassing posts and publications. It might protect you from an embarrassment during the interview.

3. Pick the right time for the interview:

According to the online job market platform Glassdoor, there is a certain time that works better for meetings, and might even boost your chances of getting the desired position. It’s recommended to avoid early meetings, late and before lunch interviews. Those simple factors, as interviewers being too sleepy, hungry or tired have a high impact on your chances to get a job. What is the best time for a job interview? It is Tuesday around 10 am, this time makes sense because people are already tuned in a working week, it’s not early morning, but yet no one is wondering about lunch. Therefore, if you have an opportunity to arrange the time, try using Tuesday at 10 am.


Prepare questions:

Although a job interview is used to test your competence for a specific position, it’s also an ideal possibility to show your interest and curiosity in the hiring company. If you prepared well before the big day, then you should have at least a few questions for interviewers. Don’t be shy and ask, however, try to find issues which interested you but you couldn’t find answers online otherwise they might assume you are just lazy. If before the big day you’ve found facts regarding the business’s success or failure, ask what caused a particular situation. Again, it will show your knowledge about their business and high interest.

5. State why are you perfect for this position:

One of the most common questions during job interviews is why did you choose this position and what does make you think you are a good fit. Why do you consider yourself a perfect candidate is the main one because you will have to convince interviewers with your competence. Before the meeting, study the description of the position, what is it required to achieve it, what experience and skills are needed. Accordingly, you will be able to create a brief story about why you are the one who is the best for this job.


Send a thank you Email:

thank you email

A short thank you note within first 24 hours after your interview is a polite way to remind about yourself. A great chance is that the hiring company had many other applicants and it’s necessary to remind the company about yourself. A formal and brief email mentioning the main takeaways might guarantee you a next stage of the hiring process. Even though you don’t get to the next step, there is a chance they will offer you some other position because of the enthusiasm you’ve shown.

A job interview is a challenging experience, but you can master it and reach the best possible outcome. And no matter how many meetings you’ll have that day, spend enough time and carefully prepare. If you pick the tools and techniques that work for you, then you will achieve the desired position without any hassle. All in all, despite all the study and research, use your confidence and take the matter into your own hands.

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interview prep

Ultimate Guide to Interview Prep Mastering the Essentials

We have either been in the same spot a few times, or this is your first interview prep. No matter how often you straighten your tie, prepare yourself with your best answers, and finest smiles, chronic nervousness is common. But why do we get nervous before an interview? Even after understanding all the questions, why do our tongues get tied, and we can be at a loss for words? Or do we? Is there a possibility of this ever happening, or are we overthinking it? The biggest reason behind pre-interview anxiety can originate from the myths and mysteries of a job interview. So, that is precisely what we are going to do today. Debunk these myths and give you the reality of a job interview. Plus, this blog post will also focus on giving you curated advice for interviews to ace any, and most importantly, how to get rid of the anxiety psychologically. Interview #Myths (...and the Truth) As you prepare for your interview, here is some good news. You do not have to perfect. Do not worry; no recruiter is looking for a robot. We must already combat enough AI to take our jobs! Authenticity will always trump any robotic response. So, let's give you a few more good news! Myth #1 – You Should Have All the Answers Undoubtedly one of the biggest myths of job interviews is having all the answers. There is a misconception that your incapability to answer a particular question directly indicates your incompetency. Reality That is simply not the case. In fact, sometimes interviewers ask you bizarre questions to test your practicality or even your creativity.  Basically, there might not be a correct answer! They are just trying to understand how imaginative you are. However, you might not have an answer to the question, which is all right. It is even okay to politely decline to respond politely. This shows integrity, as you do not wish to waste their time or your own. Plus, it shows your acceptance of your shortcomings and enthusiasm for learning more. Myth #2 – Interviewer Holds All the Power Since you are the one wanting the job, it is common to misconstrue a power dynamic. Many get nervous because they believe the interviewer holds all the power.  You might also place the interviewer on a pedestal, thinking they might know a lot and are probably judging all the questions. Reality Interview prep is always a two-way street. While the recruiter judges your capabilities, you are also assessing whether the job is right for you. Plus, their thought of hierarchy can make you more nervous.  If you have confidence in your capability and know you will be suitable for the job, then treat your recruiter as your equal. The conversation can go much smoother from that point on. Additionally, you are also allowed to have unique interview questions to ask your employer. It is not a one-way communication. Myth #3 – You Have to Wear a Suit This is an age-old belief that what you wear will heavily influence your first impression on your interviewers.  However, the myth is about wearing a suit and always having a tie around your neck. Reality Not that it will hurt if you wear one, it is not a necessity. Dressing yourself up in formals and looking presentable doesn’t always end with a suit.  You can look presentable with a simple button-up & trousers. For ease of understanding, we will pinpoint the ones who are not dressed up.  Un-ironed cloths Denim Clothes that do not fit you Hats Ripped or distressed pants Pants with too many revealing pockets Revealing clothes Too many accessories A face full of bright makeup & Open-toed shoes (unless they are strappy heels but prefer closed-toed pumps) or sports shoes. If you have a pressed shirt and trousers that fit with closed-toed shoes, you should be ready. Myth #4 – Your Resume Is the Only Game Changer You will find many prints and place their resume in a new folder for their interview prep. They might even present their resume to the interviewer before allowing themselves to sit (...and without even being asked). Reality They rang up for an interview upon perusing your resume. Therefore, they want to avoid sitting and reading through your resume. So, presenting your resume before presenting yourself is not a game. More than your academic or professional achievements, they are here to assess your personal skills. Believe it or not, other candidates might have the same resume. This is not to demotivate your professional capabilities but to understand that it has already created the impression it could.  The rest now depends on how you present yourself. Plus, this is an opportunity for you to make yourself stand out. Myth #5 – You Should Have a Firm Handshake The things people overthink before an interview prep can charge anyone’s curiosity meter. One of them is having a firm handshake. Many believe that a firm handshake can telepathically transfer one's strong will and professional excellence to one's interviewer. Reality Again, a good handshake is a sign of a confident personality. However, correlation is not causation. That is, someone with a slightly weaker one isn't automatically wrong for the job. Shaking hands with the person who escorted you to your interview and your interviewers is a sign of respect. Your interviewers will consider you as a polite being (...irrespective of the firmness of your hand). Plus, there are other factors to assess you, so rest assured they are not overthinking your handshake. Also Read: Red flags of a job interview: 8 reasons to turn down an offer Things To Remember While You Interview Prep – Advice for Interview While preparing to be your best self in your interviewer’s eyes, do not forget this last-minute advice for an interview. Check The Job Description: Before you sit before answering the questions, remember to go through the job descriptions a few times.  It doesn’t matter if you can’t answer one question, but you should know what job you are interviewed from. Plus, offering you a different job role other than the one in the description is also a major red flag you should look out for. Research The Company: Do not give your interviewers the impression that this is just another interview. Show them that you want the job and start having personal communication about the company.  Knowing that you know about the company creates a steady impression. Non-Verbal Communication: 70% of communication in your job interview is non-verbal. When you start your job interview prep, do so in front of a mirror.  Finding your best presentation posture, a pleasant smile, and firm eye contact. The entirety of you should be communicating with your recruiters. Especially if you are in a video interview, your non-verbal communication skills will be scrutinized more. Keep In Mind the Timing: You should always be early enough for your interview. This was the interviewer’s understanding of the candidate’s conceptual skills. nature, heavily influencing your acceptance rate.  Make it a habit to be 10 minutes before the assigned time for your corporate interviews. Interview Doesn’t End After You Leave: Always send a thank you mail expressing your gratitude.  You can also give a better reply to a question asked during the interview. This will show your enthusiasm towards the job, and the fact that you are carrying your research forward even after the interview. Bizarre Interview Questions (...and Their Answers) Interview prep is indeed a serious matter. However, sometimes, interviewees can even ask bizarre questions to cut the tension and add some witty humor. The wittier your answers to these bizarre interview questions are your recruiters will be impressed. Here are some of the common questions whose answers you should prepare. 1. “What’s The Color of Money?” A company once asked their financial candidates this question. This can either be a trick question or a question to test someone’s creativity & knowledge. While the obvious answer would be green, one candidate answered “it depends on the country. While US dollar is green, Japanese Yen could come in blue, green, and purple based on the currency amount.” Can you guess who was hired? Yes, the one with a worldly knowledge about currencies from all over the world. Now, that is someone with a keen interest in finance. 2. “If you were shipwrecked on an island with no food, water, or internet connection, what is that one thing you would like to have.” Now, this is a question that has no right or wrong answer. The recruiter is just trying to assess your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. One candidate answered “a kindle” which seemed like a dreamy answer. While another candidate said “a boat” which was quite logical. The candidate who got the job said a hammer & a knife. Truly, you will need two important tools to fashion any tool out of whatever’s left. This was the interviewer’s understanding of the candidate's’ conceptual skills. 3. “If you could fly or be invisible, what superpower would you choose?” This is another interview question that recruiters use to break the ice. Through this superpower question, they are just trying to determine whether you are a spotlight person, or someone more willing to work behind the scenes. Oddly, many choose flying over being invincible. However, for candidates who choose invincibility, recruiters can get an idea about their introversion or extroversion nature. Therefore, when preparing for an interview, remember to choose these items wisely. The End of Every Interview Prep No matter how your interview was, always end it with a good note. Remember to shake their hands and express your gratitude for their time. Do not rush the recruiters for a reply. Try waiting for 48 hours, and then send them an email asking for the result. Your interview prep doesn’t end after the interview. A follow-up can always be a game-changer! Hopefully, this blog post was able to calm you down. If you have more words of wisdom for our audience, please add them in the comment section below. Read Also: How Interviews With Industry Titans Motivate And Elevate Company Teams Red flags of a job interview: 8 reasons to turn down an offer

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path in 2021? How many jobs are available for investment managers? What are the best paying jobs for investment managers? Let’s proceed to discuss the above-listed queries in detail. Actually, investment managers give advice to companies and people on what to do with their money. The best part about this career path is that the field is varied, and you have all options available in your hand. In finance, investment managers are paid high from the beginning. Moreover, those who are talented and qualified can get more opportunities in the long run. In the United States and also other popular countries, the investment manager is like a room full of rewards. What Is Investment Management? Investment management is a field that specializes in providing investment advice to clients. Investment managers work with clients to meet their investment goals, and they develop a strategy to help them meet those goals. However, the requirements differ from person to person. They require an investment manager to take a unique approach to help them meet those goals and capabilities. Most investment management positions only require a Bachelor’s degree to apply, and this is regarded as one of the best opportunities for millennials who are looking for rewarding career options. Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. This is the best career path that you can consider in 2021. You get lots of career options and financial benefits after becoming an investment manager. To reduce your time and effort, we have listed several reasons why investment management is a rewarding career option. Let’s discuss the same in detail. 1. Investment Management Is Satisfying Investment managers solve all kinds of investment issues of clients. With each discovery, there is satisfaction and peace. I agree that you may not be right every time with every client. But at least you would gain some experience and be an expert in that particular field. 2. You Can Be Creative And Innovative As An Investment Manager Yes, it is true that you can become innovative and creative as an investment manager. Investment management offers you diverse fields to become more creative and innovative. Besides, as compared to similar investment-based career opportunities, working as an investment manager often requires less time. 3. The Hiring Outlook Is Bright There is no doubt that most industry analysts expect powerful employment growth in the investment management area. Moreover, employment in the investment field is expected to rise rapidly in the coming years. 4. Investment Management Is Fascinating Investment management is so fascinating as it gives companies and people advice on what to do with their money. It can happen that one day you are helping a company to build an app, or another day you are helping a fashion designer. 5. You Have Several Options Yes, as an investment manager, you have diverse options available in your hand. You can become a hedge fund manager, private equity associate, rating analyst, risk analyst, stockbroker, investment analyst, and much more. 6. Serving Your Community If you have an interest in serving your community, then investment managers can be a great career option. In addition, you can improve the quality of life in your local community by helping them as much as you can. 7. Career Stability Investment management is an industry that provides strong growth projections. There are many individuals who need investment advice, and by helping them, you are making your career stable in this domain. How Many Jobs Are Available For Investment Managers? There is no doubt that there is a wide range of jobs available for investment managers. There are more than five lakhs of jobs available in the investment management field, and you can pursue your career in the same. Now, let’s discuss some of the best paying jobs in investment managers that can interest you. 1. Hedge Fund Manager The hedge fund manager is one of the best fields that you can choose in 2021. They perform duties similar to investment bankers and must monitor the market to protect investors. This investing is rarely a career with typically full-time hours. 2. Financial Analyst Financial Analysts is also one of the great career paths in investment management. They help business stakeholders make informed business decisions about company finances. 3. Insurance Advisor These advisors help clients to find the most suitable insurance in order to meet both short and long-term insurance needs. They guide in making a perfect purchase decision. 4. Financial Advisor Financial advisors are actually professionals who help clients meet both short and long-term financial goals and lead them to services that make sense. They are the primary point of contact for customers. 5. Investment Banker If you have an interest in investment banking, then you can choose your career as an investment banker. Here, you need to manage the portfolios of government agencies and businesses that invest in a number of firms. The Final Thoughts I hope you have got an answer to your question “Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021?” and I have tried my best to explain the same to you in detail. The best-paying jobs in investment management can encourage you to consider your career path in this sector. Read Also: Is Finance Consumer Services A Good Career Path [Updated 2021] Is Commercial Banks A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Other Consumer Services A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? - Top Utility Jobs Is Packaged Foods A Good Career Path In 2021? - A Detailed Guide Is Consumer Durables a Good Career Path In 2021? Is Energy A Good Career Path? - A Detailed Guide Is Photography A Good Career Path? 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What are the Advantages of Pursuing a Full-Time Master’s?

With your bachelor’s degree in the bag, you will be faced with yet another big life decision: should you pursue a Masters full-time program or head into the labor market? There are many different reasons why individuals choose to study for a Masters. For the most part, though, the hope is that it improves your career prospects, and ultimately your wage premium. Whatever your motivations may be, you might be torn at the prospect of halting your career hunt to pursue yet another degree. While there are certainly more than a few considerations that should go into this decision, we’ve provided some of the advantages of deciding in its favor. Employability: One of the most important reasons why you might choose to consider studying a full-time Masters is to improve your employability. If you are gunning for an academic role, a Masters degree is an important next step. A Masters is also an important step if you are looking to switch career paths or accelerate your career progress. Wage Premium: Higher educational qualifications generally necessitate higher wage premiums in different career environments. With a Master’s degree comes added qualification and skill set, positioning you for even more responsibilities in your work environment. It is important to note that some Master Degree holders enjoy parity with holders of bachelor’s degrees in higher-paying fields. However, your focus should be on your career of choice. Deeper Knowledge: Postgraduate programs, such as full-time masters programs, are mostly specialized in nature. If you have a genuine interest in your field and desire to gain even more theoretical and practical knowledge in this course of study, a master’s program will be beneficial. Specialization also improves your chances of career progression and improved wage premium. Real World Knowledge and Networking: One of the more specific advantages of pursuing a full-time Master’s program, not just a Master’s program, is the real world scenarios it prepares you for. Many schools send their postgraduate students out into the field for studies and invaluable work experience, exposing them to the real world work environment. This allows students at this level to gain practical skills applicable to the real world environment, while also providing you with a chance to build your network for the future. Program Speed: Yet another benefit of a full-time program is the speed of completion. Going part-time, whether in a physical institution or through an online course, may allow you to pursue the program according to your pace, but it also does well to ensure the program lingers and drags on. A full-time study for masters is usually completed between 1 – 2 years, accelerating your goal to acquire relevant knowledge and certification. The question of whether you should pursue a master’s program is a very personal one. It is generally a cost-intensive venture, which means that you may be short on budget. Otherwise, you might be skeptical of committing such amounts without any assurances. However, programs like the BBS full-time master’s program ensure that you ultimately get great value for your financial, material and time commitments. Read Also: How Studying Abroad Can Benefit Your Career Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector