Growing a Beard: How to Grow a Beard and Maintain It

Published on: 28 June 2018 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
Beard Maintain

Growing a beard is a matter of choice for most men. Some consider it a matter of faith and for others, it may be a manly look, a casual look, or just a changing routine with the fashion trends. Whatever may be the reason behind it is the fact that most of the men like keeping a beard than the hassle of shaving on a daily basis. Beard is considered a symbol of “Man-ism” in many parts of the world (for some people this thing may be debatable though).

Growing a beard and maintaining it is definitely a task that can only be understood by either a professional barber or a person who owns one. Most people think that growing and maintaining a beard is not a difficult task at all but the fact is that takes a lot of effort to build and maintain it well and good-looking. Many youngsters use stubble trimmers to keep the beard short and straightforward whereas others want it a full lumberjack.

Growing your beard:

Growing your beard

Once you decide that you want to increase your beard then you should know that it will take a week or so to make a stubble look depending on your hair growth rate. Some will want it to keep it that way if you want a medium length or a fully-grown beard that it may take 4 to 6 weeks on average to reach to make a full form.

Depending on your basic genetics, your beard may have thick and densely grown hair or relatively thin hair with hair in patches with low density. Whatever the case maybe you need to let them grow in the initial phase.

Initial Phase of beard growth:

While you get past the first week of hair growth, you need to keep patient and let it go further without any attempt of trimming and shaping your beard. If there is really think that there are some stray hairs, you may take care of them, but you shouldn’t try to cut short or shape the rest of your beard.

However, you should keep your face skin, and hair clean by using a quality face wash at least twice a day to keep away any dirt and dust which may have entrapped in the hair.

Beard growing phase:

From the second week onwards, you will see your beard start developing and taking proper shape. During this period, you will feel a lot of itchiness which maybe something new and painful for most of the guys. Don’t fall prey to this and let it grow as this is a normal phase of growing a beard, some people make a mistake after getting irritated and shave it clean or trim it.

To keep the itchiness to a minimum use facial cleaner and try to exfoliate skin for complete cleansing. Use face moisturizers to soothe your skin. Using good beard oil may also help to reduce itchiness during this growth period. Keeping your face skin and beard hair clean, and massage with a quality oil will get you through this phase of growing a beard.

Your beard Style:

beard Style

After 4-6 weeks your beard will take its full form of a grown beard, now is the time for you to decide your style and start its proper maintenance and care.

At this stage, if you want a full-length beard, you should only look to trim it slightly to maintain its proper shape or if you want it to be a medium or short length then you can get it shaved to the desired length by a barber or yourself using a good quality trimmer. You may use stubble trimmers to get it a clean, stylish look if you want to.

Beard Care and Maintenance:

It is a better way to train yourself to maintain your beard by acquiring some necessary tools; you may also use the services of a professional barber if you have a trusted guy within your reach. Most people prefer doing it themselves due to hygienic issues and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Regular maintenance of your beard will keep it clean and pleasant looking and will add to your style and personality.

Some tips for beard maintenance:

Use some of the following ways to maintain a keep good care of your beard.

  • Use an electric trimmer or simple comb and scissors to trim your beard. Depending upon your hair growth you may need to trim weekly, every two weeks, or once a month. Make sure you can sharpen hair scissors so they do not become dull.
  • Keep the beard clean and using facial cleansers face wash and occasionally some face masks to keep the facial skin and hair clean and flake-free.
  • You can also use shampoo to wash your beard hair just like your head, this will be an excellent way to maintain and keep your beard clean.
  • Use good beard oil to massage your beard; this will keep the hair healthy, shiny, and good-looking.
  • Using a beard comb or brush keeps your beard well maintained and fresh. It also helps to stimulate the natural oils along the beard hair length which keeps them clean and healthy.

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Going to the Roller Rink? Here Are 4 Reasons to Bring Your Own Skates

Once you’ve caught the skating bug, there’s no way around it! You will be going to the roller rink at least weekly, and what could be wrong with that? Not only is it a great way to get that exercise you’ve been avoiding but it’s a great social activity as well. Why hang out in nightclubs and bars if you have a roller-skating rink nearby? It’s a whole lot safer and you surely won’t need to stay out till the wee hours of the morning to get in a bit of fun – unless you participate in an all-night skate party. Yes, they do still have those you know! In case you hadn’t thought about bringing your own skates, here are four things to consider. Different Ways You Can Make Use Of Skating Kits  There are multiple ways you can make use of the skating kits to make things happen for you in all aspects. 1. Fit Is Everything: In the very beginning when you were learning to skate, you were probably advised that fit is of extreme importance if you plan on spending any amount of time on your feet! There is nothing more dangerous than a pair of ill-fitting skates, which are often the ultimate cause of falling, injuries and sore feet. While you can rent skates at the rink, do they have a good fit for you? Remember, when others wear a shoe, that shoe starts to conform to the way they walk. The same happens with roller skates, so now imagine if hundreds of people wore them before you. Not a pleasant thought at all. 2. Trendy Custom Skates: If you are going to be skating around dozens of other people, why not look your best? You can easily order custom roller skates that are a perfect fit as well as fashionable enough to wear in public. Gone are the days when roller skates were sold in black and white. Today, you can choose your own color, and actually help ‘design’ the skates you order. 3. Performance: When you own your own skates, you learn the feel of them so that putting them on feels second nature. You will automatically know if something is awry and will know enough not to get out on the floor until you have had them repaired. Remember, even the best skates will wear over time and there few things worse than falling due to a damaged skate. 4. Athlete’s Foot IS Contagious: You don’t need to be a germaphobe to be concerned about athlete’s foot. While it isn’t as wildly contagious as influenza and you aren’t likely to see an athlete’s foot epidemic at your skating rink, it still is contagious enough to cause concern. According to Mayo Clinic, it typically starts between the toes and is caused by sweaty, ill-fitting shoes. (There’s another reason to buy skates that fit properly!) That being said, with humidity being the main catalyst, wouldn’t it be better to avoid rentals? While you might be able to list dozens of other reasons to bring your own skates to the roller-skating rink, these are four very big reasons to do so. Don’t have skates? The only thing you need to know is your shoe size and you can easily order them online. Want to look and skate your best? Bring your own skates. Read More:  How to Travel with a Suit like a Pro. 8 Tips to Help You Pick Universities Abroad. 3 Remedies for Winter Cabin Fever in Silverthorne.      


Ready For A Recharge? The Practice Of Enjoying Your Time Off Work

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However, physical activity is one of the best things for improving quality of life and reaping the benefits of movement. From reducing certain physical and mental health risks to improving our mood, getting the recommended daily exercise is an excellent way to spend your time off work, especially if you spend most of your time at work stationery. The best thing is, even if you’re not the most active of people, you can get your daily exercise in from the comfort of your own home or without having to go far away! Whether you choose to take the family dog on a long walk, cycle down to the shops, walk to a close friend or relative’s house, or complete an at-home workout in your living room – you can get your body moving in a variety of ways and reap the benefits of doing so. Even if going to the gym on your day off sounds awful, something as low-impact as yoga, cycling, or walking is enough to get your endorphins pumping and make you feel better. 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Though you’ll rarely be able to spend your entire day off doing something you love, ensure that you find the time to include hobbies or activities you like most so that you enjoy your time off. Additional: 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time In 2021 How Does Children’s Health Impact Parental Lifestyle? Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year Do You Really Want to Live on Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Intuitive Life Coach

Why Should I Hire an Intuitive Life Coach?

“Balance” sure is the buzzword of our generation. Everyone is on a quest to find their true selves, take care of their emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental needs, find time for their careers and families, and be involved in their communities -- all while maintaining a calm disposition for everyone they interact with. When going through difficult times you need a life coach who can give you the correct advice. Who has time for that? Balance is impossible if you’re looking to juggle. Tossing your balls up in the air, hoping to catch them in time before they fall to the ground, doesn’t work in the long run. But knowing what to leave behind and what to cling to can be so challenging to identify, can’t it? What if you learned how to be more in tune with yourself, more open to listening to your intuition and gut feeling? What if you found a way to do life while leaving room for yourself? This balanced life can be darn near impossible to create by yourself. Hiring an intuitive life coach to help get you tracking on your journey to inner peace and control can be a life-altering step towards living your best life, open to all the opportunities life has and will continue to present to you. But what exactly does a life coach actually do? You’re a step away from changing your life Such a life coach doesn’t work to control your thoughts, show you shortcuts to doing life, or tell you how to feel. Rather, they work to help you discover your true potential. Your coach will help you define your goals and set reasonable expectations for how to attain them and how long that process will take. These steps function to help you focus on what YOU need and want, rather than what OTHERS expect of you. Your coach will help you unpack why and how you’re holding yourself back from your dreams and set up an action plan to accomplish them. In addition to setting up a plan of how to accomplish your goals, your coach will work with you on learning to accept your emotions and how to use them for good. Together you will work to help you unlock your capabilities to do so and encourage you to practice emotional health in your daily life. Amid all these steps, your coach will also help you get more in touch with your heart and what it’s telling you to do; that is, what you intuitively want at your core. This is what sets an intuitive life coach apart from other life coaches. Instead of telling you how to feel, your coach will help you learn to identify how you want to feel. Rather than guiding you in one direction, intuitive coaches will give you space and tools to learn how to guide yourself. If you’re looking for a real lifestyle change that is focused on your spiritual wellbeing and holistic care, look no further. You deserve to know what your heart wants and have the ability to make the changes necessary to make your wildest dreams come true. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why You Need To Hire A Career Coach Top Things To Know Before Entering A Medical Career