The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

Published on: 13 September 2021 Last Updated on: 13 January 2025
The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

What does it take to live debt-free lives? It’s not cutting up your credit cards or refusing to use credit at all. Credit can be a useful tool at times for building the life you want to live. But there are certain habits that people who never carry a credit card balance tend to practice.

To get debt-free lives here’re few essentials to flesh a glance over:

#1 They Pay Their Bills in Full

#1 They Pay Their Bills in Full

One of the best things you can do for your finances is to pay your credit card bill in full every month. The same goes for utilities and other expenses, but your credit card is usually the only one with the option to pay less and carry a balance.

You’ll save yourself hundreds (if not thousands over a lifetime) by treating your credit card like any other bill and always paying the full balance.

#2 They Make Long-Term Plans

People who live free from debt have long-term goals, and that gives them the motivation to save more. It’s much easier to delay immediate gratification because they have a greater goal in mind.

It’s not about refusing to ever treat yourself; it’s about balancing your present wants with your future wants. You’ll be more likely to save when you can clearly see what you want to do with that money.

#3 They Get Help When They Need It

#3 They Get Help When They Need It

The first habit of people who want debt-free lives is getting out of debt in the first place. The smartest way out of debt isn’t always to pay it all back yourself. High-interest rates are expensive and cut into your payments.

Don’t be afraid to get help with your debt so that you can save more money and pay it all back sooner. You don’t have to be stuck with debt for years to come.

#4 They Automate Their Savings

If you want to make sure you’re saving, put it on automatic. It’s easy to set up automated withdrawals from your bank account into a savings or investment account. Set it up with every paycheck, monthly, or on whatever basis works for you. When you automate everything, you won’t even be tempted to spend the money.

#5 They Have an Emergency Fund

#5 They Have an Emergency Fund

Too often, people wind up in debt because they faced an unexpected expense and didn’t have the money for it. An emergency fund is what bridges the gap. These are some of the best reasons to use an emergency fund:

  • Bridging a period of unemployment;
  • Paying for car repairs or medical expenses that you didn’t expect;
  • Emergency home repairs;
  • Essential travel that you weren’t expecting;
  • Other unanticipated situations.

It’s important to note that it shouldn’t be for recurring expenses. Those should be built into your budget.

#6 They Live on Less Than They Make

One of the toughest things you can do for your finances is to cut your expenses. It’s easy to get used to a certain lifestyle, whether it’s a bigger or more central apartment or dining out a certain amount.

It’s much easier to never get started in the first place. The next time you get a raise or a new job that earns more money, put all or most of the new money into your savings without changing your lifestyle. Otherwise, you get what’s known as lifestyle creep.

#7 They Say No

Sometimes, debt-free lives mean passing down opportunities, especially the most expensive ones. Whether it’s a dinner date at a restaurant outside of your price range or a destination wedding you don’t have the money for, sometimes you have to say no for your own benefit.

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How to Get an Auto Loan at a Low Interest Rate

Unless you have the ability to pay for your brand-new car in cash, you’re going to have to find somebody that’s willing to give you a loan if you plan on buying a car or any other type of motor vehicle for that matter. Obviously, nobody wants to pay an arm and a leg in interest if they do not have to. So it’s in your best interest to take the necessary steps to find a low interest auto loan. Getting the best rate is just a smart thing to do financially speaking. With that in mind, we will now take a look at some of the best ways to go about getting a low interest auto loan. Please use these tips to your ultimate advantage. 1. Get Interest Rate Quotes for Cars Online Even though there are plenty of traditional lenders that will have no problem offering you a loan for your new vehicle, it’s always best to use the Internet to find other, possibly better lenders to see if you qualify for an even lower interest loan. By using the Internet to your advantage, you’ll be able to tap into a comparison website that will provide you with many different competing auto loan quotes. So it’s not like you have to spend hours of your time digging through potential lenders, applying online, and then waiting for an answer. As a matter of fact, you can fill out one form and literally have hundreds of lenders get access to your information in a matter of moments. This is the simplest and easiest way to find out about potential auto loans when searching for a new vehicle. And if you use this technique to your advantage, you’ll be able to find some really low interest rate loans for your new car, which could literally save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the loan. 2. Fix Your Credit Score Your credit score will play a huge factor in whether or not you qualify for a low interest auto loan. The lower your score, the worse off you’re going to be. So you have to take the necessary steps to raise your credit score in order to qualify for the lower interest rate loans. If at all possible, pay down your credit card bills if you have any outstanding. You do not have to pay them off entirely, but lower your balance to below 30% of your available credit. By doing this, creditors will see a better picture and think you are a lesser credit risk. Plus it’s going to help raise your credit score as well. According to, a website sharing info about best bad credit auto loans, “Buying a new car can be an exciting experience. Therefore, when searching for a new vehicle, you want to make sure you have financing available to cover the cost.” Read also: How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit? 3. Qualifying for  Loan Even If You Have Bad Credit This might seem like it’s going to be impossible, but the truth is it’s going to be easier than you think to get a low interest loan for your vehicle even if your credit is bad. Ideally, you’re much better off having a higher credit score. But if you do have a negative credit history, you can still make this happen. Most important of all, you definitely have to keep your options open. Forget about only contacting the biggest lenders. You have to start thinking outside the box and contact lenders that you may have never even heard of. By keeping your options open, you should be able to eventually stumble across a lender willing to offer you lower interest rates on your auto loan. Just keep at it and don’t give up until you find the best auto loan to meet your needs. Please use these tips to avoid making costly car loan mistakes.

debt management

Debt Management: Why It Pays To Seek Help From The Experts?

Debt usually begins with a single loan that you think will be quite manageable, then another purchase adds to the monthly outgoings, and very often an unexpected expense arrives, which you naturally charge to your credit card. It only takes a little bit of bad luck to find yourself in a position where you are struggling to make ends meet, and if expected income increases do not materialise, you can quickly find yourself heavily in debt, with seemingly no way out.Debt management providers are highly skilled and can offer you the very best advice. Hoping It Will Go Away For many people in debt, the natural reaction is to ignore it, and after a while, you get used to throwing away the final demands and not answering the phone when you think it is a creditor. Yet this approach is not only putting off the obvious, you are incurring more interest by refusing to deal with an escalating situation, which you will have to deal with eventually. Seeking Professional Help Being in debt can be extremely stressful, and rather than doing nothing, you are much better off approaching Debt Fix, an experienced debt management company. They can really help you to become debt-free. They have special debt consolidation programs and other solutions that can help you to pay off your outstanding debts, and their experienced staff have helped thousands of Australians to become debt-free. Bad Debt Management Can Affect Your Credit Score   If at any time in the future you wish to take out a mortgage or another type of loan, having a bad credit score will certainly not help, and even if you have a less than perfect credit score now, the debt specialists can still manage to find a lender who will take you on. What Is A Debt Consolidation Loan? If a person has 3 or 4 monthly repayments that are due at different times of the month, it can be a real struggle to make the payments, and for many people, taking out a debt consolidation loan is the best solution. This would involve borrowing enough money to clear all outstanding debts, leaving you with a single, affordable monthly repayment. You can say goodbye to the red-letter final demands and the persistent phone calls from concerned creditors, as your slate will be wiped clean, and it is advisable to terminate all credit avenues that could lead you back to the same state. Working With Professionals Those who work for debt management providers are highly skilled and can offer you the very best advice, and rather than keeping it to yourself in the hope that somehow your debts will magically vanish, discussing all of your options with a debt management specialist is a far better solution. The sooner you begin to address the problem, the quicker you will be debt-free and can start looking at investment options. Debt consolidation is not a solution for every case, and it is only by discussing your circumstances with a trained debt management person that you can discover the best way to deal with the issue. Read Also : Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts Your Credit Score The Most?

file insurance

How to Get Low Cost Life Insurance for Seniors

One can clearly understand the requirements of a senior citizen who is willing to buy a life insurance policy even at this late stage of life. They have their own reasons of security, family burden, and responsibilities such as debts, burial expenses, etc. Most of the life insurance companies very well understand these requirements. Due to the rising demand for life insurance by the elderly people they have come up with several policy options for senior citizens at several stages of life even after 80 years. Life insurance companies will never try to risk their own business. This is one of the prime reasons that insurance policies for elders are often very expensive. However, there are a few methods that can help our senior citizens in lowering the cost of life insurance. Consider Group Investment Plans Seriously Depending on your age, if you are still in a job, then consider every group investment plan that is offered by the companies to their employees. Most of such plans come along with some retirement benefits. So, if you haven’t availed any of these plans yet, consider them seriously now. If you are expecting your retirement anytime sooner, these plans can be one of the best investments that will go along with you as your retirement gift. Such plans can be easy to avail because the company itself becomes the guarantor for its employees and the insurance companies do not mind getting bulk of customers on a regular basis. What Are You Risking? Insurance policies for senior citizens are often very risky especially when they try to gain too much of it. The reason for being their own life expectancy and medical condition are not at their best. This matter puts them on the risk side for the insurance companies. Therefore, they should buy a policy that doesn’t cover too many aspects. For example, some people want “good returns” as well as “lower premiums”. It is always better to expect less and cover less too. Lesser is the risk covered, lower will be the cost of insurance. The best way is to priorities your needs for insurance. Opt for policies with a medical examination and full check-up: If you are a healthy senior citizen (as per the parameters of your age) then try to opt for policies that include a complete medical examination. Some people often try to run away from the hassles of running around for medical examination certificates that are demanded by the insurance companies. It urges them to opt for “no medical exam policies”. Although such options provide you with the comfort you have to pay some price for it. Instead, if you opt for a regular insurance plan, you will have two benefits- The cost of insurance policy will be reduced You will have a free medical check-up and consultation as most of these medical exams are conducted by the insurance companies on their own. Cooperate with the companies for the waiting period: Often it has been noticed that elderly people want things to happen quickly especially after a certain age. This makes them impatient and they do not want to wait for the time that is taken by the companies in the process of documentation and filing. When they urge the companies to provide them with some faster policy option, the company agents suggest them to buy “no waiting period” policy. This is again not going to give any other premium or policy benefit except that it will cost you higher at the time of purchase and fasten up your process of documentation. If one can afford, then they should let the companies take their time as they take care of hundreds of cases at the same time. The clients can save on the extra cost here and show some patience towards the whole process of the insurance application. Last Words The best way to avoid any such chaos is to take the decision of buying the insurance much before then you actually need it. If you have ample time in hand, you will be able to save on a lot of extra cost as a senior citizen.