How Often Should A Horse Be Brushed?

Published on: 05 September 2022 Last Updated on: 02 January 2024

Horses should be brushed daily, and before & after each ride.

Rinse the horse off if it is sweaty or wait for it to dry, then brush. It is important to get salt from the sweat off the horse because left on it may cause skin inflammation.

Other dirt and materials can also get lodged in the horse’s fur and cause damage to the skin too.

How Often Should You Brush A Horse? 

Brushing a horse is an important part of horse care, as it helps to keep the coat healthy, shiny, and free of dirt and debris. It also improves blood circulation, releases natural oils, and strengthens the bond between the horse and the owner. How often you should brush a horse depends on several factors, such as:

  • The horse’s lifestyle: Horses living outside and in herds may not need as much brushing as horses living in stables and ridden frequently. Horses living outside may roll in mud or dust, protecting their skin from insects and weather. Horses that live in stables may accumulate more sweat and dirt, which can cause skin problems or infections.
  • The horse’s coat type: Horses with long or thick coats may need more brushing than horses with short or thin coats. Long or thick coats can trap dirt and moisture and require more trimming or clipping. Short or thin coats may dry faster and shed less and may only need a light brushing.

The season: Horses may need more brushing during the shedding seasons, which are usually spring and autumn. During these times, horses lose their winter or summer coats and may have more loose hair and dead skin cells. Brushing can help to remove these and prevent matting or tangling.

Can Massage Relieve Pain?

Even though you will not find a lot of studies on the rewards of massage, as a therapy, it still grows among horse owners, riders, and healthcare providers.

It is known that massage therapy lessens and soothes muscle tension in humans and can also achieve similar results in horses. Abating tension comes with pain relief too. Scar tissue also benefits from massage therapy.

The tissue is loosened systematically, allowing the horse to move freely with time and reducing the coupling pain. A combination of massage and stretching helps bring back a horse’s mobility post-injury, relieving tension as collagen fibers cure and integrate after trauma.

Most owners tend to use old-school brush sets when grooming, which you may know can be cumbersome. Carrying around a curry brush, hard brush, and medium brush can be an inconvenience when you have other things. Well, you can throw your brushes and get ready for the absolute best for your horse’s massage and grooming sessions.

With Curry on a Stik, you get a superior massage and grooming quality in an easy-to-handle ergonomically designed handle. This veterinarian-tested tool is not only a grooming tool but a proven therapeutic instrument.

It will not only clean, groom, and massage, but it will also strengthen the bond between you and your horse. The design of the forks on the curry, creates a pleasurable sensation, turning even the shyest animal into a massage and grooming enthusiast.

Whether you are bathing, shedding, or massaging for pain relief, you only have to use one tool from now on, Curry on a Stik. This revolutionary curry not only has a design meant to ease use by arthritic hands, but it also has a handle to enable young people to groom horses from a safe distance.

Massage Relieve Pain

Can Use a 1 Lb. Car or a 1 K Horse

Professional horse handlers from the world over love the Curry on a Stik not only for the superior quality massage but also because it brings new health to your horse’s coat. If you have smaller furry pets, fret not, this product can be used on a 1,500 lbs. horse and still do wonders on a 10-pound cat.

Can Be Used as a De-shedding Brush

You will not have to buy any more shedding brushes when you have Curry on a Stik. Two years went into research on designing this curry to make it as efficient as possible but also give you the most utility available in the market.

Can Be Used as a Massaging Brush (Tired/Sore Muscles/“Stagnation”)

This curry was first designed as a massage brush and has found favor with equine massage therapists all over the world. In a lot of cases, stagnation is temporary, coming in and out.

It usually manifests as a blunt radiating pain that might occur on the front limbs or anywhere on the body. Getting rid of stagnation is best done with a combination of two actions.

The first thing we have already covered is the massage with a curry. The second is adjusting the animal’s diet to be more geared towards providing the liver with more nutrition.

Ergonomic Handle – Usable by People Who Have Issues with Hand Mobility

Arthritic symptoms can bring a rift between you and your horse. There hasn’t been a brush on the market that considers riders and handlers with hand movement difficulties.

Even with regular hands, keeping your fingers fastened along the circumference of the curry grows tiring, uncomfortable, and puts gunk right in your nails. The considerate team at Curry on a Stik came up with a design that takes pressure away from your elbow, wrist, and fingers all at the same time.

The ergonomic design has even been backed by long-time veterinarian Dr. John Langlois, an accomplished horse expert with an alphabet soup of qualifications.

 Hand Mobility

Kids Can Use It Because the Handle Is Longer, so They Can Safely Brush Horses

If you are a long-time vet and rider, there is a good chance you started at a very early age and have encouraged your kids (if you have any) to get closer to your horses.

Problem is, horses are big and well, kids are small. Most children cannot even reach halfway up the horse’s side, so how are they supposed to massage or groom them?

Curry on a Stik, that is how. Its elongated handle was designed specifically with kids in mind. Now, young ones can join in on the bonding process by massaging the horses too. The ergonomic design, coupled with strategic weight distribution, makes it easy to use, even for the little ones.


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Animal Shelter

8 High-Need Animal Shelter Donations

Every year, there are more than 6 million animals all across the country that end up in animal shelters. Most of these shelters are staffed by volunteers who rely on the donations of others to keep the shelters up and running. Without these animal shelter donations, the volunteers wouldn't be able to do their jobs and care for the animals that come through their front doors. Do you want to donate items that could potentially make a huge difference and allow shelters to give animals the TLC they need? If so, animal shelters have a long list of items they need on a regular basis. Here are 8 animal shelter donations you should consider dropping off at the shelter in your area. 1. Pet Food : This might be one of the more obvious animal shelter donations. But it's still worth mentioning because shelters simply can't have enough extra food hanging around. There are new dogs and cats coming into the average shelter every day. And from the moment they arrive, they have to be fed regularly so that they get the right nutrition. If you have extra dog food lying around in your home and it hasn't expired yet, you should consider calling your local animal shelter to see if they have a need for it. Just make sure the food hasn't been opened. Shelters won't be able to use opened bags or cans of food. 2. Dog Beds : In addition to providing dogs and cats with food upon their arrival, they also need to provide them with a place to sleep. Many dogs and cats that are turned into animal shelters haven't gotten a good night's rest in quite some time. Therefore, you should consider making animal shelter donations that include dog beds and beds for cats. They will really come in handy when dogs and cats are set up at animal shelters for days, weeks, or months at a time. 3. Litter : Kitty litter is one of the other items that animal shelters are always on the lookout for. From the moment cats step foot inside of a shelter, they need to have access to clean litter to handle their business. If possible, you should make sure your animal shelter donations include clumping litter that will be easy for shelter volunteers to clean up. You should also consider adding a litter box to the mix if your shelter needs one. It's a good idea to get in touch with a shelter ahead of time to see if they have a specific litter they prefer to use. Animal shelters will be ecstatic if you're able to provide them with fresh litter for their feline friends. 4. Blankets and Towels : Blankets and towels are a necessity whenever you're caring for animals at a shelter. They can be used for cleaning up messes or setting up a quiet space for the animals to rest. Either way, shelter volunteers will definitely find good uses for your blankets and towels. They don't have to be new, either! In fact, you're better off donating older blankets and towels to animal shelters that you don't need anymore. These items often don't have much value when you donate them elsewhere. But at an animal shelter, they'll come in handy in a variety of different ways. 5. Zip-Lock Bags : One of the keys to running a successful animal shelter is keeping everything organized. From food to treats to toys, you want to keep items where they belong. Zip-lock bags will help your local shelter do just that. So if you have a bunch of Zip-lock bags sitting in your house right now, you should donate them to a shelter. Shelter volunteers will be able to keep everything straight when they have places to put the things they use on a regular basis. 6. Pill Pockets : The Humane Society and other organizations insist on shelter animals receiving the best medical care possible at shelters. Often times, this means that dogs and cats have to take medications during their shelter stays. The problem, of course, is that many of them won't willingly take these medications. Pill pockets make it possible for shelter volunteers to give dogs and cats their medications without a problem. One box of pill pockets can last for a long time and make it easier than ever for animals to get the medications they need. 7. Kongs : As you can probably imagine, dogs that are placed in animal shelters can get very bored over time. They can, as a result, get themselves into trouble by chewing on things they shouldn't. Kongs are a great solution to this problem. Shelter volunteers can place treats into Kongs and provide dogs with hours and hours of fun. Shelters are always looking for large Kongs since they usually have a lot of larger dogs in their care. When you donate even just one Kong, you'll provide a dog with the entertainment it needs in a shelter. 8. Cleaning Supplies : Keeping an animal shelter clean is of the utmost importance. Shelters usually fly through cleaning supplies on a daily basis. You can make things easier on them by donating: Disinfectant wipes Bleach Powdered laundry detergent Dish soap Paper towels And more If you're not sure about which cleaning supplies would be best for your local animal shelter, give them a call and ask. They would probably be more than happy to let you know which supplies they use most often. You can help keep your local shelter a lot cleaner by setting them up with the supplies they need. Make Your Animal Shelter Donations Today : When you make animal shelter donations, you'll be helping both the animals in the shelters as well as the volunteers who give up their time to work in them. You'll feel great about yourself and know that you did what you could to help the animals even if you couldn't adopt them. Animal shelters rely on people like you to allow them to assist as many animals as possible. Check out our blog for other lifestyle tips that will help you become a better person.


7 Signs to Look for When Searching for Responsible Maltipoo Breeders

Are you in the market to buy a Maltipoo puppy or an adult? You may have heard their sweet, hand-clapping sound, but what else should you know about these dogs before you start your search for a breeder? The Maltipoo is a famous designer dog that combines two pure breeds, the Maltese and the Poodle. While testing an adult dog is fun, most people want to find responsible breeder-producing puppies. A puppy’s development begins immediately after birth, so the breeder must provide a safe environment for them to be born and nurtured. Read on from this post to find seven signs of a good Maltipoo breeder to buy online. 1. The Breeder Is Knowledgeable About the Breed Any good breeder will tell you about the breed's history and characteristics. They should also give you information about the puppies' parents and any health problems associated with the species itself or with that line of dogs. In addition, a good breeder should give you detailed information about where the puppies have lived and who has handled them. 2. The Breeder Evaluates Each Puppy's Temperament All puppies are cute, but not all will make good pets. The breeder must evaluate each puppy's temperament before placing it with a new owner. You cannot change an adult dog’s temperament, but if the breeder doesn't consider each puppy, you could end up with it. 3. The Breeder Has a Good Reputation A good breeder will have a good reputation among their clients. They will be known for breeding healthy dogs with good temperaments. So when you talk to other people who have purchased puppies from this breeder, they will only have good things to say. 4. The Breeder Has Puppies Available regularly A reputable breeder will usually have puppies available regularly. If you find a breeder with just one litter per year, they may not have the quality puppies you're looking for. The same holds if they only breed occasionally or if their breeding dogs are in retirement. 5. The Breeder Spends Time With the Puppies When you visit the breeder's home, you should be able to see the puppies playing and interacting with their mother. A good breeder will spend time with the puppies, socializing with them and teaching them how to behave around people. 6. The Breeder Has Clean Facilities The facilities where the puppies live should be clean and free of any hazardous materials. The breeder should have a good sanitary protocol to prevent the spread of disease. Puppies should never have exposure to cigarette smoke, and the breeder should never sell a puppy to someone who smokes. 7. The Breeder Offers a Written Health Guarantee A good breeder will offer a written health guarantee for their puppies. The contract should cover genetic defects, hip dysplasia, and congenital heart problems. The breeder must stand behind their dogs and return a dog if it becomes ill or cannot function in a typical environment. 8. The Breeder Asks Questions About You and Your Home The breeder will want to know as much about you as possible before selling you a puppy. They will want to see if you have any other pets at home, whether you have children and your lifestyle. The information is vital to the breeder, as they want to ensure each puppy is going to a good home. Bottom Line It is essential to ensure great puppies find a good breeder who can prove that their dogs are pedigreed, healthy, and well-raised. The Maltipoo will be with you for a long time, and it’s essential that your puppy is in good health and brought into the world by great breeders so they can be properly socialized. Read Also: When Every (Dog) Year Counts: The Pros and Cons of Adopting a Puppy vs. An Older Dog What You Should Know About Mini Sofas For Dogs How does the Training of Defence Dogs Look Like? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog 5 Benefits Of Grain Free Dog Food

Choose best brush for your cat

How to Choose best brush for your cat

Cats need proper care and grooming to look beautiful and active. As there are various types and categories of products available, it is quite a difficult task to select the most suitable product. The best brush for a cat is the one which suits the length and texture of your cat’s body coat. In order to avoid problems such as shredding and tangling, you need to chose the brush which can deliver the best hair maintaining solution. Although cats groom naturally, owners need to take some extra measures to ensure better health and growth. Types of Cat Hair Brush When it comes to cat grooming and massaging, Bristle brush is considered the best suitable option as they work best on all hair types. As they are absolutely easy to use and clean, you can now remove dirty hair with just a push of a button. Pin brushes and cat Slicker brushes are other great tools to remove tangles along with the prevention of future matting. As they smooth your cat’s coat, the brush’s bristles never scratch your cat’s skin anymore. Rubber grooming brush and Brush Glove are two great types of cat brushes that are designed to reduce shedding. As they are perfectly suited for short-haired cats, you can remove tangles without making any extra effort. Read More: How To Pick The Right Hair Brush For Different Hair Types For cats which shed heavily, the De-shedding tool is the perfect solution to be considered as it ensures your cat gets the best massage and grooming. Without bringing any scratch to the cat’s coat, the tool can restore the beauty and smoothness of your cat’s hair within no time. To help our readers in this regard, we have selected and reviewed some of the bestselling Cats brushes to be considered: 1. Safari Cat Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush The amazing Safari Self-Cleaning Slicker brush is a great solution to maintain your cat’s hair. Comprising of stainless steel pins, the brush performs best for all types of hair and surely does not leave any marks behind. Being absolutely easy to clean and use, your cat can get a nice massage each time it gets brushed. Furthermore, you can remove all of the hairbrushes after completing grooming by just pushing a small button.  2. FURminatir De-Shedding Tool for Cats Yet another useful product to keep your cats groomed, the FURminator De-shedding tool is designed to deliver amazing results. Proven to reduce shedding up to 90 percent, you surely do not have to worry about your clothes being covered with cat hair anymore. Additionally, the brush is absolutely easy to use and allows users to release the stored hair with just a push of a button. 4. Celemoon Ultra-Soft Silicone Washable Cat Grooming Shedding Massage and Bath Brush The Clemson Ultra-Soft Silicone Washable Cat Grooming Shedding Massage and Bath Brush is certainly the best performing and top-rated product which is designed to deliver amazing results. This brush is ideal for short-haired cats as it features soft rubber bristles for effective cleaning. Without causing any scratches during groom time, this brush is the easiest way to keep your cats healthy and beautiful. Summary By overviewing your cat’s coat and grooming requirements, an ideal brush can be selected to avail long term benefits. As there are beneficial tips and methods explained in, you can now select the best suitable option by considering the products as reviewed by our experts. So, if you are curious about maintaining your cat’s hair and grooming, do not forget to overview the design and performance benefits of any product before purchasing.