How Often Should A Horse Be Brushed?

Published on: 05 September 2022 Last Updated on: 02 January 2024

Horses should be brushed daily, and before & after each ride.

Rinse the horse off if it is sweaty or wait for it to dry, then brush. It is important to get salt from the sweat off the horse because left on it may cause skin inflammation.

Other dirt and materials can also get lodged in the horse’s fur and cause damage to the skin too.

How Often Should You Brush A Horse? 

Brushing a horse is an important part of horse care, as it helps to keep the coat healthy, shiny, and free of dirt and debris. It also improves blood circulation, releases natural oils, and strengthens the bond between the horse and the owner. How often you should brush a horse depends on several factors, such as:

  • The horse’s lifestyle: Horses living outside and in herds may not need as much brushing as horses living in stables and ridden frequently. Horses living outside may roll in mud or dust, protecting their skin from insects and weather. Horses that live in stables may accumulate more sweat and dirt, which can cause skin problems or infections.
  • The horse’s coat type: Horses with long or thick coats may need more brushing than horses with short or thin coats. Long or thick coats can trap dirt and moisture and require more trimming or clipping. Short or thin coats may dry faster and shed less and may only need a light brushing.

The season: Horses may need more brushing during the shedding seasons, which are usually spring and autumn. During these times, horses lose their winter or summer coats and may have more loose hair and dead skin cells. Brushing can help to remove these and prevent matting or tangling.

Can Massage Relieve Pain?

Even though you will not find a lot of studies on the rewards of massage, as a therapy, it still grows among horse owners, riders, and healthcare providers.

It is known that massage therapy lessens and soothes muscle tension in humans and can also achieve similar results in horses. Abating tension comes with pain relief too. Scar tissue also benefits from massage therapy.

The tissue is loosened systematically, allowing the horse to move freely with time and reducing the coupling pain. A combination of massage and stretching helps bring back a horse’s mobility post-injury, relieving tension as collagen fibers cure and integrate after trauma.

Most owners tend to use old-school brush sets when grooming, which you may know can be cumbersome. Carrying around a curry brush, hard brush, and medium brush can be an inconvenience when you have other things. Well, you can throw your brushes and get ready for the absolute best for your horse’s massage and grooming sessions.

With Curry on a Stik, you get a superior massage and grooming quality in an easy-to-handle ergonomically designed handle. This veterinarian-tested tool is not only a grooming tool but a proven therapeutic instrument.

It will not only clean, groom, and massage, but it will also strengthen the bond between you and your horse. The design of the forks on the curry, creates a pleasurable sensation, turning even the shyest animal into a massage and grooming enthusiast.

Whether you are bathing, shedding, or massaging for pain relief, you only have to use one tool from now on, Curry on a Stik. This revolutionary curry not only has a design meant to ease use by arthritic hands, but it also has a handle to enable young people to groom horses from a safe distance.

Massage Relieve Pain

Can Use a 1 Lb. Car or a 1 K Horse

Professional horse handlers from the world over love the Curry on a Stik not only for the superior quality massage but also because it brings new health to your horse’s coat. If you have smaller furry pets, fret not, this product can be used on a 1,500 lbs. horse and still do wonders on a 10-pound cat.

Can Be Used as a De-shedding Brush

You will not have to buy any more shedding brushes when you have Curry on a Stik. Two years went into research on designing this curry to make it as efficient as possible but also give you the most utility available in the market.

Can Be Used as a Massaging Brush (Tired/Sore Muscles/“Stagnation”)

This curry was first designed as a massage brush and has found favor with equine massage therapists all over the world. In a lot of cases, stagnation is temporary, coming in and out.

It usually manifests as a blunt radiating pain that might occur on the front limbs or anywhere on the body. Getting rid of stagnation is best done with a combination of two actions.

The first thing we have already covered is the massage with a curry. The second is adjusting the animal’s diet to be more geared towards providing the liver with more nutrition.

Ergonomic Handle – Usable by People Who Have Issues with Hand Mobility

Arthritic symptoms can bring a rift between you and your horse. There hasn’t been a brush on the market that considers riders and handlers with hand movement difficulties.

Even with regular hands, keeping your fingers fastened along the circumference of the curry grows tiring, uncomfortable, and puts gunk right in your nails. The considerate team at Curry on a Stik came up with a design that takes pressure away from your elbow, wrist, and fingers all at the same time.

The ergonomic design has even been backed by long-time veterinarian Dr. John Langlois, an accomplished horse expert with an alphabet soup of qualifications.

 Hand Mobility

Kids Can Use It Because the Handle Is Longer, so They Can Safely Brush Horses

If you are a long-time vet and rider, there is a good chance you started at a very early age and have encouraged your kids (if you have any) to get closer to your horses.

Problem is, horses are big and well, kids are small. Most children cannot even reach halfway up the horse’s side, so how are they supposed to massage or groom them?

Curry on a Stik, that is how. Its elongated handle was designed specifically with kids in mind. Now, young ones can join in on the bonding process by massaging the horses too. The ergonomic design, coupled with strategic weight distribution, makes it easy to use, even for the little ones.


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Horse Racing

5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know

Horse racing is one of the most popular sports around the world and has a huge following from England to Dubai and everywhere in between. But, there are a lot of assumptions made about the sport, so let's set them straight. Here are the biggest myths people believe about the sport of horse racing. 5 Myths About Horse Racing: 1. Any Old Horse Can Win or Run in a Race Thoroughbred horse racing is just that, exclusive to thoroughbred horses. These horses have a lineage traced back to one of three stallions and only then are eligible to compete. Not only are races limited to thoroughbreds, but the training required to turn a horse into a winner is second to none, being broken in at around 18-months-old, making these horses the only ones capable of running 1 ¼ mile in two minutes. So, next time you're placing free bets at the races, you can be assured that it's in their blood to race. 2. Whipping Hurts Horses Whips are no longer used in the sport. A soft paddle called a ‘persuader’ is used to lengthen a horse's stride and has been proven not to cause harm or pain to the animals. People have used a persuader on a person to prove they are inflicting pain, but the skin of a 1,000 pounds racehorse can withstand more than the average human. The role of the paddle is to remind the horse to stay focused during the long track and not to lose focus throughout the race. 3. Horses Have no Value Once Retired It is a common misconception that racehorses are sent to the abattoir (slaughterhouse) once they have seen their racing career through. But, again, this is not the case. Retired racehorses are very valuable and are often rehomed for breeding, for pleasure or equestrian use, as they are very athletic and can be trained to be riding horses and opposed to competitors. 4. Horses Do Not Enjoy Racing Thoroughbreds are raised to race, it is in their blood to compete. Horses that race weighs an average of 1,000 pounds, I'm sure you can imagine how impossible it would be for a jockey of around 55kg to force an animal of this size to run while on it back. It is not unheard of for a horse to decide they aren't in the mood during a race; one horse, in particular, decided he didn't want to jump while competing and planted his feet firmly on the track, refusing to continue; there wasn't much the jockey could do about it. Horses cannot be made to run in races due to their dominance of power against their jockeys and so when they do run it is through choice and enjoyment; they are doing what they know. 5. Horses are Mistreated On average, horse races are sold for around $65,000. Not only are they an investment but they are how some people make a living and choose to spend their time (training, owning, breeding). Simply on that alone, it is hard to believe that they would be poorly cared for. It is not uncommon for owners to fork out a fortune to transport and provide the best for their horses, often being referred to as living like kings due to their exercise and treatment is unparalleled to any other owned animal. Read Also: A Lightning-Fast Guide to Choosing High-Quality Sports Equipment 3 Things to Consider When Designing a Company Logo for Your Business

clean your pet

Different steps on how to clean pet stains on couch

Pet owners know that pets are already a part of the family, as they have made our bad days a bit easier and better. If you’re a mom you think of other things like home areas that need organizing, throwing out the trash, checking this and that. But when you have pets, having your couch stained is inevitable. It is annoying, and it is also frustrating, and it can also ruin your day and it can ruin your furniture. But that is one of the consequences of having a pet since they can’t hold themselves especially the younger ones. You can wipe it or use chemicals in it, but it can damage your furniture if you are not careful. There are steps that you will need to follow in order to save your furniture from damage and so that the smell and the stain will go away properly. Here are home and diy tips on how to clean pet stains on the couch: 1. Use a rag or cloth : The first thing that you will need to do is to soak up as much pet stain as possible, especially if it is urine, and you can do this by using an old rug or any cloth that you are using for cleaning. This can be done no matter where on your couch the pee is located. It is easier, however, when you have a removable cushion because you can just step on it with the most weight and force to remove the seethed urine and to soak it up. 2. Deodorize : Another step on how to clean pet stains on the couch is to deodorize. You can do this by mixing 4 parts of water and 1 part of distilled white vinegar, you can then naturally and easily deodorize your couch cushion and you can give it a good cleaning. Vinegar does smell, but it is known to be the #1 natural household cleaner and it is a great product to use in every laundry, no matter how much load it is. You will be able to smell the strong scent of vinegar as you apply it on the couch and use it to clean it but after washing it up, the smell will be gone, along with the smell of pet stains. This may be a strange solution, but it does the work well.   So, with using an old rug or a cloth, you can just wipe the stain and rub the vinegar into the pee spot until you have covered the spot, you can then scrub the vinegar on it. If you see a dry pee spot, then there is no need for you to drain it or soak it out, instead you can go straight to scrubbing the spot with vinegar of you can also spray it with a vinegar and water solution, soak it up and then scrub it. 3. Moisture and odor removal : For this step on how to clean pet stains on the couch, you will need two ingredients: Baking soda and lavender essential oil. These two ingredients have the power of natural ingredients and when they are mixed together they can accomplish the odor and restoration goal that you have for your couch. You just need to measure about 1 cup of baking soda, one that is enough for at least a spot size that is about as big as one cushion and then you can add around 15 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil per 1 cup of water, or you can also adjust the amount depending on how much you need. You can then blend this mixture by using a fork to evenly distribute the lavender essential oil with the baking soda. You can then gently sprinkle the mixture onto the stained area on the couch. 4. Let it sit in : After pouring the mixture in, you just let it sink in and sit for several hours or you can also do it overnight in order for it to dry out, soak up and absorb the odor of the stain. You can come back and vacuum all of the residues and you will see that it will be good as new, and it will also smell great. 5. You can use a liquid dishwashing detergent : If you are not too keen with the vinegar, baking soda, and lavender essential oil solution, then you can try another solution that is guaranteed to work. This involves using liquid dishwashing detergents. You need to take at least 1 cup of warm water and mix it with ¼ teaspoon of whatever dishwashing liquid that you have in your kitchen. Remember that laundry detergent and hand soap will not work for this kind of stain. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and you can spray the affected area. Once the mixture has soaked into the stain after a few minutes then you can use a cloth to wipe it up. Use warm water to rinse the area. Read Also : 6 Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean (With Pets And Kids) What Are The Best Hamster Toys For Your Pet?


CBD for Pets, Anxiety and Pain Management

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp, which is similar to cannabis. There are differences, though, and the main difference is that hemp contains less THC than cannabis and marijuana, and CBD products usually contain 0.3% of THC or less, making it pretty safe for dogs, considering that THC can be toxic for them. Cannabidiol is also legal in most states around the United States, but only when it’s used to deal with anxiety and the pain that comes from various illnesses. Things are kind of different when the CBD product’s main purpose is to help you with diet and fitness. You can check this page out for more information. With that said, most people are using cannabidiol to manage certain symptoms produced by inflammatory diseases, like joint problems and cancer, and others used it to deal with anxiety problems. Here’s more information on the matter. CBD for Pets: Cannabidiol products also became really famous for pets, because the benefits between animals and humans are pretty much the same. The great thing about cannabidiol is that the side effects of using it are pretty harmless and even rare on most occasions. For example, in a study performed on 214 people suffering from epileptic seizures, only 12% suffered from side-effects such as diarrhea, dry mouth, swollen eyes, and some problems with insomnia. Still, in said study, people suffered 34% less epileptic seizures! Still, side effects are still possible, and when it comes to dogs and cats, knowing the right dose for them comes a long way. This can be difficult to achieve knowing that there are too many factors to consider, like age, diet, the pet’s age, weight, and size. A personal recommendation to get the dose right is starting with small doses until the benefits start to show up. If you see any side-effect, you’ll know that you have to lower the dose. CBD to Deal With Anxiety In my case, I used the Holistapet website to get myself some CBD dog treats for my small dog. He suffered from separation anxiety, which led to many problems whenever I had to leave my dog alone. With the help of small doses (Half a dog treat) whenever I left and arrived home,  my dog was able to remain calm and control his anxiety problems. This fixed multiple problems, like my dog bitting sofa pillows, scratching the floor and the windows, or the fights again the trash can in the kitchen. Some dog and cat owners use cannabidiol to help their pets with trips. This helps them remain calm while they are inside a kennel. There’s something you should know, though. In some cases, treats and cannabidiol oil can cause some sort of drowsiness, which is pretty common. This can be avoided if you reduce the dose and make sure your dog is hydrated. In my humble opinion, treats are a great investment if you want to help your dog deal with anxiety, and even pain, and here’s why. CBD to Deal With Pain Here’s probably the main reason why people buy this kind of product. Senior dogs, for example, (Depending on the breed) are prompt to suffer from joint problems, kidney complications, and even cancer. This causes mobility problems and pain, which is hard to deal with in most cases. Of course, there are different types of medication to help your dog deal with that, but most of the time,  they‘ll produce an incredible amount of nasty side effects. That is why people are using cannabidiol, to help their pets deal with the pain without having to compromise their health. In fact, some hospitals are starting to use CBD drops in patients after chemotherapies, since it relieves some of their discomfort and pain after the rough process. If your dog is a senior dog with problems moving around, these products might be a great investment to help them. There are stories online of people who purchased cannabidiol to help their dogs and found out that it worked better than they expected. Of course, you should always have the right mindset. The effectiveness of it will depend on a lot of factors, and you should always consider this when purchasing it, yet, you should give it a try if you want to help your pet deal with its anxiety and relieve some of its pain. Read Also: Best Mattress for Back Pain 4 Benefits of Pest Control Services The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again