7 Signs to Look for When Searching for Responsible Maltipoo Breeders

Published on: 23 December 2021 Last Updated on: 05 February 2025

Are you in the market to buy a Maltipoo puppy or an adult? You may have heard their sweet, hand-clapping sound, but what else should you know about these dogs before you start your search for a breeder? The Maltipoo is a famous designer dog that combines two pure breeds, the Maltese and the Poodle.

While testing an adult dog is fun, most people want to find responsible breeder-producing puppies. A puppy’s development begins immediately after birth, so the breeder must provide a safe environment for them to be born and nurtured.

Read on from this post to find seven signs of a good Maltipoo breeder to buy online.

1. The Breeder Is Knowledgeable About the Breed

1. The Breeder Is Knowledgeable About the Breed

Any good breeder will tell you about the breed’s history and characteristics. They should also give you information about the puppies’ parents and any health problems associated with the species itself or with that line of dogs. In addition, a good breeder should give you detailed information about where the puppies have lived and who has handled them.

2. The Breeder Evaluates Each Puppy’s Temperament

All puppies are cute, but not all will make good pets. The breeder must evaluate each puppy’s temperament before placing it with a new owner. You cannot change an adult dog’s temperament, but if the breeder doesn’t consider each puppy, you could end up with it.

3. The Breeder Has a Good Reputation

3. The Breeder Has a Good Reputation

A good breeder will have a good reputation among their clients. They will be known for breeding healthy dogs with good temperaments. So when you talk to other people who have purchased puppies from this breeder, they will only have good things to say.

4. The Breeder Has Puppies Available regularly

A reputable breeder will usually have puppies available regularly. If you find a breeder with just one litter per year, they may not have the quality puppies you’re looking for. The same holds if they only breed occasionally or if their breeding dogs are in retirement.

5. The Breeder Spends Time With the Puppies

When you visit the breeder’s home, you should be able to see the puppies playing and interacting with their mother. A good breeder will spend time with the puppies, socializing with them and teaching them how to behave around people.

6. The Breeder Has Clean Facilities

6. The Breeder Has Clean Facilities

The facilities where the puppies live should be clean and free of any hazardous materials. The breeder should have a good sanitary protocol to prevent the spread of disease. Puppies should never have exposure to cigarette smoke, and the breeder should never sell a puppy to someone who smokes.

7. The Breeder Offers a Written Health Guarantee

A good breeder will offer a written health guarantee for their puppies. The contract should cover genetic defects, hip dysplasia, and congenital heart problems. The breeder must stand behind their dogs and return a dog if it becomes ill or cannot function in a typical environment.

8. The Breeder Asks Questions About You and Your Home

The breeder will want to know as much about you as possible before selling you a puppy. They will want to see if you have any other pets at home, whether you have children and your lifestyle. The information is vital to the breeder, as they want to ensure each puppy is going to a good home.

Bottom Line

It is essential to ensure great puppies find a good breeder who can prove that their dogs are pedigreed, healthy, and well-raised. The Maltipoo will be with you for a long time, and it’s essential that your puppy is in good health and brought into the world by great breeders so they can be properly socialized.

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best hamster toys

What are the Best Hamster Toys for Your Pet?

Are you the proud owner of your own hamster? Congratulations! Despite their small stature, there can be quite the learning curve while you get to know your new furry friend. Many parents grew up with dogs and always planned on getting their kids a dog too, but what do you do when your child wants a whole different kind of pet? What should I feed them? How big should their cage be? What are the best hamster toys? These are all questions you might ask yourself as you gear up for your new life as a hamster-parent. Hamster toys are an integral part of your new pet's life. Not only will they provide entertainment, but they double as a necessary way to help with your hamster's dental care, exercise, and sleeping location. So, how do you tell which toys to get? Keep reading to uncover the 7 best hamster toys. Silent Hamster Wheel : Your new hamster will need a lot of exercises. Since hamsters are nocturnal, they feel most energetic at night, which tends to clash with most people's sleep schedule. Make sure you include a hamster exercise wheel in their cage, so they can be free to exercise whenever they want. Your average exercise wheel tends to squeak a bit. If you keep your cage in a different room from your bedroom, this might not be a problem. But, remember, hamsters are very active at night, so if the cage is in your bedroom the squeaking might keep you up at night. To avoid this, invest in a silent hamster wheel. It'll allow your pet to get the exercise they need while you get the sleep you need. Obstacle Courses and Playgrounds : Not only do hamsters like running, but they also love climbing too! There are tons of toys that will allow your hamster to climb, including bridges and ladders. Our personal favorites are hamster obstacle courses and hamster playgrounds. These are a little more expansive and will offer your pet more options for entertainment. Obstacle courses focus more on vertical ladders and rock walls so your pet can really practice their climbing skills. The playgrounds usually have a less-steep incline, but they double as a fun hideaway, allowing your pet to climb up a ramp and jump into an opaque plastic play building. Colorful Hideaway : That brings us to our next toy - the hideaway. Since hamsters are nocturnal, they need a dark, quiet place to sleep during the day. Turning the lights off when you go to work won't be enough, as your hamster will require an enclosed area to help them feel safe and secure while they sleep. The colorful hideaway is perhaps the most quintessential part of any hamster habitat. The most common are made from a colorful, opaque plastic and look a little bit like a small, round sandcastle. However, hideaways come in all different shapes and materials, including wooden houses and grass huts. Your plastic playground may also be used as a hideaway, depending on which one you choose. Exercise Ball : Your silent exercise wheel is great for allowing your pet to exercise when they want to, but exercise balls are great for adventure and playtime. Your hamster doesn't need to stay in its cage all day. Instead, many hamsters would enjoy venturing out of the habitat and exploring their surroundings from the comfort of an exercise ball. This isn't just fun for your hamster, either. You'll love watching your new pet roll around and play. Just don't let your pet wander unsupervised. You don't want to lose your hamster under furniture or behind large objects. Seesaw : One of the best childhood toys has made the transition to one of the best hamster toys too! They're a great way to challenge your pet as they tip over before your hamster can climb to the top. Wooden seesaws are also available which can double as natural chews for your pet, but we suggest a more durable seesaw, so your pet doesn't eat away their favorite toy. Fun and Natural Chews : Chews are an extremely important toy for your new pet. Hamster's teeth grow very quickly, and they need things to chew on in order to keep their teeth at a manageable length. Wooden, twig and seagrass chews are an excellent way to give your hamster a natural treat to chew on. There are even chews made with real cheese! Brightly colored loofah chews are also available to add some fun color and shapes to your pet's habitat. If you've ever had a hamster before, you'll know that a chew only usually lasts a few days to a week. Those hamsters really like the chew away! Pumice stones work as a natural teeth grinder for hamsters and are also long-lasting, so you don't have to worry about replacing them as often. Branch Ball : Balls aren't just a toy for dogs and cats! Hamsters can get hours of enjoyment out of a branch ball. The ball is made up of twisting twigs, which are another great option for a natural chew. But they're more than just a big chew. There's a jingling bell hidden in the center of the ball, which helps enlighten your furry friend's curious side. They may nudge and push the ball around their cage for enjoyment before stopping to chew it for their health. The Best Hamster Toys : Many people opt for a pet hamster as they don't produce many allergens and they are easy to care for. But, just like any pet, your hamster will need toys to entertain themselves while you're away at work. Hamster toys are arguably even more important because they double as important exercise equipment, teeth grinders, and sleeping spots. So, not only do the best hamster toys provide entertainment, but they also help maintain their health and well-being. Did you like what you read? Check our lifestyle blog for more awesome content like this. Read Also : Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

Grain Free Eat

5 Benefits Of Grain Free Dog Food

What’s all this hullabaloo about grain free dog food for small dogs, you ask? We did our research to verify if it’s wrapped in mere “trend” or in scientific fact. Here’s what we’ve researched about grain-free dog chews and munchies. 1. Easy And Good For The Digestive System Even your pups get tummy aches and discomforts. What’s worse is that owners are not urgently alerted of their pups’ digestive disorders because unlike us, they don’t get to verbalize what’s making their stomachs feel iffy. Dogs are carnivores whose digestive systems aren’t hard-wired to break down grains. Sadly, commercialized and mass-produced dog food contains grains for fillers, as they’re accessible and cheap. With grain free dog food, you can help reduce the risk of having your furry buddy incur gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gut pain, and similar gut conditions. They get to eat healthily, digest what they eat with ease, and absorb nutrients as they should. 2. Higher Nutritional Value Connecting this phrase with that of the last statement in the paragraph before, grain-free food for your pup boasts high nutritional value. Why so? Instead of fillers and unhealthy additives, their grain-free alternatives have more quality ingredients for nutrients that your dog needs. Additionally, grain-free dog edibles are excellent in building stronger, fuller muscles. Fuller muscles that are lean. We know that sounds ironic. And perhaps it is. Lean yet full muscles are built up with protein. More muscles than fat equal strength, resilience, and health. It’s true that most types of healthier options are heftier on their price tags than the rest. But it will be well worth what you spend, since maintaining their overall well-being is the reward in itself. 3. No More Allergies A lot of the additives in grain-filled dog food contain allergens. Allergens are generally non-hazardous. Having said that, they do cause allergies, even in pets. From a runny nose, blocked sinuses, watery eyes, skin flakiness, rashes, and itch, digestive disorders, excessive salivation, vomiting, swollen face, hives, and more. By taking away grains from what your dog ingests, you’ll potentially be assisting in ensuring that they don’t suffer from uncomfortable allergic reactions. By the way, some allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis can be life-threatening. So, you won’t just be a pet owner. You’ll be a pet life-saver, too. 4. Heart Health Who knew that most grain-free foods have significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids? Too-high triglycerides, along with too-high cholesterol, may lead to weight gain and cardiovascular problems. And are frequently found in low-quality, grained dog chews. But omega-3 is among the primary ingredients of their grained counterpart, and it decreases triglycerides and reduces the risk of blood clotting. It also impedes fat accumulation inside arterial walls. Talk about an all-rounder in terms of cardiovascular defense! 5. Shinier Coat And Brighter Skin The same omega-3 fatty acids we’ve spoken of are responsible for producing shinier coats and brighter, healthier skin for dogs. They stabilize how pores secrete natural oils. Due to the fact that they’re excellent for hydration, your dog’s skin and fur will be both soft and shiny. Not to mention how grain-free foods typically have dried vegetables as substitutes for grain. Veggies are able to shield the skin from free radicals to keep it from succumbing to cellular damage, wrinkling, and roughness. More Resources: 7 Pro Tips to Keep Your House Odor-Free From Cat's Smell! Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

Defence Dogs

How does the Training of Defence Dogs Look Like?

Defence dogs have special features that make them suitable for this purpose. Before the dog is admitted to defence training, he has to complete a course for a 1st degree companion dog. This gives confidence to the trainer that the dog understands the basic commands such as summoning, fetching, "sit", "go", and walking on a loose leash or even without a leash. In addition, defence dogs should be very disciplined. The first step is, of course, to choose the right breed. The breed that has an internal defense reflex which tells them when their owner is in an emergency situation. The most popular dog breeds for defence include:  Amstaff, Bullmastiff, Bulterier, Doberman, Boxer, German Dog, French Shepherd, and Caucasian Shepherd. Choosing a particular puppy can’t be a matter of chance. The animal should come from a registered kennel and preferably have a pedigree. The problem with these breeds is that they are prone to aggression, so it’s important to bring up such a dog using appropriate forms of training. A well promising defence dog shouldn’t show too much aggression. The training requires a lot of patience and commitment of the caregiver and starts only when the dog is taught obedience, walking by the owner's leg and self-control. The trainer takes part in the training together with is assistant. The dog is taught to attack when it hears the command "take". He cannot attack the assistant even if it’s against the owner's will. The only exception to this rule is the situation of a direct danger, for example when the assistant attacks the trainer, then the dog should throw itself at him. However when the assistant takes a defensive stance, the dog cannot attack him, but it has to guard him. Unfortunately, due to the natural aggression of these breeds, it’s sometimes really difficult to control them in such situations. Nevertheless, the defensive dog should stay loyal to his master, have sympathy, fidelity, and trust. The dog's behavior cannot be unpredictable, and that’s why dogs with a pedigree are chosen for this job because we can be sure that the animal will meet these criteria. Hidden aggression can never be directed towards the master. In addition, the dog must observe the surroundings and know for himself when the master is in an emergency situation and needs help.  In addition, the external appearance of the dog, which is often able to scare the attacker just with its silhouette, shouldn’t be insignificant. Unfortunately, the dogs performing such a role are often poisoned, so well-trained dogs should only eat food given to them by their master. For defence training, apart from the dog, we need an assistant. He should be dressed in a special suit or hand guard. The purpose of the first stage of training is to irritate the dog to the point when he can learn the skill of grabbing a sleeve or a teether. The success of this exercise depends on the behaviour of the master, who must hold the dog on a short leash and encourage it to attack. He can do it by running, shouting, or waving a baton. Meanwhile, the assistant tries to provoke the dog to attack him. At this stage of learning, we do not use coercion. If the dog behaves correctly, the master praises him, which encourages the dog to continue the exercises. If the dog succeeds the master should reward him for that immediately. After a few lessons the trainer is able to control the dogs aggressive behaviour. For example, he can successfully command the dog to stop attacking the target. When the dog has mastered the "take" and "let go" commands, the trainer can move on to more advanced exercises. How to train defence dogs? - A dog that goes by the foot of his master has no right to pull itself forward, bark or behave aggressively. Training a dog requires a lot of patience and determination. - During the training, the trainer cooperates with the assistant. If he tries to run from the dog and the trainer does not give a direct order to attack, the dog cannot pull himself out and throw behind him in pursuit. - The dog cannot attack the assistant when we show a defensive attitude. When the aggressor is still, the dog will proceed to guard him until the master arrives. How to stop the dog from attacking someone: In the case of training a dog with an innate tendency to aggression, surprises can happen. The most important thing is to know what your dog can do. Stopping such a trained dog from attacking someone randomly on the street is really difficult and often ends in the death of the dog. When it happens, you shouldn’t try to kick the dog with your legs, because it will only enrage it more. That’s why the owner should learn how a stun gun works. It’s the best way to effectively stop the dog from attacking someone with the smallest chance to kill it. Characteristics of a good defence dog: When we buy a pedigree puppy from a proven breeding, we can be sure that it has an innate tendency to perform the function of a defensive dog. We should anticipate the behavior of the dog by which we must be sure that the dog will not hurt us. How to take part in defence training if we can't judge whether the dog will not direct the aggression towards us? We have to teach obedience to the dog. The biggest difficulty is to learn how to walk by the leg and stay on a loose leash. The defence dog must be vigilant and it should inform us about the dangers ahead. Even when the aggressor is still, the animal cannot stop watching him. Perseverance in battle and stubbornness are the hallmarks of defence dogs. A defensive dog cannot be bribed. The attraction with treats and distraction are common methods used by aggressors. How much does a defence dog training cost? Dog training takes place at the time set by the training centre and usually lasts for about 40 hours. The price of the courses varies between 500-1000 Euros. Read Also: Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?