How To Prevent A Ransomware Attack

Published on: 02 February 2023 Last Updated on: 24 May 2023

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Because there’s currently no way to recover data once it has been encrypted by ransomware, it’s important to do everything in your power to prevent it from happening to you in the first place.

Here are steps and cyber security training you can take right now to help protect yourself against this cyber threat and all of its potentially devastating consequences.

Top 8 Ways To Prevent A Ransomware Attack

Ransomware Attack

1. Maintain Backups

It’s important to maintain at least two copies of your data: one that remains in your possession and another which is backed up to offsite storage every night. Since you can’t access the backup version if you have been infected by ransomware, it’s important that you keep a second copy in a secure offline location. That way, even if the malware does encrypt your files, the ability to restore them will still exist.

2. Encrypt Files

You should encrypt all of your files before you send them over to your computer’s backup location, and also make sure that you have full, expert-level encryption as well as a strong password in place on the backup drive. Better safe than sorry.

3. Update Your Software

As with all software, there are always patches and updates available for your antivirus or anti-malware software that could prevent ransomware from taking hold in the first place. If you’re using endpoint protection software, make sure the update has been applied. If you’re using a third-party antivirus or anti-malware package, get it to update as well.

4. Develop Plans and Policies

Ransomware is a major threat to your business, and it can cause a major loss of revenue if you don’t have a plan in place to prevent it. Therefore, it’s important that you ensure that you have a backup policy and disaster recovery plan in place so that your company can act quickly in the event of a ransomware attack. Developing software protection policies, training users on backup procedures, and conducting penetration testing to find vulnerabilities and malicious activity are all effective ways of creating an effective prevention strategy.

5. Train the Team

You should train your team on how to respond should they encounter ransomware, how to avoid it happening in the first place, and what they can do if they do get compromised. Anti-malware software will help them recognize and protect against ransomware, but only if they know how to use it. The more training they receive, the better they will be at spotting ransomware, and the more likely they’ll be able to take action quickly when it occurs.

6. Monitor Files and Network Activities

Part of creating an effective backup plan is knowing where your files are located so that you can restore them. That way, if your computer is compromised, you can restore the files from your backup. You should also be monitoring for unauthorized access to both file-hosting and FTP sites. Additionally, it’s important to monitor all of the network activity from your computer so that you can determine if someone is trying to gain access to machines that aren’t theirs.

7. Implement an IDS

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a network security tool designed to detect and block network intrusions, such as attempts to gain unauthorized access. Since ransomware will attempt to disguise itself in order to get past an IDS and infect your computer, it’s important that you implement one for your entire network. The IDS should be able to detect anything that looks out of the ordinary and will immediately notify you so that you can take action.

8. Implement an Antivirus Policy

The best way to protect your computer is with antivirus software, which automatically scans all of the files stored on your machine and makes sure that they are virus-free before you load them onto a machine.

When your computer is infected, the antivirus program automatically starts working to detect and remove the malware. The best antivirus programs also have the ability to detect zero-day threats, which are new viruses that haven’t even been discovered yet.

Ransomware is a major threat to your business, so it’s important that you take the above steps and cyber security training immediately to help protect yourself against this cyber threat and all of its potentially devastating consequences. It’s also important that you remember these steps when figuring out how best to protect your computer against ransomware, as well as those in your network.


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Employee safety

How to Increase the Safety of Your Employees

Employee safety should be your number one priority as a business owner – especially if your employees are constantly working at height. Should your employees slip or fall and cause injury to themselves, your company will have to face the consequences. For a start, your employees could be out for several weeks and you may have to pay them in full while they are recovering – you may also be faced with expensive lawsuits. Investing in safety measures isn’t cheap, but it is cost-effective and it ensures your employees are as safe as possible. Let’s have a look at some of the safety measures you can implement to improve safety. Invest in the Right Equipment: Having access to the right equipment for employees is crucial to complete the job in hand correctly and to undertake work safely. A quality safety harness for each employee is a good starting point. It ensures that they can attach themselves to a secure area that isn’t going to move – so if their platform they are working from did succumb to damage, they will be left hanging and waiting for assistance. If they are undertaking a bigger job when working from height and they’ll be handling a lot of materials, you’ll need to hire/purchase the right platforms. Improve Training: A lot of slips and falls happen in the workplace because employees aren’t trained properly. For example, you may have the right equipment in terms of safety harnesses and secure ladders, but employees might not know how to properly secure themselves. Train your employees on a regular basis and ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest workplace regulations. Training your employees won’t just benefit their safety, but it will also benefit your company in terms of increased efficiency. Determine if the Project is Safe to Work On: One of the many things employers overlook when it comes to working at height is the safety of the project itself. If the side of a building is crumbling and there’s no safe way of undertaking the work with the equipment you have – don’t take on the job. Your employee’s safety is far more important than profit. After all, if your employees are injured, you could be faced with much higher expenses than the project itself is worth. Can They Work from the Ground? A lot of the time, employees do have the option of working from the ground level or at least a level where it’s not too high. Specialist equipment can be considered in this instance, especially if your employees have to clean gutters from time to time. If your employees have the option of working from a lower level, ensure they know that it’s possible. In conclusion, increasing safety is an expense your business will have to front, not just to ensure employees are happy and safe when working at height, but also for legal reasons. Should your business not follow standard safety practices, it could end up being faced with a lawsuit. Read Also: Construction Safety – What You Didn’t Know! Staying Safe In The Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know The Hidden Damages In Workspaces: 5 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Workplace Injuries!

IT Security Risks

Common IT Security Risks in the Workplace

When it comes to your business, it is important to recognize some of the highest security risks that are present. Your security needs to be a top priority. To run your business, you will collect a lot of information about customers and even other businesses you work with. If a data breach happens, you could end up with a huge loss in reputation and other issues. There are a number of big IT security risks that can show up in the workplace. Recognizing these and finding ways to prevent them can keep that data safe. Some of the common IT security risks that can happen in the workplace include: 1. Insider Threats According to one study,  about 57% of the recorded data breaches were not done by outside attackers. Instead, these were done by a threat that is inside the organization. And often this is not because someone is being malicious within the company. Negligent employees who click on the wrong link or give off information carelessly were often the cause. One of the top causes of a data breach still remains human error. Companies need to maintain focus on the inside as much as the outside to ensure data stays safe. However, it is sometimes hard to detect an insider threat. In addition to watching for these insider threats, a company needs to invest in the right training for its employees. Since most of this issue comes from negligence or carelessness, rather than malicious intent, things like security awareness training may help more than anything. 2. Social Engineering Another threat to watch out for is something known as social engineering. It can affect companies as much as it will affect individuals. Humans are susceptible to manipulation, which is why many attackers will use a variety of psychological tricks to get what they want. With social engineering, the right protection software or looking for different indicators of compromise will not be enough. It is hard to really predict human behavior all the time. All it takes is for one person to click one lucrative offer that is too good to be true, and your company has to deal with a data breach. What makes it even worse is that malicious attackers can easily find new ways to trick individuals to give up private data or granting access to critical areas. There are many different types of social engineering attacks that can be used including: Spear phishing Whaling Baiting Pretexting Tailgating Scareware Vishing Since this issue can exploit the basics of human behavior, it is sometimes hard to find the best way to combat it. Even tech-savvy users have fallen victim in the past from some of these. Educating your employees about these attacks and updating your training procedures is one of the best ways to help. 3. Ransomware Another thing to be careful about is ransomware. This can be a scary type of tactic that will make even the best in IT have to do a lot of work to prevent and fix it. Basically, this is when a hacker is able to get ahold of private or sensitive information and they demand a ransom to get the information returned. Sometimes the hacker just has the information, other times they will choose to freeze up a whole system and make it impossible to use. Even when. You agree to pay the ransom, there is little chance that the data will be returned and that the hacker will leave you alone in the future. Ransomware is simply a type of malware that can infect a network or a computer. It then encrypts the files or finds another way to deny others access to them before demanding some kind of ransom in the process. Usually, the malware will not delete the files. They will be present on the network, but without the decryption key, no one can access them. There are a lot of threats that come with this kind of attack, such as the permanent deletion of the files. But whether you pay or not, the hacker is already on the system and is the one in control the whole time. There are a few things you can do to prevent this security threat. First, teach your employees about how it works and how to not open suspicious files or attachments in their emails. This can help keep the chance of ransomware off the computer. Backing up your data and keeping records off the main part is a good idea too. This will allow you to start over with the information you need, without having to play the games, and most often lose, with the hacker. 4. Consider a Cybersecurity Audit If you are worried about some of the security risks that show up in the workplace, it may be a good idea to do a full audit of your system. A cybersecurity audit allows a professional to take a look at your network and the way it is used to determine whether there are any weaknesses that could increase your risk of an attack. Getting this audit done is one of the best ways to see where your security is right now. When it is done you should have a complete report about what is working and what is not when it comes to your network. Expect there to be things wrong with the audit. This is just a chance to fix them. When the audit is done, take some time to go through all the different recommendations and suggestions and find ways to improve your network security. Even small steps in the right direction make it less likely someone will get onto the system who should not be there. 5. Keeping Your Network Safe There are a number of IT security risks that you need to be careful about when it comes to the workplace. Planning ahead, recognizing some of these issues, and completing a cybersecurity audit can help you get the right level of security you need. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity How To Make Sure You Get The Best Service From Your IT Supplier A Few Things You Should Know Before Finalizing Managed It Services

Gun and Security Gear

How Gun and Security Gear Advanced through the Years

Over the years, more companies have been hiring security to keep their buildings safe and secure from any intruders. With this increased need for security, the need for gun and security gear has also increased. Throughout time, this type of gear has advanced a lot meaning that it is of better quality and keeps people safer for longer. Keep reading to find out about how gun and security gear has advanced throughout the years. Pouches: As a security guard, it is important that you have all of the right gear to protect yourself and others around you. In the past, things like lights and batons were carried around making them on the show to intruders and allowing them to plan ahead with their attack. Over the years, special pouches have been created to allow for items like batons or sprays to be concealed in order to give security guards the upper hand. These pouches can be placed under clothing in order and have come in very handy. Bulletproof Vests: image source: Another piece of security gear that has improved over the years is bulletproof vests. Previously, bulletproof vests were not very common as they were expensive and hard to come across. Now, this technology is a lot easier to make and so more security guards are able to protect themselves from those with guns. Without bulletproof vests, police officers, security guards and those who are in dangerous situations could be in real danger. Now that these vests are easier to get a hold of, more people can be protected. Belts: In terms of security gear, a belt might not be the first thing that you think you will need to protect yourself. However, over the years, security belts have been used a lot more to hide various pouches and security gear that could save someone’s life. These heavy duty belts come in many different sizes and can have different features added to them. Many security guards need to have a heavy-duty belt to keep everything together and ensure that they are ready for whatever is thrown at them. Gun Holsters: Over time, gun holsters have become a lot more advanced and safer for both the gun owner and those around them. When you are now shopping for a new gun holster, you can choose the exact model of your gun and find a holster that fits perfectly. In the past, generic gun holsters might have been used which often left space for them to move around. Now, gun holsters are a lot safer and those whose duty it is to protect others can ensure that they are doing exactly that. Final Thoughts: It is clear that gun and security gear has really advanced over the years in order to make everything a lot safer for everyone. Gun owners and security guards can now be sure that they are protected and that they have all of the right tools at their disposal if something goes wrong. Read Also: What Is An Airsoft Gun? How To Improve Workplace Security