Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked – How To Unblock It?

Published on: 24 January 2023 Last Updated on: 29 March 2023
your IP has been temporarily blocked

Although it doesn’t happen often, the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” warning will keep you from visiting a website. The error could show if you’ve attempted to log in too frequently or if you’ve broken the site’s terms of service by uploading prohibited information, for example.

Therefore, to learn how to prevent this issue from happening again, read this guide post till the end. Here, you will learn ten different ways to fix this issue.

How To Fix The “Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked” Issue?

To prevent the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” error from happening again, here are the steps you can take:

1. Just Wait

Just Wait

A website frequently temporarily blocks IP addresses. For instance, if you tried to log in too many times using invalid credentials, you may be barred or banned for 24 hours before being allowed to try again. You can either wait a day or see the website’s terms of service for details now only.

2. Use VPN


Websites may restrict your IP address as a result of a country ban, as was already indicated. Use a VPN to conceal your IP address in order to get around such a limitation. You will be able to access the website since it will seem as though you are visiting from somewhere else.

Free VPNs are available, however commercial services are more likely to ensure that your IP address is hidden. You will be able to view the website that has blocked your access after you sign up for a VPN. Check out our list of the top 10 VPN service providers if you’re unclear about how to choose a VPN service.

3. Properly Configure Your Network And Mail Servers

Properly Configure Your Network And Mail Servers

Incorrectly placed letters or digits might potentially be the reason your IP address is blocked. Your network and mail server need to be configured correctly because of this. Contact the blacklist to get your name taken off of it.

4. Connect To A Different Wi-Fi Network

Connect To A Different Wi-Fi Network

You should also think about joining a fresh Wi-Fi network. A new IP address is generated while joining a Wi-Fi network. This may be a short workaround to enable you to view the website to which access has been limited.

5. Check If They Blacklisted Your IP

Many websites are members of IP address blacklists that are open to the public. These lists are frequently gathered from well-known spammers, and banning the addresses can assist website owners to keep unwanted visitors away and stop spam abuse. 

However, it’s possible that one of these blacklists listed your IP address by mistake. The good news here is that you can check your IP Address on a website called If it shows up on their lists after entering your IP address is automatically detected, the website will notify you.

6. Update Your OS

Update Your OS

If your computer hasn’t received any updates in a while, malware might infect it and restrict your IP address. You may improve your computer’s usefulness and security by upgrading it.

If you use a Windows computer, here’s what you should know:

  1. First, go to Settings.
  2. Here, choose Update & Security.
  3. Then click on Windows Updates to see whether any updates are available for installation.

If you use a Mac computer, then here’s what you should do:

  1. First, open System Preferences.
  2. Then, select the App Store.
  3. Finally, select Show Updates.

Wait a day after the upgrade is complete before attempting to access the website that has restricted you.

7. Try Detecting Malware

Try Detecting Malware

The problem regarding “why your IP has been banned” can stem from various malware that might have entered your system. This error is typically shown when your IP address has been compromised and your system is now transmitting spam, or even launching DoS attacks in the background.

Therefore, you should scan your computer using antivirus software. To get the best internet security, I recommend using premium antivirus software that always runs in the background.

  1. Here, if you’re using Windows, follow the steps explained below:
  2. First, click on Start and type “Security“. 
  3. When Windows Security appears in the search results, click on it. 
  4. After selecting Virus & threat protection, do a Quick scan.

8. Change To A New IP Address

If you want to, you can shift to a new IP address by temporarily changing it using your VPN software. Do this if your IP has been banned.

To do so on a Windows computer, follow the steps below:

  1. First, open the Control Panel by searching for it on the Search bar from the Start menu.
  2. Then, click on Network and Internet.
  3. Here, click on Network Connections.
  4. Now, you will get a list of all the network adapters you have paired with. Select the one you are using and want to change its IP.

To do so on an Apple computer, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Preferences.
  2. Here, open Network.
  3. Now, click on Advanced Button.
  4. Then, click on the TCP/ICP menu.
  5. Here, you need to add a new TCP/IP configuration. To do so, click on the + sign here.
  6. Then, select Manual and enter the new IP address.

9. Use Proxy Servers That Are Free

Use Proxy Servers That Are Free

If you don’t want to spend money on a VPN, you can use a free proxy server. A proxy server is a server that stands between an internet user’s request and the website or page they are trying to access. Your IP address is concealed by the proxy, enhancing your privacy and independence.

Keep in mind, though, that a lot of websites and services are aware of proxy servers and will ban the IP addresses of public proxy servers. You will be informed that “the owner of this website has blacklisted your IP address” if they catch you. Remember that you should never browse with proxy servers when providing personal information.

10. Blame The Webmaster

Blame The Webmaster

If you searched the terms of service of the website for information on why your IP address was blocked but couldn’t find anything, you may contact the webmaster — particularly if it’s a tiny website that interacts with its users frequently. If your IP address is being blocked, the webmaster can tell you why it’s being restricted and how to fix it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

People using the internet have asked various questions similar to “why is my IP address blocked” and “unblock IP address”. Here are my answers to their queries:

Q1. Why Did Instagram Block My IP Address?

Ans: Instagram might have blocked your IP address because they might have blacklisted your IP address. This can happen because you might have posted content that might have violated their terms and conditions. If this is not the case, then you might have a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Q2. How Long Does An IP Ban Last?

Ans: On Instagram, an IP ban might last anywhere between 24 hours to 48 hours. This depends on the severity of your actions. If it’s pretty severe, then Instagram might block you permanently.

Q3. Why Did Cloudflare Block My IP Address?

Ans: Sometimes, many of the websites that we visit can contain harmful malicious content in them. If Cloudflare detects this, it can block your IP address from accessing that website.

Unblock Your IP Now!

There are various reasons why you might see the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” error. It can be because your IP has been blocked by the website, or there are various problems with your ISP.

To fix this issue, you can either wait for some time or use VPN software to change your IP. In addition, you can also use free proxy servers, or contact the webmaster if you wish to.

If you have any similar questions regarding this that you would like an answer to, you can reach out to me by commenting down below!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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Cycling – Learning to Safe Cycling

Cycling is considered to be among the most enjoyable activity that one can do as they maintain fitness/keep fit. For anyone interested in learning to cycle, there are basic things/lessons that one must learn and simple instructions that one must follow to minimize accidents and have fun learning how to cycle. Below are some of the basic factors one needs to know about cycling. To learn cycling, you do not need to have a special bicycle to use. You can use any functional bike you can find. After you have learned to cycle, you can invest in a good bike. Ensure you have gotten your saddle right. You will not be comfortable riding a saddle that is either too low or too high. You have to set it to fit you perfectly for you to enjoy learning. You will need to ensure that your bike is well greased and has no leaks for smooth cycling. There is the important gear you need to have that will enhance safety in this experience. These are; mountain biking helmets - A full-face mountain bike helmet that protects your head in case of a fall, a water bottle- for water in case you get dehydrated, Repair Kit- in case something goes wrong, you may need to do repairs on your bike. Reflective gear is especially important if you are cycling at night for visibility by other road users. You could use your exercise clothing and shoes for the cycling training. It's important though that you put on something reflective if you will be using a road used by other types of vehicles. You must remember to be slow, you will eventually learn. Secondly, be safe while cycling. Whether on park roads, estate roads, ensure that you are safe while training to cycle. At this point, straddle your bike and life off and start peddling forward. Try to maintain your balance by using the front brake levers to ensure you stay in balance. Keep a firm grip on the pedals. When using a road with vehicles, ensure that the drivers can see you avoid accidents and also watch out for car doors opening. Also, while riding into intersections, try as much as you can to stay and lean into the intersection this could help you stay on the bike and not fall off. Taking the above instruction when learning to cycle will keep you safe and keep you learning to ride. Be sure to never start cycling without a bicycle helmet. You can buy the best mountain bike helmet online at

Document Security

Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security

Document security has been a bone of contention for quite some time. There are so many reasons why some documents should not be seen by everyone. For example, documents containing national secrets should only be accessed by people with a security clearance because, in the wrong hands, the information could ruin whole countries and regimes (or at least the careers of some people). Similarly, businesses store some of their most sensitive information, including trade secrets and intellectual property, in documents. If the information in such documents were to be made available on the Internet for free it could ruin a business. What is more, people nowadays prefer to share their documents electronically rather than via hard printed copies. Of course, electronic sharing offers some extra benefits, for example, the authors save on printing costs, distribution is much quicker, and you can reach global markets more easily. But, unfortunately, it can also become too easy to share electronic documents. For example, people can copy and paste another person’s work or company secrets and sell them as their own. Various controls have been employed in the past to guard against such documents falling into the wrong hands or being distributed for free. As it stands, these controls have not been very successful in carrying out their mandate and so many document security products fail to adequately protect documents from unauthorized use. One such method which falls short is encryption. As soon as a file is opened by an authorized person, they can do anything they want with it. This includes copying and sharing the information. Even using watermarking to prevent copying does not solve the problem. Using regular software to process a document gives the recipient the ability to remove the watermark and go on to redistribute documents as they see fit. Likewise, internal document management systems fall flat as soon as a document is moved outside of the organization. The most effective tool for document security should be able to tackle all the problems associated with the above-named control mechanisms to be considered an industry standard. Digital Rights Management (DRM)and licensing controls do just that. With regard to forwarding documents, DRM ensures that only an encrypted file can be shared with authorized users. It is, therefore, paramount that each recipient is given a key so that he or she can access the contents of a document.  The key needs to be transparently relayed and locked to the authorized user’s device so that it cannot be shared along with the protected document.  The fact that a key cannot be transferred from one user to another also means that each person will have to be individually authorized by the admin. What is more, DRM can be used to enforce expiry, prevent screen grabbing as well as stopping copying and pasting techniques from being used while the document is on display. That leaves the subject of printing a document.  You can use DRM to prevent printing but it is sometimes necessary to allow a document to be printed by the recipient. If the recipient were to misuse this privilege by “printing” the document to a PDF driver, then he or she has effectively created a control-free document. DRM controls could be used to prevent the use of file drivers to ensure that an unprotected document is created. That being said, once a document is printed, it can be rescanned and a PDF can be created. The easiest way to prevent this would be to watermark it in a way in which the watermark itself cannot be easily tampered with.   Also, using DRM, a dynamic watermark can be added to ensure that, if a person were to try and share his or her version of the document, there would be evidence to identify him or her. A static watermark can also be used to prevent scanning as it works to effectively distort the image that the scanner or photocopier picks up, making the scanned copy unusable. DRM can also be used to revoke documents that have already been distributed and to automatically expire documents once they have been viewed or printed a number of times or after a number of days use. So, DRM is the only complete solution to document security as it supports previous methods of document security (encryption and access controls) and fills in the gaps that the other methods cannot. Also, it is effective both inside and outside of organizational controls. If you are looking to enhance security for all your documents, then DRM may be the only sure way to go. Read Also: Top Cloud Security Controls You Should Be Using Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong

PKI In Cybersecurity

Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most sought-after academic disciplines in colleges and universities. In today's world, since there are a lot of cyber attacks, the importance of implementing proper cybersecurity measures has become mandatory. In this tech-driven day and age, the trend of using Public Key Infrastructure, or PKI, is on the rise. A tech person would easily understand what PKI means, but an average Joe would not know a thing about it. In this article, we are going to delve deep into knowing the basics of Public Key Infrastructure. There are many tools like Keyfactor that provide Cyber Security certifications. So without wasting any further time, let us take a brief look at what PKI actually is. What Does The Term PKI Mean? In simple words, PKI is the term that focuses on everything that establishes and runs public key encryption. Public Key Infrastructure is one of the most common types of Internet encryption that deals with Cybersecurity. It is actually installed on all web browsers to ensure that the traffic of the website is coming from a secure place. Organizations also use PKI to secure their internal communications. The whole concept of PKI revolves around cryptography; it ensures that proper security is provided to websites. Keep in mind that these keys are not a part of the process of encryption; they just help to authenticate the true identity of the parties or devices. They are just certificate givers. What Are PKI Certificates? PKI certificates are nothing but online documents that work like digital passports. They are basically given to websites or entities that want to join the PKI-secured conversation. PKI certificates are not just some random authentication as they can contain a significant amount of data. One of the top important pieces of information that a certificate includes is the website's or entity's public key; the certificate is only the medium through which the key is shared. Then comes the part of authentication; the certificate comes with an attestation from a reliable source that the entity or website is who they declare to be. Let us look at some of the key elements of PKI certificates to get a better understanding. A Registration Authority - The registration authority is the single most important element in the Public Key Certificate. It confirms the identities of those asking for digital certificates. A Certificate Authority - The certificate authority signs the entities with its public key and issues digital certificates. A Certificate Policy - This certificate policy outlines all the PKI procedures; it helps outsiders judge the authenticity of the website. A Certificate Database - The Database stores the metadata and certificates until the license expires. Now that you know the basis of PKI and PKI certificates, let us take a look at the uses of PKI. What Are The Uses Of Public Key Infrastructure? I am sure you have heard the term SSL before; it is the most common PKI implementation. But PKI is not just limited to SSL. There are a ton of other uses of PKI as well. Securing Local Networks. Email Encryption. Securing IOT Devices. Securing Internal Communications. Signing Documents. Giving Recovery Key For Encrypted Hard Drives. I hope by now you have understood the uses of PKI, so let us take a look at some of the risks that you may face if you do not execute PKI properly. What Are The Dangers of Poor PKI Implementation? The thing is, having PKI does not ensure total security, but IT and Security Professionals take PKI very seriously because they are well aware of the risks. Some of the common risks that you may face due to poor PKI implementation are: More encryption increases operational costs Most business organization lack the proper infrastructure to Implement PKI Unsecured websites undermine trust. Final Thoughts: There you have it, above was pretty much everything that you needed to know about PKI, aka Public Key Infrastructure. I hope you have found this article informative and educating. If you have some further queries in regards to PKI, kindly comment them down below. Read Also: Would Your Ecommerce Website Pass the Cybersecurity Test? Here are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong 6 Benefits of Microsoft 365 Security Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space