Instagram Head Adam Mosseri Says, “Threads Is Not Going To Amplify News”  

Published on: 12 October 2023 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
Instagram Head Adam Mosseri Says “Threads Is Not Going To Amplify News”

New Instagram app ‘threads’ are not prepared to challenge Elon Musk’s X if statements made by Adam Mosseri recently hold. Instagram head Adam further stated that the company didn’t intend to ‘amplify’ news on this platform. Users can also delete the Instagram account if they don’t prefer the “Threads” concept.

Although his position is not that unsure, it is discourteous if someone is looking to exit X in favor of benefits.

As per Meta’s information, social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, have had difficult relationships with news publishers over a few years. They have even had fights regarding publishing fake news, accusations, and clickbait of multiple political biases.  

Meta-owned ‘X’ social media platform has the potential to pull X users who are unsatisfied with Musk’s changes. At an Instagram creator event held last week, Mosseri expressed his statement, “We want to empower creators in general. We try not to slant too hard into the news. We’re not anti-news.”

While it is reasonable to say that Threads might be too new to have this solid approach to handling modern news. The requirement for X alternatives has become more popular in increasing the number of misinformation. Regarding additions, Mosseri is incorrect that Threads is not getting any news. Recently, the company has deleted many news-related search terms, such as ‘covid,’’ the Washington Post,’ and so many others.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Honor History

Medal of Honor History: 9 Amazing Facts You Need to Know

The Medal of Honor: a highly respected title which perfectly describes what it takes to be given this renowned award. Honor. Bravery. Sacrifice. And that's just to name a few. Since its inception in 1862, the Medal of Honor has been awarded to only the most deserving of US Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guards, and Marines. Those who have risked their lives for others, and for the greater good of the country, displaying "gallantry in action" and other soldier-like qualities. The Medal of Honor history is a long and admirable one that gets deeper with every passing ceremony. While most of us have a general idea of what this medal entails, there's always room to learn more. And since it's the most prestigious award given by the US military, it's certainly worth a lesson. Let's see why this award means so much. Medal of Honor History: 9 Awesome Facts : We've compiled a list of things to know about the Medal of Honor and its origins. Want your own Medal of Honor memorabilia? See page for details on how you can honor this timeless tradition - and then get reading. 1. Started by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 : Also called the Medal of Valor in its beginning, the Medal of Honor was established in the young years of war. Lincoln gave the award to six soldiers for their exemplary performance in the Civil War. 2. Going Beyond the Call of Duty : The Medal of Honor goes beyond the normal call of bravery. Those who receive the award have sacrificed majorly. In fact, sixty percent of those who receive the award do so after they have already passed. Killed in action: the major sacrifice of a man for his fellow man. Others have been awarded for the likes of running into a fire to save a comrade; tossing away live grenades, and submersing themselves in extreme enemy fire to protect someone else. As former President Obama stated during a ceremony: "This is the stuff of which heroes are made. This is the strength, the devotion that makes our troops the pride of every American." Those who receive this award are the epitome of that strength and devotion. It's not your average soccer trophy. 3. Nineteen People Have Been Double Recipients of the Award : A whopping nineteen people were eligible not just once, but twice, to receive the coveted, valued Medal of Honor. With ranks covering the categories of Major, to Sergeant, all the way to a Fireman, these honorable few have sacrificed themselves in the most honorable of ways. Twice. 4. The President Always Gives the Award : A tradition which began when President Abraham Lincoln awarded the first Medals of Honor to six soldiers who were members of a raiding party that went headfirst into Confederate territory to destroy bridges and railroad tracks. The tradition continues to this day, as recently as our last two US Presidents having given Medals of Honor. 5. Over 3,400 Medals of Honor Have Been Awarded so Far : Since only 19 people have been awarded twice, that means that over 3,362 individuals have passed the honored test, risking their lives and going above and beyond what was expected of them. 6. Only One Woman Has Ever Received the Medal of Honor : Out of the whopping 3,400 recipients, only one woman has ever been awarded the medal. Her name was Dr. Mary Walker. As a prisoner of war for months, a women's doctor, and an outspoken feminist, President Andrew Johnson believed her to be honorable enough to deserve the medal. However, awarding Walker was controversial at the time, especially considering Walker was never a commissioned soldier. Her award was ultimately rescinded due to the fact of being a civilian - but in a classic, rightfully stubborn form, she held onto the award until she died! Later President Jimmy Carter actually re-issued the honor in her name. 7. Recipients Have Participated in 24 Different Battles and Wars : From WWI to WWII; Iraq and Afghanistan; the Korean War; Vietnam War; Civil War; and over a dozen others, US soldiers have paved the way for greatness across the board. When conflict strikes the US, we have a tendency to strike back harder. 8. There Are 71 Total Living Recipients Today : Of the 71 still living, most were members of the US Army, with Marines being second; the Navy third; and the Coast Guard fourth. One of the most recent awards was given to Forent Groberg in 2012 for tackling a suicide bomber. While serving in Afghanistan, this Army soldier was badly injured while sacrificing himself to save fellow soldiers (which he did). This ceremony marked only the 10th time that a living service member has been awarded the Medal of Honor for efforts in Iraq or Afghanistan. Seven other fighters in this conflict received the award posthumously, or after their passing. After tackling the bomber to the ground, the vest detonated, injuring but not killing Groberg, and therefore saving the lives of many. In true honorable fashion, when Groberg learned of his receiving the award, he dedicated it to his fellow soldiers. 9. The Congressional Medal of Honor Society : The Congressional Medal of Honor Society was started to create a brotherhood amongst recipients of the award Unlike most societies, the CMHS hopes to have no new members. New members mean that soldiers must take action in times of war. In this way, the CMHS prides itself on being exclusive to the 71 remaining soldiers. Honor Your Country : There's a reason why the Medal of Honor is the highest award that can be given by the US military. Those who receive the medal are members of an elite, exclusive society: those who could have, or did, die in the name of protecting their country and their comrades. Not many people can say they deserve this honor. In fact, since its origins in the 1800s, less than 4,000 people have received this high recognition; and they hope that no one else will have to. Always remember these people when learning medal of honor history. If you know anyone who has received this honor, tell us their story. We love hearing from our users!  


Acupuncture in the UAE and the Hospital of the Future

Acupuncture is a treatment method that involves the careful insertion of paper-thin needles at specific points in the body to promote healing. A specialist does this to balance the Qi energy to improve your wellbeing. This practice originated in ancient China, and although many people trust western medicine, acupuncture can be an excellent alternative in UAE. Throughout the years, scientists have conducted several studies to identify the effectiveness of acupuncture. They found out that this technique helps to manage pain and other health conditions. If you have always wanted to try an alternative treatment without side effects, you can visit any acupuncture center Dubai specialist for assistance. Many people in Dubai have embraced acupuncture as they realize that it can treat various diseases such as asthma, back pains, and even allergies. How Does Acupuncture Work? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, diseases are caused by the disruption of energy flow in the body. Acupuncture aims to restore balance by activating acupoints. This releases the Qi which flows through the meridians. The needles in the acupuncture points activate the nerves which send multiple signals to the brain, which produces hormones to fight pain. Acupuncture Practice in the UAE: With the increase in the number of people who trust acupuncture in the UAE, there are many acupuncture center Dubai specialists you can visit for various problems. Acupuncture is effective in treating and controlling many diseases; that is why more people keep embracing the practice. The hospital of the future can benefit from acupuncture, especially in managing chronic conditions and pain. Below are some of the diseases the acupuncture Dubai clinics treat, and the practices the hospital of the future could borrow. Lower Back Pain: Back pain is common among many people, and it not only restricts mobility, but it also limits the things you can do. If you have this condition it is advisable to visit a certified acupuncture center Dubai practitioner to show you the way forward. This practice provides long-term pain relief, and it is pocket-friendly compared to other treatments. Allergies: Allergies affect our lives in different ways, for instance, you cannot eat some foods, or pollen might affect you. Visiting an acupuncture center Dubai specialist can help you to control these conditions. From sneezing, wheezing, puffy eyes, and runny nose, acupuncture works effectively. The best thing about this treatment is that you might start to notice changes after the initial session. An acupuncturist also helps you to discover if you are allergic to any foods or pollen. Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart diseases are the leading cause of death in the UAE; this is because of a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and lack of exercise. Acupuncture is useful because it lowers blood pressure in patients with heart conditions. It is advisable to visit an acupuncture center Dubai practitioner instead of conducting the process by yourself. The insertion of needles at the acupoints lowers stress and boosts the functions of the heart for patients. Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is a chronic condition that affects the entire body, especially the joints. It also makes the immune system to fight healthy tissues. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you might want to try acupuncture to relieve pain. This treatment reduces inflammation and chronic pain with no or fewer side effects. Remember, when you visit an acupuncture center Dubai physician to reveal all your concerns. Cancer: Although this treatment cannot treat cancer, it helps to relieve some of the side effects. People going through cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, or taking cancer medication might experience symptoms. Hot flushes, dry mouth, fatigue, and breathlessness are some of the symptoms. It also relieves nausea and vomiting, which is a side effect of chemotherapy. Some specialists might caution you on going for acupuncture before chemotherapy to avoid infection. However, you can do it before chemotherapy to prevent nausea. Other benefits include pain and anxiety reduction. Read more: The Functions And Benefits Of A Cancer App Addiction: It is difficult to overcome addiction, especially after many years. Apart from counseling and other forms of treatment, acupuncture can be effective. When you visit an acupuncture center Dubai doctor, he will help you to curb your cravings for harmful substances. You also experience feelings of calmness as well as no pain from withdrawal symptoms. Stimulation of acupoints leads to the release of endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. According to Chinese Medicine, acupuncture helps to balance energy. This means a session helps to nourish and restore a patient’s energy. Many people trust acupuncture treatment in the UAE because of its effectiveness, low costs, and few side effects. More hospitals in the future should adopt the use of acupuncture in their facilities because it does not only relieve chronic pain, but it also helps to manage other conditions such as allergies and cardiovascular diseases. Remember to visit an acupuncture center Dubai specialist to discuss your treatment options rather than opting for self-treatment. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Planning The Perfect Event Charter In Dubai 6 Signs Of A Reputable Eye Doctor In Fort Myers

Stuck at the Airport

Avoid Getting Stuck at the Airport After Arrival

The last thing you want to do after landing at the airport is to stay there. You were already in the air for several hours, so you want to go home immediately. Airports can be crowded and confusing. You also have lots of bags with you. If you are travelling with your kids, it can get even worse. There are ways for you to avoid getting stuck at the airport for a long time. Remember your luggage belt number: Not all airports have huge signs telling you where you can retrieve your bags. However, in most cases, you will receive an announcement before disembarking. Remember the number so that you can immediately proceed to that belt. The Luton Airport luggage retrieval area is massive, and you don’t want to waste your time heading to the wrong place. Prepare all your travel documents: If you got off of an international flight, you need to take your passport along with other items necessary if you are not a British citizen. Sometimes, the queue can be long especially if several flights arrive at the same time. You need to prepare the documents and head straight to the passport control area. Follow the signs: Even though Luton is a huge airport, you won't get lost if you know how to follow the signs. You can read the signs and head straight to the exit. If you get lost, you can find ground staff who can help point you in the right direction. Research the airport: You can find information about the airport online. You can also check the map. You will then know where to go as soon as you land. If there are other services that you want such as internet access, your research will point you to the right place. Arrange your cab service in advance: There are different options for airport transfer. You can use a train, bus, or hire a private limo. Public transportation is a big no given the number of people using it. If you are already tired from your flight, you don't want to be stressed out by public transportation. On the other hand, if you decide to hire a cab before you arrive, it will be there waiting for you at the exit area, or any other meeting point you agreed on. Simply head there, and you will be off to your destination in Milton Keynes. In no time, you will already be at home or in your hotel, resting. Check out a Milton Keynes airport taxi for more information on how to avail of this service, and how much you need to spend. No one wants to remain in a vast and crowded airport for a long time. You will feel stressed by the environment in the airport. You can avoid it by preparing for your trip and arranging every detail before you arrive. You may also communicate with someone you know who resides in the area to help arrange the details for you. Read Also: The Highest Mountains In The World 4 Do’s And Don’t’s In Paris