Tending to Your Needs: 5 Key Differences Between Online and Offline Auctions

Published on: 25 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Offline Auctions

Auctioning is a popular way of selling and purchasing various items. But, what are the differences between online and offline auctions?

In the past, all auctions were conducted offline. The development of the internet has led to the rise of online auctioning platforms.

Companies that provide auctioning services have embraced modern methods while still keeping the traditional live auctions. To get an overview of the services provided by such companies, visit equifyauctions.com


In offline auctions, experts examine and curate the items to be auctioned carefully. Customers can also inspect the items and even test them (if applicable) before the bidding process begins. This assists them in making informed decisions about the items placed for auction.

On the other hand, it is rarely possible to test an item on online auctioning platforms. Online auctions are also accessible to global audiences, whereas offline auctions are only available to locals and people living nearby.


To bid in offline auctions, you must be physically present. Conversely, online auctions only require internet access. This means that you can bid from anywhere provided you have access to the internet.

In this regard, online auctions have the upper hand over offline auctions because of the wide variety of items available. For instance, you can bid for a car in Britain while living in the US.

Bidding online has an advantage in that prices may be cheap if you are first to the auction. On the contrary, it can also be expensive to acquire a product when the bidders are several, given that many people find bidding over the internet to be convenient.


In live auctions, payments are mostly made in cash. Since the buyer is likely to meet the seller one-on-one and you pay for what you see, issues regarding payments are very rare.

In online auctions, there are no guarantees overpayments. Issues arising from faulty items, and in severe cases, non-delivery, are likely to occur. However, there are some platforms with a credibility that use secure payment platforms. Such platforms also compensate you if the bought items do not meet the desired standard.


Offline auctions are renowned for their utmost trust. Online auctions, on the other hand, have some work to do on this front.  As mentioned above, the trust issues originate from payment and delivery.


Online platforms have been cited by many as the future of auction. This could be the case, mainly because they are convenient and give you a broader audience. However, there are several challenges that need addressing. These include:

  • People will always have reservations about risking their money. This means that online auctions have to implement methods of safeguarding client funds.
  • There is a need for creating a means of verifying the existence of an item, clients should also be able to inspect the condition of the item before committing their funds.
  • That being said, you should thoroughly research a reputable auction house before buying or selling an item.

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What Is Not A Benefit Of Google Analytics Remarketing

What Is Not A Benefit Of Google Analytics Remarketing?

“What is not a benefit of Google Analytics Remarketing?” When you are looking for the answer to these questions, you need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of Google Analytics remarketing. Here, in this article, I will give you an insight into that, along with giving you the answer. First, I will give you the answer, and then we will talk a little more about Google Analytics Remarketing. So, let’s get started now. What Is Not A Benefit Of Google Analytics Remarketing? Now it is time to answer the question and the answer is; Allowing customers to reorder the item quickly that they have bought previously. Google Analytics Remarketing: What Does It Mean? There are some people who are engaged with your website already, and that is already consolidated with Google analytics. That means Google analytics has already collected much data on the user’s behaviors. Here, the possibility of transforming those potential customers who have already visited your website’s product page or your website will automatically increase. Now, suppose you are using the data pieces of Google Analytics in order to retarget those users who have already engaged with your website. This is termed Google analytics remarketing. For Google Analytics remarketing, it is a must to connect a Google Analytics account along with your Google ads account. Link Google Ads With Google Analytics From the above discussion, we get to know that you need to link your Google Analytics with Google ads. Now, I will geode you with that. You first need to open your Google ads account and then select the “Tools and Settings” option. There, find the option “Linked Accounts” and select that. A list of several Google products, along with some third-party products, will open. In Google Analytics (UA) option, select “Details.” a popup will open, and with just some clicks, you will be able to link your google Analytics with Google ad.  Now, you will be able to cross-verify Google Analytics and Google ads linking by checking Google Analytics. Here Is a guide for that also. Just open Google analytics and then go for the option “admin” at the bottom left corner. There, you will find the “Google ads linking option.” Read More: Content Marketing Campaign Strategy For Small Business Advantages Of Google Analytics Remarketing Till now, Google Analytics remarketing, linking Google ads with Google analytics, everything sounds just fine. But you must know the advantages that you can utilize. Suppose a customer visits your site with the intention of buying a product. The individual will add products to the shopping cart, and then for any random reason, the individual fails to finish the final checkout in order to complete the process. Statistics say that the rate of cart abandonment is 88.05%. That means, across the globe, a percentage of people abandon shopping carts. These people don’t convert.  But, those customers who have abandoned shopping carts are actually potential customers, and they can be transformed in the remarketing campaign. If you can retarget those customers, your conversion rate will be high. Basically, you can re-engage with all those customers who have expressed genuine keenness in your services and products in a remarketing campaign. Let’s understand this concept with an example. Natasha saw a party dress and visited your website. She is highly interested in buying a party dress for her bachelorette. Now, she selected a dress and added them to the shopping cart. She found out that she doesn’t have her credit card with her. Now, she is closing the site and thinking about buying it next time. Here, we can say that Natasha is indeed a potential customer. Now, imagine what if you show her the same product that she had added to the shopping cart. What do you think? Will Natahs buy that or not? Absolutely yes, Natasha will buy that dress because she is a hungry customer and also has an event soon, which means her buying intent is very strong. Just like this, there are several other customers who do the same thing. They left or abandoned the shopping cart for some reason, and then you will have a very filtered audience list to target. Now, here, what’s the role of Google? Google will display the ads on the partnered websites, which your potential targeted customers are likely to visit for entertaining or gaining knowledge purposes. When they see similar products that they saw a few days back, then their desire to purchase that product will increase.  And this desire compels them to purchase the products. Google Analytics Remarketing: Why? Everything till now is fine, but as you are looking for the answer, I think you are thinking about opting for Google analytics remarketing. And In case you are not, here are some major reasons why you should try it. Over time the conversion rates increase in remarketing campaigns. Although the click-through rate may get lesser a little, the conversion rate will surely be high. In case the customer has already interacted with your products or services but didn’t buy them due to some reasons, the remarketing campaign works best. All those individuals who have seen your ads several times during that time would not be able to make the buying decision, and they convert immediately. Now, come to the major point, when they get free time, they forget your brand or company name once they visit any website and see the product they desire to purchase. Then they purchase it quickly. To be honest, the Google display network provides one of the greatest reaches. GDN reaches around 90% of internet users. For running remarketing ads, GDN is actually really efficient. Final Talks So along with getting the answer to the question, “what is not a benefit of google analytics remarketing?” Basically, it lets users reorder the products that have already been purchased by the individual. I believe after going through this article; you get the required knowledge. In case you have any questions or queries, feel free to reach me through the comment section. I will get back with the collusion as soon as possible. Read Also: Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business Google Analytics Cannot Collect Data From Which Systems By Default? Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services

Employee Engagement

5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry

  Call Centre Industries are generally considered to be the front lines of customer service, serving as a brand expert and customer trusted the human connection to a company all at once. And keeping your employees engaged at work could sometimes turn out to be a difficult task, but it does not have to be. Chief Human Resource Officer at Paycor Karen Crone defines employee engagement as an engagement to which your employees: Stay with the organization for a longer period of time, talking positively about the company, and last but not least offering a discretionary effort. 5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry When employees are engaged they then turn out to become advocates for your company. Time and time again research has proven that happy and engaged employees generally turn out to work harder and work much better. Given here the 5 major tips that would help you to increase employee engagement in a call center industry. 1. Giving the employees the right tool for success with a proper training: In order to deliver the best results, call center industry agents should here be giving the latest technology for excellent omnichannel customer service, receiving proper training that is required to master the tools.  Using a contact center software solution with advanced features would here ensure you quicker, and a much more efficient service helping the agents feel prepared for their next interaction. 2. Communicating with clients: When there is clear communication between the associate work and business strategy, then a line of sight is created that gives an employee a reason to come and work adding in their best efforts. By being open and acknowledging the dedication of all your employees you make their work much more full filling. 3. Asking for their feedback: Due to the daily interactions and communication with all your clients and customers, the agents could now provide knowledge on the customer’s behavior and their ideas for one of the best practices during service interactions. The feedback gained from all your clients and customers helps in improving the customer experiences through surveys, enhancing the call receipts, improving the training methods, and the last but not the least modifying or bringing out new products and services. Providing feedback through official surveys and staff meetings the agents begin to feel that they are a part of your team and to the success of a brand. 4. Personalize Development: The workforce of a specific organization especially with an addition to the millennials is focussing on how the job experiences could here improve the skill set of the employees and the future of their business organization. One of the best ways that you could foster the personal development of the workplace would here include creating affinity groups, using subject matter experts within your company as teachers, having employees talking about their strengths and weaknesses. 5. Developing great managers: Having great managers is really important as the above-mentioned tips depend on having managers who have invested in their associates. Having your managers informed and engaged would make their job of encouraging the employee’s engagement becoming much easier. Through employee engagement, organizations could here boost up their employee's motivation, building confidence in the work that they are doing, ultimately leading them to promote exceptional customer service for long-term loyalty.

Content marketing

How To Make Your Content More Engaging : 5 Easy Peasy Ways

Content marketing is an essential tool to increase the net reach of a business. Especially since consumers are becoming more and more research dependent to choose from hundreds of options for the same product or service. “Google” has now become a verb and customers “google” everything before buying. In this scenario, content marketing becomes very important to make sure the customers get to see your website and content. Search Engine Optimized text and smart use of keywords are important to make your content visible. However, just attracting a customer to your website is not enough. Keeping your website visitors engaged is equally, if not more, important. But how do you do that? Here are a few things you can do to engage your website visitors. Content Marketing. Different Ways Content Marketing Can Make Things Possible For You    There are several factors you have to take care of if you want to multiply your business in the right direction. Content Marketing can make things easier for you. 1. Keep Your Content Informative: The prime objective of your website and the aim of your customer is to gather information regarding a particular subject. Thus, while experimenting with everything else, do not undermine the importance of quality information in content marketing. Focus on incorporating a diverse range of subjects in your content, add news pieces, and give your readers more reasons to visit your website multiple times. 2. Present Data via Infographics: Statistics automatically increase the quality of your content. But let’s face it, numbers can get boring if not presented correctly. Thus including data in your content without making the readers lose their interest in the content can be a tough job. A good and proven way is to use infographics. Curate your own infographics based on reliable data. However, it is important to keep in mind that the data should be readable and understandable by your readers.  3. Include Videos: Videos are much more engaging than text, especially when it comes to informative text. Curate videos related to the products or services you offer. You can also include clippings of interviews or news that presents information relating to your services. For example, if you offer natural and organic skincare products, you can add news clippings talking about the harmful effects of toxins in cosmetic products. To be more engaging, use animation and curate your own video describing why the customer needs what you are offering. It is advertising yes, but also a part of your content. Hence, do not shy away from using videos on your website. 4. Use Pop Culture: One thing we can all agree on is that no one likes to read boring content. You have to put in efforts to make your content more interest-grabbing. A good option is to use pop culture references so that the customers can relate your content to their daily lives. While this does not mean there should be any compromise on the level of information, it surely will help you develop a connection between your services and your customers all the while making your content more enjoyable. 5. Personal Touch Is Important: While the prime function of your content is to give out information, personal touch to your content can make it even more reliable and relatable to your customers. Sharing your personal experience regarding any particular subject, or an anecdote of an incident while availing of service shows that the information you provide comes from experience and is thus practically useful to your customer. You can even hire content marketing service providers to enhance your visibility and access online or invest in a WordPress maintenance service to manage your website so you can focus more time on marketing. The above-mentioned points help you make your content engaging. However, it is also crucial to make sure that your content is shareable. Add in sharing links for different social media platforms. Keep the comment section open and try reverting back to your customer's feedback regarding your content. These little things can help you get the best out of your business’s online presence. Read Also: Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing