Tending to Your Needs: 5 Key Differences Between Online and Offline Auctions

Published on: 25 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Offline Auctions

Auctioning is a popular way of selling and purchasing various items. But, what are the differences between online and offline auctions?

In the past, all auctions were conducted offline. The development of the internet has led to the rise of online auctioning platforms.

Companies that provide auctioning services have embraced modern methods while still keeping the traditional live auctions. To get an overview of the services provided by such companies, visit equifyauctions.com


In offline auctions, experts examine and curate the items to be auctioned carefully. Customers can also inspect the items and even test them (if applicable) before the bidding process begins. This assists them in making informed decisions about the items placed for auction.

On the other hand, it is rarely possible to test an item on online auctioning platforms. Online auctions are also accessible to global audiences, whereas offline auctions are only available to locals and people living nearby.


To bid in offline auctions, you must be physically present. Conversely, online auctions only require internet access. This means that you can bid from anywhere provided you have access to the internet.

In this regard, online auctions have the upper hand over offline auctions because of the wide variety of items available. For instance, you can bid for a car in Britain while living in the US.

Bidding online has an advantage in that prices may be cheap if you are first to the auction. On the contrary, it can also be expensive to acquire a product when the bidders are several, given that many people find bidding over the internet to be convenient.


In live auctions, payments are mostly made in cash. Since the buyer is likely to meet the seller one-on-one and you pay for what you see, issues regarding payments are very rare.

In online auctions, there are no guarantees overpayments. Issues arising from faulty items, and in severe cases, non-delivery, are likely to occur. However, there are some platforms with a credibility that use secure payment platforms. Such platforms also compensate you if the bought items do not meet the desired standard.


Offline auctions are renowned for their utmost trust. Online auctions, on the other hand, have some work to do on this front.  As mentioned above, the trust issues originate from payment and delivery.


Online platforms have been cited by many as the future of auction. This could be the case, mainly because they are convenient and give you a broader audience. However, there are several challenges that need addressing. These include:

  • People will always have reservations about risking their money. This means that online auctions have to implement methods of safeguarding client funds.
  • There is a need for creating a means of verifying the existence of an item, clients should also be able to inspect the condition of the item before committing their funds.
  • That being said, you should thoroughly research a reputable auction house before buying or selling an item.

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Digital marketing

Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

You could have the most astounding business, offering the most elite products or service, but if your consumers cannot find you, how will they experience what you have to offer? Digital marketing is the latest way of marketing your business. Why? Because more than 3 billion people in the world use the internet. Digital marketing agencies specialise in online strategies to get your website found. They use paid searches, search engine optimisation (SEO), the creation of content and social media in order to drive more traffic to your website. More traffic means more purchases, more customers and more revenue. But why do you need a digital marketing agency? You have a pretty savvy marketing assistant promoting your company, that’s enough right? No, not if you want to beat your competitors.  Search engines such as Google are always changing how they rank and who should be placed higher. This makes optimisation ever-changing. Social media’s are constantly modernising algorithms and changing features. In a continually changing and fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to keep up with digital marketing strategies, as well as run your business. You want to be the best in your game right? You want maximum profits and up-to-date strategies. Here is how a creative digital marketing agency can do this for you. SEO If someone is looking for something online, where is the first place they will go? Search engines. The most popular being Google, receiving over 3 billion online searches on a daily basis. If your website isn’t created to work well in a Google search, it’s going to be very difficult for people to find you. SEO is an organic way to gain traffic because you’re not paying for it; you are just optimizing your site to rank higher on search engines. Keyword placement and gaining backlinks to your site are the main ways a digital marketing agency will SEO your website, but with ever-changing Google Algorithms, it requires consistent updating. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business Social media A digital marketing agency also provides social media management. Knowing what social media platforms are best for your company is one thing, but being able to use them effectively to successfully promote a campaign is another. If utilised correctly, social media is a great way to stay connected with customers, reach out to new customers and let people know exactly what your business is doing. Social networking is a powerful tool with 2.34 billion social media users worldwide. Knowing how to encourage people to share your content on social media can make your business visible to thousands of the sharers’ friends that may not have ever seen your products or services otherwise. There’s specific do’s and don’ts to a social media campaign and accidently doing some of the don’ts could have detrimental effects on your business’ reputation. Read also: Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly Social Media Marketing Role In Technology Content Writing content for digital marketing has to be done in a certain way. You may think it’s good to be creative with your content writing detailed descriptions and drop-intros to hook and engage your readers. However, if you don’t optimise it to the web, you won’t have any readers to hook. It is not about cramming content with keywords, but about using them in the correct way to keep the quality and creative content, but also publish and promote your content well. Digital marketing agencies write all of your on-site and off-site content in an optimised way. They create the right content for your correct audience for you through research of keywords used by your consumers and exploration of what your competitors are doing to make sure you are always number 1. A digital marketing agency is a helping hand in promoting your business the way you know it deserves to be. They have the advantage of knowing their way around the complex digital world so that they can make sure your business is recognised, promoted and established in the digital marketing world. Read also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Some Powerful Attributes That A Website Must Have In Its Content

Web Application

Implementing the Best Web Application for Approach in Modern Marketing

In advertising and publicizing your business brand and product, you should follow a specific process. This will ensure that you increase your business revenue but most importantly you will be able to provide your users with a positive and everlasting experience. In this modern business world, there is a strong competition exists and if you consider it from the conceptual point of view it is a very complicated task to have memorable and effective publicity. You may find some strategies are useful and are very much in practice but in order to reach out to a wider audience and create a greater media impact you will have to think out of the box and look over and beyond the traditional marketing policies. The best way to proceed is to have a useful, effective, appealing and easy to navigate web application or web app as these are popularly called in addition to your well-designed website. This will help you to reach out to a larger audience and create a more distinct appeal. Having a dedicated web app is the most commonly followed digital strategy by most of the businesses. It helps their services and products to reach out to their targeted audiences anywhere and anytime even when they are on the go. However, creating a web app that is useful and effective is not easy as you will need to stick to the cultural values of your business as well as your audience. In addition to that, you must ensure that: Is good Creates a positive impression Impacts the users’ minds with a clear image of your company and product Is useful for the industry Is easy to access from mobile devices and Is easy to navigate and self-intuitive. It must also vary with different tastes and requirements of the users and all should be available in one place. You must make sure that a single app is useful enough for all types of audiences irrespective of their demographics, location, and even disabilities. Therefore, be wise to invest in a professional web app development company to include all of the useful and idiosyncratic features in the web app. Things to consider While you design a website you may focus on telling a story through the images and graphics, more information through the text and other aspects but when you design a web application it should be high and only informative. The elements and pictures should be useful and only the necessary ones should be included or else it will be cluttered and less appreciated by the users. A large part of the success of your web app will depend on the quality and efficiency of it. It should be in accordance to the need and requirements of your clients and of course the market. You must focus on delivering the desired results as per the wish of your users. This is an important factor to consider because users will have different needs and demands for different businesses and therefore your app should be unique for your type of business and the product or services that you have to offer to your customers. Besides your app design, you should also focus on the type of company to select for designing your app. This is another important factor to consider as there are several such agencies out there but all may not be able to deliver you with exactly what you need. Therefore, make sure that you choose a web app development company based on the level of competence, expertise, and efficiency. This will prevent you from selecting a company that is above the average Consider your goals The primary objective of creating a web application for any particular business is to consider and implement the features that will enable the business to achieve its goals. This will make your investment fruitful and protect your hard earned and valuable money. For this matter, you must include only those options in your web app that are necessary for the user to make a buying decision. Incorporating others in the app may confuse the user resulting in leaving it soon. You must deliver your user what they want along with your vision as well. You will need to be more creative in designing your app to make a better appeal and stay in the business as well as follow your innovative and unique marketing strategies. Apart from designing a really good app that will deliver your vision, it is also necessary to ensure that it is scalable enough to assure the best and most effective results. This will ensure that you offer your users with more dynamic and useful solutions to their queries and issues. In order to reach out to a more targeted audience, you should customize the ideas, needs, and features that are specific to your specific industry. In addition to that, you must also keep in mind that you need to establish a relationship with your users when they use your web app. The users must be comfortable to use and work with your app which is why you should use more than the tried and tested features in your app to be truly useful. You may experiment more with the approaches, features, and ideas to implement but in the end, you must make sure that till it provides the best solution to the users. This will not only ensure that you achieve the best results for your business but it will also allow you to measure the success level of your app and how much it is able to contribute to your revenue generation. Ideally, the use of a web app is not only to get more business but also to create the best brand recognition with your expert marketing strategies. Wrapping it up If you find all these are too tall ask for you hire a professional agency. They will ensure better networking and that the best features are included in your app to help the users in better decision making and at the same time you can follow your business objective. Read Also: Doing It Old School: 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You To Reach A Wider Audience

Location-Based Data

What to Know About Location-Based Data

For businesses in any industry and of any size, location-based data and the use of a location analysis tool can take your marketing to the next level. Location-based marketing means that you’re targeting your audience based on where they are at a current moment, or maybe where they’ve recently been. For example, you could target an audience that had recently been to a local car repair shop, or maybe you’re using zip codes to target people. Location data can provide a lot of information about what a person does on a daily basis. This could include their shopping habits, where they prefer to eat, and it can even provide information about how they go from looking at a product online to buying it in a store. The use of location-based data means that you can personalize your products or services and be more targeted and efficient with your marketing. The following are some of the big things to know. The Basics Location data is typically a reference to the specific geographic position of a smartphone or another device, or a building. There are coordinates that are expressed as Latitude and Longitude, and these are the geographic positions themselves. As far as marketing, GPS data is what’s most commonly being talked about. GPS provides coordinates gathered by a device. There’s another term to be aware of here too, which is a Software Development Kit or SDK. SDK codes are used by app developers. These codes then tell the app once it’s installed on someone’s device to collect location data from that device. The codes that are installed in an app do require that the user give explicit permission for the collection of location data. The SDK method gives deep insight into the habits of users, but the opt-in element is important. Usually, the opt-in is obtained when a user first interacts with an app after downloading it. In some cases, an SDK can only work when the app is open, and others can run in the background. Legality Location data doesn’t record someone’s identity or any information that could personally identify them. Businesses small and large throughout the world do use location data. There are regulations and legal compliance issues to be aware of, though. For example, data privacy laws dictate how businesses can collect and utilize some customer data. A data collector has to get the specific consent of someone to use, store, manage or share their data. You also have to provide them the opportunity to opt-out any time. Strategies For Location-Based Marketing There are a lot of ways that you can use location-based data in your marketing. Examples include: Geofencing: This is a concept where location data is collected in real-time. With this approach, there’s the creation of a virtual perimeter around a certain location. Then, you’re either gathering data within that or targeting. You can use it for proximity marketing. For example, if someone with your app enters an area within your perimeter, then they might get a push notification letting them know of a sale or event. Geotargeting: This is about delivering ads to people in a particular location, but it’s different from geofencing in that it can use previous location data paired with specific attributes of the audience. It might, for example, use location along with interest or behavioral data. This gives the opportunity for segmented and tailored marketing. Conquesting: This location-driven marketing approach is about reaching your competitor’s customers. For example, you’re using collected data to reach an audience when they are visiting the location of your competitor. What Types of Businesses Are a Good Fit for Location-Driven Marketing? There are broadly a few types of businesses that might find location marketing is a good fit for them. First, if you have retail locations, it can be a good idea to explore the collection of location data. This can include shops, restaurants, or car dealerships. If you’re a business that has special events or seasonal events, you might consider it. This could include event venues, sporting businesses, and businesses in travel or hospitality. eCommerce brands might use location marketing to find shoppers that go to brick-and-mortar competitors. Niche industries such as transportation and real estate as well as education can benefit from location marketing. Location data is really the biggest thing right now in terms of understanding customer behavior and the full customer journey and filling in gaps in that journey or perhaps the gaps between online and offline behavior. Read Also: Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business Tips on Doing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for Businesses 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram