The Kratom Botanical Family

Published on: 03 May 2021 Last Updated on: 08 November 2023
Kratom Botanical Family

The Kratom tree is a tropical evergreen native to Southeast Asia. Officially called Mitragyna speciosa, the Kratom tree is a member of the Rubiaceae botanical family and thrives in warm, humid climates.

If you’re making a kratom strains comparison to see which type of Kratom offers the best properties for you, it’s worth taking a more in-depth look at the Kratom botanical family. Here is a simple guide for those new to Kratom and seeking further information about the botanical group this versatile leaf comes from.

What Are the Most Important Rubiaceae Botanicals?

While the Rubiaceae botanical family is vast, there are a few species that have numerous practical applications. These family members are known for their uses in medicine, recreational use, and consumption. From Kratom powder to medicines, this plant has vivid uses.

Mitragyna speciosa

The Kratom plant is where the leaves for Kratom powder and capsules are harvested. These recreational plant products can boost your motivation, improve your outlook, and even reduce temporary muscle aches or tension, like after a workout. While traditionally used in Southeast Asia, where the tree originates, Kratom is gaining traction in the Western world as its many wellness-promoting uses become better known.

Coffea plants

Coffee plants are trees or small shrubs found in tropical Asia and parts of Africa. There are over 120 species native to these areas, but only three are safe for human consumption: Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora, and Coffea liberica.

While the leaves of Coffea arabica are poisonous, the seeds can be harvested, dried, and roasted to produce coffee beans, which are then ground to be used in hot or cold beverages.

Uncaria gambir

The Uncaria gambir is a wild shrub that grows in China and parts of Southeast Asia. This plant produces the substance gambier, which is used as a brown dye and tanning agent in leather production.


Quinine, which comes from the bark of the Cinchona, is integral to human medicine because it’s been used to treat malaria since the 1600s. As of 2006, it is no longer officially recommended by the World Health Organization for malaria treatment, but its economic impact is historically significant. All cinchona trees are native to South America.

Carapichea ipecacuanha

The roots of the Carapichea ipecacuanha provide ipecac, which has been used medicinally to induce vomiting after poisoning or drug overdose.

Physical Properties of Rubiaceae

The Rubiaceae botanical family consists of shrubs, some trees, and a couple of herb species. The base of these plants is a branched root system, and they have an erect stem.

Many members of this botanical group also have floral characteristics, and for the most part, are hermaphrodites. This means the plant’s reproductive parts (complete or partial) are usually linked to both the female and male sexes. Others within the family are unisexual, though this is rare.

The plants within the Rubiaceae family are commonly referred to as the bedstraw, madder, or coffee family and are recognizable for their simplistic opposite leaves with interpetiolar stipules. The Rubiaceae botanicals also have endospermic seeds, which means there is an endosperm inside the mature seed. It’s a fleshy, oily storage organ that contains the reserve food.

What Are the Characteristics of the Kratom Botanical Family?

Within this family of flowering plants, over 13,000 species of trees, herbs, and shrubs serve various purposes for physical wellness, consumption, ornamentation, and more. The Rubiaceae are the fifth largest flowering plant family worldwide.

A similarity between the many members of the Rubiaceae botanical family is the alkaloids that give each plant its unique properties. Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is known for the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, both of which interact with receptors in the brain to deliver the mental and emotional benefits that Kratom is known for. These alkaloids are incredibly potent but can become less intense if they’re broken down by mixing Kratom powder with boiling water since the extreme heat causes alkaloid instability.

In the Coffea arabica plant, you’ll find the most popular purine alkaloid, caffeine, which is enjoyed daily by people across the globe for its neurologically stimulating effects. In Carapichea ipecacuanha, the alkaloids present are called emetine and cephaeline, and it is the alkaloids that are responsible for inducing vomiting when people consume ipecac. In the Cinchona bark, quinine is the most potent alkaloid.

The traits that many families of the Rubiaceae species offer can be broken down into three primary categories:

Medicinal plants

Many plants from the Rubiaceae family possess medicinal properties and have historically been useful in the medical field. Cinchona is perhaps the most notable of this group.

Beverage plants

The most popular Rubiaceae plant used for beverages is Coffea arabica, which is the source of coffee beans. Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa, can also be included in this grouping because of its popularity as a tea. It’s delicious when mixed with orange juice and other fruity beverages as well.

Culinary plants

While not considered staple crops, plants in the Rubiaceae family have been consumed by various cultures during famine or rituals due to their complex nutritional profile.

African peach, Nauclea latifolia, with its deep red, sweet flesh, is often cooked and eaten as a side dish, consumed raw, or dried and used as a seasoning. They have a high concentration of antioxidants and are purported to have medicinal applications for managing blood sugar levels and as a digestive aid.

Ornamental plants

The Rubiaceae family also has plenty of floral botanicals that make beautiful decorative pieces for the home. Rubia, Gardenia, and Mussaenda are just a few that fall into this category.

Dye plants

Botanicals have been used as a natural source of fabric dye for centuries, and the Rubiaceae family creates a plethora of colors. Rose madder makes a bold red hue, while gambier gives a deep brown color and morinda citrifolia produces a rich yellow.

Understanding the Kratom Botanical Family

The Rubiaceae botanical family have been a crucial part of civilization for centuries, providing medicinal, culinary, and decorative plants for people in numerous cultures.

Kratom, derived from Mitragynia speciosa, has recently gained popularity among the wellness community for its therapeutic benefits ranging from calming an agitated nervous system, to assisting in faster post-workout recovery, to promoting increased alertness throughout the day.

By understanding the historical uses and biological properties of Kratom and its cousins in the Rubiaceae family, you can learn more about how Kratom products interact with your body and purchase Kratom with confidence.

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5 Tips to Keeping Animals Away From Your Garden

Animals might be cute, furry, and very pleasing to look at but they can seriously be destructive to your field, some of us may enjoy their company, others might want to kill them instantly! Either way, if you do not take care of who enters your garden, your plants may not thank you. Check out the rest of the article to understand what kind of animals can spoil your garden and how to restrict their movement. Who are these animals? Some of the most common garden animals include chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, mice, moles, rats, and opossums. To learn more about possums, click get rid of possum. These animals dig holes into the ground, eat your fruits and vegetables, multiply or lay eggs in your garden, and generally wreak havoc. Other larger animals include dogs, deer, birds, snakes, etc. Just having them run around the garden can cause large-scale destruction. Ways to get rid of animals in your garden There are several ways to control the entry of animals in your garden. Some are more effective than others. To learn more about these methods, read on. 1. Identify the creature : The best way to control animals is to identify them first. This way you would know exactly how to deal with them by understanding their behavior and ways of living or multiplying. You can then target the animal with exactly the right technique that is needed to get rid of them. It is necessary to identify the animal to learn about its habitat, control them, and devise an effective solution. 2. Make your garden animal proof : By making your garden attractive to animals, you will invite more pests into it. Therefore, certain methods need to be adopted to make sure that the animals stay away. One such method is to cut down on places that can house such animals, like tall grass, bushes, or a pile of leaves. Some animals can even crawl under your deck or porch. Minimize any food sources, like birdbaths and seed booths, where animals like squirrels may come to feed. Moreover, you should cover your compost pile that attracts raccoons and fruit and vegetable patches with nets to avoid dogs, cats, deer, etc. 3. Fences, nets, and traps : Fences are a great option to help minimize the entry of animals. For smaller animals, like rats, squirrels, rabbits, and more, small fences around your garden are enough. But for larger animals, like dogs and deer, larger and taller fences are required. Putting up taller fences can go a little heavy on your pocket, so securing plants is probably a better option. Nets are a great way to prevent animals from actually feeding on your produce, like fruits and vegetables. Just adding a mesh or net around your patches can make a huge difference. Traps can be placed throughout the garden to catch animals with the help of baits. Use some food, like cheese, crackers, or biscuits, to lure animals into the trap, which then slams shut. Animals are also not harmed this way. It’s easy to catch possums, rats, squirrels, etc. with the help of traps. 4. Repellents : Some animals can be repelled using auditory techniques, like certain sounds, and repellents that smell a certain way, thus driving or scaring away the animal out of your garden. Some examples of repellents are - predatory urine, garlic clips, and castor oil. But these repellants need to be applied and monitored on a regular basis to make sure they are effective. Some of these repellents, however, can be toxic to humans, so be careful, which repellents you choose. Auditory repellents include motion-sensitive water sprayers, ultrasonic repellers, and visual scare devices, such as reflective tape. The only problem with these repellents is that pests may become immune to these methods, and therefore they may decrease in effectiveness over time. Make sure you read all the directions given on any repellants or products before using them. 5. Do on the spot management : For example, when moles create boroughs in your garden, you can place mothballs in the holes to repel them. Moles don’t eat your garden produce but their tunnels can cause your plants to die since plants may not find space to grow underneath the ground with enough nutrients. If certain animals have entered your garden, immediately introduce the predator species into your gardens, such as cats and dogs, to scare away the pests. Cats and dogs prey on animals, like mice and rats. In some cases, you can hand aluminum foils with strings in your garden. The shiny material can scare away the animals. Again, the effectiveness of this method may die with time. Pests are destructive to your garden and should definitely be identified and eradicated. However, there’s no need to kill these animals in order to get rid of them. You can also use humane ways to get animals out of your garden. Use the methods given above in order to get rid of animals, including possums, from your garden. This will help you get a more secure and flourishing garden in no time! Read Also : 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems

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How to Find the Best Wholesale Kitchen Cabinets

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Men's Gift

Men’s Gift Guide Cheat Sheet

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