Less waste – Something You can Do for the World

Published on: 19 January 2019 Last Updated on: 25 August 2021
Less waste

Any ideas for a new year’s resolution in 2019? Here is one – first look back to 2018 (or any year before) and try to count all the times you had to take out the trash. Impossible? That can be so because we tend to produce an enormous amount of waste. According to EPA research, one person in the United States produces up to 2,000 pounds of trash a year, less than half of which can be recycled. There are, on the other hand, people proud of producing only one jar of waste in a year. Can it be possible for an average person? Here are some tips to produce less waste and therefore care more for mother earth.

How much do I really waste?

The first thing to do is a little reflection on your life. However disgusting it may sound you should look through your trash and see which items are the majority of your waste. Maybe paper cups? Plastic forks? Paper tissues? By doing so you’ll immediately see, what to focus on and what kind of waste should you limit the most.

Little swaps:

It can seem harsh to immediately switch your lifestyle to zero waste, but in reality, you don’t need to do everything at once. Little swaps in your daily life can already be meaningful and help the environment. This can be a bamboo toothbrush instead of the plastic ones, a bag made of paper instead of the plastic ones, stainless steel Tupperware instead of – guess what? – plastic ones. So, in general, avoiding plastic is not that difficult if you make little changes.

Avoid packaging:

The best thing would be to use no plastic packages at all, but that can be hard. So just do your best to limit it as much as possible. Try to buy your fruits and vegetables at a local market instead of the supermarket and don’t forget to bring your own bag. Some markets offer food sold in loose weight, so you can buy them in your own containers, like Tupperware or mason jars. Also, if you buy a piece of clothing, maybe it’s not always necessary to take it in a plastic bag with the logo of the shop?

Go for sustainability:

In addition to what was written above, you should consider choosing sustainable products. The biggest amount of waste comes from disposable items that are thrown away after one use. Things like a reusable water bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles every day, bamboo cutlery that you carry around to use for your takeaways, or a tote bag for your groceries can make a big impact and help you produce less waste. There are a lot of things that can be changed to sustainable options – from paper tissues and menstrual pads to straws and cutlery. You can also get sustainable homeware made of natural and recycled materials as an alternative to regular homeware. Of course, it can take a bit more effort at the beginning, to carry your own cup of bottle everywhere, but the earth will be a little lighter.

Try second hand!

Many of the trash that is being thrown away, could be reused. Maybe some plastic containers of butter or hummus that you already ate, could be reused as Tupperware? Or maybe an empty shampoo bottle could serve as a DIY hand soap container? Also consider buying second-hand items like furniture, clothes or other things. You don’t always have to have a brand new thing, right?

Do it yourself!

In our society, it can be hard to avoid plastic packed things. A solution to that would be to do those things yourself. Online you can find many recipes for great cookies (to avoid buying them packed in plastic bags), cosmetics (many of them are sold in plastic bottles that are hard to reuse or recycle), or liquid cleaners for your home. Again, it takes some time and effort to do everything yourself, but it’s also rewarding, when you discover, that you don’t need to buy this stuff anymore, cause you can do it on your own.

Change your lifestyle and save money!

It’s not possible to change your waste without changing your lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult, many of the changes have other advantages than only helping the planet. For example, when you switch from disposable menstrual pads to a menstrual cup, you save a lot of money every month. Also, when you switch to e-cigarettes instead of smoking regular ones (and throwing away all the butts and the packages), you don’t produce so much pollution. Vaping can be also profitable for your budget if you look for some good vape deals. In general, if the whole thing about protecting the environment doesn’t convince you enough, think of your own wallet and changes that less-waste-lifestyle will cause.

Start small:

Summing up, there are a lot of things you can do to lower the amount of waste you produce. Our advice is – don’t try to do everything at once, as it can be overwhelming. Start small, change one thing at a time and see how you feel about it. Soon you’ll be ready to go completely zero-waste!

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past life stories

Fact or Fiction? 10 Intriguing Past Life Stories That Will Give You Goosebumps

There is something comforting about the idea of reincarnation. We like imagining our spirits will live on after death. We also like imagining the future lives we will lead. Will we return as a caterpillar, an eagle, a blade of grass, our favorite teacher, or even our current enemy? Who knows! Thinking about reincarnation from another angle begs different questions. What are the lives we have already lived? Where have we been, and when? Reading through this article is sure to give you goosebumps. The fact is, that in many cases, there have been verified sightings and tales of the supernatural. If you are someone that is worried about getting affected by such elements in a negative fashion, it is best that you invest and get for yourself some evp ghost hunting equipment. It is spooky to ask these questions because we are asking about our past lives. Past life stories are like ghost stories in which we are the ghosts. Whether you believe in past lives or any other form of the supernatural, these stories are as haunting as they are entertaining. You don't have to believe them to enjoy them. But if you spend enough time reading them, you may question everything you think you know about the beyond. Keep reading to learn 10 stories of past lives that will make your hair stand on end. What Is Past Life Regression? The field of exploration that attempts to answer questions about past lives is called past life regression. Practitioners range from amateurs with no third-party certification to licensed therapists with psychology degrees. Many practitioners see past life regression as the autobiography of the soul. By looking into your past, they can find out personal details from your lives in different times and places. These details, can help you better understand your purpose on Earth. Past life regression is different from past life readings. Past life regression is a process in which you actively participate, experiencing transitional states. On the other hand, a past life reading is a more passive process. It is kind of like receiving a book report on your soul's history instead of going on the field trip. People who have experienced past life regression claim many benefits from it. Some of these benefits include the following. Gaining a different understanding of personal relationships Getting in touch with talents and abilities they did not know they have Relief from physical ailments Processing and letting go of fears and anxieties that relate to traumas in the past lives Learn more about the benefits of past life regression for yourself. These are powerful benefits, but if you are skeptical, you will want evidence that past life regression works. 10 People with Incredible Past Life Stories: Here is the evidence we have found. Some of these stories may sound unbelievable. If you find that to be the case for you, just sit back and enjoy the thrill of them. However, you may find yourself unable to shake these stories. They have a way of sticking with you and reappearing in memory from time to time. They may even provide inspiration for you to seek out your own past life therapy. Whatever your motivation, we hope you enjoy these stories of real people throughout history who laid claim to past lives. 1. Jane Evans: Jane Evans is a pseudonym for a woman who was a patient of Arnall Bloxham. Bloxham was a British hypnotherapist in the middle of the 20th century. Evans was a 30-year-old Welsh housewife. Bloxham recorded Evans detailing six past lives. Some of these lives included a Roman tutor in the third century, the wife of a Jewish moneylender in the 12th century, an Egyptian servant woman, a lady in waiting to Catherine of Aragon, and a Catholic nun in Iowa. There is evidence of Evans' past lives. The evidence is primarily fictional. Some of her past lives appear in novels, and one appeared in a radio play. 2. Virginia Burns Tighe: Tighe was a woman from Colorado who recorded her past life regressions in the 1950s. She claimed to have lived a life as an Irish woman named Bridey Murphy. Tighe's case was convincing. She spoke in a thick Irish accent as Murphy, though she did not have an accent herself. She detailed Bridey Murphy's life from age 8 up until her death from a fall as an adult. Like in Evans' case, journalists found evidence for Tighe's past life. Again, the evidence was not historical. During Tighe's childhood, she grew up across the street from an Irish immigrant named Bridie Murphey Corkell. 3. James Leininger: James Leininger was a two-year-old boy from Louisiana. He played with toy airplanes, but his play had a disturbing quality. He would often crash his plane and yell, "Airplane crash on fire." James' father asked him about the airplane crash. James told him that he had been a pilot before and that he had flow off a boat. He said the boat was named "Natoma" and that he had a friend on the boat named Jack Larson. James' father did his research. He discovered there was an American aircraft carrier called the Natoma Bay where a plane crashed in the manner his son described. There was also a pilot on the Natoma Bay in the plane next to the plane that crashed. That pilot's name was Jack Larson. 4. Dorothy Eady: Dorothy Eady's past life memories led her to uproot her life in London. She moved to Egypt because she had memories of living in the temple of Kom el-Sultan near Abydos. She claimed her name was Bentreshyt in this past life. Dorothy adopted the name Om Seti, or Omm Sety, and she moved to Egypt with her Egyptian husband. They divorced after just two years, but Om Seti stayed there. 5. Shanti Devi: Shanti Devi was an Indian girl with one of the more compelling past life stories. It was so compelling because so many of the details were verifiable. Devi claimed she had lived in Mathura, not Delhi, where she was born. She spoke of dying from complications in childbirth. Keep in mind, this was a four-year-old girl. Devi described the physical details of her husband, who was still alive. When he met Devi, she recognized him and the son she claimed to have died giving birth to. 6. Ma Tin Aung Myo: Ma Tin Aung Myo was a Burmese girl who claimed to have been a Japanese soldier in a past life. Her story is less hair-raising because of any verified details and more for how convinced she became of this past life. As she grew older, Myo refused to cut her hair and stopped wearing women's clothing. She was afraid of airplanes and accurately described a plane the Allies used in Burma during World War II. Myo also described the soldier she used to be in great detail. She talked about the number of children he had (five) and even named the occupation of the oldest (army cook). 7. Laure Raynaud: Frenchwoman Raynaud rejected Catholicism outright. She claimed a belief in reincarnation instead. She began to feel stirrings of a past life while running a clinic in Paris. In this past life, Raynaud said she had a chest disease, and she developed a cough. Later in her life, she visited Genoa, Italy. There, she found the locations she remembered, and she even discovered her identity in the past life. An Italian woman named Giovanna Spontini had lived in the very house Raynaud claimed was hers. Spontini had died of a severe chill that came from a chronic illness. 8. The Pollock Sisters: The Pollock sisters were four girls. The first pair, Joanna and Jacqueline, died in a car crash at ages 11 and 6, respectively. Their parents then had twins, this time named Gillian and Jennifer. Jennifer shared several birthmarks with the deceased Jacqueline. Gillian did not. When the family moved to the area of Britain where the car crash happened, the twins demonstrated a familiarity with the place that only their sisters could have had. Gillian and Jennifer also developed a huge fear of cars because they were afraid of a crash. The twins lost the memories of these past lives at age 5, so the mystery of their possible reincarnation was never solved. 9. Patrick Christenson: Here's another sibling story. Patrick Christenson was born in Michigan in 1991. Twelve years earlier, an older brother of his named Kevin had died from cancer. Patrick had a birthmark on his neck in the same place Kevin had his chemotherapy scar. As he grew up, Patrick asked his mom to go back to his orange and brown house, which were the colors of the house where Kevin lived. 10. Arthur Flowerdew: We saved one of the most verifiable stories for last. It is also the one with the best-named subject. Arthur Flowerdew had memories of a desert city since his birth in 1906. In his elderly years, he watched a BBC documentary on the ancient city of Petra and knew it was the one. He contacted the BBC, and they flew him to Petra to film another documentary. When they quizzed him on major landmarks and other identifying features of the city, he passed with flying colors. People still point to this as one of the most convincing arguments for past lives. What's Past Is Present: We hope these past life stories have made your eyes bug out as much as they have made you think. It never hurts to question your assumptions, even if those questions lead in mystical directions. If you are interested more in the here-and-now than the Great Beyond, check out our other lifestyle stories. Read Also: Understanding New Age Spirituality Forever Young: Natural Ways To Live A Longer Life

Free Time

How to Simplify Your Day to Have More Free Time

It’s been said that everyone has the same number of hours in the day, even Oprah. Why does it seem like some people have more time and get a lot more done? It’s not all due to having a full staff of chefs, personal trainers, housecleaners and drivers. There are some real strategies you can employ, many of which are used in professional wellness coaching, to simplify your day. A simpler life means having more free time. However, equally important is making sure you don’t go on to pack that new free time with activities. Taking time to rest, relax, and reflect is a necessary recharge that you’re going to need for a happier and healthier life. Getting more free time is just part of the process. It’s what you do with it that can really take your life to another level. Let’s start with simplification first. Here are a few ways you can take the complex out of your life on a daily basis: 1. Triage, don’t multi-task: Humans aren’t really made to multi-task, and in fact a very small percentage actually can. Instead, what we do is quickly switch back and forth between tasks. It might seem quick, but there is wasted and frustrated time during those switches. The more switching we do, like trying to feed a toddler while simultaneously holding a conversation with an adult, the worse we are at it. This means none of the people or tasks in our life get anywhere near our full attention. Instead of trying to multi-task, which is a doomed project, give one task your complete attention. Triage to gauge what’s most important or pressing. Finish that task, then move on to the next. 2. Ask yourself“Do I really need to be doing this?" with every task: There are going to be a lot of things you really should be doing, like flossing daily. However, there are also a lot of tasks that you do out of habit or guilt. A followup question might be, “Do I really need to be doing this right now?” This can be dangerous territory for procrastinators, so you have to know yourself before adopting this question. Getting rid of unnecessary tasks, or those that might even be harmful (like maintaining a relationship with a toxic friend) can free up an incredible amount of time. Asking yourself is step one. Actually taking steps to remove those tasks from your life can be very difficult and may require some professional mediation (such as talking with a therapist). 3. Get quality sleep: How can you get more free time by earmarking more time for sleep? It’s pretty simple. If you don’t get enough quality sleep, you’re only functioning at partial capacity. This means tasks will take longer and won’t be as enjoyable. Sleep requirements vary by person, and eight is just the average. However, remember that’s it’s also quality along with quantity. Good sleep hygiene includes avoiding a screen two hours before bed, establishing a good sleep ritual that cues your body and brain that it’s time to sleep, and getting rid of all technology in the bedroom. Treat yourself to an old-fashioned alarm clock and keep the phone in another room. 4. Stop distracting yourself with technology: Are you able to prepare lunch for yourself without having some form of technology for entertainment? Can you be in a space that’s quiet? When is the last time you picked up a real, tangible book without the white noise of a television or podcast in the background? Less is more can be scary at first, but it also retrains your brain and body to enjoy simplification. 5. Quiet your inner critic: In western countries, our cognitive conditioning is terrible. We talk horribly to ourselves, and our inner voice says things that we would never say to a friend or even a stranger. If you practice being kind to yourself, whether through audible affirmations or simply re-working your inner voice to be supportive, you can get rid of a lot of the dangerous white noise made by negative self-talk. Simplification isn’t the same for every person, and these are just a few ideas. Only you can unveil how you distract yourself and why. Getting rid of distractions, tasks, and even some relationships in your life can ease anxiety. It can also reduce depression. It can teach you to enjoy the present and your own company. However, this lifestyle isn’t a destination. It’s a lifelong practice where there will be good days and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a rough, complicated day. Instead, look forward to tomorrow when you can try again. Read Also: Five Benefits Of Meditation That Will Change Your Life 7 Tricks To Make Kayaking More Enjoyable

Popular Cannabis Strains

The Most Popular Cannabis Strains And Where They Came From

In the U.S., the Federal Government’s continued prohibition of psychoactive cannabis ensures that each state has its own discrete cannabis industry, with its own cannabis growers and its own dispensaries utterly disparate from those in other states. Yet, even so, you can walk into any pot shop — from a Nevada dispensary to a Michigan provisioning center — and find strains of the same name. What gives? Some strains are so popular that they have spread to all corners of the world, despite prohibitions and bans. Here are a few of those strains and the stories behind them. OG Kush One of the most legendary strains to come out of the West at the end of the 20th century, OG Kush was created when a Florida grower found a California strain and crossed it with some fascinating genetics from around the world, to include a Thai sativa, an Afghan landrace and a few legendary American strains straight out of the ‘60s. OG Kush continues to promise a high THC content, which is why so many breeders continue to use its genetics to breed new strains today. Wedding Cake Wedding Cake is one of those strain names that seems to be attributed to many different strains, which has resulted in quite a bit of confusion regarding its flavors and effects. The original Wedding Cake comes from Los Angeles, where breeders crossed a couple random strains and to create something brand new, with pink and purple coloration and a strong vanilla aroma. Because Wedding Cake has relatively unique observable traits, breeders often incorporate its genetics into new strains they are developing. Durban Poison Despite being one of the oldest sativa strains, Durban Poison remains among the most popular. According to legend, Durban Poison was first bred in South Africa, in the populous city of Durban. In the 1970s, Holland cannabis collectors took the strain’s seeds back home and crossed them with local varieties of skunk. The result is a strain that most everyone enjoys and which you can find traces of in many strains in most dispensaries. Jack Herer Once known as the Emperor of Hemp, Jack Herer was one of the most important cannabis rights activists in the 20th century. Accordingly, one of the most beloved sativa strains was named in his honor by Dutch growers in the mid-1990s. At the time, the strain was easily the most richly complex cannabis of its kind, with layers of flavors and aromas to tantalize the senses, and it has inspired a new generation of growers to create similarly delectable strains. Chemdawg Like so many tales of cannabis culture in the U.S., the story of Chemdawg is closely tied with the rise of the Grateful Dead. During an early ‘90s tour, a group of Colorado cannabis aficionados brought their bud along for the journey, sharing it with fellow Dead Heads along the way. Though the strain didn’t have a name at the start of the tour, it did by the end thanks to its chemical-diesel aroma and taste. Since then, this beloved strain has spread around the world, lending its genes to a handful of other iconic strains, to include OG Kush. Blue Dream Blue Dream is one of the first medical cannabis strains ever created, and it remains a favorite amongst MMJ patients. Initially called Azure Haze, Blue Dream began life as a product of breeding Silver Haze and Blueberry. Despite its name, the strain strikes a near perfect balance between indica and sativa, alleviating pain and relaxing muscles without fogging the mind. G13 The story goes that G13 is the product of a government cannabis breeding program to develop the dankest weed for legally dubious experimentation — a la MK-Ultra. However, the truth is much more banal: In the 1960s, the government confiscated weed from a prolific cannabis breeder, and G13 was one of the strains taken in the raid. From there, someone smuggled G13 back out to the public, where it gained a wild and memorable reputation thanks to exceedingly high THC content. Northern Lights There is an almost uncountable number of varieties of Northern Lights. The very first Northern Lights comes rather mysteriously from the Seattle area, allegedly on one of the San Juan Islands, where breeders placed 11 sprouts in the ground and culled them until they found the best. As it turns out, the fifth sprout was favored, so Northern Lights #5 was named. Like so many other famous strains, Northern Lights made its way to Holland, where its genetics blurred with local strains. Northern Lights #5 remains a fan favorite, though other Northern Lights strains might be worth trying. Read Also: Where Can I Buy CBD Oral Drops? How Does CBD Affect Your Drug Tests? 3 Reasons To Fall In Love With CBD And Yoga