The Many Uses of Industrial Vacuum Ovens


11 October 2019

Home Improvement

Vacuum Ovens

Vacuum ovens play a critical role in several industries like agriculture, pharmaceutical, semiconductors, electronics, textiles, and food processing. Vacuum ovens are essential tools in laboratory tests, engineering, aerospace, and in many different industries. It’s also commonly used in drying cannabis, herbs, fruits, and vegetables.

The technical process in the operation of a high vacuum oven involves removing the moisture of the solid material inside the chamber. It’s ideal for drying hygroscopic materials, or those that quickly absorb moisture in the air.

Examples of hygroscopic substances are methanol, sodium hydroxide, honey, sulfuric acid, and glycerin.

How Does an Industrial Vacuum Ovens Work?

Industrial Vacuum Ovens

Vacuum ovens work by reducing the pressure just below the vapor pressure of water. As a result, the water will boil. Through the use of the vacuum pumps, the pressure around the oven is slowly lowered. The boiling point of water inside the material will drop down, and this will trigger evaporation.

What most people do not know is that water will boil at a lower temperature as long as you lower the pressure around it. If you boil water at very high altitudes where the temperature is low, it will still boil even at less than 100°C.

Inside the vacuum, the pressure is lowered to the point where the liquid will boil at room temperature.

A high vacuum oven can dry a substance faster compared to an air oven because of compact pressure and low humidity.

When is a Vacuum Oven Used?

You can use a vacuum oven in the following scenarios:

  • For particle accelerators and vacuum coating. The process will stretch the distance that the particle should cover before it collides with another particle.
  • To take out particles in the air that may trigger a chemical reaction on the substance to be dried. This process is used in vacuum melting.
  • To decontaminate surfaces by cutting the number of molecular impacts per second. It’s useful in laboratories that require atomic disinfection.
  • To trigger a chemical reaction by agitating the equilibrium in normal conditions.
  • To remove volatile substances or dissolved gases. This process is called degassing or freeze-drying.
  • To clean microwave tubes during the manufacturing process.
  • A high vacuum oven can be used in drying, curing, and baking. They can heat up to as high as 800°C. On average, the standard oven can accommodate up to 13,000 liters.
  • Prevent oxidation and decarburization. Decarburization refers to the process of reducing the amount of carbon in the metal.
  • Thermal ovens, meanwhile, are used mainly in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the plastics industries. They are designed to dry heat-sensitive substances. Thermal ovens are also used in hospitals to disinfect and dry blankets, pillowcases, etc.
  • They can also be used to remove solvents from a particular solution. The solvent will separate quicker in a vacuum environment compared to room temperature.

Before, the material used on ovens is cast iron, which transfers heat very quickly. Nowadays, manufacturers use stainless steel, which is better at withstanding the pressure without sustaining cracks and deformity.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Balanced Diet

Bed, Treadmill, and Balanced Diet – Things Needed to Achieve Fitness

To be able to live life to its fullest potential, having good health and physical fitness is essential. Health is a person’s greatest resource. It is what allows individuals to do what they please to do. Bed, Treadmill, and Balanced diet are needed to achieve fitness. Being healthy is vital in every aspect of people’s lives. ‘Health is wealth’, so to speak. No material wealth could equal the value of one’s health. You can have all the wealth in the world but it would not mean a thing if you have a poor health condition. Bad health holds people back from doing the things that they truly desire. It could even hinder people from achieving their dreams. It is imperative that people should take good care of their health. Click here, to know more about the importance of health. Good well-being does not simply mean having no illnesses. There’s actually more to it than the absence of diseases. In looking at health, the complete state of mental, physical, emotional, and social conditions should be taken into account. The aforementioned factors that makeup health are all equally important, however, in this article the focus will just be on taking care of the physical aspect of well-being. Although they are all interconnected in the sense that the state of one can affect the state of others, the discourse will simply revolve on ways to promote health as far as the physical condition is concerned. Physical fitness is the ability to carry out a task and other daily activities efficiently and without undue fatigue. A physically fit person is able to accomplish all that he needs to and still have the energy to do extra activities like playing sports and other leisure. Physical fitness is achieved by having sufficient rest, getting the right nutrition, and doing regular exercises. It may sound easy but it definitely is not. Attaining physical fitness requires a lot of dedication and commitment to live a healthy lifestyle. To get a better understanding of physical fitness, its parts, and other pertinent subjects, visit the following link: is-physical-fitness. Sufficient Rest Among the three things required to achieve physical fitness, getting sufficient rest seems like the easiest to achieve. It may be difficult for people who have hectic schedules but unlike the two requirements, it does not demand a lot from people. Having sufficient rest allows people to have the energy to get by the day. It helps maintain a person’s optimal health. Studies have shown that getting adequate sleep betters calorie regulation, thereby helping in managing weight. Getting enough rest can help strengthen the immune system. It helps fight infections and reduce the risk of heart disease. Resting basically is for repair, regenerate, and recover. Balanced Diet To be physically fit, people need to get the right nutrition. Getting the right nutrition is important because the tissues in the body need them to be able to work effectively. Without the right nutrition, a person is prone to viruses, infections, and diseases. Poor performance is also a product of not getting the right nutrition. Eating a balanced diet is the only way to get the nutrition that your body needs. If you want your body to function correctly, having a balanced diet is necessary. Eating a balanced diet requires discipline and the ability to say no to the temptation of yielding to fatty foods. Regular Exercise One of the most basic needs of the body is to have regular exercise. Being physically active provides a lot of benefits to the body. It helps fight various diseases and infections. It also strengthens bones, muscles, and joints which help improve a person’s mobility. Lowering blood pressure and sugar levels is another benefit of having regular exercise. There are a lot of things that people could do to stay physically active. Doing aerobic exercises such as walking, running, or jogging is an effective way to stay active. For people who don’t want to go outside to do these things, using treadmills is a good idea. Dancing, swimming, and playing sports are also good ways to be active. Taking care of your health is paramount. Life becomes so much better when you have a healthy body. You have the freedom to do anything you want to do. Taking care of your health may not be easy. It may demand a lot from you but its returns make it all worth it. Read Also: Boxing Workouts That Go Beyond Fitness 5 Tips to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!

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How To Plan A DIY Bathroom Remodel

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Everything you need to know about glamming your home with curtains

Considering drapes or curtains but stuck on which style and design to choose? Well, this article is for you. We shall delve into all the details that you ought to know when looking for curtains for your home. Sheer curtains The sheers are made from a translucent fabric that softly filters light. These curtains do not darken the room, but they allow plenty of natural light to fill it. The sheer curtains also ensure that passers-by cannot get a glimpse of your house hence protecting your privacy. It is for this reason that sheers make great living room curtains. Pair your sheers without blackout curtains for an unmatched level of privacy. The custom curtain combination gives you complete control over light levels and helps in regulating room temperature due to the insulating blackout fabric. Curtain fabric The fabric is the first to consider when purchasing curtains. The choice of fabric will determine their functionality in your home. You should choose various fabrics for different rooms. The patio curtains offer the best fabric. Blockout curtains These curtains are also referred to as blackout curtains and are primarily predominant in Australian homes. These curtains prevent light from entering through the windows hence resulting in a darker room. They also help in insulating your home. During the winter months, the thick-lined fabric gets your home warm, while during the hotter ones, the fabric prevents hot air from passing via the windows. Linen curtains It is regarded as one of the best fabrics you can select for your home despite being overlooked. These fabrics have several practical advantages. For starters, linen is a durable and robust fabric making it a worth trying investment. It has an anti-bacterial fabric with hypoallergenic features and is exceptionally absorbent. For this reason, it is the best for anyone in the family who is prone to allergies. Curtain length One of the essential steps in getting suitable curtains is ensuring you have the correct measurements. Poorly installed or ill-fitting curtains will make even the most stylish of rooms look unattractive and disorganized. Walk with an expert to determine the length of your curtain. You will have a sit down with him to know what you want to achieve in your home. Provide a sense of height to a room by hanging a fabric higher than the window. For a classic look, go with curtains that skim the floor. Curtain color Take all the time when choosing a color for your curtain since it is an investment for your home. There are a variety of drapes and curtains with different beautiful colors that can you can select. The living room area should have bright colors since it the eyes of everybody. White and grey curtains are the most popular choices. Summary Curtains literally “add life” to your home. Get a professional who will guide you in determining all the above-shared information, and you will bring happiness to your home. Read Also: Remodeling Tips for New Homeowners How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean All the Time How Do You Match Sofas With Accent Chairs?