12 Mind-Boggling Effects of Technology on the Brain

Published on: 12 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
effects of technology on the brain

The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and very polarizing. Many people love the potential value that technology can have on our ability to function in the world. Others have the idea that the effects are negative and limit us in many ways.

The reality is probably that there are good and bad effects. In any case, side-effects of technology on our minds are worth looking into so we can be aware of them and notice ourselves being affected.

Here are a few interesting ways that technology is affecting human minds.

The Effects of Technology on the Brain:

We’ll touch on a few of the negative and positive effects to give you a well-rounded idea of where we are at in relation to technology. There’s no doubting the value of unlimited information, but it’s difficult to deny the addiction and change in social behavior that technology can bring.

Let’s get started.

1. Our Taste Buds Can Respond Differently to Food:


Once upon a time, the dinner we prepared for ourselves was a welcome meal that we took for what it was.

Research has shown that people who scroll through images of meals on Instagram and Pinterest before they eat actually enjoy their meal less. The idea is that the perceived value of the food online diminishes how you feel about your own food by comparison.

2. We Can Relax About the Small Details:


Our ability to access unlimited practical information at a moment’s notice frees up a lot of time for us to relax and enjoy what we’re doing. Things like directions, hours of a store, and more are all things that we would sweat once upon a time.

Those details are now guaranteed to be available at all times, so we don’t need to think about them until we need them.

3. Our Memory Could Be Diminishing:

Our brains are complicated and adaptable to the way things are changing. When we notice an area where we can free up more room to think about other things, we do so.

What we’re talking about is the need for us to remember trivial information. Little things like directions, phone numbers, historical facts, actors’ names, and more are all things that our brains know we can look up on our phones.

That means we don’t have to set space aside to remember those things, so, more and more often, we don’t remember them. We just pull out our phones and look the information up.

4. Social Development:

The overwhelming presence and use of social media is a brand new thing in the scheme of human development. Within the last decade, children have gone through adolescence with benefit and harm of social media on their lives.

The self-consciousness of a virtual self is a new thing, and we have yet to fully grasp how it will change people in the long-run.

5. Lesser Concern for Safety:

One of the overwhelming benefits of technology on our brains is that we are now more comfortable with our safety.

As technology advances, our physical and financial safety improves. Studies have shown that the absence of this kind of stress is greatly beneficial to the health of our brains.

6. Sleep Disruptions:


A lot of evidence suggests that the light emitted from our laptops, smartphones, and tablets sends conflicting signals to our bodies. Our circadian rhythms are thrown off, with our bodies taking light as a message to stay awake.

You may have noticed that it’s difficult to get to sleep after a long night of using the computer or extended cell phone use.

7. Attention Span:

Information comes to us quickly and we can consume it fast, too. There aren’t a lot of pieces of the modern technology puzzle that require people to sit and think, focus, or pay attention anymore.

Seeing as we are regularly using technology, it means that we are regularly not developing longer attention spans.

8. New Forms of Identity:

One interesting change that technology has brought is the ability to construct an identity through the technology you possess. One clear example of this is the split between Mac and PC users.

Things like Nixon watches and other items can help a person to express how they feel as a person.

9. Self Help:

Interestingly, the problems or stressors that are sometimes caused by technology can be solved by it too. Take anxiety, for example.

The anxiety related to excessive social media use could be partially treated by applications or information found online that is intended to treat anxiety.

10. Improved Decision Making:

While parents everywhere are concerned about the impact of first-person shooters and similar games on their kids’ brains, evidence suggests that such games could have benefits on cognition.

Vision and decision making skills are improved in some cases when individuals spend a lot of time playing games like first-person shooters.

11. Memory Formation:

The use of phones in situations that previously were absent from technology has a potential effect on our formation of memories.

While we’re swiping away, life goes on around us. Our concentration is situated on the screen, distracting us from the sensory information that converges to form concrete memories.

12. Interconnectedness:

Subcultures and groups of like-minded people have the ability to connect on levels that were never thought possible in the past. One group of people who like a specific film can have hours and hours of discussion with a similar group across the world.

Not only that, but those groups can expand outward, recruit new members, form friendships, and that group will create subgroups. The point is, people are interconnected to others in the world who share their interests and beliefs.

Jump Onboard and Be Mindful:

The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and sometimes it’s difficult to tell what is helping and what’s hurting. In most cases, the value of an effect will depend on the person.

Technology is here to stay, though. Everything from interviews to paychecks is handled online, and we have the information to keep you informed and on top of things.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Nerves vs. Excitement

Nerves vs. Excitement: How To Manage Nerves And Perform At Your Best

Anyone who has ever been called to come and speak or perform in front of a public gathering knows the importance of holding nerves. From the time we are in school, some of us have dreaded raising our hands and speaking out the right answer even though we know what we are. We have looked at astonishment at so-called confident individuals and wondered what makes them do things that we cannot. Common terms like ‘performance anxiety, ‘stage fright’, ‘nervousness’, etc. are all common emotions and feelings that we harbor. The key is- how do we overcome the same? In this resource article, we are going to help a lot of people come to grips with their nerves. If you are someone who dreads talking in front of a crowd, we recommend that you stick around till the end of the article. Being ‘Nervous’ Versus Being ‘Excited’- How a Change in Terms Can Help: ‘I am too nervous; I can’t go out there and speak’! According to leading psychologists, a simple interchanging of the terms nervous and excited can go a long way in dispelling the fear. Rather than say or think that you are getting the nervous try and say to yourself that you are feeling excited. What you need to understand is that nervousness is associated with being a negative feeling. On the other hand, excitement is something that is deemed to be positive. This simple exercise wires your brain in a specific way, which then lets the body flow from the same feeling. For example, as soon as your brain starts comprehending that you are nervous, it sends a signal to your body, which then results in stomach pains and churnings. This is why you need to start feeling excited and look forward to the opportunity. There is a lot of energy that builds up in the body in such situations. The key is to effectively manage the same productively and positively. The ‘Fight’ and ‘Flight’ Instinct that Defines a Nervous State of Being: To understand these better leading scientists have spoken about the ‘Fight and Flight Syndrome’. They point out that whenever the brain is faced with a complex and problematic situation, it does one of two things- It either wants to escape and run away from the scenario. Or, It starts to swing madly to bring the situation under control. However, in some instances, and I am sure, you are going to relate to this, the brain goes into a hung position. Meaning, it neither fights nor flights. In this situation, the resultant action is a freeze! You get frozen and cannot do anything. According to experts, the fight or flight instinct needs to be properly managed by telling your brain some important things. What are those things? In very simple words, not every such scenario is going to be a life and death one. Meaning it is not at all serious and does not amount to anything. Once your brain can understand this, it starts processing emotions and feelings differently. Following this, it then sends these signals to the rest of your body. List of 5 Important Ways to Help Overcome Nervousness- In this section, we compile the top recommendations from the leading mental health experts to combat nervousness- 1. Undertake Adequate Preparation- According to scientists, 50% of all nervousness results from inadequate preparedness. This means that the more you are prepared, the lower will be your levels of nervousness. Reflect on your school days. Remember when did not know the answers to the question the teacher was asking, how you would try to avoid making eye contact? However, if you were prepared, you would not do the same. Practice makes perfect when it comes to combating nervousness. 2. Focus on ‘You’ providing Value to the Audiences- Whenever we are nervous, we keep thinking about ourselves. However, the key in this regard is to shift focus to the audiences that are sitting right in front of you. Start thinking of all the value, information, education, and enjoyment that you are going to give to the audiences. This will put you in comfortable headspace. Let me in you on a little secret. Audiences want everything should be about them. So, you can simply shift the spotlight on them. 3. Take Help from your Friends and Family Members- Leading comedians and artists have pointed out how having their near and dear ones in the audience helps them overcome stage fright. This is a simple, yet effective solution to combating nervousness on stage. Many also point out how they keep looking for their near ones in the audience and use them to make eye contact with different sections of the audience. This boosts their confidence and makes their brain understand the support there is on offer. 4. Breathe, Relax and Take it Easy- Remember, this is not a life-and-death situation. No one is perfect and even the best ones make mistakes. Once you can tune your brain accordingly, you will be able to get a hold of your nerves. Try breathing and being patient at all times. You can do mistakes, it is alright. Realize that you’ve done the work. The more relaxed you are, the better will you be able to convey. There will always be errors, and you should not worry about making them. 5. Engage with Positive Relaxation Techniques- In the last few years, relaxation strategies like Yoga, Massages, Aromatherapy, etc. have become very popular. They help channel positive energy within the body and calms down the senses. Regular meditation is great for your body mentally, as well as physically. By making such healthy practices a part of your daily life, you will be able to control your emotions in a much better way. Try meditating for 15 minutes every morning and see the difference. The Final Word: At the end of the day, you need to realize that we are all humans. We have a range of emotions, feelings, and characteristics that make us special in our way. No two individuals are the same and we must acknowledge the same. By paying attention to all the pointers in the article, you too can expect to combat nervousness and be better prepared for the next time you face the audience. Read Also: 6 Reasons Why You Would Need Psychotherapy 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Key Techniques For Holding Your Mouse

We are living in increasingly computer-dominated times. Only ten to fifteen years ago, computer skills were considered a bonus. Nowadays, being able to operate a computer for prolonged periods of time is all but required. While computers have made our lives difficult, they've also introduced a host of physical problems. Due to the rise in computer use, carpal tunnel syndrome has found new life in modern America. As a result, countless people are either dealing with the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome or are actively fighting to prevent it from happening. Today, we are going to be discussing a few ways you can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from impacting your life. Keys to Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can impart numbness, tingling, and pain in your hand and arm. This condition is typically caused by compressed nerves in your wrist and on the side of your palm. There are many reasons as to why someone would begin to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Most commonly, most modern carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis comes from incorrectly using a computer mouse. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that you can approach using your computer in order to prevent carpal tunnel from ever manifesting. Let's go ahead and outline a few key ideas below. 1. Use An Ergonomic Mouse: The easiest way to reduce stress on your wrist while negating the potential for carpal tunnel is by purchasing an ergonomic mouse. When you use a computer, the mouse that you operate will be instrumental to your health and your overall computer experience. The shape of your mouse needs to be conducive to your hand size. The ideal ergonomic mouse will be symmetrical in shape rather than curved. A curved mouse will lead to odd contours in your hand which will promote stress and improper ergonomic support. Who knew that getting the right mouse was so important? 2. Larger Is Better: If you are planning on purchasing a new mouse for your desktop computer, consider buying something a little larger than normal. When it comes to your daily mouse usage, you are better off opting for something larger in size. Why is this the case? A smaller mouse will most likely improperly fit your hand, thus leading to odd extensions and contractions. A larger mouse will provide you with palm support which will aid in your quest to maintain proper ergonomic control of your hand. While this sounds needlessly specific, the truth is that size matters when shopping for a computer mouse. 3. Implement Wrist Padding: If you plan to be at your computer for any appreciable amount of time, you owe it to yourself to install some wrist padding. Wrist padding can be purchased at just about any computer store, online or otherwise. This padding is placed in front of your keyboard and it allows you to keep your wrists elevated while you are typing, thus protecting your movement range while supporting your wrist. When you go shopping for the best custom mouse pads BrandMe has to offer, consider upgrading your wrist support at the same time. 4. Take Plenty of Breaks: This is a bit of advice that falls outside of our discussion on mouse usage. The number one way to prevent over-stressing your wrist is simple, just take a break. If you work in an office or at a computer, you need to get into the habit of taking a break every hour. Consider taking a five to ten-minute break every single hour so that you can keep your body stress-free. By taking these breaks, you'll prevent stress from building up in your wrist. Sometimes, you don't know how sore your wrist is until you take a break to examine it. 5. Follow a Stretching Routine: Here is a neat little tip that you can employ right at your desk. Did you know that by actively stretching your wrists, you can stave off the impact of carpal tunnel syndrome? There are a variety of different stretches that you can do right at your desk. A great stretch to activate the tendons and ligaments in your wrist starts off in a prayer position. Push your hands together, as if in prayer while slowly raising your elbows. You'll feel the ligaments in your wrist activate as your elbows rise. Do the same stretch with your hands pointing down and your elbows pulling down, connecting at the base of your wrist. Take these stretches slowly and go to them whenever you start to feel like you are growing stiff. Take a walk, reset your body, and get back to work when you feel comfortable. 6. Proper Seating Levels: Finally, take some time in order to make sure that your chair and desk are at an appropriate height. If your chair is significantly lower than your desk, you'll feel the stress of having to adjust your wrists. Keep your chair level enough so that your elbows don't hang. Ideally, you'll have enough wrist support that there will be precious little tension on your wrist leading up to your elbows. You'll also want to get into the habit of activating positive posture traits while seated at your desk. You can activate wrist fatigue by hanging your head, slouching, or otherwise exhibiting poor posture. Remember, you are a machine built out of moving parts. Any flaw in the system can cause a domino effect that impacts the rest of your body. Carpal tunnel can start anywhere from the shoulders down. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious disorder that can lead to lifelong discomfort. While carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed and even negated in some respects, prevention is still the best approach. If you work at a computer or find yourself in front of one with any level of consistency, you owe it to yourself to follow the guide that we outlined above. With proper stretches, wrist support, and ergonomic computer gear, you should be able to keep carpal tunnel syndrome at a distance. Read Also: 5 Places To Get Fast Cash 2018 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your PC Quick Ways To Instantly Speed Up Your Home PC Network Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

health app

Things to look out for while hiring health app developers

According to a recent report released by Research2Guidance, the market for healthcare applications will reach around $25-$30 billion by 2018 and hence you can see around thousands of healthcare applications lurking in the app stores. And most of the applications are mainly based on fitness and health that helps you to track your basic health parameters. And if you are having an exciting idea for a mobile healthcare application, this is the best time to start building one. But if you are not well-versed in application programming then you need to hire health app developers to assist you in developing the application. Things to consider while hiring health app developers When it comes to hiring developers for building your healthcare application, you can find a lot of application developers on many freelance websites. But the important thing is to make sure you hire the right and an efficient team of developers that can help you complete the application on time and within the specified budget. It is often good to spend enough time upfront in considering various factors before hiring the app developer as it would definitely help you in avoiding the delay and the headaches from the team later. So to hire the best health app developers, make sure to consider the following factors: Portfolio: The first thing to consider while hiring health app developers is to look at their portfolio. If they have experience in developing healthcare applications before, then it is a big plus as they may know exactly the way to go about building your app. Take a look at the apps they have developed and also look at the reviews and ratings posted by other users. Expertise: An experienced app developer will be able to implement all the features you may require and also would provide valuable suggestions for your application. Inquire to the developers about what kind of frameworks they will be using and the plan of action in completing the app. A highly skilled developer will be able to provide you a complete action plan from the design stage until the launch of your application. Price: Price is always not an important factor as at the end of the day you need a quality product that satisfies the needs of the intended users. But that doesn’t mean you need to pay a huge sum that can be completed for half the price. Make sure to clear budget and hire an app developer who agrees to the pricing and is also efficient enough to complete the app. Interoperability: Unlike other apps, healthcare applications need to communicate with other existing clinical management systems already available in the hospital. And in those cases, you may need to ensure the development team is well aware in building a compatibility layer over the application for integrating with other systems in the future. Data Security: Another important aspect is to look for the data security provided in your mobile applications. Make sure to employ developers that are experienced in developing apps that have a high-security cover. Read More:  7 Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil. Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle. 7 Healthy Habits That Make Us Look Younger.