Mistakes To Avoid While Making Your First Knife


19 August 2022


First Knife

Making your first knife is a daunting task.

There are so many steps involved, and so much can go wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing.

This article will cover some of the most common mistakes beginners make when making their first knives.

If you take on this project, it’s important to avoid them.

4 Top Mistakes To Avoid While Making First Knife

First Knife

1. Using the wrong kind of steel

Using the wrong kind of steel is one of the most common mistakes people make when they first start making knives. Before you begin, research which type of steel is best for your needs and budget.

When choosing your steel, avoid using recycled steel or steel that has not been properly hardened. Also, make sure your knife is made of the right kind of steel for the type of knife you are making.

For example, if you’re making a hunting knife, don’t use high carbon stainless steel because it will break under pressure. A survey of knife makers found that 72% of knife makers prefer high carbon steel as their favorite steel of choice.

Finally, be sure to use steel that has been properly ground. Using inexpensive steel may seem like it will save you money, but it won’t hold up as well in the long run.

2. Overheating your blade blank

If you overheat the steel, it can warp and become less than straight. Overheating will also make your blade more brittle and prone to breaking, so you’ll need to start from scratch with a new piece of steel if this happens.

If you don’t heat up your blade long enough, however, you’ll have problems getting it sharp because there won’t be enough carbon in the metal to be hardened properly.

You may also not get enough hardness or strength in your knife if there isn’t enough time spent at high temperatures.

blade blank

3. Using bad quality grinding tools

A good quality grinding tool will allow you to make a smooth, even grind. Its teeth are sharp enough to cut through the material being ground easily.

You should also be able to do your grinding in a shorter amount of time with a good quality grinder, saving yourself precious time.

If you’re unsure if your grinder is up to snuff, check for any burrs along its teeth and see if there’s any visible damage on them (like chips or cracks).

If there are any issues with your grinder’s teeth, it will likely result in an uneven finished product when it comes time to grind down the blade of your knife.

4. Neglecting to quench your blade

In the world of bladesmithing, quenching is an integral part of the process. Quenching (or tempering) is a step that comes after forging or grinding your blade, where you plunge it into some kind of liquid to cool down and harden it.

If you don’t properly quench your knife, it can warp or crack—not what you want when making something that’s meant to be used for everything from opening boxes to cutting meat.


If you are going to make a knife, it’s important to understand what it takes.

You can’t cut corners on this project, or you will end up with a poor-quality product that is not worth anything.

We’ve given you some tips about avoiding common mistakes when making your first knife, but these things should also be kept in mind when making any other kind of tool out of steel.


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Imbalanced Swimming Pool

Risks of Imbalanced Swimming Pool Chemistry

The swimming pool offers an ideal spot to beat the heat and stay cool during scorching summer days. However, to enjoy this luxury all year round, it's necessary to follow basic care tips like: Regular cleaning Shock the pool Vacuum weekly Remove dead leaves and other debris Maintain pool chemistry Invest in an electric pool cover or set up a pool enclosure that offers long-term protection to your pool. When it comes to balancing water chemistry, a slight up and down in recommended level can create a huge difference and make the pool unsafe for swimming. But that’s not all! Some other risks associated with the unbalanced pool chemistry are: 1. Skin infections Swimming in a pool having disturbed chemical levels can pose risks to your health and can cause serious skin problems like: Rashes Hot tub folliculitis Fungal infection Itchy red bumps So, maintaining the right chemical level is necessary to enjoy a problem-free swimming experience. 2. Corrosion Poor pool chemistry can make water corrosive and decays the iron and steel components like heaters, motors, pumps, etc. Corroded equipment doesn’t work effectively and can make your water unfit to swim in. The rusting of pool equipment is inevitable but the process can be slowed down by maintaining the chemical level. pH – 7.4 to 7.6 Total Alkalinity – 80 to 120 ppm Calcium Hardness – 200 to 400 ppm Cyanuric Acid – 20 to 50 ppm Free Chlorine – 2.0 to 4.0 ppm You may go through:  Top 5 Tips in Designing Your Swimming Pool 3. Cloudy water A pool having high or low levels of chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness can turn your pleasant oasis into a giant bowl of milk. For instance, high calcium levels can be one of the reasons behind the cloudy pool and can also clog the filter with calcium deposits. It is not safe and healthy to swim in a cloudy swimming pool. 4. Algae growth If you notice your pool turning green, then it is most probably because of the unbalanced water chemistry. Poor water balance can make your pool a breeding ground for algae and bacteria. These microorganisms can affect you and your pool in many ways: Clogged filters and pumps Unclean pool Skin infections Cloudy water Degrade and stain pool surfaces 5. Plaster problems Pool plaster ensures the long life of your swimming pool. However, with the passage of time, it can degrade even in a well-maintained pool. So, what causes cracking, scaling, or etching of pool plaster? The main culprit behind plaster deterioration is improper water chemistry. For instance, if your pool has a high alkaline level, it can cause etching on plaster surfaces. This can make the pool surface feel like sandpaper and can lead to a host of other problems. In the end… Maintaining the pool chemistry is a vital part of overall maintenance. There are many factors that can affect the pool chemistry like rain, microorganisms, poor filtration, and other elements. It’s important to keep a check on water chemistry to avoid potential problems and prevent costly repairs. Read ALso: What is the Right Age to Start Swimming Lessons? All You Need to Know About Pool Maintenance Services

Ostomy Bag

Top 6 Advantages Of Living With An Ostomy Bag

An ostomy bag is generally a small, waterproof bag that is useful in accumulating waste from our bodies. At the time of surgical approach which is also known as a colostomy, which is an opening, known as ostomy or stoma, established between the colon and the wall of the abdominal. An ostomy is obligatory due to various reasons such as cancer, defects at times of birth, bowel disease, and various other medical situations. Ostomy is also requisite when acute pelvic and abdominal damage arises either due to accidents or from wounds that remained at times of military service. You can also refer to the ostomy bag at ConvaTec for the best ostomy bags. However, Now let us discuss the advantages of ostomy bags. 1. Its Size: They are small in size and fit easily into women’s purses or an inner jacket or a man's pocket. You have to keep in mind that you anyway keep a pair of additional ones when you go out for parties or any other place. 2. Fast And Easy Life: If you are living your life with an ostomy, your bathroom fits well, is easy, and is faster to use anywhere you go. By using an ostomy bag your life becomes easy and in this way, you can go outside without endangering your skin. 3. No Chance Of Leakage: After using the ostomy bags there will be no risk of leakage or any odors leaking out from the secure and closed ostomy bag as it is sealed and closed completely. So using an Ostomy bag is beneficial to use. 4. Travelling Become Easy: While you are traveling via road or by train you can change if there is a requirement for it. Although for a little time your family members and kids have to bear some smell, at this time they should open their windows for some time and the odor would vanish. The removal and disposal process is just a cup of tea once one has mastered the changing of one’s bag. While traveling large bags are the most suitable ones. 5. Fewer Accidents: When one’s Crohn’s gets severe, one had to the bathroom 30 or more 30 times a day, and due to this one can get prone to accidents. So, at this time one should prefer ostomy it can solve the problem and one need not run continuously to the bathroom. 6. No More Running To The Bathroom: A bit you will suffer a feeling of a rush when you allow your pouch to fill much.  Then you will feel less worried. One time you will understand how an ostomy bag works then you don't have to worry about the bathroom problems that you are facing. Adapting to colostomy is not a cup of tea. But nothing is impossible with an optimistic mindset one can deal with it. If you are dealing with an ostomy, one needs to know every detail such as which bag is best and every single detail. The above points would give you the details and would set your mindset for ostomy clearing all your doubts. So refer to the above advantages as to why ostomy bags are necessary. Read Also: Why Are People Turning To Online Pharmacists? Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

St. Patrick’s Day

How to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day in the workplace

Devoting some time at work to celebrate special occasions such as Yabadoo Kids Parties for those employees who have kids and holidays means a lot, especially regarding employee motivation and morale-boost. St. Patrick's Day can make things work in your favor while you are developing your business. Any business owner looking for improved productivity in the workplace has had the thought of how to make the best out of the holidays there are. Since St. Patrick’s Day has slowly become a celebration of Irish culture, it is essential that your staff join in the merry. But how do you get it done in the workplace? Do you just take it as a day when your sales skyrocket, and you don’t have time to celebrate it with your staff? How do you make it count for every member of your team? Well, below are several ways to consider for your St. Patrick’s celebration this year: Green Hats and Costumes: If you want to make a statement celebration in your workplace, then the best way is by dressing like you are celebrating. Green being the significant color for this day, encourage the employees to show up in some greet hats and costumes. You can choose to identify some ground rules or leave it open for the people to explore. For this one, ensure you notify your staff in advance so that they can prepare. They can come dressed as their favorite Irish persona, or be as simple as having a green hat on. Make sure to join in the fun, so it doesn’t seem awkward for your employees. If you want, you can even take it a step further by offering a gift for the greenest employee that day. Set a Time in the Day for a Contest: Competitions are the greatest morale boosters that companies can use. In holiday seasons especially, you want your staff to feel recognized for their efforts, and enjoy a treat afterward. The contest ideas can stem from your staff members days before March 17. For example, you can hold a competition for the Best Irish Accent Contest, or even play a highly competitive ‘match’ in the home bowling alley you recently installed within your organization. If your company is big, you can use your social media platforms to choose winners. For example, they can take photos in green, try the accents, or whatever other competition. For the one with the most likes and comments, they are the winner and can claim a prize from you. You don’t have to plan a huge sporting event such a football match or a meeting at the golf club to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the workplace. It is the simplest things that make people happy. Therefore, just do something out of the ordinary, and encourage competition. Through this, you will encourage your employees to relate well with each other, and this might lead to improved performance going forward. Branded merchandise: Sometimes, gifts are the simple gestures that mean the most to people. On this date, you can come up with branded merchandise for all your staff. This works great for small companies, but also big ones. If your business had gotten in a good profit margin in the previous financial year, then this treat could make your employees feel appreciated for their work. You can do green hoodies that have your company’s logo or tag line, for branding purposes. The merchandise can range from hoodies and T-shirts, to flash drives and stationery. Even if you are a profit-oriented entrepreneur, don’t make the mistake of selling this merchandise to your employees. There are businesses which have done that in the past on various occasions, and they have ended up losing their key staff, which adversely affects business operations. St. Patrick’s Day is a day to show your employees that you care about them. It is a day to show them that you appreciate everything they do for your organization, even though sometimes things go slower than expected. Therefore, giving freebies is one of the kindest gestures you can show towards them. ‘General knowledge’ celebration: If you prefer the simplistic way of doing things, you may not be for the pomp and color. However, you can always encourage general information sharing. For example, a week to March 17, you can tell people to nominate their most-admired famous Irish person in the corporate world. After resolving for one name, you can put up a wall of his/her achievements for the day. This way, you let people learn a little more about the Irish culture by looking at a famous figure. Read Also: Bachelor Parties: A Brief History Benefits That Employees Actually Look For Ways To Improve Children’s Parties 10 Reasons To Splurge On A Limousine For Celebrations The Top Destinations For New Year Celebrations