Omar Ascha, Inspirational Leader, on 6 Steps to Finding Mentors and Transforming Your Life

Published on: 08 March 2019 Last Updated on: 11 March 2019

If you’ve ever read biographies of successful people, you might have noticed one thing they all have in common — they have great mentors. If you’re wondering why finding a great mentor is so important, consider that knowing someone who’s been in your shoes and has achieved what you want to is an invaluable source of information for navigating the tricky path to success. Considering that mentors are so critical to our success, it is astonishing how unprepared most of us are to find someone who can guide us.

Jim Rohn says that we are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with the most. Take a moment to consider who those five people are in your life. Would you find them successful? If successful people do not surround you, how likely are you to achieve your own goals? Chances are, you’ve realized that you need to surround yourself with better, more successful people if you want to live the life of your dreams.

Omar Ascha, a rising star in the world of finance, is an avid believer in mentorship, leadership as well as paying it forward. As an active member of his local community, Mr. Ascha dedicates his spare time to nurturing the minds and ideas of young professionals. Below, he walks through a few essential tips to ensure you find the appropriate guide for your career.

1. Isolate your most pressing concern, and seek help:

If you were to take an unbiased look at your life right now, which is the one thing that you desperately need help with? Which is the one skill or discipline that would have the most positive effect on your life right now?

Once you’ve isolated this problem, you can start seeking people who can help you with it. Make sure you are talking about a clear, unambiguous problem statement that the person you are seeking has overcome in their own lives.

For example, you might be looking for someone who can teach you how to get 1,000 unique visitors to your website every single day. Once you’ve understood the problem clearly, you can move on.

2. Share your problem with your current network:

There’s a substantial probability that you are already connected to someone, directly or indirectly, who can help you with the problem you are facing. If you have a specific objective, make sure you share it often with the people you meet. Make it a point to bring up your goal in social situations. For example, the next time you encounter an acquaintance over dinner or drinks, you could say something like “I’m looking to grow my website to the point where it has 1,000 unique visitors daily.” Look at how they react to this statement.

It is possible that they might know someone, or know someone else who can put you in touch with the kind of person you are looking for. At the very least, it doesn’t hurt to try.

3. Be where the people you are looking for are:

You could have a particular problem and share it with your network of friends and acquaintances all the time. But if you want to give yourself the best chance of finding a successful mentor, you need to get out of the house and attend seminars, conferences, and events where these successful people hang out.

Industry conferences, startup meets, and other events of their kind are great places for finding mentors and like-minded people.

4. Be a good listener:

Instead of trying to impress the people you’re seeking help from, try to listen to their stories and understand where they’re coming from. Understand if there is a way your association will be mutually beneficial. Ask honest questions and then listen. If you approach people with the intention of adding some value to their lives, they will be more likely to be interested in helping you.

5. Be persistent:

Expect some of your actions to fail. Once you expect failure, you’re not as fazed by it. What is important is that you never quit. Analyze why something doesn’t work and then hone your approach incrementally until you hit the jackpot. Never stop trying.

6. Hold yourself accountable to others in your community:

Once you’ve found some people who have similar goals, the next thing you need to do is push each other to greater heights. Hold yourself accountable to someone and set measurable stakes for your actions. For example, if you’re looking to lose weight, find someone who wants to do the same or has already lost a lot of weight and then make them your accountability partners.

Finding people who are inspirational and motivate you is crucial if you want to succeed in life. Use the steps above to seek out mentors and other successful people. When you surround yourself with a thriving community, you will be amazed at how quickly your life changes.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Long-Term Strategic Partners in Healthcare

Locum Story: Long-Term Strategic Partners in Healthcare

This job of Locum Tenens was initiated as a makeshift policy to meet temporary doctor and staffing shortages. Slowly, career opportunities emerged as one of the medical professional's top career choices. In this article, we bring into the discussion table the demand for locums and the expectations of new job seekers in the next few years. Locum Tenens: How Common Is It? Locum tenens is, without doubt, a fast-growing segment in the healthcare industry. However, many of the largest facilities and practices in the USA have leveraged the efficacy of locum job placement. They incorporate these positions into their staffing models. Although the concept of the modern locum tenens dates back to the early 1970s, since there is no turning back, the sector is managing a dream run of growth. About 7% of physicians in the US have associated themselves with the locum tenens position within the last year. Moreover, almost 85% of facilities are integrating temporary service providers. In the last decade, the number of locum tenens doctors has sharply increased. The rate of increase is massive( 90%). Hence, you can understand how common it is the concept of employment in the US medical sector. The Future of Locum Tenens Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the move towards gig work and contracting has grossly affected the entire healthcare industry. Moreover, spending on locum tenens increased drastically by 28% in the year 2021. Almost 60% of healthcare funds go towards inducting self-employed practitioners. The Association of American Medical Colleges conjectures that the shortfall of healthcare professionals will approach 140,000 by 2033.  The situation brings with it waves of concerns for the vulnerable aging population and also the medical workforce. The locum tenens positions address the shortfall, as well as providing patients with healthcare requirements. Why Are Locum Tenens Jobs in Demand? Recent data exposes some of the most concerning and surprising trends among physicians. They include those who are looking for contract-based positions.  Furthermore, the reports also bring to the forefront the reasons behind healthcare professionals' preference towards short-term placements. According to a survey,  60% of the respondents opine that they are looking for new positions. Moreover, nearly 25% of physicians under the age group of 40 opine that they are avoiding long-term or permanent positions due to burnout.  Moreover, after the pandemic, the healthcare sector faced an enduring staffing shortage. Consequently, stakeholders feel pressure from within.  Under such serious circumstances, the locum tenens has emerged as a viable alternative for physicians and other healthcare professionals who want to be engaged in the workforce but on their terms. Work-life balance Locum tenens offers a degree of flexibility not found in full-time healthcare positions. Temporary placements allow physicians to experience a range of environments and demographics while setting schedules that work for them. Everyone knows that the present world of professionalism is grappling with issues like work-life balance and increasing stress. Organizational management, especially in the medical field, is looking to work on coping with immense pressure. Locus tenens provides an advantage. Professionals who aim to attain work-life balance are looking for locums job placement. Better pay Competitive pay is another driver of locum tenens growth. Moreover, the temporary healthcare positions may culminate in the form of 50% more payment compared to the comparable full-time placements. As a result, it allows the healthcare profession to earn more money while working with flexibility. Temporary employees are responsible for health insurance and retirement planning, which can erode some of those profits. These are a few reasons attributed to the increasing popularity of locum tenens positions in the healthcare industry. With a more equitable work-life balance, better pay, and, most importantly, less stress, it brings multiple benefits. Hence, it becomes easy to say why so many doctors are entering the locum tenens position. A Hassle-Free Career  One key benefit of the locum tenens job is a hassle-free career. When professionals have this job, there are zero teaching and administrative responsibilities. Furthermore, there are zero coding and billing hassles or, say, staff management issues.  Experts say that the care providers who embrace this approach reap the benefits. Here, the professionals get much better flexibility from the hospitals. As a result, the job becomes much more stressful and hassle-free.  Freedom To Travel  The locum tenens are best known for their freedom of travel. This recruitment approach allows doctors to engage in multiple healthcare bodies, and that too in different places.  If you can visit multiple places and seek new career opportunities, you have flexibility and freedom. This is, without question, one of the prime benefits that healthcare professionals get.  Pre Retirement planning  One of the benefits linked to locum tenens is pre-retirement planning. Some doctors have retired from their full-time jobs but still want to engage in practice.  This approach to service best suits these professionals. These professionals are looking to finish their medical careers with locum work. Many seasoned medical professionals have retired from full-time engagements. They suggest that they have made the right decision by engaging in part-time jobs at different care units. They say that the flexibility of the work structure provides them with the edge. Read More: Healthcare Jobs That Will Be Most in Demand 2020–2025 Managing the Debts  Another core benefit of locum tenens is working with new doctors. The respectable earnings from the job help one manage debt while studying in medical school.  Even the National Association of Tenens Organization(NALTO) says that an individual can get two ways to manage their student loans.  They think that the students are using different ways to pay back their along with the flexibility that they are getting from the hospitals. Working in the locum tenens allows them to provide coverage for weekends or months. The opportunities are quite enticing. Change Will Keep Coming—Are You Ready For It? Locum Tenens has grown into a nationwide, multibillion-dollar industry used by nearly 90% of America's healthcare facilities. In every state, thousands of providers accept temporary placements every year, ensuring that people in underserved communities get the medical care they need. Though locum tenens has a short history compared to that of other industries, it offers a reliable, sustainable staffing solution in areas lacking access to healthcare.  With locum tenens, we can build a healthier, safer society. If you're considering a career change, accepting a temporary position may be just the push you need. Read Also: How To Become A Nurse Anesthetist? Step-by-step Guide For 2024 Navigating Healthcare: Exploring The Harvest Tech Achievers ETF Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Leave A Lasting Impression On Your Interviewer

7 Proven Tips To Leave A Lasting Impression On Your Interviewer

Being in your interview room and expressing yourself is a cumbersome process. Well, only a few can handle the pressure with confidence. In the interview room, it is about your intentions and the tactics you follow. Not everyone can deal with the pressured situation, and most of us fumble at times. This is where you need to excel in your performance. If you are a tough performer when you are in a pressured situation, that shows your capabilities to handle responsibilities and ensure a better position. In this competitive market, working on daily tasks is not enough! Every organization would like to add a person to their workplace who can significantly impact the organization. So, if you cannot add any extra value to the organization, there is no special importance of yours for the interviewer. Well, everything will depend on your presentation for the interview. From your dress to the confidence that you show, it will matter a lot during the interview. If you are once selected, the rest will be in your hands to grab a special place and attention in the dedicated organization. So, everything starts from the interview room, and you must crack that! Best Ways To Impress Your Interviewer When it comes to landing your dream job, acing the job interview is crucial. And while having the right qualifications and experience is important, making a lasting impression on your interviewer is equally important. Here, we will explore some of the best ways to impress your interviewer, from dressing appropriately to demonstrating your enthusiasm for the position. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to standing out from the competition and securing your dream job. Dress Appropriately Your sense of dressing can make or break your interview session. How you dress up for the interview can significantly impact the interviewer's perception of you. Showing up in a sloppy or casual outfit may indicate a lack of professionalism, which can negatively impact the interviewer's impression of you. However, if you present yourself with confidence and professional attire, it will showcase your intentions and seriousness towards the interview and the future job role. So, it is essential to dress appropriately for the interview and make a lasting positive impression on the interviewer. Remember, the first impression is the last, and your attire plays a crucial role in making that first impression. Prepare A Professional CV Creating a proper Curriculum Vitae and writing everything that you must have in your CV is confusing. But you cannot deny the importance of a CV at any cost. If it's an interview, then your CV is going to decide at least 50% of your future. Unfortunately, writing a CV is not of the proper caliber for most of us. Experienced people also fail to create a complete top-to-bottom CV for professional purposes. Making the CV creative while following professionalism becomes hard for us. If you are trying to make it happen, you will need to understand not just the basics but also have a clear idea of what makes a CV more accurate. However, you are not alone in this mess! And we have got you covered this time! Considering a CV writing service may help you a lot in this case! How? Well, if you hire one, they will assign an expert behind your CV-making process. So, a skilled expert with loads of knowledge and understanding will ensure a professionally written CV while describing you at the best level possible. Perfect Your Introduction An introduction that packs a punch can make a huge difference in the interview room. Your introduction is the first impression that you make on the interviewer, and it sets the tone for the rest of the interview. A strong and confident introduction can help you stand out from the competition, and it can demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the job. So, take the time to prepare and perfect your introduction, and make sure that it showcases your skills, experience, and personality in the best possible light. Remember, a great introduction can set you on the path to success in the interview and beyond. Read Also: 8 Easy Ways for Students to Improve Their Writing Skills Use Body Language During an interview, your body language can play a crucial role in setting the tone and creating a lasting impression on the interviewer. Your body language includes your posture, facial expressions, and gestures, and it can communicate a lot about your personality and confidence. It's important to be confident during an interview, but at the same time, you need to be careful not to show overconfidence. Overconfidence can come across as arrogance or false attention-seeking intentions, which can be a major turn-off for the interviewer. Here are a few tips to help you maintain the right body language during an interview! Sit up straight Make eye contact Use hand gestures Avoid fidgeting Smile Remember, your body language can speak louder than words, and the interviewer will always try to focus on it while assessing you. So, make sure to maintain a confident and professional body language that aligns with your words and intentions. Prepare Yourself For It One of the most important things to do before heading into a job interview is to research the company you'll be interviewing with. This can help you prepare better for the interview and impress your interviewer with your knowledge about the company. With a few things in mind, you can read a company better than any other researcher. History Industry position Products or services Job description By doing your research, you will be able to show your interviewer that you're genuinely interested in the company and the job you're applying for. It will also help you answer questions more confidently and ask informed questions during the interview. Demonstrate Your Enthusiasm Employers are indeed looking for candidates who are not only qualified for the job but also committed to the organization. Your level of enthusiasm and dedication can make a big difference in your chances of getting the job. If you appear disinterested or lack enthusiasm during the interview, it may give the impression that you are not fully committed, which can hurt your chances of getting hired. It is important to show that you are excited about the opportunity and willing to make a long-term commitment to the organization if given the chance. This can be conveyed through your attitude, body language, and the questions you ask about the company and the position. Share Your Accolades Don't ever fall back or be shy about expressing your past successes to the interviewer. Being genuine is one of the biggest swords of getting through a successful interview process. So, try not to make it complicated for the interviewer and express your achievements, position in the previous organization, and academic gatherings. Do not make it robotic but try to introduce what you like about your past and abilities. Read Also :  Argumentative Writing – The Skills You Need To Develop Top 7 Things To Take Into Consideration When Selecting Essay Writing Service 6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Second Career

Are Second Career Programs Worth It?

The second career program is an initiative to help unemployed individuals to get back on track to take on a profession of their choice. This program is rightly named as the second career as it offers an opportunity to support unemployed citizens but is willing to bounce back with cutting-edge knowledge.  The second career programs are worth it because they allow individuals with long career breaks to earn a qualification that can lead to employment. When you plan to select the second career option, these Canada-based education programs are good options for you.  Advantages Of Having Second Career Program  The second career program is a great chance to enhance employability by offering relevant qualifications to make them employment-ready.  The government of Ontario province in Canada initiates these programs with a unique scheme that can support the unemployed people to get back to their feet.  In this scheme, the eligible candidates can receive up to $28,000 tuition, books, transport, and living expenses. The amount is transferred after individually evaluating the aspect separately.  However, you can also become eligible to get extra if you have a disability, and separate fundings can be provided for training if possible.  Canada Is A Perfect Place For Pursuing Second Career Program Canada is considered to be a good place for international students because of the high-quality education and top international ranking universities and colleges. Getting an opportunity to pursue a second career program can enhance your learning experience.  Seeking a second career program from the best Canadian institution can open doors for various lucrative career opportunities even after being unemployed for a while. The graduates can work in Canada, earning a unique professional experience that adds value to their careers. Different Second Career Courses Options Through a second career program, an individual can apply for a range of professional courses that are high in demand. The focus remains on developing relevant skills to improve career prospects in your preferred industry during the valuable academic program.  Second career-approved programs also provide specific technical expertise in the industrially pertinent domain requiring cutting-edge technical knowledge.  The most popular second career courses offered in Canada are the following programs: Diploma in Digital Marketing specialist Co-op Diploma in Data Analytics Co-op Diploma in Cyber Security Specialist Co-op These are also some of the most sought-after courses by individuals aspiring to enter fields of business with the cutting-edge knowledge and skills of their choice of department.   Thus, when you opt for a second career program, you can get a chance to study the most in-demand courses, which have a broader career scope. Hence, second career programs are worth investing your valuable time and effort in.  Career Opportunities After The Second Career Program Enrolling in a second career program can also help you build a professional network that can help you in your career advancements. This is an additional advantage of pursuing a second career program because you can get the chance to interact and connect with professionals.  However, this course has numerous benefits as the long break requires additional support to get back on track.   After successful completion of the course, the graduates can take on job positions relevant to their qualifications. Depending upon your selection of course or domain, you can apply for jobs that can pay you a decent salary.  However, with industry experience, the opportunities to grow in the field are limitless. The time to opt for a second career course is now. Log on to our website and learn more about the valuable second career program! Conclusion: The second career programs are pretty useful when you want to find a second career. Most of the new generation professionals are always in search of a second career of income. Through these courses, you can get your desired income sources. Not only that, these professional courses are going to improve your skillset. And through the new skill set, you can easily find the following career options. What is your planning?? How are you planning to shape your future? Do not forget to share your experiences in the comment sections. Read Also: 3 Tiers of Caribbean Medical Schools – Medical School Guide Top Questions To Ask Someone About Their Career Path “No Career Interests Me” – What To Do? Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path