Platform Companies: What They Are And How They’re Used


05 April 2023


Platform Companies

Platform companies, also called platform acquisitions, are key steps in a private equity firm’s expansion into a new industry.

The firm will first target a large, established business in the industry. From there, it will strategically acquire multiple smaller businesses, using them to expand its reach within the industry.

Platform acquisitions don’t just benefit the private equity firm — they also have surprising benefits for owners of smaller companies. Here’s a quick primer on platform companies and how they work.

How Does a Platform Acquisition Work?

Breaking into a new industry can be tough, especially if you start by opening a new business. Private equity firms skip that step. Instead, a private equity firm will start by acquiring an established, successful business in the field.

When selecting a company to purchase, private equity firms generally look for a few characteristics:

  • Status as a Market Leader: For the best chance at success in the given industry, equity firms will typically target companies that stand out — even if it’s just within a certain geographical location or in a very specific market niche
  • A Strong Management Team: When equity firms acquire platform companies, they typically want to keep the existing higher-level employees to ensure the company’s continued success and improve the business practices of new acquisitions
  • Multiple Locations: A business with multiple locations has already expanded its reach, and equity firms can build on that with further acquisitions
  • Established Standard Operating Procedures: When expanding the platform company, the equity firm can simply apply these operating procedures to new acquisitions

After the purchase, the platform company serves as a kind of home base for the firm within the industry. The private equity firm will usually then expand that business through bolt-on purchases (also called roll-up purchases or roll-up acquisitions).

Bolt-on purchases are different from another kind of acquisition called a tuck-in acquisition. With a bolt-on acquisition, the newly purchased smaller company will usually keep its name and identity. With a tuck-in acquisition, the smaller company is completely absorbed into the larger platform company.

Why Would an Investment Firm Acquire a Platform Company?

Investment Firm

When private equity companies purchase a platform company and begin to expand into a new industry, they aren’t doing so with the intent of keeping the company forever. Instead, platform acquisition is a long-game investment strategy. It takes a significant amount of time, but it can generate a massive profit.

In a nutshell, equity companies buy and expand platform companies in hopes of eventually selling the expanded company to an even larger investor. Selling the companies as a conglomerate is almost always more profitable than selling each one separately.

For example, suppose that a private equity company wants to break into the fitness industry. The company might start by purchasing a regional chain of gyms.

As it purchases other, smaller gyms, it will use the management expertise and existing operating procedures of the first acquisition to improve each of the smaller gyms. It will also invest money in smaller gyms to increase their value.

When the company finally sells the expanded network of gyms, it will have created a profitable business venture that runs smoothly. This type of purchase is an attractive one for larger investors, so the equity company will be able to turn a significant profit.

How Platform Companies Can Impact Business Owners

At first, the idea of a larger company buying up smaller companies might not sound that advantageous to owners of small businesses. However, as a platform expands and acquires multiple smaller companies, those companies can see some surprising benefits.

For one, platform companies will usually invest significant capital in the new company soon after purchase. After all, the whole point of the acquisition is to increase the total platform’s valuation.

But money isn’t the only investment that platform companies put into smaller companies. After the acquisition, the equity firm will continue to focus on growing the newly acquired business.

The newly purchased business will reap several benefits from the platform:

  • Experience in sales and marketing
  • Experienced professional management
  • Financial acumen
  • Standardized, organized operational procedures

In many cases, these smaller acquisitions retain their company name. That makes the acquisition more appealing to many small business owners, especially those who have built their businesses from the ground up. 

In many cases, an acquisition ends up as a win-win situation: The platform company expands its reach and total value, and the smaller business receives valuable funding and mentorship.

Platform Companies Add Value

Being acquired by a platform company can transform a smaller business for the better. And for the platform company, each new acquisition has the potential to bring in new customers, expand the company’s market reach, and increase the value of the platform as a whole.

On its own, the acquisition of a single small business might not seem like much. But when a firm repeats that process many times over, the result is an expansive, highly organized company that multiplies its value over time.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Workers Compensation

Top 5 Benefits Employees And Employers Get from Workers Compensation

If you own or operate a business and do not currently have a compensation plan in the case of a workplace injury, you are not only taking a dangerous gamble, but you may also be breaking the law. Worker’s compensation is required in most places and even where it isn’t, that doesn’t absolve the employer from their responsibility. For those who aren’t sure exactly what benefit this type of business insurance provides, here are 5 examples for both you and your employees: Benefits for Employers: Worker’s compensation is also invaluable to employees, as the complications that can arise from a workplace injury are numerous. Here are some of those benefits: 1. Limited Liability Employers are typically protected from lawsuits filed by employees who are injured on the job, as long as they have worker’s comp insurance in place. This can help to limit the employer's liability and financial exposure in the event of a workplace injury. 2. Reduced Absenteeism With this insurance in place, employees can receive treatment and benefits for their injuries, which can help to reduce absenteeism and keep employees on the job. 3. Increased Productivity By providing employees with the resources and support they need to recover from their injuries, employers can help to increase productivity and reduce the impact of workplace injuries on their business. 4. Improved Employee Morale When employees feel that their employer cares about their well-being and is willing to support them in the event of an injury, it can help to improve employee morale and reduce turnover. 5. Compliance with Legal Requirements Workers comp is typically required by law, and employers who are found to be non-compliant can face penalties and fines. Maintaining coverage helps employers to avoid these penalties and stay in compliance with legal requirements. Benefits for Employees: Before you can make an educated decision on what type of coverage your company needs, the first thing you have to understand is what worker’s comp provides for your business. You can see more at 1. Medical Treatment and Expenses Employees who are injured on the job are entitled to receive medical care and costs related to their injury. This can include things like doctor's visits, hospital stays, and physical therapy. 2. Temporary Disability Benefits If an employee is unable to work due to their injury, they may be eligible for temporary disability benefits to help replace their lost income. 3. Permanent Disability Benefits If an employee's injury results in a lifelong disability, they may receive permanent disability benefits to help compensate for their loss of earning capacity. 4. Vocational Rehabilitation Some employee compensation programs provide vocational rehabilitation services to help injured employees return to work. This can include job training, retraining, and other services to help employees regain their earning capacity. 5. Death Benefits In the event of a workplace death, the employee's dependents may be eligible for death benefits to help cover expenses and loss of income. Where to Find the Right Worker’s Compensation Coverage for Your Business There are many different types of policies, depending on the size of your company, local laws and regulations, as well as what service or product you provide. A little bit of research and a few simple questions will let you know what’s best for you and your employees. Read Also: 7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas Why In-Company Training Results in Better Employees How to Get Your Employees to Use a Time Clock App

Customer Service

Customer Service Gripes Revealed In New Survey

Are you an eCommerce business looking to address the problem of abandoned carts on your platform? Do you know how you can ensure that more people close the sales and move cart items into final purchases? Have you tried using some strategies like offering coupons and discounts to sweeten the deal? According to a new and very important study made by Feefo, it has been found that there are more than 79% of customers abandoning their carts and not closing purchases on e-commerce platforms. The question, which many eCommerce-based companies are asking is- how can I change this? In this article, we speak to leading digital marketing specialists and ask them about the various strategies, which can be used to ensure that the items are moved from the cart into the final purchase. Why Consumers leave Items in the Cart According to the Feefo Study? The survey is very important to read and understand if you want to improve the sales and revenue generation for your e-commerce business. According to Feefo, most consumers leave items in the cart because of one specific reason- High Prices! In most cases, the prices displayed on the product pages are exclusive of additional costs like taxes, shipping charges, and in some very weird cases, packaging! According to the study, it is time for eCommerce businesses to start becoming honest and transparent in showcasing prices to the consumers on the product page itself. This may remove the entire magnet strategy of- lower pricing, moving to the cart seeing the higher pricing however emotional investments and time ending up with the purchase Ecommerce businesses need to realize that digital audiences have started to move beyond just baits and value transparency on digital platforms. The study pointed out specifically to High Shipping Costs as the primary impediment to abandoned carts. Taxes too are something, which most of us take into consideration. However, additional shipping expenditures are still not acceptable to the vast majority. How the World’s Best Ecommerce Sites Handle the Abandoned Carts Issue? According to business experts at the best-performing sites, the need of the hour is to help customers at this stage with a small incentive. In other words, customers are already through 80% of the things a business needs to close a sale. At the cart stage, what you need is a small push, which can be offered by brands to the customers. Not only will this result in the final sales happening, but it will also boost the image of the brand in the eyes of the customer in a positive fashion. Some of the best businesses go for the following strategies- Using promotional codes for both new and existing customers. Taking away the Shipping Charges for customers and showing the discounted price. Creating personalized packaging and offering incentives to buy. Having multiple shipping vendors on the business and comparing prices. Rewarding the customer in other ways (social media shout outs). Why Building Positive Business Relationships matter for Ecommerce Businesses? Building a positive brand and making the customer feel special is critical for the success of your e-commerce business. This means that e-commerce businesses need to invest in their communication. In-app messages, email newsletters, WhatsApp communications, etc. are good ways to ensure that you are always having an open channel of communication. By valuing your existing customers, you will be able to win repeat purchases for your business. Your existing customers can also spread a positive word about your brand to their family and friends, leading to more sales and revenues. However, taking care of the costs is the number one thing, eCommerce businesses should look to address at all costs. If eCommerce businesses are able to bring their operational costs down, they will be able to further incentivize sales. You can view the Full Study and Report of the excellent Feefo Study below: Source: