Support As A Service For Your Company: Full Guidance And Useful Tips

Published on: 16 April 2021 Last Updated on: 30 December 2024
Support As A Service

Customer support is a powerful thing that can help your business to grow. Customers pay attention to how quickly and effectively you respond to their requests and what information you provide.

For example, according to McKinsey, 70% of customers measure their experience based on customer service level.

If the company is not ready to provide good customer service, it’s better to find other solutions than to lose customers. And one of these solutions is called support as a service.

Support as a service: what is it

Briefly, it means outsourcing customer support functions. Let’s imagine that you are managing a middle-sized company and are going to organize customer support. What options do you have?

At least two. First, you may build a customer support department inside the company. Second, you may hire an outsourced customer service responsible for clients’ communications and requests.

What choice is better? You may pick up any of these options considering available financial, human, physical, and other resources. Let’s compare the main pros and cons of both decisions.

An in-house customer support department-


  • The customer support team is fully involved in all processes.
  • You hire every team member.
  • You may manage everything on your own.
  • The success of your external communications with the customers is in your own hands.


  • It’s pretty expensive (needed equipment and installation may cost thousands of dollars).
  • You pay customer agents for the whole working day and not for the number of calls.
  • You are not flexible and can’t change the whole customer department in case something doesn’t work.

An outsourced customer support team-


  • You may choose from a variety of different providers unless you find an appropriate one.
  • You may influence all processes that take place inside an outsourced team.
  • You should not think about any technical aspects of customer support.
  • You pay only for the delivered service.
  • You free up a lot of resources inside the company and use them for more critical tasks.
  • Your customer service team may speak different languages.


  • It’s possible to get poor service because not all providers guarantee good quality.
  • Sometimes you may experience issues, misunderstandings, and mistakes.
  • Your customers may not be satisfied.

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Support as a service: who uses it

Support as a service: who uses it

During the last five years, support as a service became widespread among different businesses. This model has a lot in common with another approach called SaaS (software as a service) or providing cloud software solutions on demand. Support as a service is popular in:


People like shopping online (especially now, during pandemic times). They also want to choose goods on the weekend or late in the evening after work. So, customer support has to be ready to provide customers with the required information at any time. In these circumstances, an outsourced customer support team is the best option for businesses.

Tech and finance business:

Hiring a customer support agent with the relevant tech or software experience may last for several months. It’s a lot, taking into account that the company loses money during this time. Professional support as a service provider knows how to find required team members fast and effectively.

Season businesses:

Before Christmas or summer months, some companies experience an increasing number of customers’ requests. As a result, their internal customer support departments cannot handle all questions and answer them quickly. An outsourced customer support team on demand may solve this issue and take over part of requests only for a limited time.

Available services-

Another essential question is what exact services an outsourced customer support team may provide. In general, all normal functions of customer support.


According to Zendesk, more than 50% of customers prefer to use phones for communication with the brands. That means that voice customer support plays a significant role in building a positive customer experience.


Letters are an excellent alternative to calls. They allow sharing more detailed information with customers. But for better results and effectiveness, you should establish special rules on how soon customer agents have to answer letters, tone of voice to use, etc.

Live Chats:

If your company works with millennials and young generations, think of using modern communication tools like live chat or messengers. According to Statista, live chat has growing popularity in almost all industries.

Support as a service: how to start

Here is a checklist of everything you need to do to start collaborating with an outsourced customer support company.

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Mass Flow Meter

Thermal Mass Flow Meter – What To Know?

Thermal mass flow meters are frequently utilized in the process of measuring low gas fluxes; nevertheless, what precisely are these meters? And how do these particular devices differ from many other gas flow meters that are available? You might also find it useful to learn about the many types of flow sensors as well as the benefits and drawbacks associated with each.  Comparing Measurements Of Mass And Volume Flow It has been shown that mass, not volume, is the most essential variable in many industrial and scientific operations. Due to the impact that temperature changes or pressure have on the density of a constant volume of gas, volumetric flow measurements are not as trustworthy as mass flow measurements. This is because mass flow measurements do not take temperature or pressure into account. Check out this link to find out more Thermal mass flow meter, in contrast to volumetric flow measuring devices like purge meters and turbine meters, are unaffected by shifts in the temperature or pressure of the flow that is being measured. The mass flow meter is capable of providing direct measurements of the flow of mass. The vast majority of alternative approaches compute density and flow by measuring volumetric flow first, followed by independent measurements of temperature and pressure intoetermine mass flow. Because they detect the flow on a molecular level, mass flow meter arcanive you a delivery of gas that is exceptionally accurate, consistent, and dependable. How Do Thermal Mass Flowmeters Measure The Flow Of Fluid? Convective heat transfer is used as the basis for the measurement of gas flow by the thermal mass meter. Both insertion- and inline-style flow bodies are offered by Sage as potential configurations for the flow meters. In either scenario, the probe of the meter is inserted into the gas stream that is flowing via a stack, pipe, or duct. Two sensors, also known as resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) or thermometers that measure temperature using resistance, may be found toward the end of the probe that extends from the meter. The RTDs are made up of windings made of robust reference-grade platinum that are encased in a protective sheath made of 316 stainless steel or Hastelloy C. One RTD is preheated by an integrated circuit and operates as the flow sensor, while the temperature of the gas is determined by a second RTD that functions as the reference sensor and acts as the flow sensor. Between the flow detectors and the reference detectors, the Sage patented circuitry ensures that there is always an overheating condition. Read more here. As the gas moves past the heated RTD, floating gas molecules carry away the heat from it. As a consequence, the sensor cools down, and the energy is lost. When this happens, the equilibrium of the circuit is thrown off, and the temperature differential (T) that exists between the heated RTD and the reference RTD shifts. Within one second, the circuit is able to return the energy that was lost by heating the flow detector in order to correct the temperature of the overheat. The amount of electrical power that must be maintained in order for this overheating to continue is the mass flow signal. The Benefits Of Measuring Thermal Mass Flow: When it comes to determining the mass flow of low gas flow, thermal mass flow meter is unquestionably the most common type of instrument used. Since they were first introduced in the middle of the 1970s, these instruments have undergone significant development. They have gone from being analog to digital, from having a low flow to a higher flow, as well as from having applications in machines and laboratories to applications in industrial environments and sometimes even hazardous areas. There's a thermal mass flow meter available to meet the requirements of virtually any low-flow gas application. Measurement based on the concept of Coriolis flow and measuring based on differential pressure is two more measurement philosophies that arapplyo situations using low-flow gas. Coriolis flow measuring Whenever measuring supercritical gases and then when users wish to measure the mass flow of variable or unknown gas combinations, users can benefit from using mass flow meter based on the Coriolis principle, which offers benefits. Differential pressure measuring In the case of differential pressure measurement, the recorded delta-p is transformed to mass flow by the application of a computation that takes into account the temperature of the gas being measured in addition to the density and dynamic viscosity of the gas being measured. When compared to this approach, thermal sensors are less susceptible to pressure variations in your operation, and the conversion for many other gases in a thermal flowmeter is inherently more precise. In addition, thermal sensors have a shorter response time. Read Also: 8 Plumbing Myths BustedFour Basic Types of Water Flow MetersAdd Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter


Are you cut out to be a supervisor?

In order to be a successful supervisor, you have to be able to display certain character traits. While there are some supervisory skills you can learn, there are other things you’re just born with. You might know the job like the back of your hand, but do you know how to be a good leader or manager? You probably already know if you have what it takes to make the step up to a supervisor, but in case you’re questioning the change, here are some of the most important characteristics of a good supervisor. You’re empathetic : Good supervisors know how to maintain their authoritative figure but can be empathic to their employees. Odds are before you became a supervisor you were in the place that your employees are currently in. If that’s the case, you know how hard it can be to manage work and family. Ways to maintain empathy for your employees is to be flexible, kind, understanding, fair, consistent, and respectful. Even though you’re the boss, your co-workers are your equals outside of work and they should be treated that way. You should set the example : If you want the workers underneath you to perform well and be consistent in their performance, you need to do the same. If you expect your workers to be on time to work, you should be there before they even step foot in the door. The workers are only going to work as hard as their supervisor and so you need to be one of the hardest working men or women in the department. Make sure that you encourage an environment that’s productive, engaging, and worthwhile for co-workers. You’re humble : There’s a difference in the mindset that you’re the boss and everyone has to do exactly as you say, and you’re the boss so people should respect your requests, but the respect goes both ways. Being humble about your position won’t only make people like you, but it will also lead to more cooperative co-workers. Instead of ordering people around, you should make kind requests and expect them to get it done because they enjoy their job and respect you. You communicate well : Communication is key to an organized workplace. Communication isn’t only remembering to tell your employees what their tasks are for the week, but it’s also how you approach it. When communicating with co-workers, you need to be consistent. This could mean having a weekly meeting to cover all of the week's goals and objectives, or sending out an email at the beginning of every day that outlines what needs to get done. You might find that people are more apt to listen to when you’re looking at them face to face. Make sure you give clear and concise instructions to your workers and understand their needs. Be sure to eliminate any confusion before the task begins. You look to help others grow : Just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean that others can’t get to positions of authority too. If workers are willing to go above and beyond, let them. You don’t want to keep people at a standstill so that they feel like they can’t grow their capabilities and learn new things. You should feel comfortable delegating responsibilities to people under you so that they can learn new skills and become more productive workers. A supervisor not willing to lead their workers down a path of success is not a very good supervisor. You can problem-solve : Things are bound to go wrong no matter what industry or department you work in. When that happens, people are going to look to you for a solution. You should be able to analyze a situation and separate yourself from what’s happening in order to be able to make good decisions. This isn’t always going to be easy, but you definitely can’t panic under stress. The ability to find solutions is a key role in being a supervisor.  

Best Mobile Network Operator

How To Choose The Best Mobile Network Operator For Your Business: Expert’s Talk

When it comes to setting up a business, we all know the importance of communication. This becomes a far more crucial factor when you think about businesses that operate across countries and continents. Given the increasing importance of digital and technology in our lives, effective communication becomes all the more critical. However, with every company boosting to be the best at what they do, the task of choosing a mobile network operator becomes an overwhelming one. In this article, we help businesses choose the best mobile network operator for all their needs. Besides, we start by discussing why modern businesses cannot do without one. How a Mobile Network Operator can help Businesses in 2021? Modern businesses require a mobile network operator for multiple reasons. Apart from offering important functions like clearing and settlement, some other reasons are- Ensuring communication between team members and employees in the various verticals. Talking to customers and vendors that might be spread across countries and continents for sales and marketing. Setting up effective Customer Support and Tech Services that help in after-sales and improves the brand’s credibility. Fixing up Cybersecurity benchmarks in all the network solutions that the businesses use on an everyday basis. Looking after the IT installations, data centers, and networking facilities that are part of every modern business organization. A good and credible mobile network operator can play a major role in boosting efficiency within an organization. Also, they can help a company save data costs thereby helping in boosting revenue figures. How to Choose the Best Mobile Network Operator: 5 Things to look for 1. The Range of Services on Offer- Not all mobile network operators have at their disposal all services and products related to the industry. This is why you must check in with them right at the very start. Depending on the needs and requirements of your business, you do not want a vendor that is inexperienced or has just stated that they offer something only to get your business. This is an important aspect. 2. What is the Quality of Customer Service and Support? Trust us when we say that your team and employees are going to be in very close contact with the customer service team of the mobile network operator. They would need constant help in troubleshooting things and getting acclimatized to how the system works. This is why you need a hands-on provider that is available 24x7 to help your business every step of the way. 3. Check for Long-Term Experience of the Operator- Experience plays an important role in determining how good a mobile network operator is. The longer the experience, the more professional can you expect the service to be. This can help you as a business as you would be able to rely on the network operator to help you come out of tight situations. It can also lead to better tech adoption for the business during the present. 4. Look for the Best Deals on Prices and Payment Models- Businesses that are looking to hire a mobile network operator should not have to break the bank to get one. While there are operators that will be able to offer you their services for dirt-cheap prices, you shouldn’t go for them. Go with a vendor that is average prices and can vouch for delivering a high level of service to your business. This will enable you to enjoy long-term benefits and flexible pricing payments. 5. Can Offer Help for Boosting Network Security- Cybersecurity is a great concern of our times. You do not want to be working with multiple vendors for different needs. A good and credible network operator can offer their expertise in helping improve your cybersecurity and network security. This can ensure that your business can keep at bay all the security threats that are emerging from cybercriminals. Sustainability in Mobile Network Operations: Why It Matters for Modern Businesses   Sustainability isn’t just a trendy term in the business world, it’s actually becoming a major deciding factor in services like mobile network operators.    Especially when a business is trying to build a holistic reputation which not only helps their customers, but even the Earth!   With modern businesses increasingly interested in their own environmental footprint, that concern is also important when deciding who provides their network.   But what does sustainability really mean when it comes to mobile network operations, and why do you, as a business, care?   So, let’s begin at the beginning. The harmful impacts that we often miss out on!   The Environmental Impact of Mobile Networks   Mobile network operators use a lot of energy — from operating data centers to maintaining vast infrastructures, all those operations create a massive carbon footprint.    Additionally, telecommunications companies generate approximately 1.4% of global carbon emissions, according to recent research.    By opting for a network operator that is serious about sustainability, you can help lower this percentage while also putting your business in line with your environmental aims.   Green Practices Adopted by Mobile Networks   Some of the mobile networks which think ahead are already using green practices like using renewable sources of energy to power their data centers. Solar panels, wind energy and other renewable sources help them reduce dependency on fossil fuels.   Another sector where sustainable energy consumption is important is the operations sector.    Some of the approaches include AI in network traffic management to ensure energy consumption only when necessary.    Although, we must depend on some of the traditional network operators, it is high time we understood the implication of heavy-duty internet usage.   Yes, these may be small steps individually. However, collectively, these will reduce energy consumption significantly. An add-on benefit to sustainability is operational cost cutting.   Why Your Business Should Care   Sustainability is not only about saving the planet!   It’s also a powerful business strategy. We have now what we call a responsible customer. Yes, people who are trying to be sustainable in their approach and be better citizens.   Customers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the brands they choose to support. Especially more about carbon footprint and how mobile network usage is having its negative effects.   Therefore, partnering with a sustainable mobile network operator, especially the one who is extracting their resources through ethical means, is important.    They will improve your brand reputation, attract environmentally conscious customers, and meet corporate social responsibility targets.   In addition, sustainability often equates to savings. Energy-efficient practices can lower the cost of operations for network operators. Which can again lead to reduced fees for businesses using their services.  Choose Wisely! Choosing the best mobile network operator can play a major role in helping your business improve its productivity and efficiency. By following all the points mentioned in the article, you can expect to choose a vendor that is best suited to the needs and interests of your business. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App How a Virtual Assistant Is Beneficial to Businesses Launching a Business? Hire These 5 Professional Services for Help How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Busines