Process Mining and Data Privacy – Key Points to Remember


The global pandemic of 2020 was challenging for frontline workers, the public, and businesses. Besides a dwindling economy, governments and organizations suffered various setbacks, including exponential data thefts. Security incidents became more costly and harder to contain for the latter due to a drastic operational shift. As per experts, the cost of a data breach reached a record high, shelling $4.24 million per incident on average from affected ventures.

As more businesses migrate to the digital world, data security becomes a reason for severe migraine for owners. Keeping the incidents and the present situation in mind, the European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for improved data privacy controls for EU citizens. GDPR requires a thorough evaluation of every software application before its implementation to prevent possible data breaches and loss of customers, employees, and corporate data. Automatically, business process management solutions, like process mining, RPA, automated process discovery, and others, fall under the tight scrutiny of GDPR data privacy guidelines.

Process Mining in Business Process Management – A Brief Overview


Process mining is an intelligent technology solution enabling owners to build a reliable visual map of business processes elaborating how every task within a process is executed. It captures employee-software system interactions and converts data into event logs. This provides an overview of end-to-end processes.

Process mining tools provide task and process insights to evaluate task executions for scaling improvement opportunities. These insights also support informed decision-making pertaining to process efficiencies and complexities.

Process mining bridges the gap between traditional model-based processes and data-centric processes for further analysis. There are three basic types of process mining; namely, process discovery to discover a process model capturing the behavior in an event log (collection of events), conformance checking for identifying commonalities and discrepancies between a process model and an event log, and process re-engineering to improve a process model using event logs. In a human-centric process, each event comprises a case identifier, an activity name, a timestamp, and optional attributes such as resources or costs. Usually, a case identifier refers to individuals and includes much personal data. And herein lies the significance of improving data security.

The Importance of Data Security in Process Mining

Automated process mining relies heavily on enterprise data and captures confidential information about the company or the clients. Data collected during the mining of processes are categorized under the following datasets:

Key identifiers: These datasets contain unique information identifying individuals, such as their full names and social security numbers.

Quasi-identifiers: These datasets are considered indirect identification of individuals—for example, gender, age, and postal code.

Sensitive attributes: Information related to salary, payment, financial statements, and others are private and sensitive for individuals or companies.

Insensitive attributes: These datasets contain general or non-risky information not covered by the other features.

Given the confidential and sensitive nature of the above-mentioned data, attention to cybersecurity in process mining has gained momentum recently. Also, third parties can offer the latter; therefore, choosing providers with secure products and processes is equally crucial. Any breach in data security can prove costly for the company owners and tarnish customer/client/partner relationships.

But the shared responsibility of protecting critical information should rest upon employees. After all, it is said that the usual source of security incidents are current employees and, in certain instances, ex-workers.

Respective teams, while handling information, should protect sensitive data at every step of task execution. In order to achieve the same, decisions regarding data transparency and usage should be made aforehand. Most specifically, such decisions involve the type of data used, data extraction methods, data accessibility, data protection, and compliance requirements.

On the other hand, process mining can be leveraged to detect silent internal attacks on data. It can quickly identify abnormal behavior in the company’s internal network and indicate apparent security breaches.

Therefore, data is integral to process mining, and the security of which should be the core objective of software applications and associated teams.

Key Privacy Metrics in Process Mining

In order to evaluate the privacy of specific data, owners should decide on particular metrics for measurement. These privacy metrics tally the security level of each data in terms of disclosure and are broadly categorized under the following sub-heads:

Bounded knowledge: Data is restricted with specific rules to avoid disclosing confidential information.

Need to know: The unnecessary data is eliminated from the system to prevent any breach. This metric controls data access.

Protected from disclosure: Data confidentiality is observed during data mining using the classification method.

Data quality metrics: These metrics measure the loss of information/benefit, while the complexity criteria validate the efficiency and scalability of different techniques within this scope.

Process Mining and Data Capture – Key Points to Consider

Since process mining extracts granular data at the process level, care is taken to ensure that any new process doesn’t come into conflict with personal data policies. Owners should also ascertain that software solutions for mining processes comply with the specific data security requirements. Therefore, people involved with the entire system must consider a few data capture points.

Access to raw data: The process mining team requires access to corporate data to understand what’s most important for analysis. Here, the company can choose and grant access to specific datasets for further research.

Choose the right strategy: Besides mining processes for raw insights, the team also translates the raw data into broad terms and updates it into dashboards. Later on, the respective team can decide what features to focus on.

Filter: Occasionally, the company tracks information that doesn’t require further analysis for specific processes. In this case, the data can simply be omitted from the system. Datasets that are sensitive or do not directly impact the business analysis outcome are deleted to maintain the focus only on valid and relevant data.

Pseudonymization: Encrypting the information to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information prevents users from correlating them to real data specific, like specific names, addresses, or other PII data. For instance, if the company wishes to maintain secrecy about employees directly involved with process-related tasks can follow this approach. Here, the case identifier’s name is replaced with numbers.

Anonymization: This is similar to pseudonymization, where the names are replaced with unique pseudonyms instead of numbers. Hence, unauthorized users cannot identify individuals’ names or confidential information about them from the available data.


Besides handling data in bulk daily, enterprises using online systems leave behind their digital footprints. These footprints are valuable data captured by process mining to examine how employees execute each process and sub-tasks. Needless to say, mining for such insights is done with the company’s best interests in mind, namely, to optimize operations and resources and derive maximum value.

However, such datasets carry sensitive information of various interested parties, any breach of which can prove highly hazardous for all. Therefore, data is the primary source for process miners to carry out their objectives, but the company must ensure the data is handled with care. Hence, data security is a significant factor in process mining.

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The New Global Project PRINCE2 Management Forum

I recently attended the 2022 Global Project Management Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This event has been an incredible PRINCE2 management system for a learning opportunity for me to become acquainted with the lives of my neighboring colleagues. I was in awe as each person spoke with such a different accordion. They would never have thought of speaking with someone from out of their own country like me. So how we nurture this en Exhibition has bearings in this " slated of lanes" hidden gem, as on a prince2 Course Belfast training. What Is The Best Part Of PRINCE2 Management? The climate of this particular event was fantastic, and everyone was able to speak some English. This has been me on porch natter time of yard. We were helping each other with really "old-fashioned" cultural status conversation. It was apparent that not all presenters were from down under or even North America. Attending and participating was something of a cultural education about global cultures.  The project PRINCE2 management is not one and the same here, yet we seem to be practically un-spawned, walking around in one spirit. Mostly, I felt if I were at any party in the USA from that part of the planet, we would almost treat each other the way we did as partners on the Aircraft carrier.  Why? Sure, they had many things that made us uniquely American, such as our freedom. And I wanted to know what precisely the creative people in Project Management were doing. I noted many gave the opinion of " Martin Amigos." They said there is no success in life without learning as you move forward (in accord with the program by the same name).  What Are The learning Material In PRINCE2? Learning is essentially the same way we learn in creative training. But instead of just being there, recognizes what you are putting into practice, with results in your Projects. Fatalities are crashing websites, firms, and construction projects on their own doors without ever having to meet your co-workers. But for here folks, I wanted to find out how they were getting the creative minds "up and running" and developing. Optimism could always be heard, even if it was half-hearted. This group could clearly see the positive aspects of their organization. The way their organization ran appears more like a good thing than a bad thing.  Every January worker had a job that took him away from his family. It was a " mission" based world. Each man who worked in an office seemed to have a list of people that he wanted to be " near" or be to them, to always be both their best friend and their own best employee.  This group seemed to have productivity, an analysis of what their time was worth, and how to improve it with the PRINCE2  management system. What Does Work Not Exist In That Type Of Environment? The word productivity is open to as many interpretations as the word term itself. It may be how long it takes to run 100 miles in a car or light truck.  It could be how long a person can produce in a day or week, or how much a piece of cake could be filled to the Parkerizzle because it was worth 5 pounds; it could be the pressure someone felt to pull that gauge off that the toleration of someone, or how good or unlucky it felt to be just making a full page of " syndicate."  So what happened to the author of this article. The number of meetings at the event and how many of the people who turned up were in a job that did not provide them the amount of compensation they wanted to perform and earn the hours they did, were meeting their creative minds. When money was left on the table for those who failed, " slew them aside," as the saying goes, the leaders of these companies had the right to conduct free business at the forums as long as they met the expectations of each of the workers and their families to invest their life sweat equity. Stepping back and viewing the overall picture, we needed to come together as a global organization.  How Is This Forum Helping For Better Understanding Of PRINCE2? We used the events, and the work pulled from other countries to begin to formulate and develop the proper cultural idea of a successful global organization. Each determined spot would be an indicator of success either next door, above water, or underwater.  Ideology and a vision for a better way of everything, for our clients we PAT force the hunger to salt families customs, family relationships, and other many relationships in an open and professional way, to honestly think about the stake of life, and where it all feels like oxygen. Conclusion: Perhaps this group was not properly managed, or it did not spark their passion or attitude in them to its full effect. This is why it was so important that I had someone to remind me what was important to me, also helping me to do things differently to change the atmosphere in our already in sync environment. It is really very easy when you sense there is a huge need to lose perspective and think that things will change for the better. Read Also: What to Know About Location-Based Data Importance Of A Project Manager In An Organization Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work Top Ways Contract Management Software Helps to Mitigate Contract Risk


Add Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter

A multimeter is also known as a multi-tester. This small device helps you to find the accurate measurement of voltage, current, resistance, and power. With the help of an analog multimeter, you can troubleshoot the electrical problems with accuracy with the help of pointer on a scale. You can also use this multimeter in technical industries as well as in domestic appliances. You can use this multimeter for testing heavy motors, machines, wiring systems, and power supply and in home appliances like television, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner etc. Hence, it is a very useful device for both domestic and professional use. How do needle based multimeters work? The main work of needle based multimeter is to pass the current through a coil which is suspendedbetween two permanent magnets. After choosing the voltage scale, when the voltage is applied, a resistor of known value is placed in series with a measurement lead. This multimeter is a very sensitive piece of electrical testing device. It is common not only in home appliance installations but isalso very useful in servicing and repairs. Sometimes, when there is fluctuation in power supply this needle based multimeter gives you an accurate reading, which is not possible in the digital meter. Advantages of using the needle based multimeter: As you know that multimeters are of two types, analog and digital, the former one is very low in cost and available at every hardware store. You can get an accurate measurement by an analog meter, and you don’t even need a battery to operate it unless you have to measure the resistance. But in digital meters, you need a battery to operate it. While an analog meter needs DC power to measure resistance, it forces the current to flow in the capacitor and when it is stabilized, you will get the reading of the faulty wiring. How to check the voltage by an analog meter? If you want to check the voltage with the help of a needle based multimeter, you have to just follow a few tips. Thenumberto which the needle moves from 0 is known as “deflection “and full scale deflection is that goes till the end of the scale, anything beyond the scale is not measurable. In other words, this process is also known as full scale deflection. Users mostly drop the deflection part because it is rarely relevant anymore. Current measurement by an analog meter: Both AC and DC current can be checked with the help of needle-based multimeter by connecting the series in the meter in the circuit. For AC current measurement, an analog meter consists of diode rectifier that converts AC to corresponding DC current. Before measuring the current, one should consider the following: Insert the red and the black leads in their respective slot depending on very high or very low current measurements. Set range selector switch to DC current, and also select the expected range. Multimeter users can also ensure maximum range for measurements. They can also reduce the range if needed. Read Also: How To Get Started With Arduino Uno R3 Demystifying The Common GDPR Myths


Oracle & The Cloud: A Dream Team

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing provides on-demand availability of data storage, computing power, and other system resources that are not located on the user’s computer. There are many benefits to offloading these previously local resources and tasks. Customers of cloud computing move the responsibility for managing applications, storage, and computing power offsite to providers like Oracle, Microsoft, and Amazon. The cloud offers organizations and companies of any size, access to powerful data centers without the overhead. Customers now have cost-efficient ways to access the latest technology, application software, and unlimited storage without a dedicated data center or large IT department. Click here to find an Oracle consultant. Types of Cloud Computing: Based on the organizations business requirements, companies can choose from three broad types of cloud services: public, private, and hybrid. The difference between them is primarily the amount of management time required by the customer and the level of security provided. Public Cloud: Public clouds are owned and operated by cloud service providers that deliver their services over the internet. Customers are free from maintaining their own computers reducing or even eliminating their existing IT department. Private Cloud: A private cloud is exclusive to a single business or organization. It can be physically located at the company or the cloud provider’s data center. Private clouds are maintained on private networks and provide the highest level of security and control. Hybrid Cloud: By combining public and private clouds, data and applications can move between the two providing greater flexibility, security, and more options to optimize the company’s existing infrastructure. The decision to use a hybrid cloud rather than a public or private cloud comes down to the services needed by the organization. Cloud Services: There are four broad categories of cloud services available: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and serverless. Companies need to decide on the services they require and how much time they have to manage those services. Generally, the more an organization offloads to the cloud service provider, the less they have to manage themselves. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)With Oracle: Infrastructure as a Service is the most basic type of cloud computing. It is an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model that provides compute, storage, and network capacity in the cloud. Subscribers are responsible for installing and maintaining any software on the cloud such as databases and application software. Platform as a service (PaaS): Platform as a Service provides an on-demand environment for developing, testing, and delivering, mobile and web applications without investing in or maintaining the underlying servers. The customer accesses the services via a web browser. Software as a service (SaaS): Software as a Service allows software applications to be delivered over the Internet, on-demand and typically on a subscription basis. The cloud service provider handles software updates and security patching, reducing in-house IT resources. Cloud Computing Service Providers: With the growing adoption of cloud-based services and technology, comes an ever-expanding field of players including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Oracle offers a complete suite of integrated business applications for Sales, Service, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Human Resources, along with their cloud-based services. Microsoft and Oracle recently announced a partnership designed to give customers the best of what both companies have to offer. Oracle is the leading database and enterprise applications vendor in the world and Microsoft Azure is the second-largest cloud vendor in the world. Customers can migrate their entire existing suite of applications to either or both cloud providers as needed without having to re-architect anything. The cloud brings many advantages to organizations, allowing businesses to outsource expensive hosting, security, and storage costs. The growing need for companies to take advantage of the latest technology without the expense of a dedicated data center or even an IT department is a game-changer. Read Also: 5 Important Considerations To Get Supply Chain Management On Cloud Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud