7 Things to Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions


05 April 2019


Driving In Bad Weather

Accidents can happen, including those on the road. Sometimes, car accidents are difficult, if not impossible, to avoid, and certain conditions can make it more likely that you will get into a collision. If the weather conditions are less than perfect, such as in windy or wet weather, it can make for a disastrous situation. However, there are always things you can do to avoid getting into a car accident. In general, there are seven things you should do when you are driving in bad weather conditions in Brisbane, Australia.

7 Things to Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions:

1. Slow Down:

First and foremost, you should always slow down when driving in bad weather. This is important even if your vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive capabilities. At the very least, you should reduce your speed to around 10 miles below the posted speed limit. If the weather is particularly bad, you may want to reduce your speed to around 15 miles below the speed limit. Driving slower can greatly reduce your risk of getting into an accident. Even if you do have an accident, it will be far less severe.

2. Avoid Tailgating Other Vehicles:

You should always avoid tailgating other cars, to begin with, but this is that much more important when you’re driving in poor weather. When it’s raining and the roads are slick, it’s more difficult to slow down or stop when you need to when you are traveling too closely behind the car directly ahead of you. You should leave at least a good 100 yards or 4 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you. If you are driving a larger vehicle, such as a caravan, truck or trailer, you should double those numbers to be safer.

3. Turn On Your Headlights:

Whether it is raining or it’s a foggy day, you should turn on your headlights and set them to your low beams. It’s easier to see with your low beams turned on. You should always avoid using your high beam headlights in bad weather conditions as it can make it more difficult to see and the light can simply reflect off the rain or fog. However, if you’re driving in foggy conditions, you can turn on your fog lights if you have them.

4. Avoid Driving Through Flooded Areas:

During the summers in Brisbane, there is more flooding. As a result, there are more areas on the road that will be flooded. To be safer on the road, you should avoid driving through any flooded areas. You may have difficulty gauging how deep the water is, which is extremely dangerous. If you drive in those areas and water gets into your engine, your vehicle will abruptly shut off. If you learn of any flooded areas before you get in your car, you should avoid driving in those areas. Find an alternate route if possible so you can completely avoid traveling on a flooded road.

5. Brake More Slowly:

When you are driving in bad weather, especially if the roads are wet with rain, it’s important to brake more slowly and carefully. If you brake too sharply or quickly, it can result in a disastrous situation. You can end up losing control of your vehicle and skidding out or even crashing. Gently tap on your brakes until you are able to come to a complete stop. You should also try to ease up on the gas pedal to slow down in slippery areas of the road and then tap your brakes to stop.

6. Avoid Hydroplaning:

Hydroplaning occurs when your tyres are not actually touching the surface of the road during heavy rainstorms. Instead, you are traveling over the surface of the water, which is a very dangerous driving situation. Usually, this happens when you are traveling at too fast speed in this type of weather or when your tyres are worn out and have too little tread depth. Hydroplaning can cause you to lose control of the steering wheel and prevent you from slowing down or stopping. If you find yourself hydroplaning, stay calm and lift your foot up from the gas pedal to slow down. As your speed decreases, your tyres will readjust so that they are again on the road’s surface. Be careful and steer carefully while slowly breaking as your speed slows down.

7. Avoid Side Roads:

Although it might be tempting to take side roads while you are driving in bad weather conditions, it can actually be more dangerous. Smaller side roads can be even worse when the rainfall is heavy. The main roads are safer and easier to travel through as city officials are more likely to concentrate on clearing them due to heavier traffic. There is also a greater likelihood that you can get help if your car suddenly stalls on a larger road. It is also better to drive in the middle lane on large roads as it keeps you away from the areas where there is more flooding.

Driving in Brisbane during bad weather conditions is certainly easier when you follow these important steps. If you do get into an accident and suffer injuries and car damage, you should immediately contact car crash lawyers in Brisbane to discuss your options for starting a claim to recover compensation for your medical expenses and other damages.

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Uber Accidents

10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States

With the rapid growth of rideshares, the number of Uber accidents is also increasing in the United States. Statistics say that in the year 2019, Uber will have completed around 6.9 billion trips. With the increasing market share of over 12 million rides in the year, the number of severe accidents is also increasing. Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States What possible reasons work behind the increasing number of Uber accidents? Here are the major causes of Uber accidents in the United States of America. Knowing these will help you to check when you are thinking about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. If you want to know more on How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash, you can view website. 1. Speeding While Driving Speeding is not only a cause for Uber accidents but also for overall accidents in the USA. Uber drivers get paid on the basis of how many rides they have completed. Now, isn’t it obvious they will mostly want to overspeeding for completing more rides in a day? As a result of this, accidents happen. 2. Inattentive Drivers Recruiting inattentive drivers is another reason, which works behind the increasing number of Uber accidents. In order to get the job of an Uber driver, you just need to have a driving license and at least experience. They do not check one’s driving skills and end up recruiting some inattentive drivers, who become the reason for Uber accidents. 3. DUI Or Drunk And Driving Drinking under the influence is a common road accident cause in the United States of America. Sometimes, Uber drivers also break the rules and run and drive or drive under the influence of alcohol, narcotics. We all are aware of how dangerous drunk driving can be for drivers of any age group. 4. Driver Fatigue Prolonged duty hours make the drivers tired. They became tired and sleepy. Driver fatigue is really dangerous and causes some deadly road accidents. Sometimes it is about a fraction of a second, the driver feels drowsy and closes his eyes for a second, and the accident happens. 5. Tailgating Most of the Uber drivers have a tendency to drive too close to the vehicle in front of them. Eventually, in some cases, it becomes one of the reasons for the increasing number of accidents. So, always ask your driver to maintain a safe distance if he is tailgating with another vehicle. 6. Acts Of Nature Acts of nature are something where humans do not have any control. What we can do is avoid driving during tough natural circumstances, such as torrential rain, sleet, ice, or high winds. All of these can cause devastating road crashes. This is where you probably can not think about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. 7. Vehicle Maintenance Failure Safe driving is not enough to reduce the number of Uber accidents. Maintaining the health of the vehicle is also important. So, before riding a vehicle, if you feel that the vehicle is looking too old, you can deny the ride. Every part of the car should be in proper working condition for having a safe ride. 8. Unsafe Lane Change The drivers should follow all the traffic rules and norms. Unsafe or sudden lane changes often cause ugly car crashes. It is always advised to maintain the proper lane when one is driving, and there are no considerations for Uber drivers and you when you are in a hurry. 9. Road Rage Never get your Uber driver involved in road rage. Road rage comes with a lot of other accident causes like overspeeding, unsafe lane change. So, stay away from any kind of road rage and drive safely. 10.Running Red Lights And Stop Signs When there is a red stop sign, you should stop there. It does not matter how important the interview is for you or how long it is taking to go home. Always press the brake when you are in the driver’s seat of an Uber or any other car. Know About The Riders’ Insurance When you are in an Uber cab, and the cab is involved in an accident, you should know about the rider’s insurance. When you are hurt, the company has a rider policy to offer you the necessary amount. Read Also: What to Do When You’re Involved in a Car Accident in Albany How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You 5 Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Car Accident Lyft vs Uber: What’s the Difference Between the Ridesharing Giants?

Driver CPC Certification

What is Driver CPC Certification and Who is Required to obtain it?

Every professional driver operating a bus, lorry, or a coach needs to get a driver CPC certification. The certification contains standards followed during driver training as well as continuing education for career professionals. The purpose of requiring drivers to undergo this certification is to ensure proficiency and competency on the job. What is the Primary training of drivers for CPC certification? CPC stands for Certificate of Professional Competence and to all domains of you can apply it. All professional drivers who fall in the category of  C or D license. If you are a new driver and live in Sheffield, and this is your first time to undergo CPC certification, you’ll need to find a course for Driver CPC in Sheffield providing initial training. The instruction includes sufficient preparation for testing theories and applying practical skills. If you don’t go through the initial qualification process, you won’t be able to proceed to obtain a commercial driver’s licence. Who is required to take periodic training? Once a driver completes initial CPC training, a card is presented confirming that all legal requirements were met. This card is valid for the next five years. Once the card is about to expire on its fifth year of validity, drivers have to undergo periodic training to renew certification. Periodic training is necessary for maintaining competency and development. Each recurrent training consists of 35 hours in the classroom administered by accredited training providers. Training providers typically customise the programmes to meet the needs of their clients. Some clients may require their drivers to have training on emergency procedures for road safety, while there are others that may require additional training on how to handle volatile products like petroleum. Who needs a driver CPC certification? The critical identifier that a driver CPC certification is necessary is when a driver is a professional driver. But there are some exceptions which typically involve non-professional drivers. Those who drive the following types of vehicles for a living need CPC certification: Heavy equipment used in construction Buses operating on local and regional routes Coaches Tipper trucks Bin lorries Articulated lorries Aside from the drivers, operators also need to obtain CPC certification. But the training for operators is different from that of drivers. Exceptions to CPC certification: The law has built-in guidelines on who is exempt from taking CPC certification. There are professional drivers and non-professional drivers who may be exempt according to these guidelines. Professional drivers exempt from obtaining a CPC certification are: Professional drivers driving vehicles in the armed forces, police, fire service, and civil defence. Professional bus drivers who don’t receive compensation for their service and the vehicle has less than 19 seating capacity. You are driving a qualified vehicle, but only doing so for personal purposes. Vehicles driven for rescue or emergency operations. These are only a few of the exemptions in the list of those required to get a CPC certification. It is essential that you review the complete list and guidelines to know if your driving activity will also need a driver CPC certification. Read Also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers In Terms Of Safety?

Cabover Trucks

The Main Reasons Why Cabover Trucks Are Less Common Than Long Hood Rigs

If you’re not familiar with the term cabover trucks, perhaps you will recognize these trucks by their full name, cabin over engine trucks. Or perhaps you don’t know much about them at all. No wonder, seeing how they’ve become far less common after 1976 after some regulatory changes made longer trucks an option. We reached to a reliable truck manufacturer that was around to see these trucks come and go, to tell us more about this truck type, its advantages and disadvantages, and why it is no longer as popular. Why They Were Popular In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, the length regulations for the trucks dictated the maximum length of 65 feet (both truck and trailer). In 1976, as 75 feet became the norm, these trucks were gradually phased out by long hood trucks. Keep in mind that this trend is only present in North America, as Europe largely still uses cabover trucks for several reasons, with maneuverability being one of the most important ones. Elegant car seat pillow to keep you cool even on hot summer days. Maneuverability Due to the shorter axis distance, these trucks are a lot simpler and easier to maneuver. Backing up in narrow loading docks and changing lanes in heavy traffic is a lot simpler. The position of the driver at the very front of the vehicle also facilitates maneuverability as it gives the driver better visibility. As both roads and streets in Europe tend to be smaller and narrower, trucking companies there still prefer this type of truck. In fact, in some European countries which are more flat and open, like the Netherlands, long hood trucks can also be found. Fuel Efficiency Even though most people think that the more aerodynamic shape of the long hood trucks makes them more efficient, the simple truth is that European trucks are smaller and more efficient. In addition, more stringent emissions regulations in the European Union has forced manufacturers to make trucks more fuel-efficient compared to the US and Canada. In this case, it is not the shape of the truck, but the region where they are prevalent that led to the increased fuel efficiency. Lacking Safety Even though there are some clear advantages of having the driver in the very front of the vehicle, there are also some disadvantages. One of the clearest faults of a cabover is that the driver is far more vulnerable in case of an accident – there’s less truck between the driver and the impact. Despite the fact that modern cabovers have numerous protection advancements compared to the older models, they still fall flat compared to the long hood trucks. Lack of Comfort during Long Rides Another big disadvantage of a cabover, especially for the long haul is the less comfortable ride compared to the competitors. The shorter wheelbase is typically cited as the main reason why the ride is not as cushy as in a long hood. However, there is another important reason – in a cabover, your driver’s seat is directly on top of a wheel, making all the bumps much more visceral. There was an attempt by the manufacturers to resolve this problem, but it resulted in more expensive vehicles – just one more reason why they were gradually replaced by the long hoods. Which Are Better, Then? It is really difficult to pick one over the other – different businesses may prefer different trucks, preferring the fuel economy and maneuverability of a cabover or the safety and comfort of a long hood truck. It is always best to choose the truck based on your needs and your business model, which is why both types of trucks still exist and are available for purchase. Read Also: What to Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment How Crane Trucks Can Drastically Improve Project Efficiency 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes