Just Not Feeling it? Tips for Getting Your Sex Drive Back

Published on: 22 March 2019 Last Updated on: 15 May 2021
how to increase sex drive in women

In a worldwide study, 43% of women expressed a loss of sexual desire after hitting 40. But it’s not just middle age women that feel this way.

In fact, statistics show that more women than men suffer from sexual dysfunction.

If you’ve wondered, ‘how do I increase my sex drive’, women you’re not alone. Read on for some tips on how to increase sex drive in women.

Identify the Cause:

The most important thing you can do to increase sex drive is to figure out what the underlying issue is.

That way you can find effective treatment options.

First, ask for a pelvic exam. Your doctor will look for physical changes such as thinning tissues and vaginal dryness that can contribute to low sex drive in women.

A good lube or the o shot can make all the difference in sexual enjoyment in these cases.

Your doctor might order blood tests to check your hormones, look for thyroid, liver, or cholesterol issues. The onset of menopause can also throw your hormones out of whack. Another cause could be that in previous years you were excited about sex because you were TRYING TO HAVE BABIES, but now sex isn’t for that outcome.

If nothing comes up, you may want to talk to a therapist that can help you explore the emotional factors that contribute to low sex drive.

The first step to fixing low sex drive in women is identifying the cause (or causes).

Boost Your Self-Confidence:

How you feel about your body plays a big part in how you feel about sex. If you have a poor self-image, you are less likely to desire and enjoy sex.

Exercise regularly to produce the natural high of exercise. This will not only help you feel better, but it will also help your sex be better too!

You can boost your self-esteem and sex drive by focusing on the experience of sex instead of on your perceived flaws. If necessary, put a blindfold on so you can focus on what you feel instead of what you see.

Cut Down on Sugar:

The biggest culprit that throws sex hormones out of balance is sugar. That includes flour that converts to sugar in the body.

Sugar raises your insulin levels. Then that impacts other hormones. Don’t you notice that you feel like crap often after eating a donut or two?

There’s a reason for that. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and watch as this increases your sex drive.

Plus, a healthy diet will go hand-in-hand with exercise to help you look and feel your best.

Stop Ignoring What’s Bothering You:

For women, sexual desire is tied to emotion. In fact, a study found that even if a woman was physically turned on, she felt no desire if her heart wasn’t in it.

If you are harboring resentment at your partner, feel neglected or taken for granted, it’s no wonder your sex drive has plummeted.

Start communicating with your partner in order to find a way to fix these issues.

But sometimes, it has nothing to with your partner and everything to do with your job or kids or other responsibilities. If you feel overloaded, it’s harder to feel interested in sex.

Good communication will help you deal. Find other ways to decrease stress such as meditation or mindfulness.

Bottom Line on How to Increase Sex Drive in Women:

So, what’s the answer to how to increase sex drive in women? It could be a combination of things.

As you identify the cause you are in a better position to make changes to boost your sex drive.

Healthy lifestyles, communication, less stress, and feeling confident will have positive results in all aspects of your life.

Chances are, you and your partner could use a break. Check out the best vacation destinations for couples.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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3 Ways to Boost Brainpower in Your Older Years

The idea that brainpower decreases over time is a myth. The brain remains fertile through old age. Learning new skills and using your memory not only makes your brain more fertile but also improves overall cognitive wellbeing and may even prevent the onset of dementia. Neuroscientists use the term “neuroplasticity” to refer to the brain’s adaptability. Whereas in the recent past, the commonly held view was that the brain becomes more plastic over time—that people become more rigid in their thinking, that their thought patterns become more entrenched—neuroscientists are discovering that, on the contrary, the brain remains a flexible muscle all through life. That means that, contrary to popular belief, ageing people can change their thought patterns, take in and process lots of new information, and change the way they see the world. Here are three ways to flex your brain in your older years. #1 Learn a New Language Learning a new language is a tried and true way to flex your brain and boost your brainpower in your older years. Yes, it is true that children are better at learning new languages—but only slightly —and it’s possible that children are slightly better at learning new languages only because they have more opportunities and resources and are not afraid of making mistakes. That is to say that, contrary to popular belief, children are not better at learning languages because they possess an innate capacity reserved for the young. With the right opportunities and resources, and without the fear of making mistakes, older people may be able to learn new languages as well as children do. (However, older people do have more difficulty with accents.) If you’re in your older years, try visiting a language class at your local college, community centre, or upscale retirement community to see for yourself how surprisingly easy language acquisition can be. Ageing people who learn a new language have better memories and overall cognitive health than those who don’t. More, learning a new language may reduce the likelihood of developing different kinds of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s. #2 Nurture Your Memory Unfortunately, because people tend to believe that memory declines with age, ageing people tend not to trust their memories as much as younger people do. However, in reality, memory doesn’t necessarily decline with age, especially when people make a habit of nurturing it. You can nurture your memory by maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, eating less added sugar, taking fish oil supplements, exercising, avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol, meditating, and getting enough vitamin D. Also, eat anti-inflammatory foods rather than foods that cause inflammation. Foods that cause inflammation include fried foods, fast food, refined carbohydrates (e.g. white rice and pasta), soda, and foods that contain trans-fat. Anti-inflammatory foods include berries, mushrooms, broccoli, extra virgin olive oil, peppers, green tea, cherries, and dark chocolate. #3 Take Up a Hobby Ageing people can flex their brains and boost their brainpower by taking up a new hobby. If you’re interested in doing so, go with what you’re genuinely interested in, rather than what you think you should be interested in. If you wish you wanted to play a musical instrument but have no real desire to, that’s fine. Instead, choose the hobby you’re genuinely interested in, even if you’re embarrassed by it. Bottom Line The idea that brainpower declines over time are a myth. On the contrary, the brain is a wonderfully flexible muscle that you can exercise well into old age. Learning a new language, nurturing your memory, and taking up a new hobby are three fantastic ways to boost brainpower. Read Also: 6 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

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A Few Tips About Reef Fishing On A Fishing Charter

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Losing Your Hearing

What To Do If You’re Losing Your Hearing

Nearly one in five Americans have some degree of hearing loss, making it one of the country's most common health conditions. The causes of losing your hearing are as unique as the people who suffer from it, with the best treatment depending on a person's lifestyle and other factors. If you're having trouble hearing, the most important step is to schedule a hearing test and a professional evaluation. Why Is It So Important To Treat Hearing Loss? While unaddressed hearing loss affects learning, social engagement, and linguistic development in children, it can lead to a decrease in communication and a diminished quality of life in adults. For those nearing retirement age, hearing loss is linked to psychological and physiological issues such as depression, decreased mobility, and cognitive impairment. Regardless of age, it's important to seek proper treatment if you're losing your hearing. 1. Treatment With Hearing Aids If a hearing care specialist has recommended hearing aids, they'll be fitted to your ears and degree of hearing loss. While hearing aids don't restore hearing, they do amplify sounds in certain ranges. Modern hearing aids are highly customizable, accentuating important sounds and minimizing outside noise. While they're no substitute for natural hearing, they work well for most people with minimal to moderate hearing loss. 2. Using Cochlear Implants For some people, hearing aids don't offer enough sound amplification—which makes cochlear implants a great option. Although surgery is required, people of every age can obtain this type of treatment. Unlike in-ear and behind-the-ear hearing aids, implants are typically covered by insurance. 3. Auditory Rehabilitation and Training Whether you've received cochlear implants or hearing aids, auditory rehabilitation may retrain your brain to process sounds properly. Some exercises must be done in a specialist's office while others, such as the use of smartphone apps and audiobooks, can be done at home. These and other rehabilitative treatments can make it easier and less frustrating to deal with hearing loss. 4. Using Assistive Devices While implants and hearing aids are enormously helpful, they're not right for everyone. Assistive listening devices, or ALDs, can make it easier for people to listen to music, talk on the phone, or watch TV. These devices may include amplified phones, smartphone apps, and loops that connect to hearing aids. You May Also Check: Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing 5. Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Tinnitus is an early sign of hearing loss, and it's quite common among older people. Many hearing aids include masking features that help wearers tune out the constant ringing in their ears. Other treatments are available, so talk to your care provider. 6. Sudden vs. Gradual Hearing Loss Acute onset (sudden) hearing loss is a condition that requires prompt attention. If you're experiencing rapid hearing loss, schedule an appointment with a specialist immediately. Those whose hearing test results come back normal, but still have trouble hearing, may suffer from what's known as gradual or hidden hearing loss. These patients may be able to benefit from the use of hearing aids in noisy situations. Help for Hearing Loss is Available Although hearing loss is a common condition, it doesn't have to change your life. With advances in technology and the availability of medical treatments, now is the right time to get help for hearing loss. Visit Hearing Health Solutions on social media or call today to schedule an appointment. Read Also: Treatments and home remedies to tackle tinnitusHealthy and Hearty: 5 Iconic Spots to Eat in ChicagoA Guide To Ear Wax Removal From Camden Opticians